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I got a Stahl on my free pull! Normally, this would make me not happy, but my Grima needs swap so I'm satisfied with this.

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Free pull was an Eliwood. Meh, there could have been a Matthew inside of one of the two colorless stones, but I took the shot at a Chrom. Oh well.

Went back to the legendary banner as well. 3 blues but just Mahtilda, Peri and Mae. Good fodder at least.

Gonna keep picking at this banner until it disappears on the 6th, then back to saving aside from the potential extra pulls on some of the daily banners.

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So, the Vantage banner. I want a Brave Bow more than a Rein merge.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Sothe (L&D is fine. +Spd/-Atk, so close to me keeping him.)

So, I'm going to try for more Chrissas.

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Bartre (It has been a long time since I pulled the man, the meme, the legend. +Spd/-Res, if this were a different unit this would be great), 3* Marth (Disappointing? Neutral, not when Spur Spd 2 is a fodder I use quite often)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Raven (Man, is he good? +HP/-Atk, Sol I guess), 3* M!Corrin (What a waste. +Atk/-HP), 3* Reinhardt (If only he were better fodder. +Res/-Def, nah)


2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

5* L!Lyn (Well, not quite what I wanted, but.... +Atk/-Spd, so I need to figure out who gets Spd Tactic), 5* LAlina (ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Anything but Chrissa apparently! +Def/-Spd that's just awful), 3* Lukas (Mrege fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* F!Corrin (Fodder. +HP/-Def, nope), 4* Jeorge (Are you the one I'd think about promoting? +Res/-HP, nope)

Chrissa, the one I want and the one green I don't get when I get 2 at once. To be expected, but still that stings.

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Not realizing that the daily banners had started, I fortunately logged in with only four minutes remaining on the Gem Weapon banner to redeem that free pull and I was gonna pull red in hopes for fury fodder but idk why I just felt like I really needed to pull blue so I did and...


Azura! Following my gut instinct paid off! She’s +atk/-spd which is whatever. Her job is dancing and one can never complain about having too many dancers.

The vantage banner gave me a Seth. If only he weren’t a poor man’s Horse Chrom. It’s free feathers at least.

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eCQYyLV.pngI finally did it! I pulled Ash Ketch- Oh. Wait wrong character. +HP, -Res. I also pulled a Rhajat too, Not sure what I'll do with her because I already have Summer Elise and Spring Sharena.

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On 8/2/2018 at 6:08 PM, Zeo said:

I'm actually kinda hoping I don't get too many of the colors I want, it'll make it a lot easier to save. Nevermind the seasonal banner coming that I hope I can just skip.

I feel the same way, sometimes I breathe a sigh of relief just seeing 1 orb to pull since I don't have to spend 20 orbs for the full summon


@mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian

So Vantage banner. I think free Brave Bow+ is the wisest choice. Of course, both accounts give me 3 red and 2 blue instead when I actually want a colourless.

Anyway, for my second account, I picked a blue since I don't have a +Atk Reinhardt yet. +Spd/-Atk Oboro...sure okay.

As for my main account, I low key wanted to go red for Lon'qu, since I need a +Atk one. Or getting a 5 star one saves me feathers for his conversation/Killing edge+ fodder...


Huh. You're no Lon'qu but I'll take it! Sanaki is new for my main, and I always wanted a hard-hitting red mage since for the longest time I had no luck with red mages in my main.

+Def/-Spd which I guess is alright since she's slow anyway. Plus I'm gonna give her Swordbreaker anyway and the +Def could make her survive a few DC swords I guess. At least her Atk is untouched which is the most important thing.

So yeah. The best pitybreakers are the free ones, when there are no pity/orb costs.

@NegativeExponents- Congrats on the Azura! 

@Nanima Congrats on the Lon'qu! 5 star saves you feathers at least haha

 Also @mampfoid congrats on the Horse Chrom! I actually tried to summon for Lyoma as well before doing the clear, but couldn't summon him so I used vanilla Ryoma haha.

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Thanks to the extra orbs, I was able to do a full legendary circle. Got Chrom and Camilla, and with that I have all the reds from the banner.


Still interested in the banner though, down to blue/green

Vantage pull was Kaze, Atk Smoke for L!Ephraim

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@mcsilas Indeed haha. He's +HP -Def, so he might work with a panic ploy build. It'll be interesting to see where I can take him, since I actually don't have a (n exclusively) player phase sword yet.

Also congrats on Sanaki!


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@Zeo @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria

So I buckled and used more orbs on the legendary banner while it was here. Not gonna lie I saw other people's pulls and admired the Lucina artwork

As expected, Azura showed up on my main account. At least there was no pity rate- and she's +Def/-Atk so I merged her with my +Spd/-Atk an now she's suddenly +2. I did get my first Legault though! He is +Spd/-Def which is...decent I guess but I'll wait for a really good nature before properly training one. Now down to 3 orbs again lol.

As for my second account, first summon was 2 blues which was a Donnel and Robin.

Then I dipped into the Summer banner for a Takumi chance. 1 colourless and FOUR GREENS. Figures that happens when there are no green focus units. Anyway the colourless gave me a +Res/-Def Niles. @NegativeExponents- What Niles do you recommend, +Res or +Atk? Or should I wait for +Spd? Your Niles does really good work on the clears.

Anyway, I returned for the legendary banner with 17 orbs left to get a new unit at least. 3 blues, 1 colourless, 1 red. I opened the first blue and..


Hey, I got Lucina! Gosh the summoning screen looks so beautiful with her colour scheme and those sparkles.

+Res/-HP which I'll take it-  as long as Spd and Atk aren't touched! I finally have a blue Lucina as well!

I tried the others to see if I can get a better nature/Azura or Legendary Ryoma but nothing, but I did get a +Atk/-Spd 3 star Effie! I can finally build the perfect Effie! The other blue was a Subaki and the red was a Henry- useful fodder at least!

Not bad for two sessions from a reset rate.

@Nanima Oooh that's an interesting approach- his high HP and Spd gives him a bit of bulk for one turn.

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@NegativeExponents- Free Azura, cool!

@mcsilas Free Sanaki and legendary Lucina, very cool congratulations. 

Meanwhile solved nearly all missions with orbs, missing only the movement type based monthly 10th stratum quests and reached tier 23 in GC to get another full pull off nothing from the legendary banner (in addition to that of yesterday). 

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Guess I need to do the monthly stratum quests for more orbs. I've pulled Ishtar, NY!Camilla, and Azura. But have I gotten Lucina? Of course not. Not that I had a good chance I went in with only 3 orbs saved because of freaking Flier!Olivia (where I got 4 red pity-breakers and no Olivia).

But! I've gotten 2 new M!Robin's so once I gather the required 40k feathers, he will be +9, and only ONE away from being my first +10, so pulling blues has definitely gotten me something. I even got another Shigure to merge (so he'll be +2). So it's not been a complete waste.

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I did it. It's finally going to happen. I managed to get enough merges to +10 Ishtar!!! :D (Base IV's will be +Spd/-Def. Will have to accept the Super Bane unfortunately).

Picked up a few Legendary Lucina's along the way (One being +Spd/-Res, which I see as her optimal IV set).

Had to go in a bit deeper than I would have liked to have on this banner, but I achieved what I set out to do with it at the same time. Extremely happy right now.


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Okay, I think I'm gonna be done with Legendary Lucina's banner. I didn't get Lucina herself, but I did get a Legendary Lyn and a Valentine Lilina for merging; and two Christmas Lissa's, one to keep and one for Bold Fighter inheritance for Valentine Lyn. I'm satisfied.

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Decided to exhaust the pity rates on a few banners...

ASS!Takumi with +Def -HP. Technically neutral, more importantly he isn't -Spd, YES.

WE!Lissa, +Atk -Def, literally the same as the WE!Lissa I kept. Ugh... for having some interesting focus units, this Legendary Banner really let me down...

...well, that was until this became the Day of the Kinshi.

+Spd -Def on two separate Kinshi Knights, Ryoma and Hinoka! I can finally reverse the horrid nature that was on my Kinshi Hinoka finally, AND I have the Legendary Samurai finally!

...still don't have a Fire hero, but whatever. I'll be saving the rest of the orbs I bought for whatever comes next, since the only longterm summoning goal I have left now is Maribelle... and honestly, summoning her now is a lost cause.

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Today's pulls contained no Lucinas, but instead had 3 really good focus units:

Legendary Ryoma [+SPD/-RES, yay! This dude is getting his old, -ATK self merged into his newer, better, faster self, and now I have to think about the build I want to give him since now he's gonna be nyoom fast and have better ATK than he was before]

LA Lilina [+ATK/-RES, which gives her super ATK and guarantees that she'll at least be really strong, which is pretty nice]

Azura [+SPD/-RES, because today was +SomethingGood/-RES day apparently. My previous Azura was the opposite, so this one will be getting a merge too, and now I really hope I was right about Azura being on the banner meaning that she's getting a personal weapon in the near future because this game gave me two of her now]

Damn fine pulls today.

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I couldn't care less about anyone on the Vantage banner, so might as well look for Fury fodder.

  1. 3* Hinata: Lucky me.

And let's see if looking for Lucina will yield anything.

  1. 3* Niles: Meh.
  2. 4* Fae: Meh.
  3. 4* Boey: Garbage.

I guess not. Hopefully I at least don't end with a pity rate.

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Well, at least I won't have to wait until November for her (+Def/-Res), if nothing else. My little spree for Lucy also got me an Ishtar (+HP/-Res, now +2) that isn't -Atk or -Spd, which I also appreciate.

Too bad the trailer for next week's banner is unlikely to drop before the legendary banner expires, as now I'm unsure whether to keep trying for Ryoma (my last missing legendary) or save for next week.

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That was quite the server death, eh?

Anyways, got Rhajat from Fury banner (off by a few banners, but whatever). +Res -Atk, the reverse of the Rhajat I have built.

Not sure if I wanna give anyone a Wolftome yet, but if not that, then Distant Defense 3.

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Just another regular 4* Roy. I've pulled so many lately that I don't even need to look up his stats, I can tell that's +atk -spd anytime.

Small attempt at sniping blue on the Legendary was a fail.

3* Mathilda +Spd -Res
3* Nowi +Spd -Atk


(Second account got a +Atk -Res Nowi freebie, first ever non-crap Nowi on it so that's nice)

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@SatsumaFSoysoy @mcsilas @mampfoid @Cute Chao


Blue stones are still the rarest. Blue hell is true hell.

Also, Res/Atk. @Rezzy why. There go my dreams of merging my Ishtar into a better base. Oh well.
Also I just can’t seem to pull Cecilia to save my life. I only need one more Cecilia, game. Please. Not Bartre, not Gunter, not Frederick. Just one Cecilia.

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