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6 hours ago, QuestionEmblem said:

his low res is a colossal weak spot

Xander is not meant to be a mage tank. If you want a unit that tanks a specific color of mages, it is best to use units with decent to high Res and equip those units Triangle Adept. If you want all round mage tanks, you want somebody like Felicia and Niles who can avoid most doubles, or you can go with somebody like Leo and Myrrh who can prevent doubles.

If you want a generalist who can tank a lot of different opponents, your best bet would be to go with dragons like Y!Tiki, Nowi, and Fae. Keep in mind that these units will still die to offensive mages if they do not have a dedicated anti mage build.

4 hours ago, QuestionEmblem said:

If he would only go for one round of combat anyway, wouldn't Quickened Pulse on S slot be better, since he gets to use his Bonfire straight away?

Quickened Pulse is pretty good, but depending on the mode, it usually is not necessary. And for most players, Quickened Pulse and Heavy Blade are likely being hogged by LA!Roy and Reinhardt most of the time.

Xander is usually slow enough to be doubled, so he will activate Bonfire most of the time. If you want him to activate a Special against slower units, then you may want to consider Moonbow.

Bonfire (Cooldown = 3):
Enemy Initiates (3 > 2)
Xander Counters (2 > 1)
Enemy Doubles (1 > 0)
Xander Quick Ripostes (0 > Special Triggers)

Moonbow (Cooldown = 2):
Slow Enemy Initiates (2 > 1)
Xander Counters (1 > 0)
Xander Quick Ripostes (0 > Special Triggers)

6 hours ago, QuestionEmblem said:

When's Severa?

4 hours ago, QuestionEmblem said:

P.S: When's Charlotte?

No one knows. There are no official sources out there that mention anything about them.

To get the latest official news on when new units come out, you can subscribe to Nintendo Mobile's YouTube Channel and follow Fire Emblem Heroes on Twitter (Japanese).

If you want to express your wish to summon Charlotte and Severa, you can use the "Desired New Heroes and New Hero Banners Discussion" thread.

If you want to speculate when they are going to come out, the general thread seems to be the best place for that.

4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Looking for suggestions on a Celica build. I have a +Res/-Def one although she looks like a more offensive mage anyway 

I already put Renewal on her, just trying to think of a special and B skill. Either Fury or LaD I guess? Or Swift Sparrow, but I only have 1 spare Bow Lyn right now so I'm not sure if she's the best user of Swift Sparrow (any other ideal candidates for this A skill?)

As for the special, I'm not sure what to choose between Moonbow/Glimmer. Does she want shorter charge times or something more like Luna?

Life and Death is fine for Celica since she has enough bulk to withstand one counter from many enemies. Swift Sparrow is better at making it harder for enemies to use Chill Spd against her, but sometimes that extra 1 Atk/Spd makes a difference though.

If you plan to use her on your defense team, you can be obnoxious to educate ill informed players who run mage bait Felicia by giving Celica either Luna-Heavy Blade or Moonbow-Speed +3. If players using her just copied her build without doing much research, they would be in a huge surprise when they see Celica crush Felicia's Resistance.

If you are running Chill Spd as @silveraura25 suggested, then Luna-Heavy Blade is better.

Something like this would be perfect for Celica sensei:
Celica +Atk/Spd, -HP/Def/Res
Luna / Moonbow
Swift Sparrow / Life and Death
Chill Spd
Spd Smoke
Heavy Blade / Speed +3

You can then give Celica Wings of Mercy teammates, ideally either armor ones, so Celica is more likely to reach the player first, or infantry ones, so they can also Infantry Pulse Celica's Special down to 0 for immediate activation. I prefer the Wings of Mercy armor units since Celica with her Special ready would immediately raise a red flag since even a player who is not paying too much attention can see her Special being primed for destruction.

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10 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@silveraura25 Thanks very much!

Now I have another question (sorry!): I have a +DEF/-SPD Micaiah. Which is a terrible IV set for her, but she's really been helpful in this TT+ and I've grown rather fond of her so I'd like to build her regardless. I'm considering this set:

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Darting Blow 3 / Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Distant Def 3(?)

If anyone has any opinions regarding this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks very much!

You know, I made something silly like this for -spd Deirdre when I started out when didn't know much about speed tiers. Her speed is rather unsalvagable and was never good to begin with.

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Death Blow 3
B: Guard 3
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Quick Riposte 3

If you really want to double with Micaiah then use sacrifice to drop her HP below 50% and do this

◉ Thani
☗ Sacrifice
▶ Iceberg
A: Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 2 (3)
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Brash Assault 3

Edited by silveraura25
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7 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@silveraura25 Thanks very much!

Now I have another question (sorry!): I have a +DEF/-SPD Micaiah. Which is a terrible IV set for her, but she's really been helpful in this TT+ and I've grown rather fond of her so I'd like to build her regardless. I'm considering this set:

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Darting Blow 3 / Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Distant Def 3(?)

If anyone has any opinions regarding this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks very much!

Desperation really isn't going to do anything with her 24 speed (it's a superbane) unless you also go for the Brash Assault seal. You would then probably have to keep Sacrifice as her assist in order to get her HP low enough to activate Brash Assault.

The alternative would be a Quick Riposte for a pure enemy phase Micaiah (which means you swap out the A slot too).

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3 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Now I have another question (sorry!): I have a +DEF/-SPD Micaiah. Which is a terrible IV set for her, but she's really been helpful in this TT+ and I've grown rather fond of her so I'd like to build her regardless. I'm considering this set:

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Darting Blow 3 / Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Distant Def 3(?)

If anyone has any opinions regarding this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks very much!

Fortunately Speed isn't her most necessary stat, as she gets outsped by most meta units anyways.

I wouldn't run Desperation on her even if you did run Darting Blow 3 (I run Death Blow 3 personally), as unmerged she will only have 30 speed with -Spd (34 in Tempest Trial bonus score battles). Rather, you could run a weapon breaker skill on her to expand her potential kill count. I personally run Bowbreaker as a safety net in AA, but you could run a different breaker to fit your needs.

If you want to run Desperation anyways, you should consider the Brash Assault SS, as that's a niche but deadly combo to run, plus it goes with her default Assist Sacrifice. Other SS's to consider are any of the Ploy skills, which she can usually trigger due to her high Res plus Thani's res bonus, or the new Drive Atk to stack with her default Drive Atk for a +6 atk combat buff.

BTW, I know you thanked me earlier, but to be honest I don't actually remember helping you that often...? Usually the unit building gets handled by @XRay by the time I come to your questions.

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24 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

If you really want to double with Micaiah then use sacrifice to drop her HP below 50% and do this

◉ Thani
☗ Sacrifice
▶ Iceberg
A: Death Blow 3
B: Desperation 2 (3)
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Brash Assault 3

@Reddazrael You might also want to consider Res Ploy on the C slot if you have the fodder for it. It makes her attacks more deadly if you line up with the enemy properly.

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@silveraura25 @Humanoid @Xenomata @XRay

Thank you all for your input and help! Xenomata, even if it wasn't often, you have helped me at least once in the past, and I wanted to thank you for the time you took to do that. :3 That's all.

I'm still kind of waffling on what to build to give her since you've all given me a number of great suggestions. I think I may go with the following:

◉ Thani
☗ Reposition
▶ Iceberg
A: Death Blow 3
B: Bowbreaker
C: Drive Atk 2
S: Res Ploy 3

XRay: Unfortunately, I don't have the fodder for Res Ploy for her C slot, although I'd love to give it to her.

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4 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

My F2P alt needs magical attackers badly. Putting the Wrathful refine on Sakura, but who to promote next: Mae +Atk -Def or Fae +Atk -HP?

I would go for Mae first since she can attack from a distance. You might want to merge the +Atk into a +Spd one later though, as the extra Spd helps a lot.

Fae is not bad either, but she needs more investment with Lightning Breath and Quick Riposte.

If you want a nuking healer, I recommend using Elise or Nanna if possible. If you do not have access to those two, Lucius would be better than Sakura with his much higher Atk.

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31 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would go for Mae first since she can attack from a distance. You might want to merge the +Atk into a +Spd one later though, as the extra Spd helps a lot.

Fae is not bad either, but she needs more investment with Lightning Breath and Quick Riposte.

If you want a nuking healer, I recommend using Elise or Nanna if possible. If you do not have access to those two, Lucius would be better than Sakura with his much higher Atk.

Okay, 5-starring Mae first.

My only 5-star healers on the free account are the aforementioned Sakura, and then Lachesis (who's held back by Absorb instead of a higher-might weapon). Going to actually try saving up orbs, so this account's on a shoestring budget. I also remembered that Mae's Blarowl+ can be forged, so the stones are going there first.

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On 20.4.2018 at 2:08 AM, Sias said:

And yeah, I've tried Absorb+ with double Breath of Life on Lachesis, and it works surprisingly well in conjunction with Autobattle as she's still healing even when the Ai decides to attack.

I've also toyed around with the idea of Miracle on her as I've seen a looot of Miracle Gennys/Elises during Rival Domains, but I'm not all that convinced. Unless you're playing Tempest Trials, Miracle probably isn't ever going to charge in time, especially considering that Lachesis is pretty slow to begin with and not necessarily going to see a lot of combat, even though I could use her to Res-tank in a pinch, I guess. Or am I missing something?

This went unanswered, so I'm just going to do a shameless repost. It basically boils down to: Is Miracle good on any healer that isn't fighting a lot anyways (due being a decent offensive unit with both Wrathful + Dazzling Staff)?

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1 hour ago, Sias said:

This went unanswered, so I'm just going to do a shameless repost. It basically boils down to: Is Miracle good on any healer that isn't fighting a lot anyways (due being a decent offensive unit with both Wrathful + Dazzling Staff)?

Miracle isn't for player-controlled staff users. It's for AI-controlled staff users.

In player hands, it's generally better for a staff to run Heavenly Light or a Balm. The one exception is for challenge maps against fixed enemies where you can engineer Miracle to activate at the right time to get something specific done.


3 hours ago, Corrobin said:

Does Armor March/Armored Boots count as a buff for the purposes of Panic and Blade Tomes?

Only numeric stat buffs count.

Armor March and Armored Boots are only blocked by Gravity because Gravity sets a hard cap on movement at 1 square. (Teleportation doesn't count as movement in the number-of-squares sense.)

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So the feathers are coming in like clockwork, Matthew and Nino are both reaching the latter half of their +10 journeys, Steady Breath has come in and it's very much time to start thinking about what I want to do with the 3rd and 4th members of my final four. Each of these units will fulfill a certain role and leave the remaining available role to the other, which makes this really important. Tagging @Ice Dragon @Astellius @LordFrigid @Hawk King and @Hilda for guru-like wisdom and @NegativeExponents- @mampfoid and @mcsilas for insight. Anyone else is welcome to chime in as well.

The units in question are Lukas and Chrom. I'm in posession of 2 DC fodders and one SB fodder. One of these units will get SB, which means the other will run DC and their build is pretty much locked in. It's only a question of who should run what, who runs it better and who having what is superior for the team composition. I'll show the complimenting builds for reference as to what you'll be getting. I have a +ATK/-RES Chrom, but since Lukas is still waiting on a decent nature, we're just going to use Neutral for these examples.

Pair #1: Dragon Slayer & Mixed Wall




This is what I was going for initially. Infantry Pulse, Smokes and the likes are options, but both of them are running hones for Nino's benefit.

Chrom: He's running SB, and that combined with Spectrum Bond and CD3 are giving him 45 DEF on EP. RES is on the low side at 21 but that only really matters vs dragons of whom he'll be oneshotting anyway. Nowi herself needs either TA3, SB or to be fast enough to double him otherwise she's dogmeat too. F!Corrin is his only true dragon counter. With DEF that high and an HP pool to match, he'll pretty much obliterate any physical attacker on EP except for the blue lances capable of procc-ing specials on him. Assuming the team is together, Matthew's buffs will make him invincible and Nino can handle any pesky blues that comes his way.

Lukas: There's something nonsensical about giving one of the lowest RES lances the Berkut's Lance+ build and yet I have never been able to shake the idea of doing it. Despite his low RES running the numbers he runs this build better than any non *5 exclusive lance barring Effie for some reason. He's got a mixed bulk of 38/34 at neutral and moreso with a RES boon. He can still melt reds nicely while also serving as a soft magic counter and overall mixed wall. Matthew's buffs once again compliment him to the point of invulnerability.

Pros: Physical attackers are pretty much a non issue at this point. Red mages are an afterthought and Lukas can survive Rein as long as he doesn't run Lancebreaker. This also gives me a DC blue unit other than Camus and fills a much needed niche.

Cons: N.I.N.O. Despite being on my team she serves as one of it's worst counters. Unlike some of the innate RES tanks Lukas only serves as a soft counter to magic and Nino will melt him along with Chrom despite his WTA. The only way to deal with her is to duel her with either Matthew or Nino herself. That and by providing Lukas with a mixed build I'm severely gimping his ability as a physical wall.


Unit 2: Ylissean Sniper & Ginger Haired Wall of Death




This is also a potential option for builds, if I don't do the above, 99% chance I'll do this instead.

Chrom: With Distant Counter Chrom becomes something of a physical wall at range. Red and green mages cripple him but are generally a non issue as he'll kill most of them in a single hit regardless. His potency as a 1-range tank is diminished a bit, but generally we would play to his strengths and rely on him for the ranged and green threats.

Lukas: Touch him, you die. If you don't deal magic damage, you die, if you aren't green (and magical), you still die. He reaches a nonsensical 50 DEF on EP with a guaranteed Ignis proc during every combat a foe initiates (or Aether if you're into that). He's killing just about anything physical, even if it's green. Magic melts him, but that's what his teammates are for.

Pros: Nino is a non-issue. Chrom will oneshot her on the counter along with most mages that aren't blue. I basically literally never have to worry about physical units ever. Also due to the nature of his build Lukas can potentially acquire a Harmonic Lance+ which will make his build even more dumb as Steady Breath effectively keeps Ignis proc-rate the same, just with an additional +10 in case anything wasn't already dead.

Cons: Chrom's utility vs Dragons is crippled and he could even see more losses vs them. This also gives me yet another DC red unit and I already have L!Ike, Ike, Xander and Y!Tiki with Eirika even eyeballing my other DC. 


To give you a better idea of how to advise me, I'm going to post up my planned builds for their team-mates at their current merge levels and how they compliment them. They won't have what I have equipped now, rather what my endgame is. Matthew is +SPD/-HP and Nino is +SPD/-DEF.


This is more or less what their teammates would look like in my head as of now.

Matthew: Good old Matt doing what he does. Considering half of his team are slow EP units SPD Smoke is somewhat redundant though, he couldn't run DD3 or CD3 since the tank twins have a monopoly on that, so he could run ATK Smoke in his C skill and just about anything in his Seal Slot. Or I could be a douche and run Windsweep + Phantom Speed. He's usually the frontrunner, but with a team like this he shines as a support to make his team mates even tankier than he himself is.

Nino: That Deflect Magic seal is only there to deal with a certain tiny handed mage, at higher merge levels he'd disappear and like she'd be running Drive Def 2 to be even more dumb. Usually serving as the nuke, Nino doubles as a cheerleader for her teammates. Providing +6 DEF/RES to their already nonsensical overall bulk. Drop in the Drive DEF seal and you may as well un-equip the weapons on your units.

Yes @NegativeExponents- this is indeed my final 4 and you can assume all of them will be +10'ed. Nino and Matt are +7, Chrom is +2 and Lukas is +0 but currently has 7 copies on standby. 

There's an answer for just about anything on this team, but how it's dealt with will depend highly on what route is taken with Lukas and Chrom, so what do you think is best?


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@Zeo That will be the hell of a team, looks very cool!

You pretty much summed up the pros and cons of both variants. In my opinion variant 1 is slightly better, because you want an intact dragon counter. Green mages are dangerous and it would be handy to have an hard counter, but better out-thinking the AI than running into dragon variants that will kill the first of your units who touches it. 

Perhaps you won't see so many Ninos in +10-land anyway, you should be more worried about CC Armors and Bold Fighter/QR armors. 

Another detail: Your Chrom and Lukas seem to have an equal HP stat. That would be unfortunate if you ever decide to give them Infantry Pulse. 

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So after over a YEAR of never seeing her even once, I finally got a normal Kagero, and she's a very nice +spd -def IV as well.

I was wondering how Kaze's new dagger might be on her compared to sticking with Poison Dagger. I'm also trying to pick between LaD or Death Blow and if I replace her dagger LaD will probably win out. I just don't want to be hasty since I'd be foddering a +spd -res Sothe for it.

I wish I had an extra Lethal Carrot since that build looked fun, but sadly I didn't get any extra Spring Kageros.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

So after over a YEAR of never seeing her even once, I finally got a normal Kagero, and she's a very nice +spd -def IV as well.

I was wondering how Kaze's new dagger might be on her compared to sticking with Poison Dagger. I'm also trying to pick between LaD or Death Blow and if I replace her dagger LaD will probably win out. I just don't want to be hasty since I'd be foddering a +spd -res Sothe for it.

I wish I had an extra Lethal Carrot since that build looked fun, but sadly I didn't get any extra Spring Kageros.

You might want to try running possible builds in the mass duel simulator in order to make your choice

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@Zeo I say go for the first one. Assuming desperation is active, Nino and many other green mages with Blade tomes and a 4/4/4/4 buff will still kill Chrom even if they’re the -atk variants. Sadly that’s just how low his res is.

Lukas gets a pass because Berkut’s lance lets any lance user take a magic hit and live. You still can’t counter green tomes very well but at least you can counter the rest.

I wouldn’t worry to much about green tome users anyway. High level arena is jam packed with dragons and armors. The only green tome armor is ToD!Henry and I doubt you’ll be running into him often.


Nino: That Deflect Magic seal is only there to deal with a certain tiny handed mage, at higher merge levels he'd disappear and like she'd be running Drive Def 2 to be even more dumb. Usually serving as the nuke, Nino doubles as a cheerleader for her teammates. Providing +6 DEF/RES to their already nonsensical overall bulk. Drop in the Drive DEF seal and you may as well un-equip the weapons on your units.

Nino should only be providing +6 def/+3 res with spur def/res and drive def. Rally def/res doesn’t stack with Matthew’s dagger buff.

Also may I suggest glimmer instead of moonbow? Glimmer has the same cooldowm as moonbow but will hit enemies much harder.

Other than that, it’s a really great team. Big fan of it!

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8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

You might want to try running possible builds in the mass duel simulator in order to make your choice

I always try to run builds through there extensively before asking anything. From the results I didn't see a clear pick, so I was hoping maybe somebody who's used her might know what works better in practice.

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13 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I always try to run builds through there extensively before asking anything. From the results I didn't see a clear pick, so I was hoping maybe somebody who's used her might know what works better in practice.

Well, infantry is one type of unit so you might be dragged down by her if there's no infantry unit on the foe's team. You could give her Kaze's weapon (when it comes out and if it's free) or try running smoke/rogue dagger. Smoke can help you kill your enemies quicker, but rogue does somewhat the same as well as buff your allies to be more sturdy

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

So after over a YEAR of never seeing her even once, I finally got a normal Kagero, and she's a very nice +spd -def IV as well.

I was wondering how Kaze's new dagger might be on her compared to sticking with Poison Dagger. I'm also trying to pick between LaD or Death Blow and if I replace her dagger LaD will probably win out. I just don't want to be hasty since I'd be foddering a +spd -res Sothe for it.

I wish I had an extra Lethal Carrot since that build looked fun, but sadly I didn't get any extra Spring Kageros.

I use a +Atk Kagero, and Life and Death or Death Blow is fine if you stick with Poison Dagger. You can also run Fury if that is cheaper for you. I went with Life and Death so she has a better chance of doubling non Distant Counter infantry units, but if you are only using her as a mage infantry counter, then Death Blow is fine since she usually kills them in one shot, so doubling is not really necessary against mages.

I do not have HNY!Takumi, so I am just going by what I think the calculator is telling me. For Barb Shuriken, You want to Spd stack Kagero and you probably also want Hone Speed (and ideally Hone Attack) on one of her allies. Being able to double allows her to activate Moonbow on the second hit.

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:




I haven't run the numbers, but the things you want to look out for with Chrom and Lukas:

  • If you're using Chrom as your dedicated dragon counter, he needs to be able to take out any non-Triangle-Adept Nowi build. Corrin isn't really an issue.
  • Steady Breath on Nowi doesn't do anything if she initiates combat, so that should be a non-issue.
  • Does Lukas survive being initiated on by Bold Fighter Zelgius? What if Zelgius has a Wo Dao+ [Def]?
  • Does Lukas kill Zelgius on the counterattack?

I personally prefer Bonfire on Steady Breath Lukas. 50% of your Def twice is more damage than 80% of your Def once, assuming the opponent is fast enough to double or has Bold Fighter.


2 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I'm curious how good is Hinoka's new bow Warrior Princess against armored units. I'm wondering about the effectiveness on a neutral Bownoka. 

She has 51 Atk with neutral Atk and her default Atk/Spd Bond 3, which is 76 Atk against armors. That will one-hit kill Henry and Lyn and unmerged Eliwood and Jakob. But that's really it.

With Hone Fliers, she has 57 Atk and 85 Atk against Armors, which is a bit more promising, but still misses one-hit kills against the common physically bulkier armors, especially those running Def refines or Steady Breath and buffs.

She really, really wants to stack as much Atk as she can if you're running Warrior Princess if you are intending to avoid the counterattack entirely through one-hit kills or add some Def through buffs to more reliably take the counterattack and activate Desperation (though Wary Fighter shuts this down).

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@Zeo You absolutely want Lukas to be -Spd with either build you go with. The 2nd build is exactly how I have mine except Bonfire is the special you want, and I have Drive Spd 2 for the higher Arena points, and he is +Def/-Spd. I currently have Lukas set as my lead so you should add me and see first hand how that build works for you.

Chrom has a super boon in Spd. If you want to run the DC build he can easily get over 40 Spd with his weapon's effect and hone/spur support. Otherwise you might want to go with -Spd since he will most likely be getting doubled anyway with his neutral Spd stat. For either build, 13 Res can be problematic.

Aside from the questionable natures, both builds for both characters are great. If you only have 1 DC and 1 Steady breath fodder, then DC on Lukas would probably be you best bet to take advantage of Berkut's lance's +7 Res.


Real talk, with that team you unfortunately won't be able to stay in the top 1000 for Arena Assault. Staying in Tier 20 in normal Arena should be easy enough though. After you finish your full team of +10s, you might want to invest in starting +10s of units like Nowi, Fae, Donnel (who can run the Berkut's DC build really well), Soleil, Draug, Gwendy, Sheena, and Effie for their higher BST. That way you can earn the top rewards for AA as well.

My +10 team of Nowi, Caeda, Lukas and Amelia needs a good run to stay in the top 1000 for AA. It is so bunched up that 4 less points would take me from 800s to outside the top 1000. I love my Lukas, but I am pretty close to having to bench him for Fjorm's higher BST, and the option to hand out blessings. The only thing that has stopped me so far is that I don't know if I have the right base for her.

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10 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I'm curious how good is Hinoka's new bow Warrior Princess against armored units. I'm wondering about the effectiveness on a neutral Bownoka. 

She isn't in the mass duel simulator yet so I'd give it some time. Before I start playing around with her builds, I'm expecting her to do rather poorly. Unless she's running Firesweep Bow

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