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Since there was no W!Sothis and because I was immensely salty at losing to a Flier Ball today, I got triggered and decided to drop some Orbs for best daughter-in-law


Totes worth~ +HP, -Def so not bad~

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Pulls #30 - #33 on Journey Begins: 


30. 3* Gordin, +Res/-Spd
31. 4* Forrest, +Spd/-Atk (6 to go for +10)
32. 5* Kjelle, +Atk/-Spd
33. 4* Marth, +Atk/-Spd



Eh, can't really argue with that especially since I didn't have a pity rate to lose anyways. I already have a +Atk +10 Effie but having more pure power around is always welcome.


Meanwhile, my Double Special Heroes free summon was:



The IVs are a certainly a bummer, but I'll just be happy to have her now after the effort I put in to try getting her (or Reinhardt) back on her original banner.


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My free summon session on the Special Heroes banner didn't give me any green orbs so I was stuck pulling red and the game only gave me a four star Roy. After debating on it I decided to risk the odds and started another summoning session and the single green orb there gave me who I was looking for.



She has a +Atk/-Res nature which is better than the one the anniversary free summon gave me. I'm happy it only cost me five orbs and I didn't get screwed over by Fae like what usually happens to me when I try pulling for a someone that shares colors with another character on a banner.

Really tempted to spend more orbs on the Double Special banner but I really should save orbs in case Sirius shows up on the Solo banner or if the May New Heroes banner has the Awakening character I have been waiting for.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Totally got blindsided by the duo special heroes banner.


The good news is I got Halloween Hector, Dancer Berkut and Halloween L'Arachel the bad news...it cost 150+ orbs to get them.  Still not complaining in the slightest.  89 orbs left to get Lucy merges.  And if I really have to I do have some money to throw at an orb pack...but here's hoping that doesn't happen.

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Made the last two pulls in the banner and I magaged to pull the free Lilith. Very happy about her, as she will be a good partner for Male Corrin.

However, I am at a dilemma. Should I pull keep pulling in the fates banner to break my pity rate (3.50 as of now) so that I might get a Rinkah/Lilith merge or a Midori that has fodder I need, or stop and start saving for upcoming stuff? 

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spend 400 orbs for halloween hector and still didn't get one! Next pull there's no red and I ended up getting Erika, she's not bad but... SERIOUSLY?!! this is the worst pull in FEH histoy

Edited by Steilison
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3,917 total pulled units.  Not much, but. . .


Laslow (+Atk/-Spd): WTF this is perfect.

Jakob (+Spd/-Atk): Needs merges.

Subaki (+Spd/-Res): Perfect, I need more QR fodder.
Hardin (+Spd/-Res): That's, uh, great.  Not what I was looking for, but my current Hardin will be happy with the merge!

Fae (+HP/-Res): Oooh, Draw Back!

Narcian (+Atk/-HP): There.  I did it.  Travant will have his personal lance.  I prefer +Spd on him anyway.

Echinda (+HP/-Res): Hey, good fodder!

Overall a pretty good session.


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The first circle gives me Sirius as a free pull, and m!Byleth when I decided to go for the red!

Holy fuck.

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M!Byleth's banner took me by surprise. I had 269 orbs saved up (plus some in the feh bank). I had to spend 209 to get him, almost gave up hope. Got pitybroken by B!Roy and Laegjarn, could be worse I guess. Back to saving orbs, I just hope the upcoming special heroes won't feature a unit I want.

Edited by Poco Lypso
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This banner got Byleth, Fellkut and a unit I have never seen before.

Nope, is Mercedes new to Heroes?

3 Green, 2 Red (Literally crap)

4* Seliph (Of course. +HP/-Def), 3* Chrom (Again, no. +HP/-Res)

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10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

This banner got Byleth, Fellkut and a unit I have never seen before.

Nope, is Mercedes new to Heroes?

...No, she was added back when Three Houses was a new release. The banner after the one that debuted female Byleth, Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard had Hilda, Mercedes, Petra, and Hubert.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

...No, she was added back when Three Houses was a new release. The banner after the one that debuted female Byleth, Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard had Hilda, Mercedes, Petra, and Hubert.

I hate to be “that guy”, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t asking that question in earnest. As in, he knew Mercedes was in the game but asked that question sarcastically because he still has (if I recall correctly) yet to pull her.

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36 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I hate to be “that guy”, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t asking that question in earnest. As in, he knew Mercedes was in the game but asked that question sarcastically because he still has (if I recall correctly) yet to pull her.

I didn't see any indication of sarcasm, so if that was the case, then my mistake. It's extremely difficult to tell over text anyway, especially when you have Asperger's like I do.

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I didn't see any indication of sarcasm, so if that was the case, then my mistake. It's extremely difficult to tell over text anyway, especially when you have Asperger's like I do.

The context was pretty obvious. You have a veteran player and NOT a new heroes banner.

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@mcsilas @Alexmender @DLNarshen @SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Landmaster @eclipse

Sorry I haven't been watching and responding to clears, busy as always but know that I do see those notifications and will respond and watch in time. Anyways.

So I re-built my stash rather quickly with 10 orbs in the bank and 41 orbs on hand. Seeing that special heroes banner with Dancing Ishtar and Duo Hector made me waver though...

...and I'm glad I did.


If you're going to spend your stash, it should be on favorites, and this guy here is my favorite male character in the FE universe and #2 overall, 2nd only to Lyn. +DEF/-RES so magic will hurt him a bit more but he's on par with Lukas in physical combat. And with that, I once again have all the Hectors and I couldn't be happier. Hope pulls have been going well for you all and congrats to anyone who's been pulling well.

Back to stocking up once again.

Edited by Zeo
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@Zeo oooo, congrats on completing your Oho-collection again! Hey -Res is better than my -Def, that's an excellent boon. Just pick match-ups carefully with Odd Follow-up.

@Landmaster @daisy jane

So my orb stash was decimated after failing to get Skylivia or a Kinoka merge, and I only had 30 orbs when the double seasonal started. I wanted L'arachel the most because I adore her art/voice lines so I was mostly sniping green. Sadly i didn't get anyone on the first day.

Then Rokkr seiges gave me 20 orbs again and I was feeling frustrated after overtime so i yoloed again in my main, and I got +Spd/-Def H!L'arachel! At least that made me feel better, opened the rest but didn't get any other 5 stars, but Subaki was welcome since I'm running low on QR.

i would like a Halloween Hector for my second account but I think I'll wait for now...

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I can't believe this happened, but with a bit of money, I was able to pull enough Liliths to get +10. This is only my 2nd +10 ever. I'm normally a free to play account (other then feh pass) but I tried to let myself have a little fun and spent about 100 dollars or so (since I've had the week from hell) and bang! I got just what I needed to cheer myself up. She's amazing!1331376206_Screenshot_20200416-181005_FireEmblemHeroes.thumb.jpg.41185a8f597d69fc9e0da0327402802d.jpg


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