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5 Team race of Randomized FE8 starting 4/8


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That's right we have 5 teams in a hilarious randomized mess of fe8 roms using one of the newest randomizers.

The only things all 5 will share are these aspects.

20% variation
Random personal skills
Fixed weapon stats
Random items & random thieves.

Through our various twitch and youtube channels or by text and pictures (if the people want to do that) we'll try to chronicle the hilarity of us trying to win and screwing each other over.

introducing your teams.

In the White Corner: The Hebrew Nationals, @Carmine Sword @Tsunami922 @Michelaar And Amara from elsewhere

In the Green Corner: the B-Squad, @Shin @Terrador @Euklyd And @Barrel

In the Purple Corner: Team Big Brain, @Jedi @General Horace @Refa @Lord Raven

In the Red Corner:  Team Altoholics, @Batter the Beast @Ciarre

@Breezy Kanzaki and @Ice Sage

In the Orange Corner: the SHSL Stragglers, @MrStardustRicon @Raven @Gradivus. And @Zephiel is Daddy

Twitch and YouTube channels will be posted in a bit

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I half expected a Black Team for Ebony Wings because Wynaut. And because I'm currently listening to that.

EDIT: What time will it start?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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11 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

I half expected a Black Team for Ebony Wings because Wynaut. And because I'm currently listening to that.

EDIT: What time will it start?

Times will be dependent on when people play, the 8th is just the general start point.

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2 hours ago, MrStardustRicon said:

Chapter order for SHSL Stragglers, pretty simple.


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It also allows me to be the one to stream the end of the run so that's pretty cool!

I wonder if it'll be before or after DR2.

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2 minutes ago, MrStardustRicon said:

If it takes more than a week, after, less than a week, before.

Figured, I'm just being annoying since DR2 is amazing. 


P - Horace
1 - horace
2 - horace
3 - Jedi
4 - refa
5 - horace
5x - raven
6 - raven
7 - raven
8 - refa
9 - jedi
10 - Horace
11 - raven
12 - jedi
13 - raven
14 - refa
15 - refa
16 - horace
17 - jedi
18 - refa
19 - Raven
20 - jedi
E - refa

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The randomized order of the Hebrew Nationals:

Prologue - Tsunami
Chapter 1 - Tsunami
Chapter 2 - Amara
Chapter 3 - Michelaar
Chapter 4 - Michelaar
Chapter 5 - Amara
Chapter 5x - Amara
Chapter 6 - Michelaar
Chapter 7 - Michelaar
Chapter 8 - Amara
Chapter 9 - Amara
Chapter 10 - Amara
Chapter 11 - Carmine
Chapter 12 - Tsunami
Chapter 13 - Michelaar
Chapter 14 - Michelaar
Chapter 15 - Tsunami
Chapter 16 - Tsunami
Chapter 17 - Carmine
Chapter 18 - Carmine
Chapter 19 - Tsunami
Chapter 20 - Carmine
Chapter 21, Endgame - Carmine

I will attempt to stream my chapters on my twitch channel, and since the randomizer gave me 2 consecutive chapters each time, I can stream 2 chapters after another.

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Okay guess I should show off TEAM ALTOHOLICS and our schedule

BATTER: (Safe unit L'Arachel)
Prologue/Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 20

ICE SAGE: (Safe unit Duessel)
Chapter 2
Chapter 5x
Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Chapter 21

BREEZY: (Safe unit Neimi)
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Chapter 18

CIARRE: (Safe unit Innes)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19


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I'm recording too, here's SHSL Stragglers Chapter 3:




Turned off animations because they take too much time.

Edited by Gradivus.
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3 hours ago, Tsunami922 said:

Here's the Prologue and Chapter 1 from the Hebrew Nationals!


Nice start lmao, also that team name makes me laugh still

Rigged Eirika as a Wyvern though, you have the only good Eirika of us so far.

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5 hours ago, Tsunami922 said:

Here's the Prologue and Chapter 1 from the Hebrew Nationals!





©0042-5200 Intend on/SIS GENTLY LET MEN SIT

I lol'd. Hard. Also, no signs of a Nationals Disaster yet.

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