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Main merges Ephraim. Alt gets L'Arachel. The main also got Tharja (+Res -Atk) on Blade Tome day as the free pull. Leo now has Raudrblade+ to try to make use of his +Spd.

Already this eases some of the pain of missing Sanaki Day due to my phone playing dumb.

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Okay... I've decided that there's no chance Ryoma or Xander are coming to me tomorrow...

I've just got my third free 5* pull in 4/5 days! First Nino, then Klein, and now my second free pull Ephraim (who was also the first free 5* pull I ever got). 

So some great fodder and a merge for my most used lancer. Not complaining at all! The complaints will start when my luck runs completely dry tomorrow xD 

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@Cute Chao Wow, you're getting all the free pull luck on these banners! I'm sure you can probably extend it a little bit more

@Rafiel's Aria Good advice, I already invested skills on her now to try and get a defense win and clear space. Still, she's going to get Atk+3 on A skill whatever her nature was anyway, so I guess it doesn't change too much. She's so great to use. Probably the most expensive thing I gave her was Pain+ after upgrading Azama but it works really well

@mampfoid I hope you get him haha. Will big chin Xander avatar make a return if you do?

Free pulls on the Threaten Def banner was a 3 star Odin and a 4 star Abel (i need more Swordbreaker so this is nice! Gave it to Summer Young Tiki)

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9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Cute Chao Wow, you're getting all the free pull luck on these banners! I'm sure you can probably extend it a little bit more

Thanks :) 

Fingers crossed! I also got luck on the last legendary banner, since I got Helpful Chrom pretty quickly and he is the only one I wanted from there lol. 

Must be leading up to something... Oh well, will give it a shot :D 

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Well I tried for Ephraim but ended up with Robin so it's at least some good Bonfire fodder. I seem to pull Robin a lot lately, in the past I rarely pulled him.

Trying to grind up some last minute Orbs before I inevitably throw my paycheck away for Machiah and probably Xander~


19 hours ago, Lewyn said:

The nature of gacha can't get every unit you want, I know with Summer Tana, or how I only got Elincia on her 3rd banner.  However all that you pulled means you don't have to pull for them in the future which saves more orbs towards Winter Lissa next time she comes.  Lissa is an awesome well written character in general and a very respectable design of a female character, there is no 'incest' stuff, isn't fan servicey at all or sexualized in any way.  I hope we get more designs like her in Three houses.  

Yep and agree about her type of design, would defs like some characters of that style in Three Houses~

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Once again, Ephraim taunts me with his smug face. I already have his legendary version, let's see if I can get his normal version.

  1. 3* Peri: Couldn't you at least have been 5*?

Oh well. Unfortunately I only have 19 orbs ATM, but I really want to get Yukata!Elincia.

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria


Did a full pull on the New Year's Banner.

Got two Ravens (one of them finally +Atk/-Res, an actual usable boon/bane!)

And randomly, a +HP/-Atk Brave Lyn! My first summoned one in my main account.

Guess I have Swift Sparrow fodder nowl

Kind of wish I didn't get a 5 star since I wanted to build a pity rate lol. Oh well, back to 9 orbs so need to get more orbs again.

Death Blow banner gave me 3 star jakob....

In my second, Death Blow banner (aka second Klein banner) gave me ANOTHER 4 star Clarine. Just like the first Klein banner in the daily summoning. Huh guess she really likes her brother.

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@mcsilas @mampfoid Hey! Welcome to the Swift Sparrow fodder club! I actually have two of them I'm still sitting on. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on pulls but I've seen all of them (looking at that Maribelle) and congrats all the same.

These daily pulls haven't been kind to me. The best thing I've pulled since it started is my first *4 M!Morgan who I foddered to Nino for Spur DEF/RES 2. The full pull for this new banner is no different. I haven't pulled a *5 since that second Christmas Lissa, guess I needed to pay for having something as premium as Bold Fighter fodder.

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First, the daily freebie:

4* Subaki Res/Def

Eh, okay. Now just the free round on the dancers, not that I could afford more even if I wanted to.

4* Soren Def/HP
4* Stahl HP/Def
3* Hinata Res/HP
3* Matthew Atk/Spd
3* Lachesis Def/Res

Oh well, Fury. Plus Soren goes to 4*+9, and would be +10 if I promoted my lone 3* one.

Almost certainly done with the banner, even if the next one is a total stinker I think I'm still more likely to go all in on the legendary one.

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This is it, Death Blow banner. I'm going to try to open a 5* Klein today, he's been hiding from me long enough, I'm going to get him ... in my lunchbreak. Wish me luck.

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@mcsilas Congrats on the premium fodder. It's always nice to have around. I feel like I never actually use my nice fodder; it just sits there looking nice.

A little over 60 orbs got me:

Leif (+RES -ATK) - *sigh* I probably would have been more upset if he was a character I already had. *slowly strangles the Ryomas that stalk me* No strong attachment to the guy, but nothing against him either. I can at least add another hero to the Herodex and maybe get some use out of him in Tempest Trials eventually. Just probably not this next one.

I had some orbs left, so I went back in for one more summon, and I got my Micaiah!!!!! Of course I get her at a 3%. What is this? Of course she's +HP -ATK. lol But you know what? It's fine. +HP is a superboon. Her weapon gives her the extra 3 ATK to make up for the bane. Her ATK is still pretty great for a dancer, and having her is much better than not having her. I think even with -ATK, she'll be able to deal with most of the annoying green armors I have to face.

I got a free Shanna from the Deathblow banner. Other notable pulls include, a 4* Hinata (I have plenty of 3 star copies that I'm too lazy to promote), 2 copies of M. Morgan (which would bring my M. Morgan project up to +7 if I ever get the chance to promote him), and several copies of Caeda. I have more than enough 4* copies of her to make her a 5*+10. She's actually up there in consideration, and I feel like this is a sign... It would have been nice to get the last copy I need for a +10 Soleil or Eirika however... 

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@Zeo @mampfoid

thanks! Yeah usually indecisive about Swift Sparrow fodder myself. I tend to be apprehensive using premium fodder haha. Jealous of your Bold Fighter fodder though Zeo haha

i guess the candidate most likely to get it for now is my -Spd Elincia but something tells me i should save it for someone with a better nature i guess lol

Congrats on the Micaiah @Rafiel's Aria!!! Too bad about the nature but a superboon is a superboon.

i’m gonna wait until my orbs pile up again before trying- i need more barracks room anyway and the TT units won’t help

also kind of funny the Raven session had 2 Ravens plus a Peri. Threaten Def all around! /ignores the 3 star Olivia

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@SatsumaFSoysoy @mcsilas @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria and the rest who care, I guess.

9 orbs plus free pull on the Death Blow banner because two reds and two greens and I can’t miss the chance for more Marths and Cecilias:
Screenshot_20180810-140506.pngHello, DB3. You aren’t Cecilia but may make her stronger if you so wish. HP/Atk too, thanks @Rezzy.

15 orbs after completing the paralogue, three tries on the Grima banner for Grima:
Screenshot_20180810-143807.pngHello, she who isn’t Grima. You don’t annoy me by being on my team. Also I’ve got some Desperation for you to inherit. Completely neutral, so 41 Spd is quite nuts. Too bad I don’t have anyone with Hone Fliers, so blade isn’t really an option.

But already two 5★s from the Grima banner… Sounds quite nice even if neither of them are Grima whom I wanted for Gwendy. Green stones really are a myth.

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Now up to 1,116 total pulled units (not you, Nino, you were a Three Heroes reward)


Nanna (+HP/-Spd): I'm not going to complain about a free 5* (because that's literally what she is).  I'll see if I have a better one in my barracks, because this boon/bane is so very awkward.

Lissa (+HP/-Spd): Unlike Nanna, I have an idea.

Sheena (+Res/-Spd): Holy shit, this works!
Gaius (+HP/-Spd): This, however, doesn't.
Klein (+Res/-Atk): MY DEATH BLOW FODDER!  I don't care if it's an extra 2,000 feathers~!

Beruka (+Def/-Atk): Yet another pacifist pull.  But Glimmer's useful.
Subaki (+HP/-Def): WOOHOO, QR!
Clair (+Res/-HP): Hit and Run is a good skill, at least.

Cordelia (+HP/-Def): I still like Galeforce, why do you ask?

Rebecca (+Atk/-Def): FINALLY, A COMPETENT REBECCA!  She's not Death Blow fodder, and I left three of those colorless orbs untouched, but she'll do.

Chrom (+HP/-Res): AETHER FODDER!
Matthew (+Res/-Spd): Dude.  Someone's trying to make a +10 of you.  Go say hi to him instead of me!
Klein (+Spd/-HP): I get my Klein anyway, and he doesn't want to be fodder.  Go figure!
Cordelia (+HP/-Res): Firesweep here we come~!
Beruka (+Def/-HP): An improvement over the first one, I guess.

Sophia (+HP/-Res): Fortify Res is still a skill I use.
Leon (+Atk/-Res): I just found a new base for my Leon.  OMG.
Kaze (+HP/-Res): He's good fodder, at least.
Donnel (+Atk/-Def): This one's legit.  Not quite as gimmicky as Lukas, but still plenty usable!
Corrin (+Def/-Atk): She's good for Hone Atk, at least!

Fir (+HP/-Atk): It's my favorite Spd +3 fodder~!
Leon (+Atk/-Def): Be still my beating heart!  I think the -Res one is better, since Leon has no business tanking mages.
Priscilla (neutral): I'm so tempted to give Nanna her staff.
Gaius (+Res/-Atk): I think I'll make a supermerge of him or something.
Ryoma (+Res/-HP): Slightly terrifying tank stats, but I think I'll live.  His A skill will be swapped out, since I don't think TA suits him very well.  His B skill means I'll run him alongside Ares, because I'm a jerk like that.  His C skill's decent, I guess, but I'd prefer a Drive.  Overall, he's a dancer, he's gonna dance, and that's all that matters.

Well, that was an interesting haul.  Archers won the day here!


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DB banner this time. I'd be kind of tempted, but I'd wait until the second rerun.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Wrys (More humble clerics. +Atk/-HP)

Now, the dancing banner. I'll take Xander or Elincia to be honest. I have 0 Ryomas or Michiahs but I'm not all that interested in either.


3* Frederick (Luna. +Atk/-Res, have at 5*), 3* Beruka (Glimmer. +Spd/-HP, nope), 4* Hawkeye (I would have been fine getting him on the other banner. +Spd/-Res, nah)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Serra (Bleh. +Res/-Def, might be better than I have), 4* Frederick (Luna. +Atk/-Spd)


3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Priscilla (This might be the first one I get at 3*. +Res/-Spd, fodder she be), 3* Barst (Reposition! +Atk/-Res, might have it already. On checking, no, that is my best Barst. Dangit.)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Niles (Iceberg. +Res/-Atk), 3* Gunter (Hone Cav. +HP/-Spd), 3* Cherche (Atk +3 is a decent filler skill at least. +Res/-Atk)


4 Red, 1 Colourless

5* Jaffar (HOLY FUCK IS THIS WRONG. +Def/-Res, dammitall), 4* Eirika (Well, it's Hone Spd. +Res/-HP), 4* Seth (Well, he's a thing. +Atk/-HP), 3* Chrom (What a waste. +Atk/-Res, is that for the best?), 3* Seth (Blech. +Spd/-HP)

So, a pitybreaker. I think I'm done with this banner.

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No new dancers yet, but hilariously enough ... I pulled a 4-star Nanna who is +atk -res. Almost certain this is the first Nanna I've pulled since my 5-star Nanna on the Thracia banner ... and they have the exact same nature.

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Congrats :D Fingers crossed Grima comes along for you, too ^.^


My luck has been odd... I had 180 orbs (200 when I bought the promo pack) and I used them all. I got three 5*s out of it... 

Faye... Sumia... and Dancing Ryoma :) 

The first two are 5*s I don't have, although I really don't like Faye and don't care much for Sumia (who should have been demoted, honestly) but can't complain at two new 5*s. Was very happy to see Ryoma :) Hopefully he'll inspire Xander to join him ^.^


I got about ten Matthews today... Can you tell him to drag Legault along next time? I'm still looking for him! 

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