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The bane is a bummer, but that can be patched up if need be.

Geeeeeeeee!  I'm so excited!

... Now the only thing that would make me happier would be to get a Summer Robin for Lance Valor.

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@Selena4Lyfe Grats! DEF stacked Hardin can be a real nightmare. Kinda sad to lose the the res when his HP is a perfectly bane-able stat, but at least it isn't his ATK. right?


9 more orbs into trying to get SunTana. Got me a Lad from afar at 4* and a Chrom at 4*. Also now at 4.25 pity. This banner does not like me. But at least it didn't pity break me. Its already done that once with a Mia who I could care less about. 22 days left. I should at least break this pity once more. Fingers crossed that it won't be an off-banner again.

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Hardin remains a myth on my account so far. Not had any pitybreakers either. Got to a 4 percent pity rate but I'm not going to go crazy. I only want him due to DC armour lance, which is something I don't have on my armour team yet, although Eliwood and Robin do well enough even without the DC. Starting to think I should save for the summer banner but oh well. I'd be very surprised if they finally bother to give us a non-infantry mage male, which is the only thing I'll really, desperately pull for. And they're unlikely to release any of the guys I'll desperately pull for, either.

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The Legendary Banner is seriously trolling me.

I get about 1-2 greens to summon on each time I try for it, and I come up with Boeys. When I try to go for red, I get Seth and Stahl, until it's broken...with a Leif, which I don't really care much for since I got an ideal IV one for him already (+def/-HP). Time to buy more scrounge up more orbs..

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Well, that’s all of the latest summer girls gotten so I can rest a bit easier now. I’m probably not going to go back for Innes since I’m clearly sexist against my own kind I doubt my luck would hold up for him especially given that his standard version is still a myth on my account.



Tana is just neutral, but I’d rather it be that than something outright detrimental.

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More Summer Corrin misery likely.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (I see this'll be the way it goes then.)

4* Tailtiu (Least it's alright fodder. +Spd/-HP, have better)

3.25% now.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Rody (Well, it's Rally Def/Res. Neutral, meh.), 3* Donnel (Return of Pothead. +Hp/-Atk, blah.)

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It took forever but I finally got Summer Cordelia. She's not perfect (+Res -Def) but her nature doesn't hinder her offenses so it's alright with me. I'm pretty sure there was a Tana in the circle because I was at a 4.5% but I don't care, YOLO for the win! I only wanted Cordy and I got her! The relief of not getting a pity breaker is soo nice. 

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I managed to get a 5.25% pity rate in the new summer banner and instead of Innes I got B!Ike. Steady breath fodder is always welcomed ;-; and at least I got Tana before. Innes is truly a myth on my account lol.

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10% pity rate on the legendary banner, 32 orbs plus more quests.

  1. 3* Wendy: Worthless.
  2. 4* Seth: Swap fodder.
  3. 4* Frederick: Bleh.
  4. 3* Roderick: Worthless.

It seems like legendary banners are an all-or-nothing affair for me. This one is turning out to be nothing. Now a 10.5% pity rate with 15 orbs left.

EDIT: Forgot about Arena orbs. Finished a quest to get back to 20.

  1. 4* Bartre: Ugh.
  2. 5* B!Ike: And that's the final Brave Hero I was missing. IVs are +Def/-HP, so decent and thankfully not outright bad. Now for the rest.
  3. 3* Donnel: Garbage. Why am I getting so many 3* blues?
  4. 3* Jeorge: Actually nice for SP fodder since I'm training another copy right now.
  5. 3* Maria: Whatever.

That was a massive expenditure for one (admittedly really good) 5*. At least it wasn't just crap merge fodder for a 5* I already have.

Edited by KMT4ever
Found more orbs.
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Well I ended up feeling sick today so I did some pulls on the legendary banner hoping for someone I don't have to distract myself with and got pity broken by another F!Morgan, but that is ok since I like flying mages and this one had optimal IVs while my first one did not so I now have a +1 F!Morgan.  I am really hoping the new banner next week is a skip one for me since I should start saving orbs in case someone I want shows up.  Oh well 13 orbs are better then none and I still have some CCs if I need orbs.

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Fire Blessing quests got me to 20 and I was thinking about just doing a full pull and ending it there on the legendary banner. But one green, two reds, two greys, ehh, no thanks. If there were at least three total of greens and blues I'd have pulled all 5.

4* Frederick +Def -HP. I'll get the VG round 2 orbs tomorrow and go for a final pull then, for reals this time. Freddy himself goes to 4*+9 after being stuck at +8 for months (I have nine copies at 3* but I'm being a scrooge for 2000 feathers). Still can't decide whether to go Slaying or Brave either, but I'll wait to +10 before deciding.

EDIT: Forgot I still had the story map quests for July to do. But colours were again non-favourable with 3 reds, a green and a grey. 4* Fae, just my third Fae ever. +Def -HP is interesting, but then I'm quite happy with my +Spd -Def one too, hmm.

Back to 15 orbs, so 4x VG orbs plus one login orb tomorrow will give me enough for the final circle.

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 @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @NegativeExponents- @Rezzy

Yeah so... I wasn't going to spend anymore orbs on the legendary banner but in the words of @mcsilas... my hand slipped.

I'm not interested in the Death Blow banner (even though Swordhardt is pretty awesome), the summer banners would just take too many orbs to get things I want (S!Frederick, S!Tana) and I don't care about Hardin enough to pull for him right now (even though Bold Fighter is delicious) so I decided to throw just a couple more orbs at the legendary banner for greens and reds in hopes of either Myrhh, W!Tharja or some good fodder.

First red orb~


You know something... it's pretty funny... going into this banner I thought to myself I'd get absolutely nothing, but the best case scenario would be pulling Lyn, Hector and either Myrrh or some Steady Breath fodder. Then here comes this guy. Warding Breath fodder, can you believe it? For all intents and purposes he may as well be a B!Ike. And with that... I've gotten virtually everything I wanted off of this banner and for around 50 or so orbs. Unbelievable.

Also I've come to the realization that I'm in possession of 2 Distant Counter, 1 Steady Breath, 2 Brazen ATK/SPDs, 1 Brazen ATK/DEF and now a Warding Breath. I really should start building some units... Fae is definitely looking at this L!Ike though... and of course he's +RES/-HP so safely fodderable.

And with that, I'm truly done with this banner and with 19 orbs in my pocket still with orbs to grab from the monthly quests. Hector/Matthew banner is coming up soon and with the refines coming I have another chance at securing Wrath fodder, so we'll see how that goes. For the most part though? I want to save up for the next banner so I can grab L!Lyn.

Anyways. Guess this is what I get after that dry spell after pulling Linde. 100% Satisfied.

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ALL RIGHT! Not exactly 20 orbs, but I'm going for my Legendary Hector with 9,5% chance - I mean it's unlikely that all 5 orbs will have my color.

Let's see.

2 green, 1 blue, 1 colorless and 1 red which I don't want.

First green Orb: 4* Nino - I just promoted you to 5* earlier, what more do you want from me?

Second green Orb: 3* Beruka - it's probably just feathers at this point, let's check the blue one.

LEGENDARY HERO EPHRAIM - Cooool, I'm going to have fun building around him.

Overall I had a good harvest from this banner, it's a real shame that I couldn't get a Hector, still don't have any kind of Hector. Didn't open any armored unit from this banner either, I have the lowest amount of armor units probably. Grima, Roy, Myrrh, B!Ike, and now Ephraim. I'll defineately do Legendary banners in the future.

Looking on my Orb stack, 5 orbs... banner ending tomorrow. My head says stop, but my heart says GO! Hope I'm not the only one like this.

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@Zeo Ayy! You're not the only one who's hand slipped! xD

Congratulations on the 'other' Breath fodder at least! To be fair B!Ike did overshadow him as a fodder unit in this banner, that I forgot about it as well.

@mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents- @Vaximillian


So the VG and new month orbs gave me a safe 70-80 orbs in both accounts, and I do want to try for either Myrrh, B!ike, and for my main account VLyn since I really need a 5 star blue armour (Hardin is tempting but Lyn is seasonal). I'd also take Winter Tharja. I'm also in desperate need for Reposition fodder in my main and Desperation (heh) fodder in my second account.

So after about 2-3 sessions in my main...


Oh hey, now I have all three reds in the banner! (even if L!Ike was free) AND SHE'S +ATK/-HP!!!! Whoa, I finally have another ranged armour besides Henry, and darn that's a good nature!

I was okay with this- I gave myself 2-3 summons...but I had a nagging feeling (more on that later).

I hurriedly switch over to my second account to see my luck. First session had no greens, and 2 blues (I'll take L'Ephraim along with Shanna hunting, since he won't be back until October i think?). None, so I ignored the two reds..

....although I felt bad about that so in the next session, I pulled the reds as well as 2 blue/green orbs and..


Now my second account has a Tharja as well! AND SHE'S +DEF/-Spd!!! Another incredible nature! (Now I'm unsure if I should go Ignis instead of Glacies, refine her Def up or her Res so her Def/Res balances out?)

And she came with a +Spd/-Def Shanna AND Palla in the same session! Both great fodder that I sorely needed!

Funny how I summon bikini heroes when I'm on the train ride home in rush hour where people can see.. (This happened with Summer Corrin)


So a wise f2p should have stopped there. But I really need that blue armour for my main, so I went back. But first I tried the Hardin banner just once- NO BLUE ORBS. Had to snipe a red and got a 4 star Raigh.... a sign that I should focus back on the legendary banner.

So I summoned until I was down to 6 orbs. But you know what?


It was worth it. +Atk/-Spd, so while the bane is disappointing, that can be fixed with an Owl tome and a refine AND she has that nice boon to make up for it! @Zeo We both have the FE7 armours that we wanted!

Lyn Emblem is finally complete as well in my main! All 5 Lyns get!!!

Don't really have the orbs to try for Summer Tana now but Lyn fills a bigger gap in my barracks so I'm happy with this. Sadly no Reposition fodder at all... but I did get a +Def/-Spd Beruka as my new merge base! (She'll replace my +Def/-Res one)


Since my OCD wants orbs to be balanced across the accounts, I used the remaining 30 orbs in my second account for some more summoning. No more 5 stars, but I did get another Shanna! 3 star +Atk/-Res- another good nature which is bad for foddering, but at least she's there whenever I make a decision :D

Now down to less than 20 orbs again though. (6 in main, 11 in second account) Hopefully the new seasonals aren't too tempting (Lonq'u and Cherche, please wait until next year if you get summer versions!)

No Myrrhs or B!Ikes, but after these summons and the L!Hectors, I can't complain. Those two plus Hardin can (hopefully) come home in regular banners.


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@mcsilas That's quite a slip, lol.

Congratulations on those awesome armors (and fodder). While I'm not a big armor fan, those are very helpful and nicely designed units. Tharja is my only ranged armor, and she proved to be the key factor for many of the GHB Elite quests. 

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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas That's quite a slip, lol.

Congratulations on those awesome armors (and fodder). While I'm not a big armor fan, those are very helpful and nicely designed units. Tharja is my only ranged armor, and she proved to be the key factor for many of the GHB Elite quests. 

Yeah it was a pretty epic slip, but with the stuff that I've gotten, it was worth it. I like using bulky units like Armours, and it helps that Lyn has Armour March. Can't wait to use Tharja's CC attacks, and Red Tome Valour is going to be useful as well!

I'm just glad my luck turned around after last month's legendary banner.

Also I love the colour Wada Sachiko used in Lyn's dress. I love that shade of blue.

Just hoping for a TT soon haha. And more Reposition fodders along the way :(

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26 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

And more Reposition fodders along the way :(

I thought armors want swap? 

27 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I'm just glad my luck turned around after last month's legendary banner.

I still have to find my lucky legendary banner. While I got a lot of Shiros from Ephraims first banner, it was not what I wanted. 

A banner with SA!Tana (or regular Lyn for fodder purposes), L!Ryoma, BH!Roy, F!Grima, Bow!Hinoka and a flying Healer would be cool. 

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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I thought armors want swap? 

I still have to find my lucky legendary banner. While I got a lot of Shiros from Ephraims first banner, it was not what I wanted. 

A banner with SA!Tana (or regular Lyn for fodder purposes), L!Ryoma, BH!Roy, F!Grima, Bow!Hinoka and a flying Healer would be cool. 

They do, but I just need Reposition fodder in general since I'm all out.

Speaking of, I'm all out of Pivot fodder now as well with all these armours. I need more Cherches/Marths.

Hopefully you get your luck soon!

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34 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That's another skill I've never used. 

Pivot is only good with armored units, the other option seems to be Swap, and that's about it.

Generally I pick Reposition for melee units, Draw Back for ranged. I couldn't make up my mind what would be the best assist for fliers though.

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