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I don't really care about this banner, so might as well try for Ninian since I still haven't found her regular version. I got lucky last time I pulled for a blue mage, so fingers crossed.

  1. 3* Nowi: I guess not. The temptation to pull more is really strong, but I have to resist the urge to spend just for the sake of it.

Good luck to those of you who actually want somebody from this banner.

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Pulled a +Spd -Atk Bride!Sanaki. Oh well, with her tome she should still not have any trouble killing things. She'll be the nukey counterpart to my densive Raventome!Camilla.

Also got pitybroken by a +Def -Atk Leo midway. Not sure if I should fodder him off or merge into my +Spd -Res one.

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+Def/-Atk Ninian for me. Definitely a Flier B Team Dancer. Fourth of the blue orbs in the circle. Kinda wanted a Sanaki, but after seeing her in the paralogue, I think I'm good. Here's hoping for a tasteful green tome flier to go with my Morgana!


The fifth orb turned into a +Atk/-Spd Lucina. A new unit, but probably Aether fodder.


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Spent all of my orbs pulling for B!Ninian and got pity broken four times. The first time by regular Ninian lol and then by Azura and then Shigure and finally Lancina

Kind of upset because I already have the first three and Lancina is +Res -Def. Hopefully I can get her with the TT and paralogue orbs

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5 Blue Orbs. 5. And I had 13 orbs. I only had 3 chances to get Bridal Ninian.

...and I did it. Honestly I've been kinda dulled to pulling 5*s lately, even when it's a unit I want, but somehow Ninian appearing was the most beautiful pull I've ever done.

Her nature? +Atk -Def.

I'm not worried about boosting her Speed since the Fresh Bouquet does that for the most part, but I was seriously expecting her to be like my regular Ninian with bad speed, and in fact I almost did think that (til I checked her base stats again). This is good, I like this Ninian a lot.

...oh also 2 female Corrins at 3* because of course.

Edited by Xenomata
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Alright, let's see if I can turn around my crappy luck for this month.



5* Bride Tharja +Def -Atk
5* M Grima +Res -HP
5* Bride Sanaki +Res -Atk
4* Olivia +Atk -Res

Umm, okay. Unfortunately both brides have rubbish natures so I don't see myself using them once the TT is over, but for the price I can't complain. The Grima is quite good though and will replace Hector on my Armour team (since I have Amelia in it too). The Olivia is an upgrade to my Neutral one, but I'd still rather a +Spd one. On the other hand, the only thing I lose by merging my 4*+10 into this one is Hone Atk fodder and some time levelling, hmm.

  I'm done with this banner unless next month's new banners turn out to be awful.

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Nothing but garbage. Not surprised, feels like forever since I last pulled a 5*

(The legendary banner Shigure doesn't count, he was a dupe that was immediately foddered)

Ares getting demoted means I have a new 4* target to obtain. 

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EDIT: I mean, I don't hate her on the contrary I really like her character and I actually don't have a green flier unit BUT STILL

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Usana @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @NegativeExponents- Sorry I've been kind of out of it. I'll be replying to stuff in a day or so, just give me some time. For now I'll just post my pulls.

I told myself I'd do 2 full pulls on this banner and commit to saving orbs and that's exactly what I did. First pool was mostly *4's. 2 colorless and 3 red lucky enough. Serra continues to flood my barracks but I DID acquire this!



Chrom merge get!~ It's been a long time. For a lot of people this is Aether fodder. But for me? It's but the next step. He's +4 now.

Got a Soleil too, meh nature though but I can't say no to Drive RES 2 fodder.

Next pool was a bit more kind with 2 greens and 1 of each other color. Garbage in most of the stones although I did secure another Subaki which I'm in desperate need of. However! The last green stone had this-



Usually these types of things would be bittersweet, but as I wanted Ninian above all, I don't care all that much about the +SPD/-ATK nature. She's decently fast and at 33 ATK boosted by her tome she'll do just fine. She fills a role in my barracks that was previously empty, so I'm completely satisfied.

I'll revisit this banner at a later date depending on what happens with orbs and the legendary > next new heroes banner. But if I do I can snipe blue exclusively. As of now I'm completely content with saving for now. Progress was made today and I'm happy about it.

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@Zeo Congrats on the Sanaki!!! She'll be a flying nuke regardless! 


I wasn't really going to pull, but after seeing that Ares had dropped, I decided to throw a few orbs at it. I was pulling everything but colorless. Got a lot of 3 stars actually. And none of my target +10 projects. Ended up getting my second Ryoma. It's kind of a bummer because he's not really good for fodder... And he's not a better nature than the one I already don't use.

Down to 150 orbs. So back to saving. This has been yet another lesson in not getting greedy.

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Got a lousy first session: only 1 blue, 1 green, and 3 colorless.
The blue and green stones were a 3* Nowi and a 3* Titania respectively.

Time to wait for Bride Lyn. Would love to get Bride Ninian but I already have New Years Azura and Summer Corrin for dancer and blue mage flier respectively.

And wow on Ares being available at 4*. Makes my free Ares pull on the Genealogy banner feel a lot less valuable.

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First session: Mia as free summon. I was hesitant to use the green stones as Ninian is my top priority, followed by Tharja, but I did anyway. Bride Sanaki. 1 down 2 to go. 

Second session: Hardin (wtf), but with good IVs, and also a 4* Shigure, so It was a fine round as well.

Third session: nothing, pity rate up

Fourth session: pity breaker Brave Boy... guess I better start sniping blues, or else I'm gonna run out of my F2P orbs...

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@Humanoid wow congratulations! Three 5* in one session is pretty rare, even if the natures are unfortunate. I don't think -ATK hurts Tharja much btw. 

@Zeo Whoo Chrom! Congratulations, merge plus focus units, nearly ideal (apart from the focus unit not being Ninian). 

My plan was the same, one full pull and then wait for the next banners, since this one runs very long. I don't need any of the new units, but it's hard to say no to flying tomes and dancers. Plus Tharja looks cool.

First circle got three colorless and two red (two times nothing) so I decide to do another pull: 2 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 colorless. The other colors give me nothing, but red gives me a Cain and freaking Horse Eirika! 

So no focus unit and no merges for Caeda, Cordelia and Cherche, but perhaps the best possible red off-focus pull (didn't have Eirika and she is even +SPD/-DEF) plus WoM3 fodder for my GF shenanigans. 

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Damn, that make two in a row, in term of free pull. And this time, I got a full round of red. Makes the reward even better.



+Def -Res tho.


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Well, at the very least Ninian would be nice. Sanaki could be alright, though I'm not too pushed. Tharja's high offensive spread doesn't really give much else besides imo.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Mae (Please more Shanna, desperation machine broke. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Barst (Reposition/10. +Res/-Atk)

4 Red, 1 Green

4* Raven (Let me guess, you're as bad as all the others I pulled. +Atk/-Def, or not, I'm going to use this one.)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Arthur (Well, it could be worse. +Spd/-Res, is that much good or is he as fodder as I think he is?), 4* Soren (Been a while since one failed to pitybreak me. +Atk/-Res, why no -Def?)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Rody (Bleh. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Peri (Threaten Def. That is all. +Spd/-Def, I already have that.), 3* Sheena (Merge fodder I guess? +Atk/-HP, is that any good?)

2 each Red, blue, 1 Colourless

3* Mathilda (Man, if only she were better as fodder. +Atk/-Spd, it just keeps happening), 5* Bridian (YAY! Got her! +HP/-Def, really? Do all my seasonal dancers have some awkward nature?), 4* Priscilla (Not quite the troubadour I want. +Res/-Spd, definitely not.), 4* Draug (I have no need for Ward armour right now. +HP/-Atk, likely merge), 5* Fellica (Oh look, a bonus! +Atk/-Def, close to perfect.)

I think I'm done. Really should save for June even if I didn't empty my orbs.

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Got Sanaki (+HP/-Def) on free pull, that little screwed my plan, because I hoped get some Hinata or Eliwood from non green sessions, but with legendery banner behind doors and chance for actuall Sanaki rate up I think it's better that way.

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Up to 923 total pulled units.  Don't. . .ask. . .


Roy (+Def/-Spd): TA fodder, how rare.
Athena (+Atk/-Res): HELL YES.
Eliwood (+HP/-Spd): No, this won't do at all.  Not even Blazing Durandal can save you!
Lilina (+Spd/-Atk): Urk.  That hurts.  But I don't know which is more painful, the boon or the bane!

Corrin (+Spd/-Res): Oh, THIS has potential.  Not sure how well she'd do with Lightning Breath, though.
Nino (+Res/-HP): I think I need to give your tome to someone else.
Seliph (+Spd/-Def): That. . .uh, can you switch with Nino, please and thanks?
Ogma (+Res/-HP): You're donating your sword to someone else.
Ares (+Atk/-HP): This is tentative, and going off his 5* stats (2 less HP and one more Atk).  If this is true, I'm merging the one I built into this one.  This is WAY too good to pass up!

Barst (+Def/-Res): Yep.  Reposition.
Fir (+Def/-Atk): Luckily, I use Spd +3.

Lilina (+Res/-HP): I, uh, can merge her?

Mae (+Atk/-Spd): Certain units can pull it off.  You're not one of them.
Donnel (+Res/-Def): I also use HP +5, too.
Hana (+HP/-Res): Ugh.  But I guess I can fodder her for Life and Death?
Cherche (neutral): AND I use Atk +3 when I run out of better A skills.

Shigure (+Res/-Atk): As soon as I get a better one, he's donating his lance to someone (like his mom).
Roy (+Atk/-Res): Let me, uh, check what the bane of my current +Atk is.  In other words, WOW.
Olivia (+Res/-Atk): AW YES, HONE ATK FODDER!

Frederick (+Spd/-HP): Can you, uh, swap with Mae?  No?  Woohoo, Luna fodder~!

Corrin (+Atk/-Spd): That is the most mediocre dragon stats I've ever seen.  More Hone Atk fodder~!
Selena (+Atk/-HP): This is passable.  Not the best, but it fixes her biggest weakness.

Est (+HP/-Def): Maybe one day you'll be good fodder.  But not today. ;/
Mae (+Res/-Def): I swear I'm going to give her tome to Robin.
Hinata (+HP/-Spd): I could run an ultra-stupid build revolving around Earth Boost.  But I won't.  Because even I'm not that insane.
Palla (+Res/-Def): I will feather you for Escape Route if I must!
Barst (+Res/-HP): I'm getting a lot of Reposition fodder today~!

Sully (+HP/-Def): Oh look, it's one of my favorite fodders~!
Jagen (+Res/-Atk): This is a new level of bad.  Definitely fodder~!
Laslow (+Spd/-Def): No, this won't do at all.  Too bad you can't swap natures with Corrin!
Fae (+Res/-Spd): This is the second Fae I've ever pulled. . .why. . .

Ninian (+Def/-Atk): This is by far her worst nature.  -Atk is the superbane, and +Def does nothing for her.  Luckily, she's a flying dancer, so she doesn't give a crap.  Trivia: This boon/bane puts her closest to her regular incarnation.  WHY?!
Reinhardt (+Atk/-HP): You.  I like you!
Morgan (neutral): This is like looking at a better Raigh, with a weirder weapon.  Dull Ranged is an excellent skill, but Guard would be so funny on him. . .I need to think about this.  Regardless, this is my first one, and he's 5* to boot!

It took a while before I pulled a banner unit, but it was the one I wanted, so I can't complain.  Got some good fodder and potential units, too!


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I decided just to do the free pull as none of the brides appealed to me. Figured I'd pull on Blue or Colourless since I don't mind Ninian and I really don't want Tharja or Sanaki. 

Of course the circle was fully red and green ¬¬ 

Never was I so relieved to see a 3* Boey. 

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@Zeo Nice! Always good to fill out missing niches!

@mampfoid Congrats on the Horse Eirika! Again, a nice niche filling unit (if you didn't have her already)

Mine were a bit unspectacular. Main account gave me a Sully (I actually need more Draw Back/Swordbreaker) for free, and the green was +Def/-HP Raven which is okay.

No quick 5 stars for my second account anymore, but I did get a 4 star +HP/-Res Tailtiu ( @Vaximillian Looks like Auntie wanted to follow Ishtar after last night), an Oboro and a +Atk/-Spd Lilina. (I do have a +Atk/-Def one waiting to promote...I think that is partially better? @Zeo? )

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I did get a 4 star +HP/-Res Tailtiu (Looks like Auntie wanted to follow Ishtar after last night), an Oboro and a +Atk/-Spd Lilina. (I do have a +Atk/-Def one waiting to promote...I think that is partially better?)

I was quite afraid of auntie Tailtiu crashing on my parade, heh. That didn’t happen, though.

I’d actually choose –Spd for Lilina if going for Forblaze or blade+. Her physical bulk is barely existent, but it might help to keep her alive in case of DC, and then Desperation+Brash ahead. Or does she still not survive? No idea, to be honest.

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