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Sooo 2020, you gonna be different than the last years or do you want to fall back to old habits of giving me plenty 5* that I'm not anticipating? Coz you gave me Anna (and a nice NY!Gunnthra for a possible, future debuff team), but you also gave me two Larceis with tickets on a banner I didn't care for, making it officially easier to get the new shiny unit instead of ANY Caeda copy I'm aiming for.... come oooooon, I just want Fortify Fliers 😧


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Sniped reds for the ticket circles.

Free pull: +spd/-atk Ced (no reds on circle, so picked a green)
Ticket1: Palla (1 red)
Ticket2: Beruka (no reds)
Ticket3: 4* Roy and +spd/-hp Shannan (2 reds)
Ticket4: Ogma, Raigh, and offbanner +res/-def Fallen Celica (3 reds)

Overall, 12 orbs for 3 new 5*s, can't really complain even though no Larcei for her B or C fodders.

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Welp, got another Larcei so I gave up. This is the lowest I've been on orbs since Legendary Eliwood (WHO I DIDN'T GET, but did later, so that's okay). I should really save from here on out, but I really wanted Shannan 😞. At least I got everyone else on the banner.

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got a second shannan thanks to a yolo ticket (2 left)

this new shannan is +hp -res, so i just merged him into my first shannan to fix his atk bane

now i can save orbs for rhea

Edited by Yexin
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Free pulls for this banner went to Red...or they would have if two of the circles actually had red orbs. The 3rd ticket landed a Flying Olivia, so that’s nice. I haven’t actually gotten the 4th ticket, because Ced is apparently not interested in being my friend.

On 1/7/2020 at 10:04 PM, mampfoid said:

So you only use two fully blessed teams? I'm just starting to build Fire (Celica misses merges) and Earth (Alm misses 8 merges and a 4th team member). 

Well, I have Wind, but it’s not the greatest. I actually did this week’s Arena run by stealing 3 of my other teams’ units and running them with Fire blessings alongside Celica. Not needing Arena blessings for anything else anymore is nice.

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The other 3 tickets finally showed up, so back to red-sniping.

  1. 3* Roy: Feathers.
  2. 5* Larcei: Hey, not bad at all! I would have preferred Shannan, but she's almost as good. +Res/-Def is middling, but at least it's not actively bad. One more ticket...
  3. 3* Lilina: You can join Roy in feather-dom.

That went well. A free Larcei is certainly more than I expected from this banner.

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13 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Alexmender @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @daisy jane @DLNarshen @eclipse



As he was my free pull with my first ticket. His nature didn't matter as I already have a +SPD/-DEF one that promptly got a merge. So he's sitting on 39 base SPD and waiting for a refine. Sounds nice... if I didn't already have a +ATK Brave Roy and a +ATK Swordhardt. Granted I don't "need" Larcei or Shannan, I would have preferred either of them over Siegbert. Pretty sad honestly... of all the *5 red pitybreakers he's one of the worst I could have pulled, surpassed only by Mage Eirika. Eh, oh well. 


This is probably my fault somehow. Sorry XD

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6 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Free pulls for this banner went to Red...or they would have if two of the circles actually had red orbs. The 3rd ticket landed a Flying Olivia, so that’s nice. I haven’t actually gotten the 4th ticket, because Ced is apparently not interested in being my friend.

Oho, congrats to Olivia! Do you already have some merges on her? 

I got this:


6 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Well, I have Wind, but it’s not the greatest. I actually did this week’s Arena run by stealing 3 of my other teams’ units and running them with Fire blessings alongside Celica. Not needing Arena blessings for anything else anymore is nice.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's the perfect timing to build blessing teams, but I don't have anything else to do with my feathers. 

Wish Duel skills weren't that rare. 

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On 1/9/2020 at 9:21 AM, Anacybele said:

My luck still ain't over yet. o_O

Shannan is pretty flipping good too 👀

Even with the less favorable asset... nice job LOL 

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Shannan is pretty flipping good too 👀

Even with the less favorable asset... nice job LOL 

Yeah, this is the best free pull I've gotten in awhile!

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Well summoning from the very first New Heroes banner of the year already has me picking up right where I left off last year. Being pity broken by non-focus 5-star units. Instead of getting Shannan, or even Larcei, I got...another Glepnir Eirika. Yay. This brings her up to merged +3 but I never really use her, her merges are entirely from her pity-braking me (and that free one from whenever ago). Guess I'm done with this Genealogy banner until I see what's coming in the next January banner.

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Luck is weird. All of the tickets plus probably at least 100 orbs towards the New Years banners only got me Keaton. Which I guess Keaton's a very good unit but I never played Fates and hate his design, plus I don't have any NY units and sooo many of them from all three banners look awesome to me. 

But on the other hand, the 3rd and 4th ticket from the latest banner pulled Idunn and Shannan, so pretty cool. 

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Selena and a +ATK Soleil. Could be worse all things considered, but seeing as I would have liked a merge for Mia or Lute and I still don't have Dorcas, no blue or green stones at all was annoying.

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The next weekly banner. I don't have Dorcas or Lute. I think I'll take this lone green since I like Dorcas more. But surely all my luck's run dry n--


...Or...not. O_O WHAT IS THIS, GAME, I DON'T EVEN... Two free 5 star focus units in a row! After I had big hauls with a small number of orbs on legendary Celica's banner and the NY one. This is nuts!

(Oh, and I was reminded of the phone buttons I could use to screenshot, so that's how I got this one.)


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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wow that's great. Congrats to Dorcas, I like Ippei's art. 

I'm not a big fan of this art style, actually. xP But I do admit it fits Dorcas. Thanks! 😛

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

The next weekly banner. I don't have Dorcas or Lute. I think I'll take this lone green since I like Dorcas more. But surely all my luck's run dry n--


...Or...not. O_O WHAT IS THIS, GAME, I DON'T EVEN... Two free 5 star focus units in a row! After I had big hauls with a small number of orbs on legendary Celica's banner and the NY one. This is nuts!

(Oh, and I was reminded of the phone buttons I could use to screenshot, so that's how I got this one.)


Dang nice, can you pass me some of that luck so I stop getting pity-broken by non-focus units every time? 😂

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Dang nice, can you pass me some of that luck so I stop getting pity-broken by non-focus units every time? 😂

I'd love to, seems yours has been blah indeed! Ick.

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Man, the "Glorious Gifts" banner has kicked my ass. After doing a bunch of summons the other day by scrounging orbs from Chain Challenges, I got nothing except to bring the pity rate to 4%. I bought some orbs last night because I really wanted to try and get Duo Marth before the banner when away. I spent ~50 more orbs sniping colorless and green (as I also wouldn't mind a W!Sothis merge), but didn't get anything while bringing the rate up to 5%. This banner has given me horrible luck. I did end up getting pity broken by Maribelle, so all was not lost. She's a good unit that it didn't have yet and I like strong healers, but it sucks as Duo Marth is the only Duo unit I don't have yet. Oh well. At least his duo skill is probably the weakest of the bunch so I guess I'm not missing out to much. My final rate for this banner was 3.5% with just two 5* units out of 57 pulls. My worst so far. I know there are a few days left, but I'm going to stay far away, lol. And to rub salt in the wound, I got Maribelle on the second pull of the session, and like I always do when getting a 5* with a fairly high pity rate built up I grabbed the remaining three orbs hoping for another. Didn't work out this time, no extra 5* revealed 😡


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