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I got both Ikes and a Roy. Why is it that I'm always getting a Legendary Ike on these banners?

A bit disappointing, but I'm not done with this banner yet.

EDIT: On second thought, I'm very disappointed.

Edited by Garlyle
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Now up to 1,028 total pulled units.


Lon'qu (+Def/-Res) - Uhhh. . .thanks for the Vantage fodder?

Hinata (+Def/-Res) - Hell yeah, Fury fodder!

Rody (+Spd/-Def) - Ooh, this one has potential!  I'll keep him for now.
Shigure (+Spd/-HP) - That Darting Stance is gonna turn into Darting Blow.  This is great~!
Catria (+HP/-Spd) - I needed Luna fodder!
Boey (+Spd/-Res) - I don't think he has the speed to pull this off.  Nice try, though.
Tharja (+Def/-Atk) - . . .and there's my Darting Blow fodder!

Est (+Res/-Atk) - The best thing you offer is Shove. ;/
Shanna (+Def/-Atk) - Shigure also appreciates Desperation!  Man, I'm going to have a field day with him.
Hector (+Def/-Res) - This one's gonna tank the weaker reds, too.  41 Def is bonkers.  Thank goodness he wasn't -Atk!

Damn, I got lucky.  Hector is the first legendary hero I've gotten out of the gacha. Score~!


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Starting with 77 orbs. Let's see what the legendary banner has to offer me.

  1. 4* Robin: Meh.
  2. 3* Marth: SP fodder.
  3. 4* Laslow: Don't need more Axebreaker.
  4. 4* Jeorge: Nice. +Atk/-Def, so I might promote you.
  5. 4* Felicia: Meh.

Disappointing, but not unexpected. 62 orbs left, so I'm going to start avoiding grey.

  1. 3* Mae: Draw Back fodder.
  2. 4* Jagen: Bleh.
  3. 4* Sophia: Worthless.
  4. 4* Caeda: +Atk/-Def, so possibly worth promoting, although Elincia is already an excellent sword flier.
  5. 3* Hana: Haven't seen you in a while. Feathers.

Oh well. 42 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: Wrong version.
  2. 4* Marth: More SP fodder.
  3. 4* Hana: More feathers.

Down to 29 orbs, so this is probably going to be the last set for a while.

  1. 4* Shanna: Useful fodder.
  2. 4* Olivia: Not so useful fodder.

The other three orbs were grey, so I guess that wasn't the last set. 20 orbs left.

  1. 4* Morgan: Okay.
  2. 4* Fir: Meh.
  3. 4* Cain: Worthless.

There goes 70 orbs for nothing. 25 potential summons, 4 blue, 1 green, 12 red, 8 grey. Totally fair color balance right there. I've got 7 orbs left, so time to scrimp and save.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Usana @NegativeExponents- @Rezzy @eclipse @Cute Chao

Heh... this game is something. After pouring countless orbs into the Scattered Fangs banner. Yeah, I did that. A 4.25% rate with nothing to show for it even though I didn't "need" any of the units put me in a serious hole. I went into this Legendary Banner not expecting to get anything out of it. One or two full pulls and bam, I'm done. I could live without any of the reds as I don't care about Tharja so much nor do I need Leif. I already have LA!Roy and Grima and don't care about Elise. The only blue I could want is LA!Lyn as I have the other units but between the 3 of them what are really my chances of pulling her? Green was the prime color here as Hector is awesome, B!Ike is great fodder which I need and Myrrh is the unit I wanted from the SM banner. I didn't really expect anything going into this so I didn't have to feel anxious.

This game though... free pull~



Really?... Really? This game sometimes man... times like this are what make it all worth it. It was the only blue orb in the pool. Sure she's +RES/-SPD which sucks, but as an armor her speed doesn't matter so much if you can get your hands on fighter skills which I'm sure I'll do eventually. She'll be built defensively some sort of way I'm sure. Now I have 2 out of the 3 mage armors. I'm not expecting Tharja, but still it's awesome. She and Vector are the units I truly wanted from Love Abounds. My thankfulness is unparalleled. 

So I decided to go ahead and go for a second round just because. First green orb out of the two was a *3 Arthur. For the second one the game glitched up and kicked me out like it was doing for some of the players here. So I closed the app, and when I came back...



Speechless... this is what was waiting for me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected a one-two punch quite like this one. It was as if the game remembered the units I really wanted in this game and just decided it was christmas for me. He's +HP/-SPD. Hector seems to like that boon when he appears for me. 50 HP is decent though and it's his best bane. Even if that superboon in ATK would have been fantastic, his bulk wasn't touched and he didn't lose any offensive power. This is my first armor ever with a fighter skill and it's unhindered by his nature. I can't wait to train him and get a taste of his power. I'd hate to say it but Amelia might be in trouble on my M!Morgan team.

To get what you want from a banner... and I mean exactly what you want from a banner is an indescribable feeling. I never would have imagined things would turn out like this. But I'm not going to hold your ear any longer. I'm 100% satisfied. I could pull on this banner again in a few days perhaps, but my orb count is a comfortable 0 and honestly? I feel like I'm done.

A Barst, Roy and Hinata for a premium circle of fodder across the two sessions was my top-off also, in case you were curious about my other pulls. Praying for the best pulls for the rest of you.

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This game though... free pull~

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WTF.  I think you pulled my Lyn.  She works well enough, even with that bane. Congrats on getting everything you wanted!

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@Zeo OMG! You got both of them! That's kind of crazy super awesome! Congrats. LA!Lyn gave me a lot of trouble on her banner too. >.> Mine is also -SPD, but she gets her job done. Having her is better than not having her. And Hector man... I'm a little jealous. XD You can put them on a team together perhaps! I'm sure Lyn would appreciate the extra ATK. 


I had kind of a bad day at work. Probably not a GREAT idea, but I decided to go ahead and pull. I wanted any of the blues or greens (with the exception of Ephraim really), and I'm still hoping for more copies of Shigure and Lukas for merges. Didn't have a STELLAR pulling session. About 150 orbs got me another Myrrh and a little bit of fodder. I was actually happy to see another Draug since I've been running low on him, and Ward Armor is always useful. Was kind of hoping to get a Myrrh that wasn't -DEF. XD 

This one is also -DEF, but +ATK, so I'll take it. That's a little bit better than my +RES one! So overall, not bad. 

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@Zeo Oh my gosh that's fantastic!!! So glad to things going right for you!!! Sounds like your best summon session! More orbs for the Matthew banner then so win-win (as long as he's not sharing with Serra as a focus or something)

@mampfoid @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Poimagic

As for me, I was wary since the last legendary banner was a flop for me and was my unluckiest (darn Fjorms!). 

Starting with my main account which had 91 orbs. Green was my focus because I don't have Myrrh or Hector, B!Ikes will be nice and I REALLY need some positional fodder- mainly Barst but I'll take Arthurs and Ninos.

Free pull had 1 orb and it was a Bartre...

A few sessions later, green orbs disappeared, so I picked red when there was no blue (I needed VLyn as well but red armor mage is fine as well). So the random red orb led me to...


My first Leif! +HP/-Def which is workable I suppose, he doesn't have any really good skills to inherit so I'll just merge if I get more. Kind of funny that I have Leif in my main and the Reinhardt on my second!

That said, orb count was being drained fast- I would just pull one orb when there were no greens, then get out. Yes, not the most efficient way of summoning and sniping led to a bad experience last month but this time...well, after going all the way down to 20 orbs...


It's the man himself!! Hector Emblem soon! Even better, he's +Def/-Spd!!!! 

Very workable, while not an Atk superboon I'll happily take it! At least the Cherche that came with him will be put to good use since I was running out of Pivot!

While I would like Lyn (or any other armored mage besides Henry), I'll have to stop now with 20 orbs left. I'll do a final YOLO on the last day but that's it, since I still don't have Tana either. It's a shame I didn't get Barsts either, so no more Reposition for me for a while...


Now for my second account.

Free pull had 4 red orbs and 1 colourless- so I pick the bottom red and...


Free pull L!Ike! He's +Def/-HP as well which is great!

I haven't inherited skills into the neutral one in case this happened, good to know it paid off (although HP is a superbane so not sure if he scores lower arena-wise). Although maybe I should still keep the neutral one for video strategies?

Then the hunt for the vanishing green orbs has started. I did get a few Merrics- one +Atk/-HP at 3 star and a 4 star +Atk/-Res one! @Rafiel's Aria help which should I build in the future? But good to know I finally have a workable one.

I was now down to under 60 orbs (which was my budget), but I did try again just because I felt frustrated as I hurriedly tried to clear barracks space and wanted ANY new 5 star unit. Then..


OH  MY GOSH. He's here as well! Even more mind-boggling, is he is the SAME +Def/-Spd nature!!! Definitely using him, and then just merging if I ever get a +Atk/-Spd one (at least being legendary means you have a 'regular' source of DC fodder). Finally have a Fire hero as well!

I pulled the rest of the stones in case my 9% pity rate had something else. I got the wrong Divine Dragon and I was looking for Shanna for the 2nd month in a row, but again, was given a discount-Shanna in the form of Mae. Well this works I guess.

Again, no B!ikes or Myrrhs but I'm content since they can pity break me outside of legendary banners. Now down to 34 orbs though so I'm done with this banner at least (unless I do a YOLO Tharja pull).

But yeah, I'm content, after getting out of green hell.

@Rafiel's Aria Darn, bummer to hear about your summons but congrats on the +Atk Myrrh though! I hope she randomly drops by my account sometime.

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@Zeo Getting everything you want in just two rounds?! That’s so awesome!!! And Lyn’s bane seems like the best bane honestly since she can use bold/vengeful fighter.

@mcsilas Nice pulls. Pretty funny how your 5* pulls from your accounts were both red and green. Not mention the same IV Hector.

Suddenly regret pulling on the summer banner rerun. Was not expecting a legendary Hector so soon. Legendary banners have always been awful for me and this one so far is no different. I’m aiming for Lector first and LA!Lyn second. I’ve yet to see any greens though.

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1 minute ago, NegativeExponents- said:

@Zeo Getting everything you want in just two rounds?! That’s so awesome!!! And Lyn’s bane seems like the best bane honestly since she can use bold/vengeful fighter.

@mcsilas Nice pulls. Pretty funny how your 5* pulls from your accounts were both red and green. Not mention the same IV Hector.

Suddenly regret pulling on the summer banner rerun. Was not expecting a legendary Hector so soon. Legendary banners have always been awful for me and this one so far is no different. I’m aiming for Lector first and LA!Lyn second. I’ve yet to see any greens though.

I hope you get green orbs soon! It's been really tough trying to get one on my end- even if I wanted all the fodder for greens they were just so rare and I would only get 1 or 2 if I ever get them.'

Forgot to mention, in the Hector session I finally pulled my 3rd Caeda ever after so many months. She is just so rare to me, and at least this one is finally useable with +Res/-HP (the others were -Atk or -Spd). I might probably just build her up since waiting for a +Spd/+Atk one might take ages..

But yeah all the best with your hunt!

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  1. 4* Frederick
  2. 3* Raven
  3. 4* Sophia
  4. 3* Barst
  5. 3* Raven
  6. 4* Gunter
  7. 4* Titania
  8. 5* Myrrh (+Atk/-HP)
  9. 4* Henry
  10. 4* Leon
  11. 3* Hawkeye
  12. 3* Fae
  13. 3* Hinata
  14. 4* Matthew
  15. 3* Hawkeye
  16. 4* Raven
  17. 3* Gunter
  18. 3* Camilla
  19. 4* Soren
  20. 3* Frederick
  21. 4* Nino
  22. 4* Klein
  23. 3* Nino
  24. 4* Arthur
  25. 3* Hawkeye
  26. 4* Soren
  27. 3* Hawkeye
  28. 3* Eirika
  29. 5* Leif (New +Res/-Spd)
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Pulled 5 Star Elise in my first session, which is nice because I need a second healer. Unfortunately, she’s + Def, - Spd, but I’m still going to be using her. I have a spare B!Lyn so dazzling Staff goes to her.

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@mcsilas All that luck though. Whoa. XD I'll have some of what you've been sacrificing, please. 

CONGRATS ON THE +ATK MERRICS THOUGH. The one I have for my merge base is +ATK -HP. I wanted one that was -RES, but after months of using this one, I actually don't mind the -HP as much. I suppose it depends on what you want to prioritize. The extra HP helps him a lot with Panic Ploy when he's merged. Compared to his HP, his RES is pretty pitiful but with Fury, it'll get bumped from 19 to 22, and DD makes that 28 which is pretty solid if you ask me. But you can't really go wrong with either.

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Pulled only with 13 Orbs ( only green), of Course no 5*.
I wanted my Limit to be 20-50 Orbs. But the Motivation on this banner is too small. It is better to pull on a banner I truly like.

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Holy heck, Zeo! I'm so happy for you :D Excellent pulls :D


Congrats to you, too :D Build that Hector Emblem good and strong. Maybe run it as a tactics team as there's just way too much variety there xD


As for me, I told myself just to pull the greens in the first thing that came up. Got two so went for it. Fae and Gunter. Not unhappy by that but also not going to sink any more orbs into this.


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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@mcsilas All that luck though. Whoa. XD I'll have some of what you've been sacrificing, please. 

CONGRATS ON THE +ATK MERRICS THOUGH. The one I have for my merge base is +ATK -HP. I wanted one that was -RES, but after months of using this one, I actually don't mind the -HP as much. I suppose it depends on what you want to prioritize. The extra HP helps him a lot with Panic Ploy when he's merged. Compared to his HP, his RES is pretty pitiful but with Fury, it'll get bumped from 19 to 22, and DD makes that 28 which is pretty solid if you ask me. But you can't really go wrong with either.

Ah thanks for the insight- I might just go +Atk/-Res then since it saves me feathers, he's already 4 star haha while the other is 3 star

@Cute Chao Thanks, good thing you have self-contorl though! Also I find it funny how muscled and bara my pulls in the second account are haha. I guess I can't try hard for more Summer units after this legendary banner, but I guess this was worth it after getting Lector in under 100 orbs. Not as epic as Zeo's pull but I think he deserves to have that session haha

@Hecatia Lapislazuli WOW that's a lot of DC? what was the pity rate? Congrats though!


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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


@Cute Chao Thanks, good thing you have self-contorl though! Also I find it funny how muscled and bara my pulls in the second account are haha. I guess I can't try hard for more Summer units after this legendary banner, but I guess this was worth it after getting Lector in under 100 orbs. Not as epic as Zeo's pull but I think he deserves to have that session haha


I don't have many orbs and I have legendarily bad luck on these 'legendary' banners... plus I already have Hectors 1 and 2 so I really don't feel the need for 3 when he is the same weapon and movement type. If he comes up in a future banner with another person I want, I'd happily go for him. I'd rather wait for the second summer banner :)

Shame though, 'cos I do want Myrrh and wouldn't mind getting him, but really don't have a need for another CYL Ike and I just know that would be the only one I got... plus the risk of getting Winter Tharja, who I don't want anywhere near my account...

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So, how does the game know what I want, so that it can always give me what I don't want?

F!Morgan banner? Here, have Shiro.

Noire? Here have no colourless orbs and get pity-broken by Lucina (zero needs for her)

S!Corrin back? Here have Lancina (oh ffs, again zero use for her, and yes, that includes Aether)

Hector? Maybe my first ever DC (yes, I will kill off any Hector at this point, he just annoys me in FEH), here have B!Ike and Myrrh.

With the exception of Myrrh, who I kinda want to merge up in the future, but without any urgency to get her right now, the game really knows how to frustrate me. Game is boring atm and I really need something I actually want right now, but it just continues to bug me.

I really shouldn't whine when I actually get 5*s (and see that others here don't even get that), but I'm almost at a point where I'd prefer getting 3* Selena than some random 5*. Sigh....

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Well, I just got fairly lucky. Used 30 Orbs, came home with

+DEF/-ATK LARoy (I know, -ATK sucks, but still, I'm happy he's home, and I'm one step closer to Roy Emblem)

+DEF/-RES F!Grima (this one I am super happy about, I've wanted her since her debut and she's got a better bane than -ATK)

Pretty sure it's all gonna be downhill from here, but I'll keep pulling when I have more Orbs.

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Nohrian Summer: 55 leftover orbs from Death Blow (bought 150, got my last WoT!Reinhardt merge) get me Corrin +Def-HP and Xander +Spd-Def.

Ylissean Summer: 750 orbs. Robin +Res -Def, Frederick neutral. Gaius, I haven't checked his IVs since he's most likely a merge. Pitybreakers: Takumi (merged), Legault (what to do?), Genny (Merged now that I have a spare Wrathful), Shiro (new, and neutral), Mist (oof, merged), Elise (finally! but +HP-Spd is as bad as it gets. Was in the session with Robin), Mia (I was trying to avoid breaks), WoF!Hinoka (now +1)

Legendary Hector: 500 orbs, 40 of them F2P. W!Tharja +Def -HP (Good enough, she comes with Close Counter). V!Roy +HP -Res (Good enough, he's just being used for Bow Valor), L!Hector (+HP -Res). F!Morgan x2 (one to Spring Xander to become invincible against any sword), B!Ike x3 (switching to +Def -Res), F!Grima x1, Elise x2. F!Grima is now +8, Elise is now +Def -HP, and Myrrh is now +HP -Spd.

With this, I am only missing PA!Azura, W!Lissa, and V!Lilina before my seasonal collection is complete and I no longer have to pull on rerun banners.

Alt gets nothing of value.

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