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1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Gotta say, my luck with pulls is pretty decent lately.  Too bad I won't be able to whale anymore on account of my losing my goddamned job. <_<

Sorry to hear that, what happened?

48 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wow, that IS some crazy luck there, Rezzy. Nice!


17 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:


@Rezzy Wow, that's awesome! And great boons/banes for almost all of them, too! Hopefully the next skill banner or something else later on will have more good greens to try for, so you can maybe get more merges for Titania.

Thanks guys!

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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I can't control my new powers very well. Grats on all the focuses though. I kinda like Soleil, but I'm not going to blow many orbs for her.

She's probably going to be 4*, so I don't blame you for waiting.  I wasn't planning to pull specifically for her, but wanted another shot at Seigbert.  I'm happy with one, but don't want to pull two or three of her trying to get Seigboy, so I guess I'll just wait to see if he's in another banner without another Red in the future.


Oh, and I didn't get any Seliphs this time!

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1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

Whoa, congrats on 3 focus 5*s in 20 orbs!  That's amazing... :^_^:  Nice way to start the day!

Meanwhile, I'm pretty happy with my +Atk Soleil in ~50 orbs.  I'm still going to try for Shiro too.

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Tried for Soleil or Shiro (or Seigbert, but primarily those first two).

Ended up getting 3 Tailtius instead (not a total loss, I was hoping to find her at some point... though 3 is a bit more than I'd hoped for, not that I'm complaining). One's -ATK (Inherit Skill fodder, probably for Drive SPD), the second I didn't check until I was finished searching (but will be Inherit Skill fodder), and the last one's +SPD/-DEF (will train her up, always good to have a Blarblader around, and maybe she can synchronize well with Nino and Eirika).

Also an Oscar (+ATK/-HP, most likely a keeper for a backup cavalry team, maybe with Luke/Titania/Elise), another Roderick, and a couple of Cains (may or may not end up Wings of Mercy fodder), and a bunch of skill/feather fodder.

Got a 5% 5-Star chance on this banner now, so I'll try again in the future.

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I went and used my orbs on the Fates banner to get Shiro. No blues in my summoning session...one red, one colorless and two greens...pull red, grab my free Hinata an- suddenly Siegbert appears. +Def -HP...which is actually pretty good for him. A couple more summoning sessions and no Shiro. Heck, not even a Donnel. Just some Gwendolyns and...a Florina. Disgusting. 


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I'm so salt and mad. Was trying for Shiro, at 3.75% rate, got a four-red +1green pull... And the red I pull is of course Siegbert. The one I wanted the least. And he's neutral.........

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I decided to go all out for Shiro, since I wanted another lance unit, having capped out Clive and Camus recently and not wanting to use them as much (Ephraim is getting worryingly up there, likewise).

I'm now up to 6percent. I've pulled a lot of good fodder (and stupidly sent home a 3* Odin during a mass release last night when I was tired. Still sore over that), but still no Shiro. I really hate this banner >.< I'm waiting for my orbs to replenish before I try again. I really hope the xmas banner is here for the whole month >.<

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I decided to go all out for Shiro, since I wanted another lance unit, having capped out Clive and Camus recently and not wanting to use them as much (Ephraim is getting worryingly up there, likewise).

I'm now up to 6percent. I've pulled a lot of good fodder (and stupidly sent home a 3* Odin during a mass release last night when I was tired. Still sore over that), but still no Shiro. I really hate this banner >.< I'm waiting for my orbs to replenish before I try again. I really hope the xmas banner is here for the whole month >.<

6% - wow, sounds like one of those horror summonings, never been there

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5 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

6% - wow, sounds like one of those horror summonings, never been there

I've not been there for a while. I have got Soliel (who I didn't want) and Siegbert (who I really wanted) off the banner before this, but even Siegbert took some coaxing and now Shiro is at 6 percent with nothing >.< So really disliking this banner -.-

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I've not been there for a while. I have got Soliel (who I didn't want) and Siegbert (who I really wanted) off the banner before this, but even Siegbert took some coaxing and now Shiro is at 6 percent with nothing >.< So really disliking this banner -.-

Yeah, sometimes you get what you want sometimes you dont. For me its just the free pull from now on - could restrain myself recently, so I needed to take some measures. Plan is to save up orbs and spend them all at once every three months during a hero fest mega banner with a possible pity breaker orbs purchase to finish things up. Wonder how that would feel saving up orbs for a couple of months and getting nothing or just one 5*unit ....


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I want to summon a Lucius.

(This is just from Children of Fate)

>12 (LITERALLY 12) 3* Azamas

>3 4* Azamas

>8 (AGAIN, I'M NOT JOKING) Gordons


Wanna know what is even worse?

Let's summon a Soren! (I eventually did)


(These two are totals, not just from World of Radiance)


This is a huge problem that NEEDS fixed.

Edited by Viridianveil
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Okay, this is just plain silly now.  I saved up ten orbs via grinding, and these are the results of my most recent summoning from the Children of Fate banner:


I'll be honest, I laughed my ass off at the result.  I was thinking "HAH!  EVEN UNEMPLOYED (and in the off-season for photography work) MY LUCK YET PREVAILS!"


Then I looked at her stats and I could cry laughing, man...




So.  +SPD/-ATT.


I seriously don't know what to do with this.  On the one hand, she IS a +SPD.  Besides that, I'm still training her up because her vocal cues are far too cute to pass up, and I think I can make this work - I used to main a -ATT Celica who wasn't even +SPD IIRC, buuuuuuuut...


Maaaaaaaaan, now I have to play patchwork with Death Blow 2/3 and a +3 Attack Seal just to make her vanilla viable.  Dammit.

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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@Selena4Lyfe I just had something similar happen to me! Although in my case, it's probably not as bad.
Just went to see if I could pull a Soleil for myself with 9 Orbs, except I ended up with a Seigbert on the first pull. Mine's +HP/-ATK, which doesn't seem too terrible for him since he'll have 57 ATK on Player Phase anyway thanks to Dark Greatsword (which also puts him at a pretty-solid 39 SPD) and Death Blow (which I'm considering switching out for Swift Sparrow, so he can hit 43 SPD before buffs and still gives him a pretty-solid 55 ATK). +HP probably isn't that great, but it's probably better than +RES.

As for your Soleil, that doesn't seem like a particularly bad spread. Your Soleil still has 50 ATK and 38 SPD with Firesweep+, so you could just run Death Blow 3/Swift Sparrow 2 and one of the ATK +3 Seals (total 59/57 ATK (depending on whether you go with Death Blow 3 or Swift Sparrow 2; Swift Sparrow 2 is probably better on =/+ATK Soleil, but 42 SPD is a great thing to have IMO so I could see you going for that if you have someone you can burn for it), which is still pretty good on a unit that's pretty likely to double (especially if you go for Sparrow, 42 SPD is really damn fast)), add Moonbow or Luna or Draconic Aura or something and give her ATK buffs (if you're lucky enough to have a Dark Aura user, throw them on a team together for that sweet +6 buff; if not, hey, +4's still pretty good) and she's all fixed up.
Alternatively, you could just wait for her to drop to 4-Star rarity (which she should, they always drop at least one character to 4-Star post-banner, and they're most likely not gonna drop Seigbert or Shiro, so that only leaves one possibility) and pull more of her then. That's what I'm gonna do, since I pulled Seigbert instead of her.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Well, I was prepared to spend a lot of attempts trying to get Rhajat with my orbs, but somehow I got her with my free summon. I guess I'm done until Christmas Tharja shows up :) Well, unless Lyn, Hector, or Ephraim pop up again soon. Ugh, I deserve getting Rhajat right off the bat after spending money trying to get people during the Legendary Banner and getting only Celica and Genny.

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Holy crap, your focus rate got up to 8.5%? (I hope that was combining both non-focus and focus percent.) It's too bad Abel isn't better than your 4-star one, but oh well!

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3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Holy crap, your focus rate got up to 8.5%? (I hope that was combining both non-focus and focus percent.) It's too bad Abel isn't better than your 4-star one, but oh well!

Technically, it broke when I got Celcia, but I might as well count it after so many dud summons. XD;

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