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1 hour ago, bethany81707 said:

I have a shiny new Bride Lyn, who is my first real exposure to Rehabilitate+. I've heard it's the worst of the + healer specials, in contrast to how Rehabilitate compares to the other low-level ones, but should I be concerned about replacing it? I've certainly got the Serras...

Generally speaking, IMO, worrying about healing in general isn't that big a deal in this game compared to other FEs, let alone heal amounts. In a standard Arena Assault battle, for instance, each unit is only expected to be in one fight against one unit on the enemy team, maybe two depending on color balance or if they managed the first battle without taking damage

Healers nowadays generally see use as, quite ironically, healers in long strings of battles such as Tempest Trials, where a single group of four units is expected to last for much longer than usual. In those cases though, you may want to consider replacing Rehabilitate+, as the -10 healing penalty is especially harsh on neutral nature Bride Lyn with Candlelight+ (8 hp per heal at base). In any other scenario though, you won't have to worry.

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@mcsilas I'm really torn. A part of me says "A dancer should just focus on staying alive so spd and bulk are the most important" but the other part says "Isn't 40 (or 46 after buffs) enough to double or at least avoid doubles from the majority of the cast?". 

1 hour ago, bethany81707 said:

I have a shiny new Bride Lyn, who is my first real exposure to Rehabilitate+. I've heard it's the worst of the + healer specials, in contrast to how Rehabilitate compares to the other low-level ones, but should I be concerned about replacing it? I've certainly got the Serras...

Depends on what you are looking for. Recover+ is often seen as the best healing skill. For Lyn's default kit, it would always heal about 30. Rehabilitate + would heal 10 to max health, depending on how low the target is. I suggest trying Rehabilitate out and if you find it too situational, switch to either Recover+/Physic+/Restore+ depending on your play style and team's needs. 

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So, I just recently pulled a +hp/-atk BB!Sanaki. Firstly, what weapon should I give her? Should I stick with her flowers, or go for some sort of one shot Blade tome build? And what skills should I give the build I go with?

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1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

So, I just recently pulled a +hp/-atk BB!Sanaki. Firstly, what weapon should I give her? Should I stick with her flowers, or go for some sort of one shot Blade tome build? And what skills should I give the build I go with?

She's very frail against units who can counterattack so I'd go with the one shot builds like bladetome. For a one shot bladetome build, budget is atk+3/fury, greentome breaker, literally any ploy skill for c and seal slot, preferably one of them being res ploy, but that's an seal already so pick whatever you want for her c slot.

Edited by silveraura25
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So, I've been curious about Lilina since I have a +Atk/-Res copy of her and have feathers, Dew, and a 4* Beruka, Abel, and Klein. Should I promote her or should I wait for a +Atk/-Def one?

+ Hits just as hard
+ Can tank a physical hit a bit better
+ Can tank dragons a bit better

- Res is superbane
- Doesn't tank green mages as well due to lower Res
- Can't make good use of Ploy skills

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So I got a +Speed/-HP Titania almost at +10 and I'm wondering what would be a good B skill for her.  This is her current build.



The idea behind this build is to make her a support unit for Blade Tome users and occasionally able to tank a mage.



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12 hours ago, Kaden said:

My question right now is would 33 resistance be enough at +10 or would 36 be better considering everyone would gain +4 resistance at that point.

In my opinion, I do not think it is enough. 33 Res is enough against most melee units since many will have min-maxed natures so they probably have -Res, but if you need Eliwood to Ploy something like dragons and other mages, then 33 falls short.

7 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

Got Ninian on the bridal banner (the, um... 2017 bridal banner) with a +Atk -Res nature.

My older Ninian(+1) is +Spd -Res and I'm wonder who should get merged into who. I'm currently using Dark Breath (+Def) Fury build which brings her stats to 48/41/40/30/26. The question is, how much spd is enough and at what point should other stats be invested in? One option I considered was switching to the +Atk nature and changing the weapon refine to +Spd so Ninian is trading +4 def for +4 atk.  Her support buddy is Myrrh, so she has access to Hone Dragons.


You want 40+ Spd at 5*+0 and 44+ Spd at 5*+10 to reliably avoid most doubles. If you want to avoid doubles from top tier nukes, then I would bump that up to 45+ Spd at 5*+0 and 49+ Spd at 5*+10.

6 hours ago, bethany81707 said:

I have a shiny new Bride Lyn, who is my first real exposure to Rehabilitate+. I've heard it's the worst of the + healer specials, in contrast to how Rehabilitate compares to the other low-level ones, but should I be concerned about replacing it? I've certainly got the Serras...

As @Xenomata says, healing Assists are pretty low priority. If you really want to change it to something else, I recommend Restore from Nanna instead for getting rid of debuffs and healing at the same time.

18 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

+ Can tank a physical hit a bit better
+ Can tank dragons a bit better

I would personally wait for a -Def one. Lilina should not tank hits or eat counters, so I do not think it is worth it to lose her Ploy potential for a slightly better chance of survival in a situation that she should not take part of in the first place.

4 minutes ago, Ghostface233 said:

occasionally able to tank a mage.

Walling is somewhat okay if you are on a budget and do not have access to Distant Counter. However, since you do have access to it, I recommend running Quick Riposte instead of Guard to counter mages. Unless you are in a very specific situation where you need an enemy alive to block other enemies, such as in GHBs, countering and killing things is generally always better than walling enemies and leaving them alive. Leaving enemies alive is generally a bad idea since you are charging their Specials and it gives them a chance to utilize Vantage and Wings of Mercy to mess things up.

Generally, if you are not killing something every time your units get into combat, something is not right.

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44 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

So, I've been curious about Lilina since I have a +Atk/-Res copy of her and have feathers, Dew, and a 4* Beruka, Abel, and Klein. Should I promote her or should I wait for a +Atk/-Def one?

+ Hits just as hard
+ Can tank a physical hit a bit better
+ Can tank dragons a bit better

- Res is superbane
- Doesn't tank green mages as well due to lower Res
- Can't make good use of Ploy skills

Yes. Make an early investment. Merge into an optimal one if you get it. Also, more units to use for PvE content

26 minutes ago, Ghostface233 said:

So I got a +Speed/-HP Titania almost at +10 and I'm wondering what would be a good B skill for her.  This is her current build.

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The idea behind this build is to make her a support unit for Blade Tome users and occasionally able to tank a mage.




Basically any chill skill except res. Preferably chill spd. For budget, lancebreaker against armors

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Ok, so I was excited about the idea to build an all flier team, but from my current heroes Horses Emblem looks more reasonable, and affordable.

Brave Roy, Brave Lyn, Magic Reinhardt, Spring Catria are amongst my biggest contributors, plus I have Ares, Xander, Eirika, Spring Alfonse, Finn, and soon joining Marth to the cavalry. Roy, Lyn and Reinhardt are pretty much built, what other units are worth investing? Should I raise someone else to 5*? Also what B passives I need?

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7 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Ok, so I was excited about the idea to build an all flier team, but from my current heroes Horses Emblem looks more reasonable, and affordable.

Brave Roy, Brave Lyn, Magic Reinhardt, Spring Catria are amongst my biggest contributors, plus I have Ares, Xander, Eirika, Spring Alfonse, Finn, and soon joining Marth to the cavalry. Roy, Lyn and Reinhardt are pretty much built, what other units are worth investing? Should I raise someone else to 5*? Also what B passives I need?

Blazing Durandal
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Fury
Speed +3

Brave Bow/Firesweep Bow
Swift Sparrow/Life and Death
Sacae's Blessing/Poison Strike
Attack +3/Speed +3/Poison Strike/Savage Blow

Dire Thunder
Death Blow
Chill Res/Wings of Mercy/Lancebreaker
Heavy Blade/Quickened Pulse

Huginn's Egg/Blárblade
Swift Sparrow/Life and Death/Fury
Speed +3

Dark Mystletainn
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Fury
Speed +3

Fury/Sturdy Stance
Quick Riposte
Distant Def/Close Def

Swift Sparrow
Speed +3

Giant Spoon [Spd]/Slaying Axe [Spd]/Brave Axe
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Fury
Speed +3/Attack +3

Brave Lance
Death Blow
Chill Def/Lancebreaker
Heavy Blade/Quickened Pulse

Ardent Service [Spd]/Slaying Axe [Spd]/Brave Axe
Life and Death/Swift Sparrow/Fury
Speed +3/Attack +3

If you need a green mage cavalry, you can use Cecilia and use her as a Gronnraven mage, although I do not recommend getting her to 5*+10, as 4*+10 should be enough. You may also want to try pulling for Gunnthrá in the future for a more offensive green mage cavalry. LA!Lilina would also be great if she reappears on a Focus.

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@GarlyleGrab Camus too when he pops up on the GHB rotation, very versatile unit. Also consider promoting a healer - Nanna, Priscilla and Clarine all do a fine job given Elise is so elusive.

Gunnthra is back on the Legendary banner in a few days and is a very unique unit. After next week, she won't be back for three months (next is Green Lyn then a new Legendary green) so consider that in your decisionmaking. Legendary Ephraim won't be here this month but will be available in the next one.

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I've been away for a while, sorry about that. Family stuff but I'm going to get up to date here real quick. Also I meant +SPD/-HP Serra as well. Not -DEF. Pretty crucial considering she was a CC candidate. Sorry about that.

@Hilda Henry is likely the best economical choice, but as a unit I'll never merge and likely won't see common use it's not worth if for me. Also I want to build a Boey but don't know what to do with him just yet. Either way I've finally made my decision, not sure if it was the right one but so far I'm not regretting it.

@Rafiel's Aria It's funny, I thought about Nino myself but an Owl build is one of those silly things people think about up in +10 land which I'm a ways off from. By the time I get there maybe I'll have more CC fodder or other ideas for her. We'll see. I like my Blade Nino honestly.

Faye is the one I'm generally leaning towards just because I have a growing abundance of red mages like you said. Plus she's just had so much investment already. It's funny though. If she had Cupid Bow+ she could run a CC build and be a mixed bulk archer Matthew in a way, but she has no access to merges so being a big fat "NO." to ranged units works just fine.

Leaning towards the Fury-Desp build for Sonya since G-Tomebreaker is much less valuable these days, especially on a decently fast unit. Still undecided though. Don't really want to part with my spare Speed+3 seal either.

@Ginko Celica has more worth to me as DD3 fodder than a merge. For red mages both Lilina and M!Morgan are units I'm looking at to +10 and Lilina's performance in particular is on par if not superior to Celica's since Forblaze became a factor. There are quite a few *5 exclusive units I wish I could +10, but Celica's not really one of them. If I acquired a Rhajat for one, I'd probably keep her also. You can never have enough green mages.

@XRay Sadly my LA!Lilina (who pity broke me when I was pulling for Vector like everyone else) is -ATK. I'm really just kind of waiting to fodder her off for ATK Tactic. It's just such a big investment you really have to make sure it's on the right unit so it's not wasted.

I can't merge Faye. I only have one spare and I'm certain someone wants that Firesweep Bow+ so I'm sitting on it. Still I'll probably give it to her instead of Felicia. Between Sothe and Matthew, Felicia likely won't be a merge project any time soon. Especially not with me using Kaze in the interim.

Guess I'm stuck with the Fury/Desp build for now. LnD and Fury are equally cheap for me right now, but I don't want to part with a Sothe for her and tanking Reinhardt is nice. Rexcalibur+ is a waste of resources to me when a Dark Excalibur refinement is inevitable. 

@Hawk King I made my decision on CC. Serra didn't end up getting it sadly, but the build is still on the table. I think I might be against giving Sothe CC so if I come into another one she may be the one to get it if ToD!Henry does not. Still if I get Dazzling Staff fodder before that she'll be Genny's spiritual successor. Whichever comes first at this point since she is most certainly going to be my +10 Healer and I already have both the copies and the feathers to make it happen.

@mampfoid Good advice. Particularly on DD3. It's likely going to go on Faye, but I'm going to wait just a bit longer. Julius is out.

You'll see who got CC soon enough, but Sonya's going to get the typical build, maybe she'll get Escape Route as a backup B skill also and DD3 is going to wait, but if anyone gets it immediately it'll be Faye. Thanks guys.

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Pulled an Ares and tryna decide who should get his Brazen skill. Who are some generally good candidates for Brazen Atk/Def? I feel like Brash Desp users are probably the top of the pile but who else might be a good choice? 

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

 I made my decision on CC. Serra didn't end up getting it sadly, but the build is still on the table. I think I might be against giving Sothe CC so if I come into another one she may be the one to get it if ToD!Henry does not. Still if I get Dazzling Staff fodder before that she'll be Genny's spiritual successor. Whichever comes first at this point since she is most certainly going to be my +10 Healer and I already have both the copies and the feathers to make it happen.

I'm curious to see who you went with. Morgan right?

Good thing about healers is that they are so versatile that they can run great sets with and without CC. You should check out my Serra that I have set as my lead right now. I put her on my defense team for the first time and I got 6 wins in the past 24 hours. I have only been getting 2-3 in each of the past 3 weeks. Apparently she is really difficult to deal with.

2 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Pulled an Ares and tryna decide who should get his Brazen skill. Who are some generally good candidates for Brazen Atk/Def? I feel like Brash Desp users are probably the top of the pile but who else might be a good choice? 

If you are into using healers, it can be really good on them.

Edited by Hawk King
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1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

I'm curious to see who you went with. Morgan right?

Good thing about healers is that they are so versatile that they can run great sets with and without CC. You should check out my Serra that I have set as my lead right now. I put her on my defense team for the first time and I got 6 wins in the past 24 hours. I have only been getting 2-3 in each of the past 3 weeks. Apparently she is really difficult to deal with.

That Serra looks like an absolute scourge. Hard to double, heals, has Miracle of all things and Pain+Savage Blow along with Fortress DEF. You should have equipped the Fortress RES seal just to be even more of a jerk. Either way that build is beautiful. Not my style, but Pain+ is something she's definitely going to be getting. Gravity+ is a higher priority for me though.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

That Serra looks like an absolute scourge. Hard to double, heals, has Miracle of all things and Pain+Savage Blow along with Fortress DEF. You should have equipped the Fortress RES seal just to be even more of a jerk. Either way that build is beautiful. Not my style, but Pain+ is something she's definitely going to be getting. Gravity+ is a higher priority for me though.

Yeah, her mixed bulk combined with a very respectable 38 Spd lets her survive anything with less than 43 Spd that doesn't have Bold fighter. LOL, just checked again and I am up to 7 defense wins with her on the defense team.

Too much Fortress lowers her attack too far. My -Atk Clarine runs double fortress, and she is even more of a pain than Serra. I just don't have any plans to +10 Clarine any time soon. Honestly, the dual stat skills are perfect for healers since they can't have other better stuff in their A-slot.

My other build for Serra is Absorb+(Wrathful), Recover+, Attack/Speed 3, Renewal 3, Drive Spd/Savage/whatever, Attack/Speed 3 seal.  It's not as good for a defensive team, but she hits 44 Atk with 41 Spd.  I really want to give her CC for the Absorb+ build, but I am way too hesitant with my rare skill fodder.

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5 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Pulled an Ares and tryna decide who should get his Brazen skill. Who are some generally good candidates for Brazen Atk/Def? I feel like Brash Desp users are probably the top of the pile but who else might be a good choice? 

3 hours ago, Hawk King said:

If you are into using healers, it can be really good on them.

Interesting idea, I'll keep it in consideration.

Anyone else? What other units or types of units like Brazen Atk/Def?

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59 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Interesting idea, I'll keep it in consideration.

Anyone else? What other units or types of units like Brazen Atk/Def?

I think Lyn and Folkvangr Alfonse would like those.

Maybe bulky mixed phase units who don't have access to Breath skills? Xander if you don't like Fury damage or have no access to A skill Close/Distant Def?

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11 hours ago, XRay said:

In my opinion, I do not think it is enough. 33 Res is enough against most melee units since many will have min-maxed natures so they probably have -Res, but if you need Eliwood to Ploy something like dragons and other mages, then 33 falls short.

I could always slap Fury on him. Dragons, some armors, and high resistance mages or units in general are probably going to start out with higher base resistance than =Res and sometimes +Res Eliwood. They're likely to take -HP, -Spd, or -Def instead of -Res, so trying to have him ploy them is probably impractical, merged or not.

I think I need to ask myself what I want Eliwood to do. I have never summoned a Hector, so enemy phase, Eliwood fights mages is probably never going to happen. DC is more useful on other units than Eliwood for me. Dragons are kind of stupid enough that it's usually safer to use someone with an anti-dragon weapon. That pretty much boils down to greens, reds, or whatever he can ORKO.

11 hours ago, Ghostface233 said:

So I got a +Speed/-HP Titania almost at +10 and I'm wondering what would be a good B skill for her.  This is her current build.

I have a friend who runs Dull Ranged on her with Distant Def as her seal if that's anything interesting for you.

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So I picked up a few extra Bride Cordelia's (Got 4 in total), though these are the overall best 2:

+Spd / -Atk (My first & current one I use)

+Res / -Def

Whilst the Atk bane hurts, I feel the Spd boon helps a lot (Quad). I use the following set:

  • Brave Bow+
  • Draw Back
  • Luna
  • L&D 3
  • Desperation
  • Threaten Def
  • Attack +3

Which one should I merge the others into?

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I just got a +hp/-spd bridal cordelia on my free pull. I already have a +atk/-def +1 klien, and a +res/-spd brave lyn, both of whom are running brave bow sets atm (the combination of cordelia's bad iv's and kliens good ivs/merge means that they tie strength, and klien has one more spd.) How should I build her? is it worth foddering someone for a brave bow? I don't have any fayes atm, so fire sweep is out. Note that I plan to pull colorless, so I may get a better one, but i don't want to count on it.

In other "great character. bad nature" news, just got my first hector and he is +spd/-hp (too bad those two natures are not reversed) Note that i already have a +spd/-def valentines hector. How should i build him (or should i just fodder one of them to someone for DD, like sigurd, valentines eliwood, or ayra)?

Edit: just got a +hp/-def Normal ninian (not the bride variety. I actualy got her when trying to pull for cordelia and there were no colorless) What's a good way to build her? I already have lightning breath nowi, lightning breath faye, and both genders of grima, plus normal olivia (runing wo dao), PA ingo (running TA raven), and NY azura (running fury and defensive drive stacking). I also have a 5* -atk/+spd F! corrin who i rarely use and am fine with foddering if a debuff build would be good. I am atracted to the dark breth debuff build because I have all the tools i need right now, having kept 4* joshua for just such an eventuality (whereas I am criticaly short on fury and TA atm). On the other hand, I have no idea how well this would work in practice, especialy given that this is my one copy of windsweep for the forseeable future, given that I don't have a +spd nature, and given that F! grima already has res smoke.

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18 hours ago, XRay said:

You want 40+ Spd at 5*+0 and 44+ Spd at 5*+10 to reliably avoid most doubles. If you want to avoid doubles from top tier nukes, then I would bump that up to 45+ Spd at 5*+0 and 49+ Spd at 5*+10.

So is that an argument in favor of +Spd nature? Her spd (before Hone Dragon) can go up to 43 vs the 40 spd of the +Atk nature.

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2 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

So is that an argument in favor of +Spd nature? Her spd (before Hone Dragon) can go up to 43 vs the 40 spd of the +Atk nature.

Yes. I would go for +Spd. It helps her survive and maybe counter kill Ayra, Celica, Nephenee, and possibly Raven depending on Ninian's and their skill set up.

+Atk does allow Ninian to have a much higher kill count, but she would be more vulnerable to nukes as well. If you want to use Ninian offensively, I recommend keeping Myrrh near her so Hone Dragons and Ally Support can make up for the lack of Spd.

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7 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yes. I would go for +Spd. It helps her survive and maybe counter kill Ayra, Celica, Nephenee, and possibly Raven depending on Ninian's and their skill set up.

+Atk does allow Ninian to have a much higher kill count, but she would be more vulnerable to nukes as well. If you want to use Ninian offensively, I recommend keeping Myrrh near her so Hone Dragons and Ally Support can make up for the lack of Spd.

I see. I'll take that under consideration. Thanks.

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On 2018. 05. 26. at 8:10 PM, Humanoid said:

@GarlyleGrab Camus too when he pops up on the GHB rotation, very versatile unit. Also consider promoting a healer - Nanna, Priscilla and Clarine all do a fine job given Elise is so elusive.

Gunnthra is back on the Legendary banner in a few days and is a very unique unit. After next week, she won't be back for three months (next is Green Lyn then a new Legendary green) so consider that in your decisionmaking. Legendary Ephraim won't be here this month but will be available in the next one.

Hmmm, does Clarine or Priscilla have to be 5*? Just curious.

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