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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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You hear a voice.

In the shadows of the once vibrant Serenes Forest, where whispers of treachery once danced upon the winds, now lay a desolate silence. The heart of the community, once pulsating with the fervor of deceit and strategy, now beat faintly, if at all. A wave of despair swept through its remaining denizens as they watched their brethren depart for distant lands, seeking refuge in the embrace of rival realms. Amongst the whispers of departure, there lingered the haunting echo of a solitary soul, whose dying breath uttered the damning phrase: "Mafia sucks."

But amidst the gloom, a flicker of hope emerged from the ashes of defeat. The last stalwart NOCcers, guardians of truth in a sea of lies, refused to surrender to oblivion. With resolve in their hearts and a glimmer of determination in their eyes, they embarked on a quest shrouded in mystery and peril.

Their mission: to reclaim the lost essence of Serenes Forest Mafia, to reignite the flames of camaraderie and cunning that once illuminated their world. For they believed that somewhere, hidden beneath layers of deceit and betrayal, lay the elusive Fire Emblem, the symbol of their community's strength and unity.

Thus, with courage as their compass and trust as their shield, they ventured forth into the unknown, ready to confront the shadows that threatened to consume their beloved realm. Little did they know that their journey would not only test their wits and loyalty but also unveil secrets that would reshape the very fabric of their existence.

* The above passage is a mildly editted ChatGPT written post because I wanted to see what would happen... Don't worry, the rest of the flavor is not written by AI. I've seen other mafia communities cook (or burn) with ChatGPT 🙃.

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  1. As the Hosts, @Iris and @Conqueror have the ultimate say about the rules of this game, and have the ability to add, remove, or modify the rules at any time. This is unlikely, but if it does occur, you will be informed.
  2. This forum Mafia game is a NOC (No Outside Contact) game. Communicate in the game thread only, unless you are told you can do so otherwise.
  3. Speaking during the night phase is prohibited unless you are directly told by a Host otherwise.
  4. Alive players should not talk to dead players/subs/non-observers about the game. Observers should also not reveal or hint at any information they know to alive players. There is a location for dead players and observers to converse about the game that will be provided upon player death.
  5. Taking screenshots of outside communications with the host, real or forged, will most likely result in an instant modkill. This covers Role PMs, images therein, night results and anything else. Do not directly quote your Role PM or any action results; paraphrase instead. If this rule is broken, we will handle it on a case by case basis. You also may not refer to any private communication you have had with the mod at all, real or fake.
  6. Do NOT edit your posts after the game has started. You should make another post if you wish to correct anything in a prior post. If you somehow mess this up, contact the Hosts immediately and let them know what was edited.
  7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose even if your faction wins. Any attempt at gaining an advantage for your faction through them will be punished.
  8. If you don't post for 24 hours, the Hosts will prod you. While there is no posting minimum, it would be nice if everyone could post at least 5 times (or a decent equivalent amount of content) per phase. After enough prods, the Hosts will attempt to sub you out or potentially modkill you if that isn't possible. Please let us and/or the game know in advance of any absences and if you would like to request a sub.
  9. Do not discuss substitutions, including why/why not someone subbed and what that may or may not mean for this slot.
  10. Do not publicly tag or ask the mod anything whatsoever. If you have a question, ask in your Role PM or DM the host otherwise.
  11. Follow the Serenes Forest Code of Conduct. Be civil -- while there may be heated moments, this is, first and foremost, a game, so do your best to have fun!

Phase Mechanics:

  1. The game will begin on Day 1.
  2. Day 1 will last for approximately 72 hours, and every day after this will be 48 hours. Night phases will last about 24 hours (with actions having to be submitted at least an hour before the night phase end). Deadline may change subject to Host availability.
    • A 24-hour deadline extension may be voted upon in thread. To vote for an extension, reply to the thread by pinging the hosts and type: @Iris@Conqueror ##Vote: Extension. If 1/2 (rounded up) or more of the player list vote for an extension, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once.
  3. The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be eliminated. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to eliminate a player. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers the Day phase, which ends Day phase early. Ties lead to No Elimination.
    • To vote, use the following command: ##vote @Conqueror where you would @User / ping the person you intend to vote for.
    • To switch votes, you can simply use the aforementioned command with your new vote target.
    • To unvote, use the following command: ##unvote.
    • More details on Voting can be found here.
  4. No Elimination is a valid vote target. To vote for No Elimination, use the following command: ##vote @No Elimination.
    • If two Day phases end up in No Elimination either via being voted for or via a tied elimination, the game will end in Universal Loss, where anybody who has not yet won will lose.
  5. *YLO will be announced. Whether it is potential *YLO or *YLO will not be announced. *YLO is defined as a phase where the town can lose at the beginning of the immediate day phase. In *YLO, to hammer, only majority is needed.
  6. When a player dies, they are removed from the game. They will be sent to the Graveyard where they can discuss the game with the rest of the Observers. They will not be able to re-enter the game. This includes players that die from non-Town Factions. If their Faction still remains, the dead player will no longer be able to communicate with their alive teammates about the game.
  7. When a player flips, their Ability Text will be redacted, but the rest of the Role PM (including Role Name) will be shown.
    • Flips will not be falsified in any way, shape or form.

Setup Information/Role Mechanics:

  1. This is a closed setup.
  2. There are 16 player slots in this game. They are all listed on the player list.
  3. Flavor is generally unrelated to alignment. The setup was created independently of the flavor, and the flavor was applied after the setup was made. Flavor claiming, while not disallowed, is NAI, and will certainly not help you scum hunt, so I wouldn't waste time here.
    • That being said, if it is relevant, non-town players have been supplied with safe claims (for both roles and alignment).
    • Roles have been randomized (using Random.org) to the players without any rigging; both hosts believe very strongly in preserving game integrity in this way.
  4. The Town alignment is called the SF Mafia Elitists. Other factions or how many exist will not be revealed in this post.
    • Factional Kills are assigned on a nightly basis. A Faction, if it has a Factional Kill, will designate which member will undertake the Factional Kill. The member assigned the Factional Kill will be able to perform any additional abilities that night, if any.
    • A Faction cannot submit a Factional Kill on a member of its own Faction/
    • The Factional Kill is optional.
  5. There is at least one Vanilla Townie (a role with no special abilities) in this game.
  6. Actions:
    • Actions will be told whether they are successful or not. Actions are successful when no external role prevents the action from occurring (ex: a kill on a target that was saved by a protective would be considered successful, but if the kill was roleblocked, it would get a failure message). Actions that get redirected will be notified about where their action would get redirected to.
    • Roles cannot self-target unless told otherwise.
  7. Any conflicts between night actions will be resolved with the following order of operations:
    • Commuting
    • Hiding
    • Strongman Killing
    • Absorbing
    • Busdriving
    • Roleblocking
    • Jailkeeping
    • Redirecting
    • Protecting
    • Miscellaneous
    • Killing
    • Investigative
  8.  This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason! 🙂
    • Win conditions are static and cannot be altered in any way, shape or form; Other win conditions may or may not be in play.
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Posted (edited)


Host: @Iris
Co-Host: @Conqueror

Checkers: Many thanks to Disquieted of MU/EiMM fame and @Secondhand Revenant for briefly looking over the setup and answering random role interaction questions I had.

Miscellaneous: Additional thanks to @Grace, @Koneko, and @riariadne for providing some solicited and unsolicited feedback on flavor. Especially to Ria! Also I am very grateful to @Makaze for fixing the ISO and Votals script to aid in running this game smoothly on the home forum.

Starting Player List (16):




Substitute Players:

@Duskfall98 subbed in for charlie, N1.
@Ichigo subbed in for Prims, N1.
@RADicate subbed in for Elieson, N1.
Beeboy (no SF account yet 🐝)


@Koneko (Informed)
@riariadne (Informed)
@Mitsuru Kirijo (Informed)

@Alette (Informed)


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Forum Advice:

It is recommended to save your posts before typing them. The forum software has historically "eaten" posts, and it would suck to lose a Eurykins length wall post. Always back up your work in anything!

Using the Return/Enter key will double space your lines; use Return/Enter + Shift to single space lines.

To enclose things in spoiler tabs, please use [ spoiler] [/spoiler] (without the space).

I suggest editing posts in a separate text editor (Word, Notepad, etc) since the SF software can and will eat your post.


To install the below scripts, you will need to go install Tampermonkey for your browser. Then, you can go to the github repository and install by clicking "Raw." After resetting your browser, the scripts should hopefully work. Message me if you need help!

ISO Script:

Votals Script:

Post #s in thread:


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Links to Phases:
Day 1 Start!
Day 1 End!
Night 1 Start!
Day 2 Start!
Day 2 End!
Night 2 Start!
Day 3 Start!
Day 3 End!
Day 4 Start!
Day 4 End!
Day 5 Start!
Post Game

Alive Player List:
@Ichigo [formerly Prims, subbed out N1] SF Mafia Elitists Vanilla Townie, Survived D5!
@j00 SF Mafia Elitists Communications Inventor, Survived D5!
@Makaze SF Mafia Elitists 1-shot Governor Survived D5!
@RADicate [formerly Elieson, subbed out N1] SF Mafia Elitists Vanilla Townie, Survived D5!
@Shinori SF Mafia Elitists Vigilante, Survived D5!

Dead Player List:

@Refa Off-site Traitors Bulletproof Killing Modifier JoAT, Eliminated D1!
@BT. SF Mafia Elitists 1-shot Hijacker,  Killed N1!
@CT075 Off-site Traitors Consigliere Goon,  Killed N1!
@Duskfall98 [formerly charlie, subbed out N1] Off-site Traitors Roleblocker, Eliminated D2!
@Percivalé SF Mafia Elitists 1-shot Safeguard,  Killed N2!
@WeaponsofMassConstruction  SF Mafia Elitists Universal Backup,  Killed N2!
@Rapier SF Mafia Elitists Vanilla Townie,  Eliminated D3!
@Bluedoom SF Mafia Elitists Tracker,  Killed N3!
@Snike SF Mafia Elitists Vanilla Townie,  Killed N3!
@Sunwoo SF Mafia Elitists Doctor,  Killed N4!
@BBM Off-site Traitors Watcher + Voyeur,  Killed N4!

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Posted (edited)

ATTENTION: Non-Players!

While signups are full, you are welcome to spectate the thread! We also may need more subs, so feel free to DM if you are interested (although this may not be a good game to start off if you are new -- but we welcome new players as well)!

Non-players should not directly post in this thread and should not spoil any game related information (if known) to alive players or potential substitute players.

Specifically, I'd like to also welcome @Jotari, @indigoasis, @Fire Emblem Fan and @AnonymousSpeed to check out our thread, as I noticed they had expressed interest in the last sign-ups that were posted back in December. While there's no guarantee the community will continue to play more past this revival game, I sure hope so!

Let's have a good game, everyone. 😊

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Reading other players' posts is a crutch for players who rely on skill.

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don’t vent in front of everyone don’t vent in front of everyone don’t vent in front of everyone don’t vent in front of everyone don’t vent in front of everyone

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Gru is the most powerful being in the universe, and here’s why: according to the height of a Minion (which is 3.5 feet on average) Gru is 4 minions tall, which means he is a godly size of 14 feet tall. Second if any of you remember the original Despicable Me, you Know there is a scene when Vector kidnaps the three girls and shoots a series of heat-seeking misses at Gru, he then dodge them all. According to the speed of an average ballistic missile (1900 mph) and the size of the missile according to his ankle size, Gru can perceive and move at such a speed that the missiles only move 9.5 miles per hour, 0.5% of their original speed. Plus after this Gru punches a shark and it is paralyzed meaning its spine is probably shattered, to remind you it would require a force greater than 3,000 newtons to fracture the spine. That’s equal to the impact created by a 500-pound car crashing into a wall at 30 miles per hour

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Yeah, I'm not quite sure why I'm here either. But we can work that out in the day phase.

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Everyone is confirmed! Role PMs will be sent in the next hour or so and Day 1 will subsequently commence.

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