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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

You can‘t believe how happy I am. I turned the phone away from me to not look at the screen and listened to the bangs. Five bangs. Oh my Naga. I looked at the screen… and there she was.

Blessed! Blessed!!!

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Vaximillian Congrats on getting one of your favorite ladies! I'm so glad you got her!

Thank you! This was a welcome surprise for sure. I wish this happened more often.
(apologies for forgetting to ping you, I guess, heh)

Was it really Julius who attracted her to here?

13 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Blessed! Blessed!!!

Now Julia, please, come home too.

12 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

It's so cool that she comes with swift sparrow too lol

Swift Sparrow is cool. It sucks that Swift Sparrow only comes on units I like as characters…

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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Thank you! This was a welcome surprise for sure. I wish this happened more often.
(apologies for forgetting to ping you, I guess, heh)

Was it really Julius who attracted her to here?

It's cool. I kinda' lurk in this topic regardless of whether or not I get pinged. XD But yeah! Good luck on getting your other ladies in the future!

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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Aaaah, attack bane Olwen, that's the worst. I had one for the longest time, you can still make her work if you give her life and death, but I wish I could trade you the one I pulled instead.

It's okay I'm more than happy with getting Ishtar so I'm okay with getting a bad IV Olwen. Though I will hold off with leveling her for now, if I need a blue mage cav I still have her dumb +atk brother or just my L'Arachel if I'm not in the mood for Reinhardt.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Vaximillian @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria

So I didn't really have a connection to the banner but I did need more red and blue fodder (since I've been pulling mostly green and colourless for a while), so I decided to summon for one session. (I say as I am being indecisive to clear out barracks)

Main account gave me a 3 star Palla (yay I need more of her!) and 3 star Raigh (bleh)

Second account..



To be honest I just needed more Shanna fodders or something, but this lady was a surprise. Guess @Vaximillian's luck rubbed off on me!

+Res/-Spd though. RIP the -Spd but hey I guess she comes with Swift Sparrow naturally anyway so that helps out a bit. 

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:


Congrats to you as well :D Not so much on the stats, but it's still very much workable ^.^

Makes me laugh that you got two Lon'qus, both surrounded by girls xD

Haha, it's also funny because both of them + Ishtar have Vantage! (And I needed more Lon'qus for Vantage fodder anyway)

Also while I didn't get Shannas, that Mae will do with Draw Back + Desperation. It's nice how Ishtar mostly has a full kit!

Now I wonder if I should do a last minute Ishtar + Deirdre + Arvis + Saias run against Julius. Too bad double SP weekend is over though..I prefer levelling up my units in the weekend.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Haha, it's also funny because both of them + Ishtar have Vantage! (And I needed more Lon'qus for Vantage fodder anyway)

Also while I didn't get Shannas, that Mae will do with Draw Back + Desperation. It's nice how Ishtar mostly has a full kit!

Now I wonder if I should do a last minute Ishtar + Deirdre + Arvis + Saias run against Julius. Too bad double SP weekend is over though..I prefer levelling up my units in the weekend.

I can't remember if you have Dark Shigure. If you do, then you can level Saias and Ishtar with him for some nice SP :) Throw blessings on them both, and that's even better ^.^

It's less handy with the other valours, since they're not on dancers unless you put them there (excluding Lene, but no sword users in that pack), but if you have them, can still level them up together :D

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I can't remember if you have Dark Shigure. If you do, then you can level Saias and Ishtar with him for some nice SP :) Throw blessings on them both, and that's even better ^.^

It's less handy with the other valours, since they're not on dancers unless you put them there (excluding Lene, but no sword users in that pack), but if you have them, can still level them up together :D

Oh yeah that's true. I do have Shigure. But then my mind thinks 'but I'm missing out on 12 SP!!!'. Haha.

Well I actually won't have time in the weekdays now since I'll be a bit busy anyway. Eh we'll see if I have spare time.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Oh yeah that's true. I do have Shigure. But then my mind thinks 'but I'm missing out on 12 SP!!!'. Haha.

Well I actually won't have time in the weekdays now since I'll be a bit busy anyway. Eh we'll see if I have spare time.

I keep forgetting he has valour. I was levelling a new Tailtiu the other day and she was gaining SP at a lightning rate. Realised later it was because I'd randomly picked Shigure as one of the levelling dancers xD 

Good luck with finding the time :D

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@mampfoid It was all or nothing for me. If I didn’t get her today, I would have just waved her goodbye, considering how difficult it is to pull off-focus five-stars. Now to pray for Julia in a couple of weeks.

@MonkeyCheez3K I got the May pack, cleared the chain challenges (except one), collected every free orb available, and saved, saved, saved over the week and a half. I was fully prepared to walk away from this banner drained. The fortune had other plans, it seems. Thank you.

@Cute Chao At last, a lady from Jugdral decided to not become −Atk when joining my party. Is this a sign of the things to come?

@GuiltyLove “Special” “care”? She could use help.

@mcsilas I’m better at making others lucky than I am at seizing my own luck. Congrats! Spd+3 seal exists to patch up the bane, I guess.

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58 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas I’m better at making others lucky than I am at seizing my own luck. Congrats! Spd+3 seal exists to patch up the bane, I guess.

That's true. Hooray for Sacred Seals! I'm glad I picked blue orbs since my original plan was to snipe only red ones for an extra Dancer/Fury/Repo fodder (and glad I continued to pull blue after the Florina).

@mampfoid Thanks! This is why I have my second account- for some reason it's luckier. And it has been on a nice streak lately:

-Ishtar came on my 2nd overall session. 1st session was a free summon and then I pulled out because mostly colourless/green.

-free summon Dorcas in Counter weapon banner

-free summon Kinoka in the Wings of Fate banner.

-free summon Celica in the In-combat boosts banner.

The Legendary banner and the new Weapons to Refine banner were the only streak breakers so far, but it's been a good overall run. :D


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In order:

- Olwen: +HP/-Res

- Mia: +Res/-Spd (It'll get better I promise)

- Ishtar: +Spd/-Atk (So damn close to perfect)

- Lene: +Res/-Spd (Still not better than my other Lene, but wait for it...)

- Nehenee: +Atk/-HP (This is amazing, but still not the best part of this summoning.)

- Ishtar: +Atk/-Def (F*CK YES!!!)

- Tailtiu: +HP/-Res (Guess Ishtar's aunt wanted to visit as well)

- Ishtar: +Atk/-Def (My FEH life is complete)

192 orbs got me +3 Ishtar. I'm perfectly happy with the results, even if I didn't get an Ares to fix up with my other two bad nature Aress. I'm satisfied. I might even have been able to pull another Ishtar in the very last batch with the 9 orbs I had left. It was a decision between choosing 2 Red Orbs and 2 Blue Orbs, and I went for all Red.

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I'm glad this banner is ending today because seeing all you people with good luck on it makes me want to summon and I know I'd crack eventually. However 3.25% and 60-odd orbs is just way too risky, plus the last time I tried for a blue infantry mage, it turned into a complete farce. Good to see the people who were really passionate about these units get what they want though.

Man, 60 orbs, is that really all we've gotten since the day after the banner launch?

Edited by Humanoid
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I cracked a little bit and spent some of my ~80 or so orbs on the Genealogy banner since I had a 3.50% pity rate and the Tempest Trial is coming up and all... and for once, a rash decision was rewarded!

Got a +Res/-Def Ishtar after 9 Orbs (the other unit was a 3-star Olivia)! Huzzah! Definitely the unit I wanted the most from this banner, and I hope that Lene is demoted because I WILL promote her for Sword Valor 3 if I have to.

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