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Well, here are the anniversary orbs. Now to see if I can get anything worthwhile from the Legendary banner.

  1. 4* Olivia: Meh.
  2. 3* Cecilia: Escape Route fodder for Lyn at last.
  3. 4* Lilina: Already have her at 5*.
  4. 4* Leon: Don't really know what to do with you.
  5. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder too.

Well, let's try again.

  1. 4* Jakob: Meh.
  2. 4* Donnel: Worthless.
  3. 4* Henry: I have way too many of you.
  4. 4* Est: Also worthless.
  5. 4* Peri: Damn RNG...

10% pity rate. FFS...Well, I've got 23 orbs left.

  1. 4* Effie: No.
  2. 4* Stahl: No.
  3. 3* Sully: No.
  4. 4* Leon: Again?
  5. 4* Jagen: Really?!

95 orbs spent, 25 units pulled, not a single damn 5*. This is ridiculous. My pity rate had better die in a blaze of glory after this fiasco.

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Dumped all 50 orbs plus the ones from the new quests and daily maps on the Hero Fest banner, and Lordy lord. Second pull was on colourless and I pulled Brave Lyn, who I needed. Then my pity rate got broken by 5* Tharja, then a random 5* Titania. Sent them both home for feathers. I don't particularly like either of them, and I don't need them. Feathers, on the other hand, will do nicely for promoting Chrom for that upcoming Falchion upgrade.

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Hero Fest Banner had three green orbs. Brave Ike is one of the few units I don't have, so why not pull all three of them. 

3* Nino
4* Gunter
Brave Ike! ...Ike likes me for some reason. I've had a really easy time pulling all his incarnations. >.> This one's +DEF -SPD which is actually pretty good for him. Thank you anniversary orbs.

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28 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

You guys think the free 50 orbs are blessed or something?

They're either cursed, or my Arthurian luck is showing again.  I will say that my first spot of good luck with a free pull on the Hero Fest banner apparently ruined the 55 orbs that I was saving for Legendary Heroes.  I would like to say that so far, I have never pulled a single 5* unit from any Legendary Heroes banners to date.  Not a single one.

I pulled a Brave Lyn for my free pull from the new Heroes Fest banner today.  I immediately quit the banner, and will not be pulling from it again.  Instead, I dumped all 55 orbs I had left into Legendary Heroes, and guess what? No 5*'s, once more.  Pity rate is almost at 10% now with me sniping colorless and red.  Yes, I jumped into the colorless pit for Summer Fred and Takumi.

EDIT: alternate account's 75 orbs yielded nothing but a repeat 5* Sanaki, which was also a pity rate breaker.

Edited by mewyeon
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@Zeo @Vaximillian @Cute Chao

Did full pull with free pull but got nothing noteworthy. Wanted B!Ike the most from Hero Fest and only green was a 3 star Cecilia.

so i tried again and spent an orb to expand my barracks out of impatience and frustration. 2 green orbs. 1 was a 3 star Gunter which fair enough is always useful. Second orb..


yeaaa!!!! Finally have him!

amusingly he is +Res/-HP which is identical to my current B!Ike in my second account. In fact the summoning was identical- got both Ikes in 2nd session after a Gunter and only 2 green orbs. (Except Gunter was 4 star in my second account during the CYL banner)

Thank goodness for Hero Fest luck! Much more painless.

out of happiness i pulled a red to get a new unit since i have no sigurd and there were no blues for Nephenee but it was just a Draug.

not sure if i'll go look for Nephenee or a better natured B!Ike and make this one Steady Breath fodder (Perfect skill for my Shiro). I'll wait for the new trailer for new heroes first I guess and build him after I fail at getting a new B!Ike

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.........Well. Those gifted orbs sure got me something on the Hero Fest banner.



+Atk/-Res. That is all.

Shame that she ended up being the only thing of note I got from those orbs. All I have to show for on the legendary banner after tonight is a 9.5% rate and no Ike. At least I'll leave that banner with Gunnthra and YS!Robin both obtained.


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Pulled a B!Lucina, Gunnthra and a PA!Azura within 5 pulls on the Legendary banner with the Anniversary orbs! 

Spent the rest of them trying to get Myrrh, but no luck was to be had. I think I will stockpile from now until we see who the Special heroes are, and then I will go from there!

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yay! I got a bit lucky too, I pulled a Faye on the legendary banner. She’ll be +1 now.


I say these orbs are blessed. Just got a +Res -Hp Siegbert without any kind of pity rate. This is nuts! I think I'm going to save the rest in case Ishtar comes in a banner instead of a GHB because this is getting ridiculous.

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My free pull on Hero Fest was a 3* Florina. Yuck. Next summoning session had 2 blue orbs...3* Gwen and 4* Catria. I’m done with this cursed banner. The orbs are probably better spent on the next banner. 

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Ok so I used 140 orbs on the Legendary banner and I got:

Sanaki (-atk/+spd)

Seigbert (-def/+res)

Axura(-res/+spd, same as my last one)

Sanaki feels like she’s just there to block you from getting ike but I guess I’m just salty because crappy nature.

Seigbert -def kinda sucks but is welcomed nonetheless and I also got my first Clair from this.

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@mcsilas: Yay for CYL Ike! I’m still trying for his RD version because he’ll be pretty useful in the arena next season or two.

@mampfoid: Yay for RD Ike! I’d love to get him on the banner. But it was already graceful and let me have a Fjorm, a Summer Frederick for some reason, a Nohrian Azura, and a Faye. But Ike pls.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas: Yay for CYL Ike! I’m still trying for his RD version because he’ll be pretty useful in the arena next season or two.

@mampfoid: Yay for RD Ike! I’d love to get him on the banner. But it was already graceful and let me have a Fjorm, a Summer Frederick for some reason, a Nohrian Azura, and a Faye. But Ike pls.

Wow, you seem to have a nice haul from the legendary banner!

But yeah 2/3 Ikes in my main, just need 1 more. Not trying too hard for RD Ike though in case we get a free one from the voting

...although i guess we won't get a blessing to go with that free Ike

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19 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas: Yay for CYL Ike! I’m still trying for his RD version because he’ll be pretty useful in the arena next season or two.

@mampfoid: Yay for RD Ike! I’d love to get him on the banner. But it was already graceful and let me have a Fjorm, a Summer Frederick for some reason, a Nohrian Azura, and a Faye. But Ike pls.

Congratulations, four 5* from one banner seems cool. Will you keep Azura? After all she is less of a "special" unit than others (and a great unit of course). 

Faye would be cool, I also miss Takumi. It was never a big deal for me to not have Ike and Ryoma, but Sanaki would have been a cool addition to a mixed flyer team. Her special tome, tactic skills and double guidance would have been something new to play with.

I recognized only now I pulled my first +SPD Tharja. Now I have to decide: 4*+10 or 5*? 

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@mcsilas @eclipse Well... a bittersweet roller-coaster it was but I came out of these banners with something after all. 75 orbs in hand and my first round at the Hero Fest banner came out with nothing. Notable pull though was a +ATK/-DEF Oscar who will finally replace my current +HP/-ATK one. 2nd round in, one green orb and~



So unbelievably bittersweet. The fabled B!Ike finally in my barracks but he's +HP/-ATK... hurts so bad. HURTS, SO, BAD. I'm happy to get in but it's as if the game itself was against me here. Worth pointing out though that I pulled my first Rebecca ever in this pool though.


Then I took my latter 40 orbs back to the legendary banner (on which I was at a 9.50% rate). First round was a whole lot of nada again but my 2nd Roderick and after all this time a Klein! That extra Effie I have might just be spared of being DB3 fodder now. But anyways no *5 and I'm down to 20 orbs and a 10.00% rate. Needless to say I've gotten worried at this point. So I go in for my last batch, see a green orb and~



Finally a *5! The seasonal dancer I wanted 2nd most of all (1st was Olivia) with the best nature possible (+SPD/-DEF). There were no other *5's in the pool even at that high pull rate but at that point I was grateful to get anything at all.


And oh hey a Hinata. It's been a long time since I've had Fury fodder. 2 *5's in 75 orbs along side two of the best fodder in the game isn't too bad I suppose.

My green game has gotten a bit stronger. I'm sure I'll scrounge up enough orbs to take a shot or two at these banners before they're gone. Probably will do one more round at the Legendary Hero banner to see if I can come out with something else. At the very least my Green game just went up.

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15 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow, you seem to have a nice haul from the legendary banner!

But yeah 2/3 Ikes in my main, just need 1 more. Not trying too hard for RD Ike though in case we get a free one from the voting

I like that, yes. But I always want more! The first legendary gave me two Hectors which was amazing (both are already eaten) and a Spring Camilla who was 1000 feathers. The second legendary gave me three Amelias who are still all level 1. This one was much kinder and more diversified.

2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Congratulations, four 5* from one banner seems cool. Will you keep Azura? After all she is less of a "special" unit than others (and a great unit of course). 

Faye would be cool, I also miss Takumi. It was never a big deal for me to not have Ike and Ryoma, but Sanaki would have been a cool addition to a mixed flyer team. Her special tome, tactic skills and double guidance would have been something new to play with.

I recognized only now I pulled my first +SPD Tharja. Now I have to decide: 4*+10 or 5*? 

Yes, I will keep Azura. I codified my rule against the seasonals and fixed my definition of a seasonal once and for all. A seasonal for me is a unit that is styled after a real world event. The dancers are fair game because any connection with whatever festival they were supposed to be connected to is as farfetched as Eirika using Gleipnir.

I miss Takumi too. He’s never come for me for all this year, but I sort of am to blame for that myself. I am not brave enough to delve into grey hell on a regular basis, you see. But with Sothe becoming a four-star L&D3 dealer recently…

4+10 is efficient in short-term, but I find 4+10 lame. 5+10 or bust!

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Back into the Sacred Stones banner:

4* Lilina +HP -Res
4* Fir +Atk -Def - Y'know it feels bad to fodder away good natures for Spd+3 but that's all you can offer me.
3* Henry +Def -Spd
4* Ogma +Spd -Atk - I'm out of people to give Brave Sword to.

4* Hana Neutral - I only started merging Hana a couple of days ago, but at this rate she'll be fully merged before I even begin levelling her.
4* Sophia +Spd -Atk - It's been a long time, welcome to the merge pile.
4* Marth +HP -Spd - See, this is why I don't have the slightest inclination to vote for you and your unfailingly terrible natures.
4* Gunter +Spd -Def
4* Gunter -Def +Spd - What is this, Gunter and Bizarro-Gunter?

4* Ogma +Res -HP - Stop that.
4* Soleil +Def -Atk - The kind of fodder that's really expensive to get rid of.
4* Beruka +Def -HP - I just give Glimmer to whatever 5-stars I don't want to properly build.

Up to 4.25% now...
3* Laslow +Spd -HP - Geez, you marry a guy once and he sticks to you like a bad odour for the rest of time.
4* Sheena Neutral


So it was with 17 orbs left that I stomped off in frustration to the Hero Fest banner, maybe Bike will be kind enough to show up and cheer me up.

Hahaha, no. There aren't even any green orbs. But screw it, I'm opening everything anyway since this will probably be the only time I get to pull this Hero Fest.

5* Jaffar +Spd -Def - I'm really conflicted. Not a character I actually want, but I think he's classified as a good pull now, especially with those natures.
4* Gwendolyn +HP -Res
3* Subaki +Atk -HP - I was running low on QR so I'll take it.
4* Sakura +Spd -Def - I guess I can merge my mediocre 5* one into this one someday.
4* Hana +Def -HP - What is this, did I visit Fort Jinya or something? She goes to level 1+4.


Welp, I'd still say my main emotion now is disappointment, but at least with a consolation prize. I have six days left to salvage something from my SS pity rate - Eirika or another Myrrh, whatever I'll take it as long as I can get out of this quicksand.

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1 hour ago, mewyeon said:

They're either cursed, or my Arthurian luck is showing again.  I will say that my first spot of good luck with a free pull on the Hero Fest banner apparently ruined the 55 orbs that I was saving for Legendary Heroes.  I would like to say that so far, I have never pulled a single 5* unit from any Legendary Heroes banners to date.  Not a single one.

I pulled a Brave Lyn for my free pull from the new Heroes Fest banner today.  I immediately quit the banner, and will not be pulling from it again.  Instead, I dumped all 55 orbs I had left into Legendary Heroes, and guess what? No 5*'s, once more.  Pity rate is almost at 10% now with me sniping colorless and red.  Yes, I jumped into the colorless pit for Summer Fred and Takumi.

EDIT: alternate account's 75 orbs yielded nothing but a repeat 5* Sanaki, which was also a pity rate breaker.

Figures that gacha only leaves impressions, while the boring truth always comes down to it being random mood swings of the gacha gods. And even the best of luck while pulling can be negated by bad natures. What a cruel world we live in.

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But first.... A banner I don't need to pull from when I have everyone, but any would be nice.

3 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green (That makes it easier)

4* Subaki (Well he sucks, but has QR2. Neutral)

Back to the legendary.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Stahl (Is the curse finally over?), 3* Eliwood (WHY?), 4* Sheena (Well, Svallian Shield exists, and with Thani now in the game.... +Res/-Def), 4* M!Robin (He does have nice things to pass. +Def/-Res), 5* Daggerick (GACHA. MISTAKE. +HP/-Res, could be worse)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green

3 Gunter (NOT. Now), 3* Stahl (Well, he can be sacrificed at 3*), 4* Shanna (DESPERATION! +Def/-Spd, definite fodder), 5* Summer Robin (Well, at least I have Lance Valour to train all my horses. +Atk/-Def, actually alright I guess), 3* Donnel (Well, another unit to sacrifice)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Ogma (Well, it's not much good. +HP/-Atk, might just merge), 4* Klein (THIS FODDER I LIKE. +HP/-Atk, I am not keeping), 4* Donnel (Sacrifice), 4* F!Corrin (At least S!Corrin isn't here, knowing my luck I wouldn't see a sight of Corrin. +Atk/-HP), 3* Donnel (Well, this is a weak end. 2 Donnels in the same pull)

8.5%. 2 Summer Units I wasn't looking for. These banners can be pretty disappointing imo.

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, I will keep Azura. I codified my rule against the seasonals and fixed my definition of a seasonal once and for all. A seasonal for me is a unit that is styled after a real world event. The dancers are fair game because any connection with whatever festival they were supposed to be connected to is as farfetched as Eirika using Gleipnir.

Glad to hear that, she is one of my favorite dancers and using her wouldn't make you think she is seasonal at all. With that outfit she could be featured in any game without breaking the third wall (is it called like that?) or the in-game atmosphere. 

16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I miss Takumi too. He’s never come for me for all this year, but I sort of am to blame for that myself. I am not brave enough to delve into grey hell on a regular basis, you see. But with Sothe becoming a four-star L&D3 dealer recently…

Yep, that and the fact healers became useful (even if they are still no good fodder). 

16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

4*+10s efficient in short-term, but I find 4+10 lame. 5+10 or bust!

Tharja would be ~55th for a 5* merge. Pulling a off-focus 5* Tharja would make me fodder her to another red mage for that tome. 

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