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If the next banner sucks, I know where I'm pulling from.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

5* Dorcas (WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? IS put Dorcas in my barracks. (Ahaha) +Def/-HP, not the best but he's mostly a defensive monster anyway and might give B!Ike a run for his money.)

Well, 3rd free pull 5*. That's nice. I'm not going to bother with the rest today, think I shot my luck.

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Got my first Nephenee off my free summon, -SPD / + Atk, I pressed my luck and purchaced the other blue spheres getting a Hardin -Def / + HP and a 3 star Donnel

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents-

Free pull wasn't amazing quite like the previous postings. *3 Selena so Reposition which I've been in short supply of. There was a green which was *4 Beruka so that's great. But more importantly there was one more red orb!


Been a long time but finally a Chrom merge! +3 Get~

Matthew: +7 / Nino: +8 / Lukas: +1 / Chrom: +3

One step closer!!!!! Congrats! It's so strange seeing these characters as 3 stars...but the variety is so nice.


4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian


So I had a free Celica in the last skills banner, this banner I got this on the free summon!


+Spd/-Atk though so RIP... (Getting my first Hector flashbacks)

32 Atk still okay but I don't think I'll be seriously investing on him until I get a new random Dorcas. At least he has an A skill free to fix it up.

Or can be Infantry Pulse fodder later. His base kit seems pretty good anyway.

Still a great result since I already had an ideal Ryoma, Nowi, so Herodex gets a new addition.

That said I gave in and did a full pull in the Legendary banner out of frustration- and I managed to get a +Spd/-HP Maria! (maybe I can replace +Atk/-Def 5 star one then?).  Also a 3 star +Spd/-Def Sakura,

Whoa! That's pretty lucky! My Dorcas is the same, and having used him quite a bit, that nature isn't the end of the world. Considering how few reliable axe users there are compared to sword users, he's pretty nice. And he doesn't need any investment really. I'd say his base kit is fine. Also +SPD Maria is pretty fabulous. She's super speedy, and that's the boon I use for mine! Actually... I think +SPD -DEF is the nature of my Sakura too. XD Too many healers.


Decided to pull green from the new banner. I have a kind of meh Ryoma, a great Nowi, and an okay Dorcas. Dorcas is the best fodder of the three! Nothing special. Just a 4 star Sheena. I'm still desperately trying to save orbs and resist Henry, but I've done two pulls to satisfy my need. Got a 4 star Nino and Gunter. I think I'm going to make it through this banner without spending.

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The only unit from the Countering banner I don't have is Ryoma, so he's the target.

  1. 4* Roy: Oh well.

And back to trying for Lyn with 29 orbs.

  1. 4* Arthur: Bleh.
  2. 5* L!Lyn: Absolutely fantastic! Now to pair her up with B!Lucina and watch the slaughter commence. Of course the game had to get at least a little FU in there since her IVs are +Def/-Atk, which are about as bad as it gets. Of course she mostly depends on skill-boosts anyway, but an Attack superbane sucks. Now for the other orbs.
  3. 4* Seth: Meh.
  4. 3* Sophia: Worthless.
  5. 5* SM!Eirika: Hell to the yes! And with that I've gotten all of the units I really wanted from this banner. With +Spd/-Atk, her bane is again lousy, but I'll never complain about more Speed. Finally have a red cavalry mage!


So wonderful...

With that excellent (yet slightly disappointing thanks to the Rezzy curse) haul, I'm done with this banner. It's treated me far better than I deserve, yielding 8 5* units and a good Nanna for 210 orbs spent. The IVs on a lot of them could have been better, but I basically got a full team's worth of units just from this banner.

  1. +Spd/-Res L!Ephraim (received merge from old copy)
  2. +Res/-Def PA!Inigo
  3. +Res/-Atk Micaiah
  4. +Atk/-Def Celica
  5. +Res/-Spd L!Ike (merged into old copy)
  6. +Def/-Res PA!Inigo (merged into old copy)
  7. +Def/-Atk L!Lyn
  8. +Spd/-Atk SM!Eirika

Good luck to all who are still pulling here! May Lady Luck smile upon you.

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Of fucking course when I finally get a blue 5* from the legendary banner it's fucking Shigure, the one hero I didn't want to get.

I'm done with this shit. Can we have a better way to get legendary heroes?

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This is my first and only session on this counter banner and my first multi-5 star pull since that time I got Linde and Nephenee on the same session during Elincia and Oscar's banner. I'd already gotten Elincia, and I wanted Oscar. This is right before my birthday too, which is tomorrow!

I pulled the whole session just because. lol I wish there was a green there though... Still in need of Fredericks. But I'll gladly take this! Even if I don't pull any 5 stars tomorrow, which I'm not sure if I'm gonna pull at all tomorrow. I do want to save in case the May 10th banner in case someone I want is on it.

@Thor Odinson RYOMA IS FINALLY NOT -SPD! Mine will be +2 now too, so almost as good as yours! Yay for best prince!

And Leo is new for me and I didn't have a red mage cav since...well, the only ones are him and horse Eirika. I didn't particularly want either of those badly. But I'm hanging onto Leo because now I can run him with Frederick sometimes and laugh because of their Warriors support because that conversation is super gold. XD Also, didn't he get a refine recently? So he's not bad anymore, I think?

If I can pick up Xander some time, I'll have every Fates royal sibling except Elise....And I really want her. xP

Oh, as for the actual IVs, Ryoma is +Def, -Res which is pretty nice for him and Leo is +Def, -Spd, which looks like will make him slow as fuck, but kinda tanky. Not bad. I like tanks. :P

@Arcanite @Rezzy

Oh, Rezzy, I pulled your "son" didn't I? XD

Edited by Anacybele
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@Anacybele Grats! And that Leo is nice. His special refine is basically him taking a page out of Myrrh's book, except he needs only 1 more defense instead of 5. Though, I think it is only active against ranged units. So he doesn't need speed if you are using him as a defensive baiter for ranged foes. Particularly since he takes 30% less damage from the first attack when facing mages :D.

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7 minutes ago, Usana said:

@Anacybele Grats! And that Leo is nice. His special refine is basically him taking a page out of Myrrh's book, except he needs only 1 more defense instead of 5. Though, I think it is only active against ranged units. So he doesn't need speed if you are using him as a defensive baiter for ranged foes. Particularly since he takes 30% less damage from the first attack when facing mages :D.

Ah, okay. Then maybe it's not a bad idea to slap QR on him sometime. Thanks!

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ah, okay. Then maybe it's not a bad idea to slap QR on him sometime. Thanks!

He comes with QR by default. ;)

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Got a +atk/-hp Dorcas on my free pull which is great both because I've never had him before and because I could always use more good green units (my level 40 5*s sit at 18 red, 17 blue, and 13 green, and green has some of my weaker units anyway).

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22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ah, okay. Then maybe it's not a bad idea to slap QR on him sometime. Thanks!

. . . Doesn't he come with QR3 out of the box? I know mine, as -ATK, is really low on my invest list so I doubt I gave it to him. Though for some reason he has. . . darting blow 2. So clearly he has been lingering around since I was really noobish at this.


More relevant to the topic; today I ended up with YET ANOTHER Lyn. At least this one isn't -SPD? I just knew this was going to happen. All I want is the valor I am missing. But nope not only did Lyn pop her head up, but so did Ephraim. I was half expecting Ike to be in the lone red in that session(it was Marth instead). Actually that would have been kinda cool even if none of them were units I was looking for.

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7 minutes ago, Usana said:

. . . Doesn't he come with QR3 out of the box? I know mine, as -ATK, is really low on my invest list so I doubt I gave it to him. Though for some reason he has. . . darting blow 2. So clearly he has been lingering around since I was really noobish at this.

Yeah, someone just posted above that he does. I didn't know at first. :P

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, someone just posted above that he does. I didn't know at first. :P

And once again I get burned by my habbit of starting a reply, going to do something else, and then finishing/posting it 20 to 30 minutes after I started!


@kirauza343 Grats! Are you think of doing a basic build or taking advantage of innate DC and abusing a Breath skill?

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14 minutes ago, Usana said:

And once again I get burned by my habbit of starting a reply, going to do something else, and then finishing/posting it 20 to 30 minutes after I started!

lol it happens.

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Got a +Res/-Def Dorcas as my freebie pull. Wow that's lucky. Now I own the entire FE7 cast, not counting seasonals. His nature isn't ideal, but 32 Def and 28 Res with 45 HP is pretty great mixed bulk. Can't wait to use him.

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54 minutes ago, Usana said:

@kirauza343 Grats! Are you think of doing a basic build or taking advantage of innate DC and abusing a Breath skill?

I'll probably just keep his base kit for now; it's pretty effective already and Brave Ikes don't grow on trees (and even if they did I have other characters that want it more). Side note, there's so many fun a-skills that are 5* exclusive which is somewhat unfortunate.

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Had a 11.50% pity rate on the Legendary Hero Banner. Pulled a PA! Inigo and a L! Ephraim..... the only blue and green units I ALREADY HAD. 

SO pulled 4 units in 210 orbs, so about 50 orbs a unit. Not bad, but since 2 of them were dupes, I am not sure how I feel.

Anywho, I am done with this banner. On to saving for whatever is going to happen on May 10th!

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OK I was bored and pulled some more on the countering weapons banner because I did not have Ryoma or Dorcas and I managed to pull them both in 32 orbs!  Ryoma is -hp, +spd and Dorcas is +hp, -def but I will make him work since I needed another ax user.  I am super happy about the Ryoma!  @Anacybele Looks like we both got what we wanted from this banner, now we both have good IV Ryomas.

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