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1 minute ago, daisy jane said:

I guess what it is for me is, what if other options you use happen to have a mistake - you'll never use them again either? You wouldn't use anything? I know and get that it's your choice, but all I said I feel it's something drastic over something that at the end of the day can be fixed (Or in your case, foddered off). 

I'll just rely on datamined images if that's the case. I can compare my unit's stats to those of the unit in the image and see what's different and what isn't.

2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

As well, I am surprised you used Elise for Swift Sparrow, considering 15 units have it including Naesala who is free and would have only cost feathers. Elise had Atk Feint which would have really been a great skill for Kaze but you did it. and I hope your Kaze is better off for it. May he net you many k.o's. 

Why? Swift Sparrow is great and most of the units that have it are 5 star exclusive and hard to get. Naesala I will use for fodder too, though, yes. But this Elise was handy right now, Naesala costs feathers since he only gets Swift Sparrow 3 at 5 star.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why? Swift Sparrow is great and most of the units that have it are 5 star exclusive and hard to get. Naesala I will use for fodder too, though, yes. But this Elise was handy right now, Naesala costs feathers since he only gets Swift Sparrow 3 at 5 star.

Well. i just said. 
Elise has a skill no one else has.  Naesala would have literally been nothing but feathers.  I mean, i wouldn't have killed Elise at all especially for something that could have totally been fixable as a unit who has access to spd buff partners - but if i were, I wouldn't have done it for something for swift sparrow, i would have done it for atk feint (again as that's a skill no one else has)  since that's basically exclusive until we see another unit for it. but you did what works for you. 

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3 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Well. i just said. 
Elise has a skill no one else has.  Naesala would have literally been nothing but feathers.  I mean, i wouldn't have killed Elise at all especially for something that could have totally been fixable as a unit who has access to spd buff partners - but if i were, I wouldn't have done it for something for swift sparrow, i would have done it for atk feint (again as that's a skill no one else has)  since that's basically exclusive until we see another unit for it. but you did what works for you. 

You mean Atk Feint? That skill looks useless to me. Doesn't matter if no one else has it, its effect isn't something I see myself using much.

And yeah, I believe I made the best choice and it isn't like I can take it back anyway, so moving on.

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Besides the previous mentioned points; 

Tou are now missing out on the 5000 feathers you could have gotten from her hero merit and Kaze could have also inherited the weapon himself. If you like Kaze a lot, it would be a good weapon for him. You can give multiple skill sets to units. It would have combo’d wel with swift sparrow or life and death. And for a special you could use an Aoe special. 


Bottom line is; sometimes taking a step back, breathing 10 seconds and looking at all your options can be worth a lot.


Edit: I believe you even could have used a 4 star neasala to give him swift sparrow 2, and then inherited both the weapon and Swift Sparrow 3 skill from elise.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

But anyway, looking at a screenshot of a neutral Elise from the datamine... Looks like Gamepress somehow did make a mistake after all. Not sure how they did, their calculator had never made a mistake before as far as I've seen. But I know I'm never using them again now. That was completely misleading and I had my hopes up that I had a good IV Elise. So I'm extremely disappointed. And since it has mistakes, it isn't reliable anyway.

Yeah, I've noticed a few characters with stat errors on the Gamepress IV calculator. The errors are easy to spot though because they either result in a stat outside of the possible range, or cause a unit to have multiple assets or flaws. I'm guessing a lot of the data was entered by hand and that's what caused the discrepancies. It's always been obviously right or wrong in my usage. In the rare worst case scenario, I've had to check a different site for the IV. Most of them are correct though, and I like their IV calculator layout much better than the IV checkers on other sites.

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So, I forgot to put this up the day the banner came out. There's a reason for that.

I'll be honest, if it weren't for Elise and Hinoka's skills, I'd be perfectly content saving orbs.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* A!Tiki (Could be worse fodder. +Atk/-Res, could be worse), 3* Merric (What do I say to this? +Atk/-Spd), 3* Boey (More disappointment. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Stahl (I'd rather see a lot more units at 4* than Stahl. +Atk/-Def), 5* Rhajat (Well crap. Even if she's the last of the Fates kid banner units, I have a lot of Infantry Green mages, she's a character I'm conceptually against, she's not that impressive a unit. +Def/-Spd, her nature's even bad. I think I'll be using that DD3 after all.)

4 Red, 1 Colourless

5* Sigurd (And the pitybreakers keep on a'chuggin'! At least I like Sigurd and have a base to merge. +Atk/-Res, is it better than +Atk/-HP?), 3* Palla (See this? This is good fodder. +Spd/-Def), 3* A!Tiki (Again? +Def/-Res), 4* Eirika (There's better fodder you know. +HP/-Res)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Seth (Shame. +HP/-Res), 4* Nino (I could stand to see other green fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* Nino (NO. +HP/-Atk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa-)

Finally at 3.25%

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Soleil (I jumped for a sec. +Atk/-HP), 3* Hana (There's worse fodder. +Spd/-Def)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Sylvia (I need more dancers to fodder her off to. +HP/-Def), 4* Sheena (I shrug. +Def/-Res), 4* Barst (That's more like it. Neutral)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Stahl (Stahp. +HP/-Atk)

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Athena (Moonbow. +Spd/-Atk), 3* A!Tiki (Stop it, I need better. +Res/-Def), 3* Olivia (Oh, another dancer. +HP/-Res), 4* Hawkeye (If only you had better fodder. +HP/-Def)


4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Well fuck, this choice again.)

3* Serra (I just want all 3* Colourless to be Klein. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* M!Corrin (I wish he wasn't around either. +Def/-Spd), 3* Draug (I was looking for him. +Spd/-HP), 4* Soren (Stop it. +Spd/-HP)

4%, I should stop.

3 Colourless, 2 Red

4* Palla (Can't get enough Goad Fliers. +Atk/-HP), 3* Sophia (.... +Spd/-Def)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Merric (More like Merric stop. +Res/-Def), 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +Def/-Atk)

3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless

4* Beruka (...... +Spd/-Atk), 3* Bartre (Right in the gut. +Res/-Atk), 4* Barst (I just can't seem to get enough Reposition. +Spd/-Res)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Sophia (REALLY? +Def/-HP), 3* Lilina (Please tell me you're at least decent. +Spd/-Res)

4.25% a while back.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Stahl (This. This is the enemy. +Atk/-Def), 4* Nino (This could be too. +Res/-Def), 4* Libra (This not so much. +HP/-Def)


3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

5* M!Grima (I would complain considering my target is supereffective, but still. +Res/-HP, I've needed a dragon armour.), 4* M!Corrin (Stop, I don't want my fate! +Spd/-HP), 4* Seliph (Selnope. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Hinata (At least you're decent fodder. Show up more. +Res/-HP), 3* Kagero (That was a waste. +Res/-HP)

I just spent 180 or so. I got 3 pitybreakers. Don't be Dayni guys. I should have stopped after Sigurd. I would smack me if I could travel back to then.

Back to the other banners to catch up.

Anyways, here's a chance at another Takumi or Leo (aka worst sibling as a unit.)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Hana (Could be worse. +Def/-Res)

As for Elincia + Nephenee, I have all these units again, which is nice.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Catria (Luna. +Atk/-HP)

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2 hours ago, Vicious Sal said:

Besides the previous mentioned points; 

Tou are now missing out on the 5000 feathers you could have gotten from her hero merit and Kaze could have also inherited the weapon himself. If you like Kaze a lot, it would be a good weapon for him. You can give multiple skill sets to units. It would have combo’d wel with swift sparrow or life and death. And for a special you could use an Aoe special. 


Bottom line is; sometimes taking a step back, breathing 10 seconds and looking at all your options can be worth a lot.


Edit: I believe you even could have used a 4 star neasala to give him swift sparrow 2, and then inherited both the weapon and Swift Sparrow 3 skill from elise.


to be fair, i have been known to fodder ppl off w/o caring one iota about HM. 
RIP Hrid and OG Hector

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I got really bored (this is what happens when you save... you get itchy!). and i went into the Elincia/Nephenee banner. 
finally got an Est. after all this time and she's + spd as well, so that's a YAY (now to build her for death)
I also got a Shigure (so when i get Bath Sakura, my -atk shigure can go to her for Ward Fliers)
Perfect Abel (finally - but i still want an oscar)

Elincia!! :) +spd/def. (my other one is +hp/-res) so i will quickly train this one up after TT, then merge my first one into it). 
Once i grind out some more orbs - i can focus specifically on Nephenee

okay  - the trailer for legendary didn't come, so i decided to summon anyway. 
lickity split along came Nephenee didn't have to go fishing that hard at all- 
#2 is +atk/-spd (doesn't matter because i wanted to neutralize my +atk/-def Neph). 


next banner now is hot springs, and i hope i can get Sakura and Hinoka. 
have to decide if i wanna go for more Nephenees.

Edited by daisy jane
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22 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

@mampfoid, @Landmaster
Thanks guys! And it appears my luck really is starting to turn around:

  Hide contents


Sakura (+Res/-Def) is already here (rate only rose to 3.25%), so now that just leaves Elise! ...Please hold up for just a bit longer, luck.


Happy ends are the best ends, congrats! 

18 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:


OhMiGosh! I got Elincia on my free summon! I am so happy right know! She is +HP -Res. It's not the best IVs for her, but it could be worst. And I cannot complain about it, because I didn't expected her to appear for me.

Finnally I got her... YAY!

Wow, congrats! Great free pull, you'll have a lot of fun with her. 

18 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Poimagic Congrats on the Fjorm! Shame about the nature but she has nice art and is unique at least!

@Tybrosion Some nice pulls lately, and congrats on the flying healer and great Tibarn! I want both as well but 4 unit banners aren't very kind to me right now.

@Zeo @mampfoid Haven't posted in a while but I thought I'd share some nifty pulls after getting nothing from the Hot Spring banners (I need more orbs anyway so I'll summon again when it's nearing the end in about a month).

First of all before the Christmas banners ended I tried to get a Winter Lissa for my main since I didn't have her. Didn't get her but at 3% a surprise Rhajat appeared- somehow my 3rd one! +HP/-Res, so I think she'll be Distant Def fodder now because I'll use the second one for the bane removal merge.

Next is the TT banner. I just wanted CC fodder really, so I tried colourless but no Takumi. Went for another session, again no Takumi but I might as well pull the red orb since I didn't have a red mage cav for my main and..


I finally got Leo! +HP/-Res so kind of horrible IVs (oof that Res superbane makes his Res only 1 better than his Def...) but whatever, I like the guy and he fills a missing niche in my barracks. More importantly, I now have all the regular Fates royals completed! (I upgraded a Camilla to re-complete the set since I sacrificed my original one for Cherche's Brave Axe early on).

2 unit banners are amazing. Especially since my recent red pitybreaker hell.

Lastly is the new BHB banner. I wanted another Elincia for my main to neutralise her -Spd bane, but alas nothing. I did get a +Atk.-Def Ares though! (My second Ares after all this time!). May as well just upgrade him or something since getting him is very rare. Other red sadly was a Sophia while blue was a useful Subaki.

In my other account, I pulled blue hoping for Nephenee but she wasn't there. Then I was indecisive about opening the other green orb because of limited orbs before the Mythical banner....but after a few minutes, I just YOLOed it and out pops a Brave Ike! +Def/-Atk (huh, funny that's the first B!Ike I've pulled), so now I have SB fodder again!


Cool, your luck continues. Good timing to get Leo, TTs are the best moment to use him. 


5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I got really bored (this is what happens when you save... you get itchy!). and i went into the Elincia/Nephenee banner. 
finally got an Est. after all this time and she's + spd as well, so that's a YAY (now to build her for death)
I also got a Shigure (so when i get Bath Sakura, my -atk shigure can go to her for Ward Fliers)
Perfect Abel (finally - but i still want an oscar)

Elincia!! :) +spd/def. (my other one is +hp/-res) so i will quickly train this one up after TT, then merge my first one into it). 
Once i grind out some more orbs - i can focus specifically on Nephenee

okay  - the trailer for legendary didn't come, so i decided to summon anyway. 
lickity split along came Nephenee didn't have to go fishing that hard at all- 
#2 is +atk/-spd (doesn't matter because i wanted to neutralize my +atk/-def Neph). 


next banner now is hot springs, and i hope i can get Sakura and Hinoka. 
have to decide if i wanna go for more Nephenees.

Wohoo, fantastic Elincia and the merge for Neph your were hoping for. Congrats! 

Did you have a good orb/5* ratio? 

@Landmaster Congrats again :-)

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Ooh, I just free summoned a Mikoto. After the ridiculous dry spell that currently is THE FUCKING OC NEW YEARS BANNER this is quite nice.

She's +HP -spd, but I'm just happy to summon a new character I don't even care anymore.


This is some pretty damn good luck after pushing my stupid pity rate to 4.5% with nothing. He's +spd -HP too.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Alright, Mother's banner first. Going grey.

  1. 3* Jakob: Feathers.

Now the Sons. Going to try for Leif so he can join his parents.

  1. 4* Lilina: Meh.

And back to the BHB banner with 20 orbs for one set.

  1. 4* Eliwood: Meh.
  2. 4* Sheena: Okay.
  3. 4* Est: More feathers.
  4. 4* Lukas: SP fodder.
  5. 4* Reinhardt: Vantage fodder.

That was thoroughly disappointing.

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So, with these banners I know what colours I'll try. Let's just see if I'm lucky or not.

Mothers first.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Klein (I'm okay with this. +Spd/-Atk)

Now sons.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red

4* Cain (WoM. +Res/-HP)

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Finally, I have Mikoto. But I needed almost 200 orbs to get her. Was pity broken by Takumi 1 time. And her sharing color with Lissa was also not the best.
Back to saving orbs. To balance my orbs out I need to forfeit the idea on pulling on the skill link banner. 

Edited by Stroud
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I am getting pretty lucky here... He is +HP/-Res, just like the Elinca I got yesterday. I already have a +Spd/-HP Owain, so maybe I will use this new one as fodder, because he has good skills for it (Blue Flames and Wrath)

@mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster Thanks for the congratulations. Maybe because of them Lady Luck blessed me with another free hero.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I told myself I'd go all in if Adrift M!Corrin got on a three person unshared colour banner since his art is beautiful and there are not enough male dragons in the game. 

200 orbs later, I was starting to regret it, but I got the blighter :D 

Happy enough now ^.^ 

Edited by Cute Chao
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Ugh I am now sitting at a 4.25% rate on the Onsen banner. Spending each day working yourself up to 20 orbs only to receive yet more garbage is exhausting and honestly drains my motivation. Today the game even had the gall to give me a full circle of blues and reds, though thankfully nothing broke my rate. After that, I was so incensed, I went into a circle with only 12 orbs, thinking "The game isn't going to give me more than one colourless/green anyway". And that's when it gave me three of those of course... Had to leave a green one untouched. Bet you that was Hinoka. ugh

Let's hope they'll do the same as last year and hand us a nice pile of 50 orbs for the anniversary. I am so close to just pulling on everything just so I can leave this shitty banner already.


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@mampfoid Thank you. I was actually thinking about Leif and a pitybreaker Ayra when I saw the smokes. I was thinking 300 feathers, but BAM - new unit. I like his skillset, so I'll train him up tonight. Was the only red orb on the round, making it an easy choice.

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VG banners gave me a 3* Catria and Cain, respectively.

BHB gave me a Caeda that I no longer have use for.

Went for broke with nine remaining orbs on the Laguz banner, and I got a 4* Nanna and (finally!) a Tibarn. He's +hp/-def, but I could care less.


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