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@XRay @Ginko @Usana @mampfoid

Okay thanks for the advice!

Also just some more questions. With the new mode, I'm putting some blessings on characters. Partly to patch up a bane, for example Fire blessing on Vector to patch up his -Def bane (normally -3, but with +4 and HP+3, he has more bulk than normal).

Now, I currently have a +HP/-Spd Exalt Chrom. I'm a bit unsure if I should give him the Water blessing (HP+3, Spd+3 with Fjorm and to fix his -Spd) or Earth blessing (HP+3, Atk+2 with L!Ike).

Also, in terms of builds, is an Atk stat boost or Spd stat boost better for Chrom? I guess there's Desperation and Brash Assault combo (I guess Spd is preferred?) but what other builds can he run?

Also a bit unrelated, but what units can run Slaying Bow well? I'm thinking Niles, but are there any other archers who particularly want Slaying Bow? Or are most archers better off going Firesweep/Brave Bow? Tagging @Ice Dragon because I think I saw you post something about Slaying Bow being not as good?

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I've been wanting to ask this for a while, but I happen to have 3 Deltheas for whatever reason. +Def -HP, +HP -Def and neutral. The +Def one was my first one and is fully built. The other 2 are level 1. Do I merge them or fodder them, and if merge, which one to use as the base? 

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5 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

I've been wanting to ask this for a while, but I happen to have 3 Deltheas for whatever reason. +Def -HP, +HP -Def and neutral. The +Def one was my first one and is fully built. The other 2 are level 1. Do I merge them or fodder them, and if merge, which one to use as the base? 

I'll choose +HP/-Def because -Def is her optimal bane and allow her to upgrade elsewhere. Or fodder her Drive Atk 2 if you need it on someone else.

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This one's quick. Saizo and Titania are both units that I'm going to *4 +10, I have two different good natures for the two of them though.

For Saizo:


For Titania:

+ATK/-DEF or +SPD/-HP?

You already know my stance on dumping RES on dagger units, but then again Saizo's no Matthew and his RES is considerably more un-salvageable. It seems like Saizo would prefer the extra attack power but I'm really not sure what to do here. Saizo is probably going to become Gunnthra's partner so he's going to run his Smoke Dagger+ rather than a Rogue Dagger+ build. Don't know what to do with Titania, I just know she's fast and would love SPD, but also that her ATK is questionable and her DEF is already kinda meh so dropping it probably wouldn't be so bad.


Edited by Zeo
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35 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also a bit unrelated, but what units can run Slaying Bow well? I'm thinking Niles, but are there any other archers who particularly want Slaying Bow? Or are most archers better off going Firesweep/Brave Bow? Tagging @Ice Dragon because I think I saw you post something about Slaying Bow being not as good?

Firesweep Bow+, Brave Bow+, and Guard Bow+ are typically better than Slaying Bow+ mostly because colorless units can't use the weapon triangle to avoid taking damage and need to either stack massive amounts of defensive stats or attack without fear of counterattack because Brave Bow+, Litrblade+, and Litrraven+ are all capable of ripping them a new one.

As for the units that actually make decent use of Slaying Bow+, Gordin and Niles are probably at the top for that.

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17 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This one's quick. Saizo and Titania are both units that I'm going to *4 +10, I have two different good natures for the two of them though.

For Saizo:


For Titania:

+ATK/-DEF or +SPD/-HP?

You already know my stance on dumping RES on dagger units, but then again Saizo's no Matthew and his RES is considerably more un-salvageable. It seems like Saizo would prefer the extra attack power but I'm really not sure what to do here. Saizo is probably going to become Gunnthra's partner so he's going to run his Smoke Dagger+ rather than a Rogue Dagger+ build. Don't know what to do with Titania, I just know she's fast and would love SPD, but also that her ATK is questionable and her DEF is already kinda meh so dropping it probably wouldn't be so bad.


I'd go +Spd for Saizo, same as my Saizo. Attacking twice and preventing attacks is more important, in my opinion, especially if he is going to be a debuffer. Two attacks is better than one slightly stronger attack in my opinion, and Saizo really likes his high Def.

As for Titania, I think Spd might be slightly more preferable, when going against speedy mages (she's usually used against Mages anyway). -HP is okay if you're keeping her Emerald Axe although -Def is preferable. Maybe ask @Rezzy though?

@Ice Dragon Ah so it's the lack of colour advantage that's the issue. Thanks!

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@mcsilas Like I wrote before, I wouldn't build blessings teams after their slight blessing boosts (these can also change with different legendary heroes of the same element in future), but regarding primary team synergy. Weaknesses can fixed better by buffs and assists of team members. 

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Like I wrote before, I wouldn't build blessings teams after their slight blessing boosts (these can also change with different legendary heroes of the same element in future), but regarding primary team synergy. Weaknesses can fixed better by buffs and assists of team members. 

Ah okay. That's fair, I'm just not used to the blessing system since I was more of a blessing hoarder because of their limitedness when it started. I just needed to give people blessings to access the gardens and I wanted to try and optimise who gets what where possible.

Maybe I should just think of it as free double SP haha

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I would save VL!Ike if he is your only copy. If you really want him gone, then I would prioritize Nowi or FH!M!Robin since they can counter attack against BH!Lyn and they target the lower of Def or Res.

Copy wise I have one I pulled from the Legendary banner on a yolo pull more or less that is +DEF/-HP and the free one. Since I ALWAYS keep one copy of a unit(I am a collector at heart) that means I only have one warding breath fodder.

I suppose I'll bump Nowi to the top of the list and go ahead and let Hardin Learn his Brazen skills; though I am going to sit on actually burning him for a while. Nowi doesn't absolutely need it. Actually since mine is +SPD/-HP she quite enjoys fury's 3 extra spd. She can actually reach halfway decent speed when stacked up. Of the options I had that felt like that best.  Nearly all were -ATK or -DEF, with a lot of +SPD thrown in. Though speaking of fast dragons. I also have a +SPD/-DEF young Tiki I forgot to mention. I don't really use her, she isn't even leveled, since what I really wanted was a Res stacked Young Tiki. But no the game won't give me +RES. In fact of the 3 I have pulled since I started playing only the +SPD wasn't -RES. Well whatever, haste makes waste, I'll sit for a while and see what comes out down the line. Not like 1 extra Ike is taking up much space.



@Zeo Unlike mcsilas I lean towards ATK in general for Saizo 4*+10. However, Res is by far the better bane and makes that +SPD much more tempting. Do note however, that 11 -> 15 res is really terrible. My +9 is +ATK/-RES and mages don't even have to look at him for him to explode into pieces. But having 35 defense is really nice. You don't really want to drop that if you can help it. So either is probably solid but I would lean towards the one with the better bane in this case rather than the one whose boon I prefer. Mainly because the two are so close(assuming you optimize seals and all) that the difference is just small. Meanwhile the defensive drop hurts and isn't as easily amended. Not just in him taking more damage, but it also lowers your kill count due to weakening bonfire by just enough to miss some kills. For example some Winter Tharja builds and DC regular Roy builds can survive a -DEF Bonfire but die to a neutral Bonfire. They then kill him with their counters. +SPD misses out on kills, but doesn't hurt survival except against Winter Tharja. Actually the different KO's it gets may be a big deal. For example +SPD can net the kill on some Brave Hero Lyns(not sure if all of them), where +ATK just misses the KO. So yeah in this case the +SPD I think is better due to your other option tanking his defense stat and bonfire special.

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Y’all have been such a help to me. I’m now at a place where I want to build my flyer Emblem team. I have one 5* and I literally drew her yesterday. So, any tips would be helpful. Below is my short form of what I have:

Morgan - 5*

Caeda - 4* x3

Catria - 4* x2

Est - 4* x1, 3* x7

Clair - 4* x2

Shanna - 4* x1 (I have pillaged my Shannas for Inheritance)

Florina - 4* x2, 3* x3

Valter - 4* x1, 3* x1

Cordelia - 4* x3

Subaki - 4* x1, 3* x2, 2* x1, 1* x1

Michaelis - 4* x1, 3* x1

Cherche - 4* x3, 3* x3

Camilla - 4* x1  (also just got her yesterday)

Beruka - 4* x2, 3* x2

Palla - 3* x3

Narcian - 3* x1, 2* x1

Thanks! Any help would be appreciated. I was thinking of getting Cordelia, Cherche or Valter up to 5* first, in the hopes of drawing a decent flyer sword. I’m also not the greatest strategist.

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Without know their boon/banes recommendations are a bit trickier.

Caeda is now an EXCELLENT red sword. She went from bottom rung pretty much to way up the ladder. Now poor Palla is probably the weakest red flier. As for your green flier Cherche is a workhorse as a 4* merge. So you could just grab a +ATK/-whatever(RES she uses least most of the time, but speed is also disposable) and slap a Brave Axe on her and you are pretty much good to go. Technically she also wants Deathblow, but mine managed just fine with her native ATK+ A slot for quite some time. That said if you want a 5* Flying Axe maybe wait for Gerome. As a TT reward there won't be a boon or bane, but he has a higher stat total than his mother so is better for Arena scoring if you don't plain to heavy merge your flying axe. Also since there are no Boon/bane you don't have to worry about attack or defense suffering a bane. Statlines are : Cherche 46/38/25/32/16 vs Gerome 45/38/25/34/19.

Assuming you have a decent Boon/bane combo for her I would say Cordelia is your best bet for a lance flyer.

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36 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Y’all have been such a help to me. I’m now at a place where I want to build my flyer Emblem team. I have one 5* and I literally drew her yesterday. So, any tips would be helpful. Below is my short form of what I have:

Morgan - 5*

Caeda - 4* x3

Catria - 4* x2

Est - 4* x1, 3* x7

Clair - 4* x2

Shanna - 4* x1 (I have pillaged my Shannas for Inheritance)

Florina - 4* x2, 3* x3

Valter - 4* x1, 3* x1

Cordelia - 4* x3

Subaki - 4* x1, 3* x2, 2* x1, 1* x1

Michaelis - 4* x1, 3* x1

Cherche - 4* x3, 3* x3

Camilla - 4* x1  (also just got her yesterday)

Beruka - 4* x2, 3* x2

Palla - 3* x3

Narcian - 3* x1, 2* x1

Thanks! Any help would be appreciated. I was thinking of getting Cordelia, Cherche or Valter up to 5* first, in the hopes of drawing a decent flyer sword. I’m also not the greatest strategist.

Red is going to be Caeda, hopefully you have a +atk or +spd one. My own one is +spd but I'd prefer +atk - unfortunately I have pulled two Caedas ever despite playing since launch. Palla is useful but situational, worth promoting after you've completed your primary team as she can really help cheese some GHBs and the like.

Blue is Cordelia for a hyper-offensive mainstay or Valter as a more versatile all-rounder with a great enemy phase. Cordelia with her native Brave Lance prefers +atk, but a +spd version does spectacularly with a Firesweep Lance. Valter is fine with his native Cursed Lance. The decision on which of the two you promote will partly be reliant on what you do with the green slot.

Green is Cherche or Michalis. Similar to the blue decision, you go Cherche for hyper-offense with a Brave Axe, or Michalis with his native Hauteclere as an enemy phase wall who procs specials like a maniac.

Now, you probably don't want to go Valter + Michalis but the other three combinations of the above are valid. It might depend on what natures you have for your Cordelias and Cherches, or just personal taste.

All that done, promote all the Pallas to 4* and give everyone Goad Fliers. If you opted for Cordelia and/or Cherche, give them Hit and Run from those Clairs. If you went for Valter or Michalis, give them Quick Riposte from Subaki. You don't have Hinoka, Airzura or Witch Nowi for Hone fliers so Blarblade Morgan isn't an option currently, may as well stick with Blarserpent for now.


For some side projects, you can level Narcian to be a wall against any blues, useful for Arena Assault and some F2P GHB strats. Subaki can do the same against red, though it comes up less frequently these days as there are plenty other blue options. Finally, Est can be a worthwhile long-term merge project as a 4*+10 with a Brave Lance.

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Thanks @Humanoid and @Usana. I was reluctant to work on Caeda even with the new sword. I have really been hoping for an Elincia and thus holding out investing anything. Right now I have Valter, Michaelis, Cordelia and Cherche as my team and waiting for the right maps to score in Training Tower 10s I could feasibly win. I think your info will be quite helpful, especially looking at the boon/bane of each. I tend to play a more defensive style (kinda why I am sucking at Rivals Domain right now), and that makes your comments all the more helpful.

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@jameslove001 Yeah, if you like enemy phase then Humanoid's comments on Valter/Michalis are quite relevant. Generally when I play fliers or horses I go hyper offense. When I want to play Enemy Phase I tend to go Armor or Infantry. So I didn't even think to comment on EP potential.

However, don't discard Cherche/Gerome for EP. Camilla and Beruka are also solid EP axes. However, all of those would be more resource intensive than Michalis so as Humanoid said he would be your best bet. But if you do like one of the others more character wise, they can be set up for defensive play. They I would keep as highly merged 4*'s. Most of them completely overhaul their kit. Michalis is pretty solid with his basic kit + filling the blanks. Basically toss on Quick Riposte and change his special out of bonfire and give him whatever assist you want and he is good to go. Cherche meanwhile needs to be given a slaying axe or a killer axe which is then upgraded to a slaying axe, a better assist, bonfire, Quick Riposte, and a C skill. Just for comparision - Michalis with his refined axe 46/50/26/35/19 vs Cherche Neutral with refined Slaying Axe+ (DEF) 51/52/25/36/16. However, Michalis gets +10 damage on special activation which stats alone don't account for. But the point is that if you really like her or Gerome they can work pretty much like Michalis does if you are willing to invest a lot into her. And unlike Michalis you can defense boon her(though not Gerome) to give her 39 defense before A skills and such are taken into account.

Basically if you don't want to use Michalis you will need to get a Slaying Axe+, probably from promoting Beruka and using her killer axe+ to evolve into a Slaying Axe.  So you are looking at a minimum of 40k feathers vs 20k feathers for Michalis(assuming you want your axe flier a 5*). Your Subakis can be used at 4* for swap and Quick Riposte 2. 3 is technically better, but that is your call on if it is worth 20k feathers. I only do it for my absolute favorite characters these days. It is just too costly feather wise for minimal benefit unless you REALLY want to invest in the character.

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also, in terms of builds, is an Atk stat boost or Spd stat boost better for Chrom? I guess there's Desperation and Brash Assault combo (I guess Spd is preferred?) but what other builds can he run?

His best build is Speed stacking for Player Phase. His default Fury is not too great for his first round performance, but it is pretty sufficient in my opinion once he gets into Desperation range. If you want to improve his first round performance, Life and Death is an option. If you do not mind dumping his first round performance altogether and you whaled for WE!M!Robin, there is Brazen Atk/Spd that stacks with his Sealed Falchion' super Brazen.

I would not go for Swift Sparrow since Life and Death seems to be generally better, and obviously much cheaper.

TBK!Chrom +Spd -Res
Sealed Falchion, Moonbow
Speed +3
Enemies +Spd, Fury overwrite
Player Phase [Life and Death] 93:14:121
Player Phase [Swift Sparrow] 83:10:135
Player Phase [Life and Death, HP=30] 148:16:64
Player Phase [Swift Sparrow, HP=30] 136:10:82

Desperation-Brash Assault is also an option at fixing your TBK!Chrom's -Spd.

I do not feel too comfortable giving Chrom an Enemy Phase build since his full potential does not kick in until he is damaged, while Quick Riposte requires him to have high HP. Since most enemies go for dealing as much damage as possible, he does not have a lot of middle ground to utilize both Sealed Falchion and Quick Riposte at the same time.

4 hours ago, Zeo said:

For Titania:

+ATK/-DEF or +SPD/-HP?

I assume you are using her to tank/counter mages blue mages. If you are not running Distant Counter, I would go with +Spd so she can more easily double blue mages on Player Phase. If you are going with Distant Counter, +Atk is much better since you can utilize Quick Riposte.

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’ve got an Atk/HP Nowi here, awaiting weapon refinery. With both her defences being rather balanced (30 Def and 27 Res), will +Def or +Res be better for her?

 Nowi already is effective enough at handling most swords (my experience comes from using my +Spd/-Def Nowi), and +Def could help mitigate her struggles even more. Nowi can not really take down most prominent green mages in the Arena so +Def might just be better so that she can tank axe users, bows, and daggers better. +Res would be better for refinement in the long run if you're planning to merge Nowi more and more so that one day she can actually target the lower stat of green (with a lot of buffs) mages and one shot them.

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I'd go +Spd for Saizo, same as my Saizo. Attacking twice and preventing attacks is more important, in my opinion, especially if he is going to be a debuffer. Two attacks is better than one slightly stronger attack in my opinion, and Saizo really likes his high Def.

As for Titania, I think Spd might be slightly more preferable, when going against speedy mages (she's usually used against Mages anyway). -HP is okay if you're keeping her Emerald Axe although -Def is preferable. Maybe ask @Rezzy though?

@Ice Dragon Ah so it's the lack of colour advantage that's the issue. Thanks!

@Zeo I would go for +Spd-HP.  Being able to double will make much more of a difference than an extra 3 Atk.  Gem weapons work very well on units with mediocre Atk, since they shouldn't be going up against WTD anyway, and helps them with their strengths.

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Okay, so I know I have asked this before and while I did get an answer, I'm still not entirely sure about the whole thing.

So you see, my Ryouma has one of the worst possbile IV spreads for him: +Def -Spd. Since I want to use him regardless as the chances of pulling another, better Ryouma at some point are pretty slim, I had someone here recommend the good old Fury+Vantage build. Which would work out, but it really just leaves him as a worse version of my Y!Tiki. The only thing he would gave going for him over her is no Falchion weakness, which is only good if you know what enemies you'll be facing.

I would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions for a different build for him. Something that actually makes him worth using besides character bias and arena assault.

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On 3/10/2018 at 6:30 PM, Nanima said:

Okay, so I know I have asked this before and while I did get an answer, I'm still not entirely sure about the whole thing.

So you see, my Ryouma has one of the worst possbile IV spreads for him: +Def -Spd. Since I want to use him regardless as the chances of pulling another, better Ryouma at some point are pretty slim, I had someone here recommend the good old Fury+Vantage build. Which would work out, but it really just leaves him as a worse version of my Y!Tiki. The only thing he would gave going for him over her is no Falchion weakness, which is only good if you know what enemies you'll be facing.

I would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions for a different build for him. Something that actually makes him worth using besides character bias and arena assault.

That is pretty bad. Raijinto is an enemy phase weapon. His speed won't prevent doubles... Would you like to switch it out for another weapon? I'd recommend speed refined Wo Dao, Death Blow, Swordbreaker and speed seal. C clot is flexible
EDIT: you can also give him life and death or swift sparrow. also, chill speed

He'd look like this




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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

Okay, so I know I have asked this before and while I did get an answer, I'm still not entirely sure about the whole thing.

So you see, my Ryouma has one of the worst possbile IV spreads for him: +Def -Spd. Since I want to use him regardless as the chances of pulling another, better Ryouma at some point are pretty slim, I had someone here recommend the good old Fury+Vantage build. Which would work out, but it really just leaves him as a worse version of my Y!Tiki. The only thing he would gave going for him over her is no Falchion weakness, which is only good if you know what enemies you'll be facing.

I would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions for a different build for him. Something that actually makes him worth using besides character bias and arena assault.

Quick Riposte 3 can help fix the Speed problem.

Steady Breath would help him take hits with his +Def nature, or Warding Stance lets him take magic hits better. Either way, both boost his Special Charge by 1, letting you trigger a high CD special quickly. If you don't need the boosted charge rate (maybe you run Moonbow), Fierce Stance 3, Steady Stance 3, or Sturdy Stance would make good alternatives.

If you don't think Ryoma will be able to kill in enemy phase, there's always Threaten Defense 3 to butter up the half-eaten toast.

They're all expensive options unfortunately...

Edited by Xenomata
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Here I am, with a stupid question about merging heroes.

I have multiple Exalted Chroms. The one I'm keeping is not yet at Lv 40,  but I'm impatient. If I merge the extras with him now, will he retain the stat boost they give him, or will his stats just level out as per usual once he hits Lv 40? I'm 99% sure he keeps the stat boosts, but I don't want to get to Lv 40 and see that his stats ended up being 41/53/28/37/20 despite the fact that I fed him the blood of his people.


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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Quick Riposte 3 can help fix the Speed problem.

Steady Breath would help him take hits with his +Def nature, or Warding Stance lets him take magic hits better. Either way, both boost his Special Charge by 1, letting you trigger a high CD special quickly. If you don't need the boosted charge rate (maybe you run Moonbow), Fierce Stance 3, Steady Stance 3, or Sturdy Stance would make good alternatives.

If you don't think Ryoma will be able to kill in enemy phase, there's always Threaten Defense 3 to butter up the half-eaten toast.

They're all expensive options unfortunately...

Yeah but Quick Riposte doesn't keep him from being doubled, right? 30 Defense isn't what I would count as tanky enough to use as dedicated bait if he ends up being doubled a lot.

Those skills do sound like good options, but sadly I either have just one copy of the unit that carries it (and usually those units are worth keeping around), or I don't have them at all.

40 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

That is pretty bad. Raijinto is an enemy phase weapon. His speed won't prevent doubles... Would you like to switch it out for another weapon? I'd recommend speed refined Wo Dao, Death Blow, Swordbreaker and speed seal. C clot is flexible
EDIT: you can also give him life and death or swift sparrow

He'd look like this

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Now this is something I can get behind. Since Raijinto is out, there is not much use in the raised defense so I think I might run Wo Dao+ (Spd) with LnD. This makes him a pretty agile, if fragile sword which stands out among my more slow and sturdy fellows.

Thank you both for the help!

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