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8 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

RNG is cruel indeed. How is Wolt? I've never used him. We're just gonna save to keep saving 😧 I have fewer than 100 orbs now. I'm hoping I'll have a lot by next March or April.

He's alright. I use him in FB to HM farm and he's a carry there 😂 

It took 500 orbs and here's my haul:

  • 3 tSoiA!Caeda
  • 3 SM!Byleth
  • 2 tSoiA!Palla
  • 1 SM!Ingrid

~56 orbs per 5* so I can't complain in terms of unit quantity. Now I have to save for PP!Tibarn. Also got the +Spd/-Res Marth and +Atk/-Res Ares that I've been looking for since forever to fix the 5* copies I pulled.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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1 minute ago, Flying Shogi said:

He's alright. I use him in FB to HM farm and he's a carry there 😂

It took 500 orbs and here's my haul:

  • 3 tSoiA!Caeda
  • 3 SM!Byleth
  • 2 tSoiA!Palla
  • 1 SM!Ingrid

~56 orbs per 5* so I can't complain in terms of unit quantity. Also got the +Spd/-Res Marth and +Atk/-Res Ares that I've been looking for since forever to fix the 5* copies I pulled.

Is young Marth on the banner as a 4* focus, or are you referring to the original Marth? Looks like we got the same units, but in different quantities. Summer Byleth seems quite good so I might try to use her in Abyssal maps.

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6 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Is young Marth on the banner as a 4* focus, or are you referring to the original Marth? Looks like we got the same units, but in different quantities. Summer Byleth seems quite good so I might try to use her in Abyssal maps.

Original Marth from launch. Funny you mention his young alt since he's the only unit I missing from that banner. Don't think I'll be going for him but I won't say no to another useful unit for AA if he decides to show up.

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

They will do that when they introduce Quick Riposte 4, meaning it'll never happen

I actually wouldn't be surprised if they make Quick Riposte 4 a thing before demoting Quick Riposte 3.

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The Double Banner gave me Caeda and Sylvain in the first circle, I'm happy with getting Caeda, Sylvain is a nice bonus, I'll wait until the last day then to know if I try more.

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Got lucky with DSH -

Free summon circle - Duo Byleth, +Atk-Res so I merged them into my +Def-Res copy.

First ticket - Neutral Bridal Fjorm. Idk what to do with her, my first copy is neutral too lol.

Second ticket - 5* +Res-Atk Summer Sylvain. I got best boy to +10 already, so I guess he’s just a trophy~

Third ticket - Baby Caeda!! Yay!! Someone new!! I got 12 copies (enough to +10 and one extra) of Baby Marth and never got a Caeda. She is +Atk-Res too so I’m lucky!!

Fourth ticket - nothing of note!

Fifth ticket - Again nothing.

I only need Summer Dorothea from this line up... idk if I want to pull for her, especially with Flying Nino and Karla’s revival coming up. I am missing them from the purged hero list and I think I will prioritize them.


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The double seasonal banner was pretty kind today, I got a +Def Duo Byleth that I merged onto the +Atk one I had and a +Spd -Res Trio Palla, even with the boon 34 Spd is too slow to work nowadays but the sisters aren't -Atk so it's a win. 

I still need to get 1 last ticket so we'll see how that goes. I'll probably use it on red again because the chance of getting at least one more Byleth merge is pretty nice.

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Well, I finally got my Summer Ingrid! I also got my first Seteth (3* with a bad nature, so I probably will wind up replacing him later down the line) and a Summer Selena (FE8) along the way, which is nice since I didn't have either of them before. Also, on one of the other banners, I free-pulled my first Sirius, which was both weird and nice.

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Oh look a banner where I have everyone. Again.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Soren (I could stand to see newer units. +HP/-Res), Then I proceed to misclick and select another summon(Fuck!) which is 3* Donnel (FUCK THAT WAS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO DO  +Def/-Res)

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Five free summons, 16 orbs, Blue and Green focus. 3 sessions where not a single orb was used, the other 2 only 4 was spent each.

Final session was another 1 orby, but SUDDEN TWIST the hero I get from Double Special Heroes AKA Black Friday in the Sunshine is +Atk -Res Sandbar Fluorspar Selena.

...pretty good result if I do say so myself. This should especially help when I need a Green Sacred Stones hero and Amelia won't cut it.

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YESSSSSSS! Finally, I summoned my “first choice” five-star character in a summoning event! It only took three tries, and I got Caeda on my first try today!

On a side note, I was shocked to hear her pronounce her name as “SEE-duh.” I always thought her name was pronounced with a hard C (”KAY-duh.”) That’s how I’ve pronounced it since I first played Shadow Dragon almost a decade ago. (Though to be fair, her original name was Shiida, so the soft-C pronunciation  makes at least a little sense.)

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The Spurn banner needed another unit, so it chose Repel but it didn't choose Bersiker.

How disappointing, but I could use the fodder regardless.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Raigh (Simply the Worst +Spd/Def, Worser than all the grist, Worser than anyone, Anyone I ever pulled)

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Time for Weekly Survival 17. Karla and Nino are already at +2 through random chance, so let's see if Hector can join them.

  1. 4* Valbar: Nope.

And now Spurn/Repel. Red for better odds.

  1. 3* Ogma: Feathers.
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BHB banner the exact same at last year's TT banner.


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Not the exact same as last year where I got a free Lugh)

3* Jakob (If that had been a Chad it'd have been worth it. +Res/-HP)

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Milking the last of my November luck. Picked up a free +Spd -Atk Blue Hector (just a merge) during the week, and lucked out with a +Spd -Res Triandra on the one and only (full) round I intend to do on this banner. Having not paid attention at all to what she does, I'll just assume that's a good pull.

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I was planning on doing my free pull and then waiting for the new heroes banner, which hopefully has info on book 5. 

My free pull was Triandra, who is my favourite of the Alfar. So score! The -Atk is even fine, since it helps a little bit with the 5 damage rule. Decided to open the entire circle and I also got a Sothis. That’s TP fodder! Amazing!

also got my first seteth, so a very nice 15 orbs. I might return to this banner. Depends on book 5.



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Pulled my first Seteth and Shinon, although I am slightly disappointed by the lack of colorless orbs I'm getting. Also got a better Legendary Azura, which is always nice.

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47 minutes ago, Kasumi Yoshizawa said:

First circle gave me nothing.

Second (terrible) circle (four blue and one red) gave me Eliwood.

Definitely the consolation prize of this because he's the most wanted non green and colourless unit for not having him yet.

+atk / -res is perfect too,

Didn't pull the blues.

20 orbs later...




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