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Bound Hero Battle: Matthew and Hector

Rafiel's Aria

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42 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

oohoo Takusquad!! :) that was a fantastic clear :)
(do you mind adding me to your tags? I love seeing Takusquad/Princess clears :) )


as for me, FlySquad took care of Hard/Lunatic, but used a guide for Infernal (and to knock out the orb challenges). one short because i don't have a Stahl ready so i shall get on that. :)

Thanks! And of course, I don't mind. I am glad you enjoy my clears.

Also, congratulations on beating most of the quests. :) Good luck on the horse clear!

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17 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Thanks! And of course, I don't mind. I am glad you enjoy my clears.

Also, congratulations on beating most of the quests. :) Good luck on the horse clear!

thanks :)
I just figured it out with a team of Gunther, Ethlyn, Hrid and Ursula and using the start of PM1's guide. AI movement changed (obviously), but nothing i couldn't handle. 
@mampfoid - i can see how he could be useful... still maybe not enough to save him from the executioner's block. 

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So I’m a bit late today, one on account of having to use my old computer while my usual one’s in the repair shop and two, because I ended up doing 3 clears for this one, so it took a few hours to upload them all.

First clear was relatively easy. It’s a Summer theme team with Elise, Tana, Gaius, and Corrin. All but Corrin are -Atk but it didn’t hinder them as much as I originally feared. The main issue were the big duo themselves, Matthew and Hector. That’s where all the Savage Blow you see comes in. I had to chip both of them down in order to be able to finish them off without retaliation. However, I couldn’t kill Hector in one turn no matter how much SB damage we got off (or with Tana’s Vengeance) and no one can survive a Bonfire so I ended up giving Tana Desperation so she could get rid of both Matthew and Hector~

The weirdest thing was that the AI kept Matthew trapped so he couldn’t kill Elise. I have no idea why they wouldn’t move then, buuut it worked out, so yay~

I knew the day would come when the YT thumbnails would betray me

2nd clear was the Lunatic Pony clear for the Quest and I recorded it since I used a couple units I hadn’t showcased before like L’Arachel and Hot Reinhardt. It ended up being fairly easy so there’s not too much to say about it. No SI needed here, just some skill swapping~


And finally, I did not forget our Dancers. Though, a bit of a different line-up so you don’t get bored of them. Olivia replaces her son and being that she’s -Atk, she served as the true Dancer, but she was also the only one who could bait out the Red Mage so she served her purpose well. I won’t spoil the rest but I will say Lene only needed +1 Atk Seal to do what she does best~

@daisy jane


@Nanima First things first, Hibuta was a nice music choice, really fitting, suits the Takus~ Approaching from the left ended up being a good choice, the space was small but they had plenty of room to work. Firesweep Taku was a good idea to deal with Hector and Matthew. Skadkumi can be a real force with those double Bonds. OG!Taku quadding the lance knight was very satisfying, too. Really nice how you made use of your space, great clear!

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@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster @Ginko @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @eclipse @Azuris @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents-

So after already doing the FE7 lord (alts) in a previous clear, I wasn't sure what theme to do for the rerun since I haven't built that much FE7 units (I mean there's Nino but that can be a bit boring). So you know what? I was remined of the Kaiji Tang clear that I did for the Linus one last week with Odin and Owain (here) and how much fun that was  and realised I could do a family-themed clear with the units I have for this one.

So here is Lissa's Line Emblem.

Team is +HP/-Atk 4* Lissa, +Spd/-HP Owain, +Spd/-Res Odin and +Atk/-Spd Ophelia.

Music is PURE ~At good old days from the King of Fighters XI

-I was thinking about how to approach this map, then I remembered the Odin had R Tomebreaker and this clear went smoothly after 1 loss (Fury damage taking too much so Odin needed Distant Def to survive Matthew. Hey at least Matthew killed someone!).

-No I haven't given Special Spiral to Ophelia yet (that came after this clear actually to try a new Aether Raids team). She's still fun to use either way, it's nice that her tome makes AoE specials viable, and she gets exact damage on the res bulky peg knight!

-4 star LIssa with -Atk dealing exact KO damage to Hector was really satisfying.

@Nanima Nice job! Sometimes I forget how much of a boost Bonds can give! Yeah the left side offers the most flexibility, and its satisfying to see Daggerkumi delete that green mage.

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster @Ginko @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @eclipse @Azuris @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents-

So after already doing the FE7 lord (alts) in a previous clear, I wasn't sure what theme to do for the rerun since I haven't built that much FE7 units (I mean there's Nino but that can be a bit boring). So you know what? I was remined of the Kaiji Tang clear that I did for the Linus one last week with Odin and Owain (here) and how much fun that was  and realised I could do a family-themed clear with the units I have for this one.

So here is Lissa's Line Emblem.

Team is +HP/-Atk 4* Lissa, +Spd/-HP Owain, +Spd/-Res Odin and +Atk/-Spd Ophelia.

Music is PURE ~At good old days from the King of Fighters XI

-I was thinking about how to approach this map, then I remembered the Odin had R Tomebreaker and this clear went smoothly after 1 loss (Fury damage taking too much so Odin needed Distant Def to survive Matthew. Hey at least Matthew killed someone!).

-No I haven't given Special Spiral to Ophelia yet (that came after this clear actually to try a new Aether Raids team). She's still fun to use either way, it's nice that her tome makes AoE specials viable, and she gets exact damage on the res bulky peg knight!

-4 star LIssa with -Atk dealing exact KO damage to Hector was really satisfying.

@Nanima Nice job! Sometimes I forget how much of a boost Bonds can give! Yeah the left side offers the most flexibility, and its satisfying to see Daggerkumi delete that green mage.

That last turn was beautiful. The Smite strats, the Lissa KO on Hector, I love it. Odin took care of a lot of enemies upfront, wasn't expecting that. Lissa was good to have around since he ended up taking a lot of hits. Hector came close to getting the kill on Owain but he held on for Lissa to get that satisfying final blow. Nice job!

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@mcsilas That clear was really cool! I like how it was full of moments where the damage was just enough to get the kill. It was funny how Odin started as the strongest one during turn one and then 0x2 happens, guess it shows how great his weapon is.

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So, this was surprisingly easy.

Cav cleared with Hrid, Clive, Husbando!Marth and SummeLinde. Linde takes out the flier, tanks and 1-rounds Matthew and the mage in 1 round and the armours are also quite easily handled.

Askrtrio and Fjorm also cleared after a fail or two. Fjorm with QR3 seal just demolishes Matthew (But not in 1 round, I don't remember testing with Sharena's +4 and Alfonse next to her), the generics go down quite easily and Hector just can't hurt Alfonse with the effect refine.

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Back here again before diving back into dancer insanity. (I don't care if others think it's easy. I can't predict movement patterns for the life of me)

@Landmaster Thanks! I do enjoy a lot of umineko music and thought this would go best here. Yeah, the space can be an issue there, but the lower corner left me just enough room to work with.

Ooh a full three clears! First one was fun to watch with how you ended up trapping the AI in place. I think it's too overly aggressive, so it wouldn't let the flier just move out of the way. Poor Matthew and Hector were completely helpless at your hands. 

Pony clear was pretty sweet. I enjoyed seeing L'Arachel. She is definitely underappreciated.  Hector and Matthew just didn't stand a chance against Swordhardt. Even Matthews special didn't have enough punch in it.

Dancer clear was amazing. I am a little jealous of your Micaiah, seeing how much she just roasts things. Minizura did an admirable job tanking Matthew there and taking out the blues. Of course Lene smashing through Matthew's defense was very satisfying to see as always. 

A great show all in all. Congrats!

@mcsilas I think Bond skills have become my new favourite line of skills next to WoM and ER. They are pretty versatile so long as you keep your peeps together. Even with a Res bane and LnD Nyakumi can still take a lot of magic being thrown his way. 

As for your clear: Great to see Odin rocking with his refined tome. He managed to handle all the approaching enemies extremely well. You wouldn't even know he used to be considered a joke. And yes, taking out behemoths like Hector with healers will never not be satisfying.

As for my own clear: 

@mampfoid @kirauza343 @ruruo @Zeo @Azuris @daisy jane

Music: Battlefield - Umineko

These girls take no prisoners.. 

The first two turns start of pretty much identical to the Taku clear, but afterwards things start to change up a lot. Did some minor SI on Sakunyan so she could slay the Lance Flier and help fuel her original's rampage. The Sakuras almost did this entirely on their own, with the Hinokas only doing some boosting until the end. Lance Knight didn't know when to roll over and fold, so Kinoka decided to end him before he could ruin the Sakuras' fun. All in all a very fun experience. Can't wait until the merge update, so Sakura will become even more powerful.   

Now back into the dance hall...

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22 hours ago, Nanima said:

Thanks! And of course, I don't mind. I am glad you enjoy my clears.

Also, congratulations on beating most of the quests. :) Good luck on the horse clear!

Can you tag me as well? I have 3 Takumi's (OG, Fallen and summer) that I still plan on using one day and a Takumi team will help with some inspiration.

This bound hero battle was only a little bit tricky for my Sharena. I had to use some speed buff stuff to survive the encounter with that deceptively fast red mage, but other then that it wasn't too much of a problem. The flier and Matthew where chumps and my Raigh somehow tanked a hector bonfire with his face.


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1 hour ago, Sasori said:

Can you tag me as well? I have 3 Takumi's (OG, Fallen and summer) that I still plan on using one day and a Takumi team will help with some inspiration.

Sure! Just for Taku clears or the Princess ones too?

As for your clear: I really like the use of underdog units. Matthew managed to well and truly kill himself with that Ignis and Raigh tanking the Bonfire was indeed very impressive.

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7 hours ago, Nanima said:

Back here again before diving back into dancer insanity. (I don't care if others think it's easy. I can't predict movement patterns for the life of me)

@Landmaster Thanks! I do enjoy a lot of umineko music and thought this would go best here. Yeah, the space can be an issue there, but the lower corner left me just enough room to work with.

Ooh a full three clears! First one was fun to watch with how you ended up trapping the AI in place. I think it's too overly aggressive, so it wouldn't let the flier just move out of the way. Poor Matthew and Hector were completely helpless at your hands. 

Pony clear was pretty sweet. I enjoyed seeing L'Arachel. She is definitely underappreciated.  Hector and Matthew just didn't stand a chance against Swordhardt. Even Matthews special didn't have enough punch in it.

Dancer clear was amazing. I am a little jealous of your Micaiah, seeing how much she just roasts things. Minizura did an admirable job tanking Matthew there and taking out the blues. Of course Lene smashing through Matthew's defense was very satisfying to see as always. 

A great show all in all. Congrats!

As for my own clear: 

@mampfoid @kirauza343 @ruruo @Zeo @Azuris @daisy jane

Music: Battlefield - Umineko

These girls take no prisoners.. 

The first two turns start of pretty much identical to the Taku clear, but afterwards things start to change up a lot. Did some minor SI on Sakunyan so she could slay the Lance Flier and help fuel her original's rampage. The Sakuras almost did this entirely on their own, with the Hinokas only doing some boosting until the end. Lance Knight didn't know when to roll over and fold, so Kinoka decided to end him before he could ruin the Sakuras' fun. All in all a very fun experience. Can't wait until the merge update, so Sakura will become even more powerful.   

Now back into the dance hall...

I had thought after the Lance Knight got to moving, the rest would come after but I was fine with the stare down instead, haha. I am also glad L'Arachel ended up doing a lot since I hadn't used her too often (I usually go with Spring Catria). And I sometimes forget how good Swordthardt's Def is, too, he came in pretty clutch. Micaiah definitely surprised me, too, I didn't even expect the Red Mage to go down the first time I attempted this. Azura always proves super reliable.

On to the Princesses, it was totally a duel Sakura rampage for the majority of the map. That exact damage to take out Hector was awesome, and she got Matthew with ease while Sakunyan does her usual easy elimination of the mages but she also gets the Lance Flier kill, too. Kinoka also ended up getting a nice bit of exact damage to kill that last Refrigerator. Loved seeing both Sakuras put in so much work.


3 hours ago, Sasori said:

This bound hero battle was only a little bit tricky for my Sharena. I had to use some speed buff stuff to survive the encounter with that deceptively fast red mage, but other then that it wasn't too much of a problem. The flier and Matthew where chumps and my Raigh somehow tanked a hector bonfire with his face.


Raigh was quite the star here, eating that Bonfire with 1HP was a major highlight~ He ended up tanking a lot of hits. Matthew VS Matthew was amusing, who better to tank Matt than Matt himself? The last Refrigerator was no match for Sharena and Wry's Pain helped a lot with chipping some of the bulkier foes down, nice work!

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I'm late for this one, I had the topic lingering in a browser tap once again and traveling didn't help either. 

18 hours ago, mcsilas said:

So here is Lissa's Line Emblem.

Uh, I love the team. Great idea to run Lissa along with Owain and Ophelia (she even gets a kill at 4* lol). That may be the final push to promote my Lissa. :-)

Owains quote in the beginning is so funny because he is right next to his mom. 

Big entertainment!

19 hours ago, Landmaster said:

shop and two, because I ended up doing 3 clears for this one, so it took a few hours to upload them all.

Ha, you put in some work into those! 

The summer clear was nice because of the original summer weapons. Having Matthew blocking everyone was funny, imagining Hector shouting "hey, what's holding me from the battlefield??"

The dancers where cool too, this time Micaiah got to shine. 

9 hours ago, Nanima said:

These girls take no prisoners.. 

Why should they? 

The music was very synchronous to the action, one time Sakura's killing hit to the red mage was along a cymbal *BANG*. 

Was curious how you would take care of Hector, didn't expect him to get one-rounded. OG Sakura for both bosses, congrats!

5 hours ago, Sasori said:

The flier and Matthew where chumps and my Raigh somehow tanked a hector bonfire with his face.

Respect for making Raigh work so well here, he even killed the boss. Are you a fan of him? 


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Really nice Taku clear again. I was somewhat worried when Fallen Takumi got hit like that with the first attack, but another one helped out to take a hit, which gave you the opportunity to take out most of the enemies and with only the armors left your mobility won out. Also great of OG Takumi taking out an armor in just one battle.

The princess clear looked actually more like a Sakura clear. The dagger was perfect to get the mages out of the way, and OG Sakura again took out the bosses in one round each. And she was even kind enough to let her sister do something in the end.

Beautiful clear yet again. Well done.



Oh another dancer clear to celebrate the new dancer.

Micaiah really comes in handy with her effective damage. Some fights had the lack of stats showing and everyone was pretty hurt in the end, so good job making sure everyone took the hits they could survive and clear the map in the end. Nicely done.



Really nice theme again. Odin started really strong with Ophelia coming in later defeating enemies as well, while poor Owain got a really hard fight with Hector. Even grandmother got to do a fight at the end exactly taking out Hector who was threatening her son.

Good clear. Well done.

20 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Hey at least Matthew killed someone!

Uh, don't let Zeo hear that or he might send his one after you.




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4 hours ago, Nanima said:

Sure! Just for Taku clears or the Princess ones too?

As for your clear: I really like the use of underdog units. Matthew managed to well and truly kill himself with that Ignis and Raigh tanking the Bonfire was indeed very impressive.

I would't mind seeing the princess units either. Its nice to see little themed runs.

Now that you mention it none of the units have that good of a reputation aside from maybe Sharena. But yeah building up underdog units can be fun in its own right. Its why I started building up a Merric and a Seliph.

2 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Raigh was quite the star here, eating that Bonfire with 1HP was a major highlight~ He ended up tanking a lot of hits. Matthew VS Matthew was amusing, who better to tank Matt than Matt himself? The last Refrigerator was no match for Sharena and Wry's Pain helped a lot with chipping some of the bulkier foes down, nice work!

Thanks. I took some work to help him take on the red mage. I was pretty surprised to see him take down Hector though. Did't plan that one out.

 Its one of the few times Matthew took a active role. He usually is there for a hone or a drive, debuffing or to be a punching bag when I need to block a point. Its nice seeing him kill a important target for a change.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Respect for making Raigh work so well here, he even killed the boss. Are you a fan of him? 

I do like Raigh and how much of a little jerk he is. Not my favourite Fire Emblem unit, but he probably ranks pretty high in my fe6 list. Raigh is also one of the units Sharena refers to when she is talking about her hero friends so he makes a perfect addition to my Sharena and friends team.

And Raigh works out surprisingly well in battle too despite being more then a little bit outclassed these days.

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8 hours ago, Sasori said:

do like Raigh and how much of a little jerk he is. Not my favourite Fire Emblem unit, but he probably ranks pretty high in my fe6 list. Raigh is also one of the units Sharena refers to when she is talking about her hero friends so he makes a perfect addition to my Sharena and friends team.

And Raigh works out surprisingly well in battle too despite being more then a little bit outclassed these days.

"Little bit outclassed" is understatement. ^^

But now I fully understand the theme of this team, cool idea. Does she refer also to Virion and Matthew? 

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19 hours ago, Landmaster said:

had thought after the Lance Knight got to moving, the rest would come after but I was fine with the stare down instead, haha. I am also glad L'Arachel ended up doing a lot since I hadn't used her too often (I usually go with Spring Catria). And I sometimes forget how good Swordthardt's Def is, too, he came in pretty clutch. Micaiah definitely surprised me, too, I didn't even expect the Red Mage to go down the first time I attempted this. Azura always proves super reliable.

On to the Princesses, it was totally a duel Sakura rampage for the majority of the map. That exact damage to take out Hector was awesome, and she got Matthew with ease while Sakunyan does her usual easy elimination of the mages but she also gets the Lance Flier kill, too. Kinoka also ended up getting a nice bit of exact damage to kill that last Refrigerator. Loved seeing both Sakuras put in so much work.

Yeah, getting lucky like that definitely feels good. L'Arachel is my favourite blue horse tome, I just wish they'd give her a refine down the line, so she can be a valid alternative to the more popular blue tomes (i.e Reinhardt.). Sometimes certain units can surprise us with taking hits we never expected them to take. It always feels great. :) 

Things did indeed end up working out in exactly the right ways multiple times during the battle. I was happy to have the Sakuras do most of the work in this. A small taste of what a potential Sakura emblem might achieve. sigh 


Too bad the Nifl siblings seem to have stolen the Kinshi from the Hoshidans.


19 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Why should they? 

The music was very synchronous to the action, one time Sakura's killing hit to the red mage was along a cymbal *BANG*. 

Was curious how you would take care of Hector, didn't expect him to get one-rounded. OG Sakura for both bosses, congrats!

 Why indeed.

That was a nice coincidence. Since the track length was enough for the video I just put it in without any further editing. Glad it worked out the way it did though.

Yeah, Sakura didn't even give him a second to catch his breath before annihilating him. Can't wait to see her after the merge update. And thanks!

18 hours ago, Azuris said:

Really nice Taku clear again. I was somewhat worried when Fallen Takumi got hit like that with the first attack, but another one helped out to take a hit, which gave you the opportunity to take out most of the enemies and with only the armors left your mobility won out. Also great of OG Takumi taking out an armor in just one battle.

The princess clear looked actually more like a Sakura clear. The dagger was perfect to get the mages out of the way, and OG Sakura again took out the bosses in one round each. And she was even kind enough to let her sister do something in the end.

Beautiful clear yet again. Well done.

Fallen Takumi's bulk may be higher than the others, but he can struggle with consequitive ones. Nyakumi was able to take over for one round, so it all worked out. Taking out tincans is what makes Brave Bow so valuabe if you can get up the attack power high enough.

I tried making it a complete one, but the tight corners kinda forced me into finishing the battle sooner. I love Sakunyans dagger, even if it doesn't always work for non-mage enemies. Still thinking about giving her a Barbed Shuriken at some point. As happy about Sakura's performance as I am, I still don't mind giving Hinoka something to do besides buffing. This is still a princess clear after all. haha


17 hours ago, Sasori said:

I would't mind seeing the princess units either. Its nice to see little themed runs.

Now that you mention it none of the units have that good of a reputation aside from maybe Sharena. But yeah building up underdog units can be fun in its own right. Its why I started building up a Merric and a Seliph



Personally, my aim in the game isn't to have the most broken units. It's to bring out the potential of my faves and have fun battling with them, no matter where they are on the tier list. Makes the game more fun rather than always going for household names like Reinhardt, B!Lyn and Veronica. 

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On 12/28/2018 at 4:28 PM, mampfoid said:

The summer clear was nice because of the original summer weapons. Having Matthew blocking everyone was funny, imagining Hector shouting "hey, what's holding me from the battlefield??"

The dancers where cool too, this time Micaiah got to shine. 

LOL, I thought the same, Hector must be wondering why everyone's just hanging around and moving one at a time XP

On 12/28/2018 at 5:43 PM, Azuris said:




Oh another dancer clear to celebrate the new dancer.

Micaiah really comes in handy with her effective damage. Some fights had the lack of stats showing and everyone was pretty hurt in the end, so good job making sure everyone took the hits they could survive and clear the map in the end. Nicely done.

Thanks! I'm glad Micaiah worked well in her first appearance. I originally had Lene's trusty Close Def Seal on her but I realized she wouldn't need it to tank one hit from the blue Fridge so she got to pull off her 1 damage Bonfire with that extra 1 Atk~

On 12/28/2018 at 6:23 PM, Sasori said:

Thanks. I took some work to help him take on the red mage. I was pretty surprised to see him take down Hector though. Did't plan that one out.

 Its one of the few times Matthew took a active role. He usually is there for a hone or a drive, debuffing or to be a punching bag when I need to block a point. Its nice seeing him kill a important target for a change.

Raigh got tired of being called the worst Red Mage in the summoning pool and had to show what he could do~

It's interesting seeing the difference between your and Zeo's Matthews and how yours is more Support oriented, really nice~

7 hours ago, Nanima said:

Yeah, getting lucky like that definitely feels good. L'Arachel is my favourite blue horse tome, I just wish they'd give her a refine down the line, so she can be a valid alternative to the more popular blue tomes (i.e Reinhardt.). Sometimes certain units can surprise us with taking hits we never expected them to take. It always feels great. :) 

Things did indeed end up working out in exactly the right ways multiple times during the battle. I was happy to have the Sakuras do most of the work in this. A small taste of what a potential Sakura emblem might achieve. sigh 

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Too bad the Nifl siblings seem to have stolen the Kinshi from the Hoshidans.


Same, I hope she ends up getting a refine~ I'd like to use her more, too. Reinhardt's good, but so overused, I like some different options~

I'm also anticipating an eventual Sakura Emblem. It would be cool if she can get in as a Kinshi and maybe with her Bow as a Priestess~ 


I was also wondering how they ended up on Kinshi, I guess NY is just a Hoshidian holiday with their outfits and all, LOL~


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On 12/29/2018 at 9:23 AM, mampfoid said:

"Little bit outclassed" is understatement. ^^

But now I fully understand the theme of this team, cool idea. Does she refer also to Virion and Matthew? 

Matthew yes, but i'm not entirely sure about Virion (or Takumi nowadays) since they where summoned by Anna if I recall correctly. So Wrys took their place thanks to one of those manga chapters.

17 hours ago, Nanima said:



Personally, my aim in the game isn't to have the most broken units. It's to bring out the potential of my faves and have fun battling with them, no matter where they are on the tier list. Makes the game more fun rather than always going for household names like Reinhardt, B!Lyn and Veronica. 

I do occasionally dust those units of for really though challenges like Abyssal, but yeah I tend to just use who I like or whichever unit crosses my mind at the time.

9 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Raigh got tired of being called the worst Red Mage in the summoning pool and had to show what he could do~

It's interesting seeing the difference between your and Zeo's Matthews and how yours is more Support oriented, really nice~

Its probably because my Matthew is mostly base Matthew with Ignis and a seal here and there. He has been build on a budget

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