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Going to wait until the end of the BHB banner to pull as I kinda want Elise despite the Maribelle powercreep, but in the meantime, more summer torment.

4* Est +Spd -Res
4* Sully +Def -Spd

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45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

As for second? 3 star +Atk/-Spd Lissa!!!! FINALLY a Lissa so I can get Gravity+!!!

Nice! I got Lissa too, but most of all, I got a 3★ Klein. Everything else was pure trash. Grey is still hell, and no one will convince me otherwise.

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@Alexmender Or just kill him for QR3. It would only be what I deserve fair after what I did to Anamnesis Eirika if you choose to do so.

Anyways, no free pull Leo or Elise for me, unsurprisingly. It was still a good free pull nonetheless since it ended up being 4* Ares (+Atk/-Def, which is at least halfway optimal). There was one other red in my circle so I pulled it but still no Leo merge (4* Lilina), and there weren't any colorless.

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YES! I hadn't gotten the GHB orbs yet, so I went and cleared that and cleared a few other things I apparently hadn't gotten around to. Got a session with 4 reds. Nothing good. Do a Random Yolo with what orb change I had left after that and TIkipop appears! +SPD/-ATK. I know some people would hate on that. But she targets res and is fast enough to double all the scrubs so I'll take it! As such my only complain is. . . She had to come AFTER the SP bonus was over this weekend. . . is that some kind of rule I haven't been made aware of? It seems to keep happening.

Edited by Usana
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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas  Congrats on your ... uh, 3* Lissa? Sometimes it's hard to get the right fodder at the right time, but Lissas never were rare to me. 


It's just really ironic with the timing of that Lissa.

Also because I mistakengly merged the free Lissas early in the game for SP, so that was a mistake that bit me in the behind now that I was desperate for Gravity+.

Huh, I guess it's also ironic that Gravity fodder comes in the banner that features characters who have Gravity effects in their weapons.

@Vaximillian Yeah I wished they'd fix the skill availability for colourless. Congrats on the Klein though! Another resource that is rare and running out for me!

@Usana Congrats on the Tiki! Yeah gacha has a funny sense of humour like that...

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@mcsilas Thanks.

Boy have I done that merge units and then realize I wanted them for fodder thing all too often. I was just looking for a Mae Today so that I could combo her with a Shanna inheritance to give Draw Back/Iceberg/Desperation 3 with only 2 units down the drain. Guess what I did a while back? 4*+10'ed her. And after that she apparently got shy and I have really seen her since. I am also pretty sure I sent some of those free units home. Don't judge me. I was new to the game then!

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My free summon on today's banners was another Y!Tiki. I don't know what it is for her, but all my three copies of her have been off-focus. This one was neutral, so I merged her into my +Atk -Res one.

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I wish I had Leo, even if he kinda sucks, but I'm not spending orbs for him. Just a 4* Seth from my free pull. Heroes has really made me hate this dude.

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Main: First pack of orbs yields Katarina (bad IVs, Swift Sparrow goes to Siegbert) and Leif (already maxed out, Drive Atk goes to Brave Lucina). Second pack gets me Leo (+Spd -HP) with 60 orbs left over - off to the new hero banner where I get Flying Olivia (+HP -Res) and Olwen (same IVs as before, merged).

Alt: Pulls Camilla...3-stars. Oh well, I had the feathers saved up for the merge.

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My free pull was just rubbish, but I had a couple blues in the session too, so I decided to pull them because I still want a good Oscar.

And I got me an Oscar! :D He's not +Spd or +Atk like I wanted, but +Res, -HP is basically neutral, so I can roll with that for now. I'm finally completing a Greil Mercs team! (regular Ike/RD Ike, Oscar, Titania, Mist) For now.

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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My free pull was just rubbish, but I had a couple blues in the session too, so I decided to pull them because I still want a good Oscar.

And I got me an Oscar! :D He's not +Spd or +Atk like I wanted, but +Res, -HP is basically neutral, so I can roll with that for now. I'm finally completing a Greil Mercs team! (regular Ike/RD Ike, Oscar, Titania, Mist) For now.

Congrats on your Oscar, I got a Cain for my free pull.

I would love to go for more Leo merges, but I'm a bit low on Orbs after pulling for Libra, and there's going to be another Legendary Banner soon.  I still hold out hope that Leo among some other launch 5* exclusives will get demoted eventually, since most of them have been pretty powercrept by now anyway.

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So this happened on Friday but. I got 2 5*'s at a 3% rate right after another on the same session. First it was Summer Young Tiki, then Regular Linde. Like..what

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8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

@Alexmender Or just kill him for QR3. It would only be what I deserve fair after what I did to Anamnesis Eirika if you choose to do so.

Anyways, no free pull Leo or Elise for me, unsurprisingly. It was still a good free pull nonetheless since it ended up being 4* Ares (+Atk/-Def, which is at least halfway optimal). There was one other red in my circle so I pulled it but still no Leo merge (4* Lilina), and there weren't any colorless.

Hmm...Nah. I don't hate tomato boy now if he was a Corrin he'd be dead, and being in team D while Eirikalter is in team B is enough punishment.

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your Oscar, I got a Cain for my free pull.

Yeah, I've been wanting a Greil Mercs team for ages now! You should make one too, Rezzy, since your Titania rocks. ^^

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I used to hate the FE13 banner because it's a banner of a game I never wanted nor expected. Though this banner has given me lots of nice stuff so far. With 64 orbs I got Sumia, Olivia and Brave Roy as 5*, my first two Legaults, another Nowi and other good fodder like fury 3, renewal 3, sword- and bowbreaker 3.

I hope my luck won't be reversed in a banner about a game I actually care.

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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What with the next legendary banner having Chrissa, I think I'll be holding off for the next week. Free summons do not count though. I don't have Leo yet, disappointing he may be as a unit.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (So, Elise chance?)

5* Elise (YOU FUCKING BET YA! Best Fates royal #3! Neutral, is this better than +HP/-Def or is it worth the merge on her? If I get Maribelle I might just wait for this SI instead)


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I know I've been tagged a ton in this topic over the past week. XD I don't really have the patience to look through all of my tags, so here's one general "Congrats!" for everyone on their pulls. It seems like most people have gotten fairly lucky. 

Libra and Maribelle are my original "husbando and waifu" so I felt obligated to pull for them, but because Libra was so obviously going to drop, I decided against pulling for him. I really, really wanted Maribelle. I went in with 121 orbs...and nothing. So I did the story chapters and some more TT stuff, and got pitybroken by a Genny who was +RES -DEF. I've got a +ATK one, so I'm fine in that department. And actually, of any character who could have pitybroken me, Genny was the best I believe. I've been keeping two Wrathful Staff fodders for Rhys and Maribelle. But since Maribelle comes with Dazzling Staff, no need! Now one of those Wrathful Staff fodders can go to Elice (if she ever gets in), and I still have one spare one. There was one green in the circle, so I decided to pull it. 

AND I'M GLAD I DID BECAUSE IT WAS LIBRA. I would have been content with the Genny, but Libra made me super happy. I got him without trying for him. He's +HP -RES, so basically neutral. After that, I was down to 1 orb. I decided to wait until I had 21 orbs grinded up again. 

Nothing on my first pull. Went in with 16...AND I GOT MARIBELLE WITHOUT A PITY RATE. She's also +HP -RES, and that's fine. She's so amazing and perfect. I have zero complaints. Now I can save all of the orbs from the upcoming events!

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Tried to pull summer Takumi with the gift orbs, got Jaffar.

I already have a really good Jaffar, so I don't need another one, but WTF.

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