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8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Laevatein [+Def -Res] Current [+Spd -Def] (Brings Defense up to good level after Fury 3 and Atk/Def Link are triggered, and without Odd Spd Wave Laev doesn't really have much speed even with +Spd nature, but considering the role she serves as a Blade-blader, the drop in Def theoretically should matter less than the speed boost, even on enemy phase)

Def is generally only a useful stat to maintain if either (1) the unit's physical bulk is so low that it can't actually reliably take a single hit or (2) the unit is expected to be taking multiple hits. Laevatein is neither (unless you actually use her for that role), so it should be fine to sacrifice her Def.

EDIT: @Xenomata On second thought, Laevatein is absurdly bulky. It looks like it could really go either way with +Spd being better if you want to use her on player phase more and +Def being better if you want to use her on enemy phase more.


8 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Lute [+Spd -HP] Current [+Res -HP] (Lets Lute outspeed so many things even if they don't have Weirding Tome triggered on them. What makes me hesitate is that Weirding Tome + Fury 3 let Lute hit 38 speed naturally, and 40 Res lets her ploy a sizable number of enemy units, so she's already considerably faster than most enemies anyways.)

How often you actually run into opponents with 37-40 Res? If it's often enough, keep +Res; otherwise, switch to +Spd.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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@Ice Dragon Lute took the +Spd. On thinking, she's mostly being used in AA and Blessed Gardens, and typically I'm not going to field her if she can't ploy at least half the enemies I intend to use her on, and not many other units even try to hit 40 visible Res unless they're Ploy users or mage tanks.

As for Laev... I'm torn. On one hand, Blade users tend to prefer a more offensive playstyle than defensive, even accounting for the fact they usually can't be defensive in the first place. On the other, Laev has to be the worst type of unit to consider for an offensive nuke, being a Melee Infantry, so she'd probably prefer being more defensive anyways, and coming with Atk/Def Link and Swap means she's already pretty defensive to begin with...

I'll sit on Laev for now. Still trying to figure out Amelia...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

even accounting for the fact they usually can't be defensive in the first place.

Her stat line is almost identical to that of Legendary Ike's. With just neutral base stats, Laevatein has -2 HP, +1 Atk, +1 Spd, -1 Def, and +1 Res relative to Ike's stats, meaning she definitely has the stats for either role.

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15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Her stat line is almost identical to that of Legendary Ike's. With just neutral base stats, Laevatein has -2 HP, +1 Atk, +1 Spd, -1 Def, and +1 Res relative to Ike's stats, meaning she definitely has the stats for either role.

I mean in comparison to Blade users we're used to, like Nino and Tharja. Paper-bag-in-Atlantis Defense, meh to okay Resistance, but good Speed and generally acceptable Attack (coincidentally, the standard for mages nowadays). She can actually take a physical hit better than Bladetome mages can usually take a magical hit.

Actually I feel like I'm making more of an argument to go for the defensive approach on Laev... maybe I'll handle that tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

As for Laev... I'm torn. On one hand, Blade users tend to prefer a more offensive playstyle than defensive, even accounting for the fact they usually can't be defensive in the first place. On the other, Laev has to be the worst type of unit to consider for an offensive nuke, being a Melee Infantry, so she'd probably prefer being more defensive anyways, and coming with Atk/Def Link and Swap means she's already pretty defensive to begin with...

Distant Counter-Vantage! Outside of Distant Counter, the rest of the set is pretty cheap. If you cannot afford Distant Counter, her default Fury is fine and you can use her just against melee units.

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Finally have a little time to respond to all the help I've gotten. Responding individually is too taxing, so I'll tag everyone that helped me and simply say I've read everyone's suggestions and made some decisions. @Alexmender @Xenomata @XRay @mcsilas @mampfoid @Kaden @Ice Dragon @Astellius @LordFrigid @SatsumaFSoysoy

  •  I've given Eirika Fury as her A skill. I'm looking at a Chill for her B but I'm not sure I want to sac one of my FH!Celica's just yet. She may get RES Tactic since that seal is generally in limbo. DEF Tactic rests on my Priscilla where it will likely stay.
  • I went with the normal Siegmund refine for Ephraim with Death Blow 3 and Renewal. Was leaning towards Chill DEF but I'm not ready to kill a Walhart just yet. He's finished for now.
  • I'm going to wait on Lon'Qu. He will be shaped and molded by whatever weapon and refine he gets. It's pointless to waste 20k feathers out of impatience when there's at least one unit in my barracks that will have comparable performance with the same build no matter what he does. A brave quad build is tempting, but then I remember I have Swordhardt now.
  • I'm not sure what build I want to go for exactly with Spring Alfonse, but I'm going to invest into his SPD like most of you suggested. Having a more standard offensive green axe cav would be pretty nice, especially with Brave Hector and Nowi running around.
  • Even with Death Blow 3 it's a lost cause trying to get Deirdre to kill dragons. For the time being I'll probably just slap RES+3 on her and call it a day until Sylvia shows up and I can change her A skill. If I want to splurge and go for Fury I may do that, but no guarantees when truthfully, it's moot in her ability to kill dragons and it only hinders the ability to use QR.
  • I'm still unsure about WE!Lissa, but I've realized that I only have EP Green armors with the exception of Amelia who's more of a mixed phase unit with WoM. Lissa could be my only PP armor and she's actually terrifying with Wo Gun+ and Death Blow 3 + Bonfire, even with the -ATK bane (she'd be a scourge with a boon or even neutral) so if I keep her, I'll go that route. Otherwise she's fodder, but I'm going to sit on it a bit longer before I spend the feathers on a Libra.
  • I'm keeping the +ATK/-SPD FH!Celica, which is extremely annoying because my +DEF/-ATK Celica has 9999 SP.... oh well, at least I have Sword Valor.
  • I'm undecided on Serra still. So I'll say this, what she becomes depends on what falls into my lap first, Genny or Takumi.
  • I'm going to continue to sit on Bold Fighter. I feel obligated to give it to one of these units and that makes no sense when I'm not married to the idea even if one of them is a favorite. Lyn could potentially still get it, but I'm going to do what I've been doing: wait. 

Thanks for the advice everyone.

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So I have a +DEF Silas and wanted to confirm some things before going crazy with Skill Inheritance.

If I had Sturdy Stance, Close Defense SS, and Repraisal Lance+ all equipped onto Silas, that means when a foe initiated attack on him he would gain +10 attack and also +10 defense correct? Those bonuses would be combined and stacked like spurs do?

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3 minutes ago, Liliesgrace said:

So I have a +DEF Silas and wanted to confirm some things before going crazy with Skill Inheritance.

If I had Sturdy Stance, Close Defense SS, and Repraisal Lance+ all equipped onto Silas, that means when a foe initiated attack on him he would gain +10 attack and also +10 defense correct? Those bonuses would be combined and stacked like spurs do?

Yes. Everything stacks except for visible field buffs/penalties, weapon triangle affinity, and anything that specifically says it doesn't stack.

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Oho. i found the gamepress calculator. so this will make life a lot easier. 
(but again i think it's kind of moot for my units ie: performing team (who all happen to be minus speed, thanks game) - but more for my projects like Liana etc, where i'd like to find the most vanilla out of my 9, and then start a mergin.

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Here's my build, +def - res, I'm running her on a tactics team over B!Celica and loving it. She's honestly a fantastic hero with a defense boon. I know Steady Breath is a pretty expensive investment, I've been saving a couple, but if you have it she can proc glimmer on her first enemy phase attack which is generally a ohko with buffs, and helps her def

Even without it she's great though. if you have def/atk tactic or even just her B skill, she'll be nearly as tanky as an armor unit but with insane levels of damage. def/res/atk tactics increase her atk by 24 and then if spd wave is on it's +30. That's approaching 90 attack and while speed would be nice, trading it for bulk isn't bad either. Treat her basically like a 2-movement armor unit with loads of extra attack and you'll be set.

Also, a question here for everyone, is it worth keeping QR? With a glimmer proc she OHKOs most enemies, there are a few she might not but is it worth QR just for that? I was thinking about it and not sure if something else would be better. If I had special spiral that would be perfect but unfortunately I don't. Any ideas?  

Edited by Ragingtide94
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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I figure now is as good a time as any to grind up this Hardin I've been sitting on~ He's -HP, +Res~ Any suggestions? 

 @daisy jane

I use him with mostly his default set as a mixed phase unit. I gave him Swap to help his mobility (he also appreciate an armour March teammate) and Bonfire. When he initiates on a melee enemy, Bonfir goes off on the second attack and can be boosted by Brazen Def/Res .  Especially with +res, he can take a lot of punishment from all kinds of enemies.

You could also make him pure PP with Brave/Firesweep Lance, Death Blow and the Armoured Boots seal. But he may not be worth that investment unless he’s +atk.

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13 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

 @daisy jane

I use him with mostly his default set as a mixed phase unit. I gave him Swap to help his mobility (he also appreciate an armour March teammate) and Bonfire. When he initiates on a melee enemy, Bonfir goes off on the second attack and can be boosted by Brazen Def/Res .  Especially with +res, he can take a lot of punishment from all kinds of enemies.

You could also make him pure PP with Brave/Firesweep Lance, Death Blow and the Armoured Boots seal. But he may not be worth that investment unless he’s +atk.

I like the sound of that~ Thanks a lot!

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5 hours ago, Landmaster said:

I figure now is as good a time as any to grind up this Hardin I've been sitting on~ He's -HP, +Res~ Any suggestions? 

His default kit is pretty good out of the box, though you'll want to add Swap (or Pivot) and Bonfire.

I'm running a fairly simple build

Bonfire / Aether
Steady Breath
Bold Fighter 3
Ward Armor
Quick Riposte 3

though Hardin has a lot of options depending on how many resources you have to work with.

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30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

His default kit is pretty good out of the box, though you'll want to add Swap (or Pivot) and Bonfire.

I'm running a fairly simple build

Bonfire / Aether
Steady Breath
Bold Fighter 3
Ward Armor
Quick Riposte 3

though Hardin has a lot of options depending on how many resources you have to work with.

Nice, I can work with these, thanks!~

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1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

 @daisy jane

I use him with mostly his default set as a mixed phase unit. I gave him Swap to help his mobility (he also appreciate an armour March teammate) and Bonfire. When he initiates on a melee enemy, Bonfir goes off on the second attack and can be boosted by Brazen Def/Res .  Especially with +res, he can take a lot of punishment from all kinds of enemies.

You could also make him pure PP with Brave/Firesweep Lance, Death Blow and the Armoured Boots seal. But he may not be worth that investment unless he’s +atk.


thanksvery much! :)
I've noticed i really got to get my Armour Emblem going on. I have Axephrim, and I have Black Knight, so he needs to join the party!

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1 hour ago, Baldrick said:

 @daisy jane

I use him with mostly his default set as a mixed phase unit. I gave him Swap to help his mobility (he also appreciate an armour March teammate) and Bonfire. When he initiates on a melee enemy, Bonfir goes off on the second attack and can be boosted by Brazen Def/Res .  Especially with +res, he can take a lot of punishment from all kinds of enemies.

You could also make him pure PP with Brave/Firesweep Lance, Death Blow and the Armoured Boots seal. But he may not be worth that investment unless he’s +atk.


thanksvery much! :)
I've noticed i really got to get my Armour Emblem going on. I have Axephrim, and I have Black Knight, so he needs to join the party!

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31 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


thanksvery much! :)
I've noticed i really got to get my Armour Emblem going on. I have Axephrim, and I have Black Knight, so he needs to join the party!

That’s a pretty good team! I have a similar one, but Amelia turned up instead on the Brave banner. The GHB rotation armour quests give you around 20 10 orbs, so it’s definitely worth building armour emblem even if you wouldn’t usually use them.

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