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Posts posted by Astellius

  1. Good job everyone! Unfortunately for me, I was on the losing side every round this time. First, I sided with Grima, then Anna, and finally Alfonse. Oh well, so it goes.

    As for shout outs, @Rafiel's Aria 's Raven was a frequent visitor for Round 1, and @ErrantDShepherd's Effie was, I believe, the only friend ally I had for Round 3. They were great! I forgot to swap out Tiki for a non-red for Round 3, so sorry if that caused anyone on Team Alfonse to be doubled up on reds too much. I wasn't really paying much attention to this VG this time around (the multipliers just make it a bit difficult for me to care about the event that much, apart from the feather harvest).

    But good game all!

    24 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

    I am consumed with rage.


    モヒカン is now my mortal enemy for the remainder of this game’s lifespan. 

    They are evil, and so you should immediately hunt them down and destroy them...! And then take your rightful place as the true evil one, bearing the rank of 666.

  2. Tiki pretty much soloed this map, with the exception of the ninja in the upper right corner. F!Grima disposed of that pretty quickly, however, leaving the rest of the enemies to throw their miserable existences at Tiki for a quick end. It was a two turn clear, thanks to Ryoma's Guidance, since that allowed one of the enemies that spawned in a side corridor to warp to the middle and kill itself on Tiki. Thanks Tiki!

    2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I'm sorry, but your video goes too fast to follow well. Not very useful.

    If you found the video they posted to go too fast, Youtube has the option to change the playback speed, if you click on the Settings cog in the lower right-hand corner of the video.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I find it dumb when people use "it's RNG" to imply that actual probability means nothing as if randomness somehow means numbers cannot be trusted.

    How about the anecdotal, "This method worked for me!" argument? Aren't those fun too?

    5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    It wouldn't have taken that much thinking to come to that conclusion on my own, but I suppose feeling like you're building towards something is more reassuring than just failing repeatedly. That and I was trying only sniping last time she was up and utterly failed (to the extent that I shockingly spend money on six orbs! Which is very out of character for me).

    I understand that feeling. There's also confirmation bias involved with other strategies, and disenchantment when sniping doesn't work. This is all based on probability, so sometimes you'll get lucky & sometimes you'll be unlucky. I wanted to add an objective mathematical demonstration here to prove why sniping is the most cost-effective strategy, since people often do wonder how they should pull, but might not be aware of how to figure out what's the best method. The discount on subsequent pulls and the increasing pity rate can create a sort of subjective psychological illusion, but statistics should be able to dispel that.

  4. 5 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Ive been dying to get a Ninian for ages now and I don't want to fail on this banner. I was wondering what people's pull strategies generally are. Given that every five times you pull a five star unit, the chances of getting one goes up, it seems logical to spend the full twenty orbs on each session. But then you risk pulling someone you don't want at five stars and resetting the counter (which is exactly what happened to me with Marth just now, already have like six of him at four stars that I'm not bothering to promote, not really joyas to get a five star one). I guess the best strategy is to brute force it to start and then play it coy.

    If you want Ninian, the way to maximize your chances of pulling her is to only pull from blue orbs, right from the start. This is a question of probability, and you can mathematically calculate what pulling method is most likely to produce the desired outcome.

    For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that you have 3% chance of pulling Ninian for each blue orb, and that there's one blue orb each time you go into the session. If you pull all orbs in the first session, you will spend 20 orbs for a 3% chance of getting Ninian, since there was only one blue. Okay, but if you snipe and only pull blues 5 times, you will have spent 25 orbs, but you'll have a 14.1% chance of pulling Ninian.

    (Probability of Pulling Ninian = 1 - (Probability of not pulling Ninian in a single pull ^ Number of pulls), or P = 1 - (0.97^5), although I can explain this more if needed.)

    (Edit: I suppose I should point out that it's 1 - (probability of not pulling Ninian for that specific pull x probability for not pulling her for that specific pull ... continued for however many pulls you do). The exponent is just simplified notation for when the events have the same probability.)

    Now let's suppose you spend another 20 orbs on a full pull to get your rate up. With those 40 orbs, you'll have had a 6.2% chance of pulling Ninian for all of those pulls. With the sniping method, you spend another 25 orbs to do 5 pulls, and you're up to a 27.2% chance of pulling Ninian somewhere in there.

    Okay, so let's suppose you start sniping now after the first two sessions. For two more pulls, you end up at the 50 orb mark, but you'll have had a 12.6% of pulling Ninian. For the same amount of orbs with sniping, at this point, you are over twice as likely to have pulled Ninian, and you are at the same pity rate, with the full summon sessions being just two pulls ahead towards reaching the next pity bracket.

    So, yeah, don't spend orbs trying to push the pity rate up.

  5. 17 hours ago, Zeo said:


    The most obvious choice there for Close Counter, in terms of efficacy, is Henry. The ranged armors definitely appreciate CC. That said, CC is premium fodder, so I think you should use it on a character you really like and want to use. So I wouldn't give it to Henry if you don't care for him.

    My vote would be for Serra, since that would an interesting and different setup, and you intend to put a lot of work into her. She might not be the most effective character at running the suggested build, but she's your favorite of that lot, right? (Otherwise you'd be suggesting Azama or whatever.) The same argument applies to Morgan.

    I wouldn't go with Sothe, since you already have Matthew. Variety is good!

    As for DD, Faye would really like it, it's pretty much her ideal A-passive. Meanwhile, Kaze and Felicia are fast enough that they would appreciate something like Fury more than DD. I'm sure you'll get more Subakis down the line.

    Now, for Sonya, I like the Fury/Desperation/Spd+3 build. Even if you have Nino, it's a strong build, and, besides, Nino can only be used for one AA battle anyway.

    That's my input at any rate! Hope it helps!

  6. On 5/4/2018 at 12:48 PM, Soledai said:

    Million Arthur, Gothic wa Mahou Otome, Unison League, Destiny Child(idk what the hell this is, but I saw it in qooapp lol), Valkyrie Connect, and Alteil Chronicle(I learned about this one a few hours ago, actually, idk what exactly it is), are the only ones I know of at present.

    Crash Fever too, and there are a few more as well. I'd say Vocaloids are probably among the most common crossovers -- I can't think of a franchise that has appeared in even nearly as many other apps.

    On 5/3/2018 at 7:34 PM, SoulWeaver said:

    ...While I would frankly go hard money for Luka as a Refresh Unit, one of the reasons we don't see VOCALOIDs in most games is that Crypton has been skeptical about allowing VOCALOIDs into such games due to their philosophy that Miku and co. aren't meant to be doing any sort of fighting - I haven't seen VOCALOIDs be featured in any Mobile game for sure outside of Brave Frontier. Because of this, I think that particular crossover is unlikely, though I'll sure as heck keep my fingers crossed.

    Have they said that's their philosophy? Because it seems they've done crossovers with a fair number of games that have fighting in them. Here's a dual-wielding Miku from their crossover in Crash Fever:



    She looks ready to fight to me!


  7. 8 hours ago, Zeo said:

    At +10 with their respective builds, Matthew is worth 2 more points than Nino and he's probably the funnest character in my barracks right now. Not factoring in bias or ease of stage clearing, it's probably more optimal to bring him. If I'm lazy though, then yeah you're probably right.

    Can Matthew adequately deal with all blue mages and Nowi? Your team should have an answer to all of the main threats, and I suggested Nino since she's stronger and can easily handle the threats left by the Lukas + Chrom pairing. Of course, favoritism is a powerful thing, so do go with Matthew if you want! But it may very well effect how you ought to build your Arena team with the other characters.

    8 hours ago, Zeo said:

    My personal desire to give Chrom SB aside, it's not even about who necessarily edges eachother out in the role but about the overall balance of the team. Chrom with Lukas' build can tank physical units almost as well as he can with 45 DEF vs Lukas 52 but with built in Aether and natural healing. For Lukas, he can't heal like Chrom can, but he becomes a mixed tank with bulk for both stats in the upper 30s. I hate the idea of giving DC to a red unit when I already have 4 of them but only 1 blue and green, but that doesn't even matter here. The question for is what setup rounds out the team best? I can't help but feeling like DC Lukas and SB Chrom put in similar amounts of work but that SB Lukas and DC Chrom turns the latter into a second string unit. At best he's filling a small niche (with DC), at worst he's literally a worse Lukas + dragon slaying (no DC or SB).

    All teammates don't need to be doing equal amounts of work; it's better to allocate the roles on a team to who can do what the most effectively, while also ensuring that all threats can be dealt with. Moreover, my point about Lukas was not just that he runs the SB build better than Chrom, it's that I think his SB build is far superior to the suggested DC build. Lukas can run a mixed tank build, but not as effectively as he can run the SB build. I think more is effectively accomplished that way.

    I suggested the niche build for Chrom with consideration to the jobs the team still needed to fill. With it, it seems that the team can adequately deal with every threat. That should be the primary consideration. Is every threat dealt with effectively? Every role occupied? The Chrom+Lukas+Nino team I suggested should be able to handle everything quite well.

  8. 13 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    My revenge begins. Team Go Fuck Yourself has been deployed as my defense team:

    +10 Minerva [+Spd, -Res] (Hauteclere [unique], Reposition, Bonfire, Fury 3, Drag Back, Hone Fliers, Quickened Pulse)
    +10 Spring Camilla [+Spd, -Res] (Gronnblade+, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, G Tomebreaker 3, Hone Fliers, Iote's Shield)
    +10 Elise [+Atk, -Def] (Pain+ [Dazzling Staff], Recover+, Miracle, Attack +3, Wrathful Staff 3, Savage Blow 3, Def Tactic 3)
    +7 Priscilla [+Spd, -Def] (Pain+ [Dazzling Staff], Rehabilitate+, Miracle, [none], Wrathful Staff 3, Savage Blow 3, Savage Blow 3)

    I'll fill in Priscilla's A slot later. It'll probably be Attack +3.

    Now I just need a Clarine and Nanna.

    Have you considered removing the healing spells? So as to guarantee that Priscilla and Elise just spend all of their time fucking the enemy team rather than occasionally healing?

    3 hours ago, XRay said:

    I have not seen them either

    Really? I've seen a fair number of them in the 720s range.

  9. On 4/24/2018 at 8:02 AM, Zeo said:

    So the feathers are coming in like clockwork, Matthew and Nino are both reaching the latter half of their +10 journeys, Steady Breath has come in and it's very much time to start thinking about what I want to do with the 3rd and 4th members of my final four. Each of these units will fulfill a certain role and leave the remaining available role to the other, which makes this really important. Tagging @Ice Dragon @Astellius @LordFrigid @Hawk King and @Hilda for guru-like wisdom and @NegativeExponents- @mampfoid and @mcsilas for insight. Anyone else is welcome to chime in as well.

    I'm a bit late to the party, but so it goes. In any case, I'd keep in mind that, in the Arena, you're not going to be running these 4 units, seeing as you have to drag along a bonus hero. I think the best configuration of 3 out of those 4 is Nino, Lukas, and Chrom. So I think that should be something you should consider.

    As for the builds, I know I'd probably go with SB Lukas. He'd occupy this role extremely well. With it, he should take no damage from red melees, minimal damage from blues, and should be able to tank pretty much all greens. This means that he can pretty much withstand several physical enemies, and can, in some cases, just solo the entire enemy team.

    I'd prefer the DC to go to Chrom, because, honestly, neither of them are going to be spectacular at being mage tanks. They're both slow (so they're just going to be doubled), and have a low starting Res. Either build of Chrom is going to be great at handling the red and green dragons (I'd just leave Nino to destroy the blue ones), so that doesn't really factor in, and either build of Chrom is going to be just fine at tanking axes. When it comes to being mage tanks, both Chrom and Lukas are going to be sustaining heavy damage on the encounters they survive, so it's problematic if you need them to take on more than one mage. Chrom has an advantage in this role, since he has Falchion to sustain him. I'd consider running a build with DC, R. Tomebreaker, and QR on Chrom (+Atk/-Spd would be best, not -Res). I did some simulations with that, he should be able to counter all the red and green mages (with the exception of Swordbreaker reds), even if they're heavily buffed, while still being pretty good at taking on bows and shurikens. Neither Lukas or Chrom can counter when Brave Lyn attacks, so she'll still be a pain, but Lukas can easily be bait for her.

    That's my input, at any rate. I prefer the SB Lukas and DC Chrom setup, although I think either would be good. That should cover most of your bases, although Brave Lyn will still be a nuisance. Also, Priscilla will still be an asshole, but there's just no way around that at this point. Do they ALL need to run Pain+ and Savage Blow x2?

    20 hours ago, Zeo said:

    The thing about that though is that regulates Chrom to DC

    *Relegates. =P

  10. I'd be especially happy if Lucina showed up for me, as well as Young Tiki and Ninian. Those stand out as probably the three I'd like the most but have never been able to pull. I've put in a lot of orbs trying to summon Lucina and Ninian, but neither seem to want to show up for me. They can feel free to pity-break me anytime! Also, I definitely wouldn't mind if a Minerva with a better nature randomly showed up. Getting pity-broken out of the blue by the Minerva I have, however, was quite a pleasure!

  11. Representative of Outrealm 183 here. I'm on Team Alfonse, and the score is currently us 9, Sharena 13, and Anna 8.

    So far, I am none too fond of this mode. In my view, it exacerbates all of the flaws in the Rival Domains battles. The teleporting is total nonsense, and it's even more grating with all of the BS skills that are on the foes now. Hm. And enemies don't always attack, some will warp away to rally instead, leaving the space open for some stronger enemy with the WTA to come over. And they really need to improve how we can edit the brigades, as I find it a really cumbersome process to edit them at the moment. Ah well.

  12. Shout-outs for this gauntlet go to @LordFrigid's Caeda, @ErrantDShepherd's Effie, and @Frenzify's Beruka. They were all great! Well done.

    16 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    I’ll also be forced to spend flags (405) on these last non-multiplier hours but what I was able to cash in on is good enough for the top 1K in Team Lucina (1,810,545 for rank 350, rank 2,616 overall).

    @Astellius‘s Tiki and @LordFrigid‘s Caeda have been constants for me again, though for this round @DarkLordIvy’s Soren has served as the third friend unit. Despite being a +10 5* like the three above, @Rezzy’s hasn’t turned up even once. Also if anyone has even gotten her to begin with, my Soleil is now +4 and is sporting an additional point in Atk and Spd.

    14 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

    Well, good battle all!

    This round's shout-outs go to @Astellius's Tiki, a welcome sight, as always; ate physical hits and contributed a bit of buff power to Lucina to deal with enemy Falchions. I also saw a lot of @Momentai~'s Barst. This is the first time I've gotten to see him in action, and he didn't disappoint. Finally, I got @AbsoluteZer0Nova's Chrom a couple times at the end of the round. It was neat to use him alongside his daughter on the battlefield.

    Now I have to go change Caeda's C Passive back to Fortify Fliers before I forget...

    Glad to hear that Tiki has been of service!

    Unfortunately, I did not see Soleil, I pretty much just got the same 2-3 people the whole time. Ah well!


  13. 13 hours ago, Usana said:

    Our Feather/Flag mix-up has occurred! Congrats!
    Or at least this is the first time I have seen it this guantlet. Correct me if I am wrong. Am I supposed to give Kozac a cookie? I don't quite recall the reward for making that inevitable mix up!


    I have only managed to fight a single battle on a multiplier round. At break during work I lucked out and just barely caught the tail end of a multiplier. At least I have no work tonight so I can stay up through the day if needed(I usually do for much of Saturday anyways).

    Anyways @Johann's Cain is the ally I keep getting. Starting to think he really likes me or something. At least he kicks ass and takes names.I keep getting adult Tiki as well, but I also keep forgetting which of my many friends with A!Tiki is the one sending aid. My first thought is that it is @Astellius's Tiki since I am pretty sure that is the only one on my list with Steady Breath. Only have gotten @LordFrigid's Eirika once but she did is the ally to help me win during that one multiplier I got, so MVP right?! So yesterday I couldn't get away from the colorless allies and today I can't get away from the reds. Though I did have a physic healer on my bonus round to support Eirika and my Lucina. Seems my random allies are the ones who are generally colorless. That seems a bit odd to me. But hey it got me all the colorless quests easily! So I won't look that gift horse in the mouth too closely.


    Edit - BONUS HOUR - Again @LordFrigid's Eirika shows up to help. Is she only planning to show up during bonus hours? Are non-bonus hours just not worth her time?

    If she's +10 w/Steady Breath, QR, & Def Tactic, then the Tiki is probably mine. Hope she served you well!

    21 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Today’s allies were @DefaultBeep’s Clarisse, @LordFrigid’s and @Usana’s Eirikas, and @Raven’s and @Astellius’ adult Tikis.

    Glad to hear Tiki has been making the rounds!

  14. 7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I can't see it either. The predictor is currently projecting a huge underperformance by Lucina this hour which is just a shortcoming in the way it's programmed, Lucina will easily blow past the same threshold.

    As for the other matches, Xander actually outscored Alfonse without a multiplier in the last hour, but this is likely a result of the afterglow from the previous hour Xander multiplier. It almost was enough to give Alfonse a bonus, but ended up about a million points short. It may have stalled Alfonse long enough to give Xander victory though, whereas without the afterglow Alfonse would have had a good chance of passing him in the final hour.

    Camilla likewise outscored Kagero for the same reason and might have made Camilla the favourite to advance now. Catria vs Chrom is still barely any clearer, where Catria ends up after her current bonus hour doesn't matter as much, the match will almost entirely come down to where Chrom lands after his multiplier next hour.


    Assuming Catria scores as much as she did the last bonus hour, she will push Chrom into 2 straight bonus hours. Catria really needs to bury Chrom now, and hope that there's been adequate attrition of flags on Chrom's side from the earlier multiplier.

    So let's go Team Catria! Let's make Chrom fear the rabbit!

  15. 42 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    If we're going to be real here, the only victories left to get from any VG these days is the feathers and other goodies they dispense. The actual event itself is nothing more than a farce at this point and though I'm not among the ones clamoring for the VG to get canned, I wouldn't be sad to see it die either.

    Agree. The multiplier threshold reduces it to a game of chance, so it's hard to actually be invested in the actual outcome. I wouldn't mind if it went away myself! But the rewards and feathers are pretty nice.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    UI design is part of my job description. Toggling the default attack distance with a button at the bottom of the screen is poor usability because it breaks the flow of thought and motion.

    Honestly, the best way to do it is to prompt the player to select the tile to attack from if it is ambiguous (i.e. they swiped across both a 2-range and a 1-range tile in succession while dragging to the target), though even that I would consider to be clunky.

    Sure, that's another possibility as well, and I agree that all these suggested methods would not be particularly good for gameplay. I certainly wouldn't want any of them. But they're at least possible ways to implement the ability to initiate an attack at either distance, even if inelegant and undesirable.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The problem is that the tap inputs are not "normal". Heck, the tutorial uses the swipe input method.

    The game currently has equal amounts of usability for both input methods and does not push one over the other. Creating a mechanic that is impossible to use with one of the two input methods is therefore a poor design decision and should be off the table unless they want to push one input method over the other.

    I was only rebutting the claim that this was an impossible mechanic. It would surely be a bad design; indeed, I even said as much. Whether or not you consider tap inputs to be a normal input method is pretty beside the point, and I also think you misread what I said there. I said the tap inputs could be used as normal, i.e., in the sense there would be no need to change anything about the current tap inputs in order to implement the suggested mechanic. So it would be normal with respect to the realm of tap inputs, which doesn't really say anything about the normalcy of tap inputs vs. swipe inputs.

    Plus, there are also ways to implement it with the swipe input, albeit with some minor adjustments. For example, they could put a button to toggle between the distances at the bottom of the screen. I still think it would be a bad mechanic, but not one that's impossible to implement.

  18. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Attacking from multiple ranges is physically impossible to do because of the game's swipe controls. This is why all ranged melee weapons in this game can only initiate combat from melee ranged, but can counterattack at range.

    Not impossible. You could set priorities for the swipe input, and otherwise use the tap inputs if you wanted to override the swipe priorities. For example, it could prioritize the distance that prevents enemy counters, and, if both distances have counter, then attack from a distance. If you wanted to attack close or attack at a distance even if you would be hit by a counter, then one could simply use the tap inputs as normal. This would make the gameplay less smooth and unnecessarily complicated, and thus would be a bad mechanic, but it's certainly not an impossible configuration with the current controls.

  19. 6 hours ago, ruruo said:

    Yooo~ Thank you soooo much @donkeykhang Your Caeda's is amazing!! That EP build really works really nicely on her! 

    @Astellius Est is best! Thank you so much for sharing her! 

    And is there someone called Bethany ingame here with a Tana? I'm sure I friended him/her on Serenes during a voting gauntlet. If you see this: I loved using your Tana as well!

    I don't own many fliers at all so I completely owe my perfect infernal clear to your units and some other fliers on the friends list. Once again thank you guys so much for sharing your units! <3 

    Glad you like her! I switched my lead from Tiki to her precisely since it's flier week for Rival Domains, so it's nice to hear that people are making good use of her. Est is the best!

  20. 23 hours ago, BANRYU said:

    Maybe I'm being too much of a prude but I'm finding the sexual humor to be in pretty poor taste :0

    The analysis itself looks pretty good, so credit where credit is due, but.... yeah.

    I fully agree.

    I seriously think the, quote, "lewd humor" should just be removed altogether. I didn't find it funny. Not at all. Instead, I found it pretty disgusting and obnoxious.

    Seriously, this is supposed to be a subforum dedicated to analysis, so you salivating over a character like that is a pretty unwelcome and unwanted sight.

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