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111 orbs gave me Swordhardt (-HP +Spd), Fallen Celica (+Res -Atk), and Lene (+HP -Res). 

Definitely not the best natures, but Swordhardt and Lene aren't crippled by theirs at least. It's also a big difference from the recent two banners I pulled on, 500 in total, which only gave me one unit I wanted and some decent fodder.

I guess Ares will have to wait until some other time. Not pushing my luck or my orb stash below 200.

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So I went to do my free summoning just hoping for a red/blue orb to show up, so I can at least get a Hinata for Fury or a Soleil/Cordelia/Peri for my merge projects.



I uh.. wow, I guess that's actually even better than anything off the banner. Now she's +2! As my favorite of the red fliers, she can show up any time, that's for sure. This is way nicer than the Stahl I was expecting. (she's full neutral, I merged her into my +atk one)

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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

She got curious about how her niece is doing.

Meanwhile, I got Elincia and Ninian. The third Kippu girl still evades me because of course she does. So does the Jugdral girl I was aiming for. Jugdral girls aren’t kind to me.

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @Rezzy @GuiltyLove @mcsilas @mampfoid

Full summoning log in the spoiler container in case anyone cares:


  Reveal hidden contents

4 blue, 1 green

87→87 4★ Robin-M HP/Atk
87→83 4★ Donnel Atk/Def
83→79 4★ Shigure HP/Atk
79→75 4★ Est Spd/Atk

2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 grey
75→70 4★ Oboro Atk/Res

1 red, 1 blue, 3 green
70→65 4★ Subaki Atk/HP

2 red, 2 blue, 1 grey
65→60 4★ Shigure neutral?
60→56 4★ Shanna Spd/HP

3 blue, 1 green, 1 grey
56→51 4★ Catria Def/Spd
51→47 3★ Odin HP/Spd
47→43 3★ Cordelia Atk/Res

3 red, 1 green, 1 grey
43→38 5★ Elincia HP/Def

2 red, 2 blue, 1 grey
38→33 4★ Mae HP/Def
33→29 3★ Florina Atk/Spd

1 red, 1 blue, 3 grey
29→24 3★ Jagen Res/Def

2 red, 1 blue, 2 green
24→19 3★ Jagen Def/HP

1 red, 2 blue, 2 green
19→14 3★ Est Def/Res
14→10 5★ Ninian Atk/Spd

2 red, 1 green, 2 grey
10→5 4★ Raigh Res/Atk


Shame you didn't get what you were aiming for, but at least your pity breakers are nice.

3 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Sadness. But not all hope is lost yet.

@Vaximillian @Arcanite @Rezzy @DefaultBeep 

Dropped about 40 orbs on this banner so far, and I decided to stop for now.


That's not the right kid! +Spd -Def, not bad.


And those aren't the right kids either! Well, Ares is on banner, but I wanted Lene more...

Ares is +Def -HP, which is alright I guess. Soleil is +Atk -HP, so I'm keeping her. Might merge her up someday.

Two off-focuses is a clear sign to stop... I'm slightly tempted to drop a few orbs before this banner ends in an attempt to nab Lene or Ishtar. But since Lene is very likely dropping to 4*, I'm not particularly in a hurry.

Yeah, Lene seems the most likely 4*, so I'm going to wait around for her, too.

At least pulling Reds got me a few new Fury Fodders.

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Well, I want Ishtar, but I don't want her that badly, so I'll just take the free pull and whatever other blues there are. Never know who's coming next.

  1. 5* Ishtar: Add me to the free-5* list! I guess I'm going through one of my lucky periods. And unlike so many of my pulls from the legendary banner her IVs aren't awful. +Res/-Def isn't great, but at least it isn't actively bad.

That was fantastic.

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So I used the May orb pack, the free 10 orbs, and the chapter orbs and decided to go for red mostly. Got me 4 4*Hinata's, a couple Eliwoods, a 4*Chrom and a 5* Lucina.

Welp I hope the non-banner bonus units for the next arena season favor me. Or else this is gonna suck. To be fair though that isn't an overly high amount of orbs for a 5*. Just wish it was something I didn't already have a copy of.

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3 minutes ago, Usana said:

So I used the May orb pack, the free 10 orbs, and the chapter orbs and decided to go for red mostly. Got me 4 4*Hinata's, a couple Eliwoods, a 4*Chrom and a 5* Lucina.

Welp I hope the non-banner bonus units for the next arena season favor me. Or else this is gonna suck. To be fair though that isn't an overly high amount of orbs for a 5*. Just wish it was something I didn't already have a copy of.

The bonus units for next week have already been posted in the Arena thread.

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@Humanoid Thanks. I must have missed that since it wasn't on the last page and I can be bad about keeping up with what goes on while I am at work. And I definitely don't need to worry. Though it will be the first time in a while I run armor emblem in Arena. Hopefully I remember how to properly use these guys!

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27 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

For my free pull I got Raigh, disappointing. 

I share your pain. I see smoke, I jump up and down. I see Raigh, I stop and scream

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Let's see my 200 (F2P) orbs netted me

+spd/-atk Ares

+res/-spd Ishtar

+res/-def Lene

+atk/-hp Brave Roy

+hp/-atk Ryoma

+spd/-hp Brave Ike

+def/-res Genny

Overall great units but not so great IV's, that Ares especially hurts. I also got 2 Lon'qu's which means that my 5* Lon'qu is now up to +7.

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I decided I’d do a full summon for this one because everyone in this banner has something that could prove useful.

Go in and the summon is full of blue orbs and one colorless. Ok neat. Ishtar was the one I most wanted anyway plus I still needed an Oscar and hopefully Lute if I’m lucky.


I actually got something! A +res/-spd Micaiah. -4 spd bites but she was kinda slow anyway.

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32 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I share your pain. I see smoke, I jump up and down. I see Raigh, I stop and scream

That was me and a 3 star Sophia on my second account.

I thought we'd get more variety in the star pool. Not today it seems.

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I know I said that I didn't want any Jugdral characters, but...the art is so pretty! I want all three of them.

40 orbs netted me my first Katarina, Lene, and a 5* Male Morgan. I've been so lucky, this isn't like me.

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28 minutes ago, Vince777 said:
  • Planned on only pulling red and blue for the focus units.
  • Accidently clicks on a green stone.
  • Wham. 5* Deirdre. :)


Ha, yay for happy accidents :D

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Apparently I have weird luck when it comes to banners where Eldigan/his son shares a focus with another unit that I really want, because both here and with Ayra's debut I managed to get the person I wanted pretty quickly (Ayra then, Lene now)....only for them to be +hp/-atk. That superbane on Lene hurts (at least the superboon counteracts it?) but I'll make it work :)

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I decided to throw a few orbs and see if I can't get Lene since I realized she's a red dancer not named Olivia. A couple sessions with no reds happened. :/ There were greens, but none were Fredericks, of course...

But after about 40 orbs...


I actually got her! I really thought Ares would ruin things since that happens for me a lot when I'm going after a focus unit that shares a color with another focus unit (I end up getting the unit I didn't want), but not this time!

Neutral btw. I like her already too. She knows she ain't no object for strange men to fawn over when she dances. That's a good girl. Now I'll finally have a dancer with a water blessing too, I gave my others earth and wind. Lene likes the Spd Fjorm gives anyway.

She has hair similar to my Ike/Elincia daughter too. Just minus the curl in the ponytail lol

They'd be like "we're like twins this way!" XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Was looking for Ishtar. Had about 101 Orbs. Was down to 11 Orbs when I got her, despite Shiro breaking my pity rate about halfway through… I can't believe I got lucky with the focus banners for once… Now to decide what team she's going to go on… Thankfully she doesn't need much work…

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I went in with 253 orbs and I decided I was going to pull until I got Ares because I really wanted him, it took 153 of those orbs but I did it.  This was a good banner for me because other then Ares I also pulled Ishtar, Mia, M!Morgan and Soleil!  5 new units in 153 orbs on a regular banner is great for me.  Now I am going to save up my orbs for when NY!Azura and Vector get rerun on a legendary banner unless beast units get added.  I just really wanted to pull on this banner because it had no alts on it.

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Aw yeah! For my free summon I had gotten Shanna, after that I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend my last 33 orbs to try and get Ishtar. I decided to give it a shot, and low and behold, on my very first summon...


I summoned Ishtar! She's +Atk/-Spd, but that's okay, she'll still get those awesome bonuses and function just as well. Plus she's in the permanent summoning pool so I'm sure I'll get that +Atk/-Def copy eventually.
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Holy shit. I just pulled Ishtar. She's +Spd -Atk, but, still.

That's 2 out of 3 units on that banner. Just need Ares...

...Maybe it's a sign that I need to play the Jugdral games...or at least watch an LP...

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So far I've only managed to pull Lene and unfortunately she is -Atk/+Res so might fodder unless I get a better version, also I'm trying to pull Ishtar in the meanwhile. 


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