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My weakness paid off! My first Celica! Her nature is good but a bit shaky (+Atk -Def) considering her strengths but that matters not. She came without any kind of pity rate so that's a win, and I finally broke my "No Celica for u" curse! I was so afraid that I'd have to resort to picking the free one from CYL2 which would count as a defeat for me.

I also got my first Ares, he's completely neutral so I'll wait for a better one before deciding if I want to merge him or use him as Brazen Atk/Def fodder.

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Oh right, Blessed Gardens orbs. Can do a full summon on summer then.

3* M Corrin +Res -Def
4* Peri +Spd -HP
4* Tailtiu +Atk -Res
3* Merric +Res -Atk
3* Cordelia +Res -Spd

Still only 3.5% so eh.

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29 minutes ago, Alexmender said:



My weakness paid off! My first Celica! Her nature is good but a bit shaky (+Atk -Def) considering her strengths but that matters not. She came without any kind of pity rate so that's a win, and I finally broke my "No Celica for u" curse! I was so afraid that I'd have to resort to picking the free one from CYL2 which would count as a defeat for me.

I also got my first Ares, he's completely neutral so I'll wait for a better one before deciding if I want to merge him or use him as Brazen Atk/Def fodder.

Yeah, that nature's alright, have it as well.

So, I think we know what time it is for me: More Summer Corrin sadness.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* Mae (I've been getting quite a few of the same units lately. +HP/-Atk), 3* Abel (eh, Swordbreaker. +HP/-Res)

3.75%, this banner makes me feel downcast.

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@Alexmender Congrats! I thought of trying for her too, but I have been pity broken by Mia too many times already. She is in the general pool and isn't someone I want so badly as to specifically focus. I just want her to eventually fill out my barracks since I dislike character shaped holes in my lineup.

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5 hours ago, Usana said:

@Alexmender Congrats! I thought of trying for her too, but I have been pity broken by Mia too many times already. She is in the general pool and isn't someone I want so badly as to specifically focus. I just want her to eventually fill out my barracks since I dislike character shaped holes in my lineup.

Thanks! Yeah, being spooked by Mia was something I was afraid of when I decided to try on this banner, although I didn't mind as much because I've never gotten her but I'm glad I got Celica. She maybe a little bit crazy but finally Alm won't be alone anymore.

In any case, I wish you luck whenever she's in a banner you want to pull from!

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One pull on Ylissean Summer before the new Summer banner, hoping for YS!Robin... got her son at 5*.

Took the chance to promote a +Spd -Def Male Morgan and get him to +4 merge since my old M!Morgan was already +1 merge, and I had one other spare because I didn't know what to do with him.

I get the feeling that I'll have a side goal of getting all Red Tomes if I can... because I swear, nowadays the damn things won't stay away from me.

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Ginko @Cute Chao

So after seeing the new banner trailer I looked at my main account's 40 orbs and said, aside from Linde, none of the new units fill a missing niche in my barracks in particular. So my hunt for a red tome flier resumes.

Didn't have a pity rate after the reset of a L'Arachel pitybreaker, but here goes:

3 red, 1 blue, 1 green.

Had a 'great' start of 3 star neutral Sophia as my first red.

Tried a second red orb and..


AHHHHHHHH! Summer Tana appeared! I was prepared for the pain of a frustrating session but here she is in the 2nd orb!! And she comes with a perfect +Atk/-Res!!!

The wise me would stop at this gem of a summon, but I was eyeing at the blue orb, as it would be great if Cordelia would be there, since now that I have the much-needed red flier, Cordelia would be a second pick for her art alone. I picked the blue orb, then had a server error so the summoning was reset after the app restart.

Was it a sign that I should have not picked the orb?

When the app started back again, I couldn't back out anymore since I already pressed continue summoning. So blue orb reveals:


WHOAAAA!!!! Summer Cordelia?! I never actually thought this would actually happen! Legendary banners aside, this is the first time I get two focus units in one summon! And the ones that I wanted the most as well, with no pity rate!

IVs aren't as hot and I could feel my luck will start to go downhill as she has +Spd/-Atk. I don't mind too much, it's still a nice boon and she was mostly for the collection/her art. At least I can make Cordelia Emblem now as well @mampfoid. Not sure if I'll go Firesweep Lance or maybe give her Death Blow with the default weapon to 'fix up' her attack simulate an Atk boon for player phase.

I might as well open all the other orbs since I need Reposition fodder.

Green orb was a 4 star Arthur and last red was a 4 star Hana, both +Def/-Atk. Funny how the rest of the pull is -Atk haha.


@Ginko Sadly no Innes like you wanted me to try and summon for haha.

I should really summon more during work more often!

I think Innes and Noire can wait until the legendary banners now, I'm satisfied with this. Now back down to 20 orbs.

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Congrats :D It's always good to get a twofer. I've had a few of those now and I still get excited. I got one this banner when Deirdre pity broke me going for Innes. There was one red orb, too, so I went 'Ahhh, screw it. My pity rate is high' and that's when Tana appeared lol

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@mcsilas Wow, that was fast and very lucky! Congratulations! 

Do the full circle on the new summer banner, I'm sure you'll get all four new units in one session since you don't want them.

Btw: Cordelia Emblem didn't work for me as I didn't get defense wins. 

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@mcsilas Congrats! That is a nice summon there!


EDIT! Dude I think you luck wore off on me. I decided to dump a few orbs in on Hector's banner(no pity built) since new young Tiki would really want some DC and BAM guess who makes an appearance for only 9 orbs! +SDP/-ATK but I only wanted him for DC so that hardly matters. I am going to have to hunt you down and rub you before summoning more often now on. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be awkward. . . much.

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@mcsilas Nice double summon! It tempts me to spend, but I'm at 28 orbs (still almost that same amount in orbs to collect from things though) and while I too am missing a red tome flyer it's not worth it. I'm not in dire need of one.

Come to think of it I feel like all of this is just to drain us come CYL. I mean.. 3 summer banners all with good units, a Hector Legendary banner followed by another Hector banner, a banner with F!Celica, Mia and K!Hinoka and now another seasonal right after with new weapons and skills again and more power creep? The game is practically screaming "spend orbs! SPEND THEM!!!"

Yeah... I think I'm going to wait. Besides L!Lyn comes back at the end of the month and I want to try my hand at snagging her again.

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@Zeo Yeah I get what you mean, so many banners to drain you of orbs- there's even the next legendary banner on top of that.

I'm not too worried about CYL though, they'll be in the permanent pool anyway and I didn't get anyone in my main except for the free Lyn, so missing out isn't that devastating for me (still want Roy and Lancina to drop by someday).

But yeah good luck saving orbs! In a way it's good that Serra was there to block you from spending Matthew orbs.

@Usana Oooh! Congrats on your summon! That's a nice, quick result! The more awkward it is the more luck you'll have

@mampfoid Well I don't want to run out of orbs right now so maybe not. Colourless hell will be my priority though so that...may end up a disaster although I don't mind Klein/Sothe/Legault (don't have him yet). I hope the TT comes super soon to replenish my stock though!

Defense wins are tough for me to get this week as well. I did get a random one when my Sacred Seals were shuffled doing the Lyon clear- so I have no idea how I even got the defense win. I would have totally given you a win if I saw your Cordelia Emblem haha.

@Cute Chao Yeah sometimes high pity rates can give nice results. The only other non-legendary banner double summon I got was my very first 5 star summon in my main- Lyn appeared with Merric alongside her. Ah the simple days of FEH before powercreep

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14 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Defense wins are tough for me to get this week as well. I did get a random one when my Sacred Seals were shuffled doing the Lyon clear- so I have no idea how I even got the defense win. I would have totally given you a win if I saw your Cordelia Emblem haha.


Haha thanks, but this week I set up my regular team for the first day which was enough for a win. The rest of the week nothing. After some time I changed to a summer themed team ... nothing again. It's not important, but it probably means the score range is not good for easy wins. 

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I think I had my worst gacha luck ever that made me incredibly thankful about free Marth from TT.
I promised myself I would roll for a male summer unit if it will be a non-lord character from anything that isn't Fates or Awakening. Innes fits the criteria so after second summer banner reveal I started to roll. 320 orbs spent sniping greens, zero pity breakers and -ATK + RES Innes. The most "hilarious" thing that I had green orbs spawning almost every roll but kept getting Boeys and Titanias.
So yes, free TT seasonals = very good.    


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@mcsilas Wow. Such luck. XD I guess I can't complain about not having any myself, since I've gotten some nice free pulls lately, but it's super cool that you managed to get two units with no pity rate! I hope they serve you well. 

I'm a little tempted to pull for Tana myself, but my orbs stash is finally starting to replenish after pulling for Legault and Legendary Hector. I'll be safe through the next summer banner at least. But we'll just have to see what the next normal banner looks like...unless they decide to do something crazy like throw another swimsuit banner at us. 

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So, the update of 2.7 took 6 tries to stick. Summilla is better than Summer Corrin. I've had poor banner luck for a month. Point being, yesterday was a day of salt.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

4* L'Arachel (Well, not bad fodder at least. +Atk/-Def, already ave that.), 3* Effie (Of course. +Def/-Res, might already have that.)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

4* Clair (I don't know why I expect something new. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Mathilda (Just pitybreak me please. +Atk/-Def, think I have similar.)

The worst part is of course I've invested in a banner where the one unit I wanted gets powercreeped halfway through. Frankly, that's a dick move.

Edit: Now the new summer banner's here. Am I as unlucky?

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Clair (Stop. +Spd/-HP, have similar), 4* M!Morgan (Well, I can use this fodder. +Def/-Res), 3* Seth (He should have been a contender. +Res/-Atk, bleh.), 4* Lachesis (Ugh. +Res/-Spd), 5* SummeLinde (ARE YOU KIDDING ME? PITYBROKEN BY THE ONE COLOURLESS I WANTED IN ANY WAY! +Atk/-Res, bit disappointing as a bane but workable.)

So that's three banner I have interest in. Joy.

Also, Something I've noticed is that Heroes crashes every few minutes since the update. Anyone know what's going on?

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Got a 5 Star Ryoma at first then....

Pulled 5-Star Takumi Summer and Linde Summer!!!! 

Overall, a great summoning session. The Takumi’s Spd, -Atk which is the same IVs as my S!Tana as my NY!Camilla... Am I cursed? Linde is Res, -Def, which is perfectly usable. Pretty good banner! My orbs are safe.

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Well, no Linde or Takumi, but ...

I got a summer Tana! So not a total loss.

EDIT: She's ... +res -atk. Like my Lene. I don't know why every red 5-star I summoned on this banner has a shitty nature. Well, at least I have her.

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Figures, no reds, just a grey and three blues. Was undecided on whether to open the blues, but went YOLO. No 5-stars, but an interesting selection of 4-5* pool units.

4* Legault +Def -Atk
4* Shigure +Spd -Def
4* Shigure +Atk -Res
4* L'Arachel +Spd -Atk

Legault and Shigure are both new to me, and that's just my second L'Arachel ever, so no regrets opening the blues even if Camilla was my least desired unit in the banner. Legault I'll fodder for Atk Tactic since his bane is awful, once I decide who'll be in my mixed team. Both Shigures look good so I'll take that question to the questions thread. L'Arachel is workable for Blarblade+ but eh, I don't think she's worth the investment until I get a better one, since Reinhardt and Spring Catria cover the role well enough between them.

I'm going back to the first summer banner though, and will keep at it until either I get a unit from there, or it expires.

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As always seasonal banners tend to make me work for just 1 unit. Got a bunch of feathers this time (not even fodder...) but I won't give up. The TT will come soon and hopefully I'll get S!Linde there.

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