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Kemono Friends Mafia - Game Over


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2 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I suppose I am quite lucky that it was you three as scum when I jailed Arcanite, had there been an experienced player in there they probably would have predicted a town protective would be all over Arcanite, which would have been really bad because I would have Roleblocked our most powerful role for no reason.

Yeah, it was both funny and terrifying to see so many people say on Day 3 that Mafia likely wouldn't try to kill Arcanite. It worked out okay in the end for you guys though, at least.

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Okay so read through the Graveyard QT I revealed my role D3 because I wanted to paint a target on my own back, I reasoned that without anyone else revealing there was a good chance that they would just target Arcanite again (I was probably wrong about that.) Besides I wanted to try and clear Arcanite of suspision so town would have a clear person to follow, I didn't even consider that I could Roleblock a nightkill, so my jail didn't definitely prove anything.

EDIT: Also one post just saying wtf mack and it took me a second to realise that was when I wrote an argument against Boron before realising he was dead and town, not my best moment 

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Well, this game was a lot of fun. I didn't get to play a lot, but it was a great read at least.

Don't have a lot of time right now, but a few things I wanted to say:

@DefaultBeep about you wanting to kill yourself, have you read the FEH mafia thread? You should read the end of D2 there :P

On the whole night kill thing, while it was hilarious, I really don't think the mafia can be blamed for not killing anyone on N3 and 4. N2 was arguable, as killing Arc was a pretty obvious move, so there was a decent chance of him being protected. I might have still done the same thing in your position though.

Also @Anime27Arts, you realize your face only looks scummier now right?

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@Bartozio I just wanted to tell you this since I read the GY QT.


You show a good sense of reading the game and making informed opinions but you don't post a lot of that thinking while you're playing the game. I noticed this in the last couple of games but what might be really hitting you here is activity more than anything. Perhaps in future games start scumhunting by dissecting things that you feel are really off? I felt like your D1 was a bit passive but I didn't think you played terribly bad, my bad for voting you at the end but it was consolidation haha.

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I still think Shinori is scum




5 hours ago, BBM said:

@Arcanite- Be more patient lol. I get that town was basically in auto-win mode by D5 but lynching sub-optimally just because you don't want to wait for a few hours for someone to come and hammer is bad play.

I guess you're right

I never niced ny vote though at least*

On 10/20/2017 at 10:56 PM, Arcanite said:

I too also also REALLY really REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you aren't scum

Otherwise my tears would be enough to drown everyone in the universe and their mother's popcorn with salt, so much so the entire universe would become like the flood of Noah's day, and all you would see is salt

@Anime27Arts Why

why would you do this to me




At least I can say I won my first game of Mafia. YES! 

5 hours ago, Refa said:

Shinori did nothing wrong.

I am also adding this to my signature

TWO good quotes from this one!


Also @SB. Thanks for basically saving my life




@Shinori ;):

I guess I should say sorry heh....







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gg my reads sucked mostly but we got there in the end. Playing without a solid block of experienced townies to bounce opinions off of is hard.

I think that Mack claiming when he did was correct considering he was Even Night and Arcanite would have looked pretty bad otherwise imo.

At work but I’ll do shoutouts when I get home.

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Heh Congratz town!

I actually knew I was hanging myself because the role cop claim. I looked stuff up on the wiki and saw it was mainly a scum role.  I knew I wouldn't be active because I'm about to go on a trip. I  knew we had lost so I gave beep another day and went out with a bang! I was going to claim medic to make myself seem valuable but decided against it last minute.  I know it's stupid but that was reasoning behind why I claimed my role and didn't do a good fake role.

7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Congrats to me for being the only person actually NK'd the entire game. So why did you guys shoot me first anyway?

You were the only experienced player who didn't see us as scummy at the time if we are completely honest. 

7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

@Anime27Arts and the rest of the scum team: I'm female, the only reason I display my gender as male is due to an unpleasant experience on SF. But I don't care what people refer to me as. Also, I'm really not that scary once you get to know me :P:

EDIT: Am reading through the scum QT now, DefaultBeep.

Yeah I felt awkward about asking that. Opps. The only forms I've really seen you on are the heroes boards and on there you don't take shit from anyone and it really scared me especially since at the time I only posted on voting gauntlet forums. Heh opps! You're not as scary now but you were to me when I first started posting on SF.

2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Also @Anime27Arts, you realize your face only looks scummier now right?

I know i know! I have the scummiest face ever even though none of you have ever seen it.

2 hours ago, Arcanite said:


@Anime27Arts Why

why would you do this to me


I'm sorry! I am so sorry! If you read the scum chat you'll see we felt awful about lying to you and you defending us still. I'm on whatever team you are on this time to make it up to you!

But you know it is kind of ironic that us twins are both cops. Heh

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46 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

The only forms I've really seen you on are the heroes boards and on there you don't take shit from anyone

Just send her an essay by PM about why Takumi was wrong for shooting Elise in that Conquest chapter. If she doesn't eat you alive, congrats.

I completely forgot Sunwoo was Boron and this game made me see Sunwoo as Boron again


Also, my bad guys. I also hate my motivation issues and how I'm like a high fuel consuming machine that runs out of energy really quick, but that gets the better of me. rip

@Prims, if you ever make OJ mafia, please quote me. I'll try to keep tabs on this subforum, but who knows. I'll really try to be more active, but for now I'll stop playing Mafia until OJ comes/I'm feeling restored.

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@Bartozio Sorry for getting you lynched. I was starting to feel off about your lynch later on into the day but nothing really seemed better to me because my reads sucked. I actually agree a lot with what Marth said, I think that if you just push your opinions a little harder you'll be alright because it kind of felt like you were just a passenger even if your content itself was probably fine.

@Sunwoo Live longer pls.

@Rex Glacies I guess that you were busy but the only time you seemed to really get involved was after someone lit a fire under you. Try and be more proactive if you can and less about weighing up possibilities. That kind of stuff can be replicated by any alignment so you generally have to supplement it with other content to avoid suspicion which meant you fell flat after the Capps lynch got blocked off.

@Michelaar I'm sorry if I upset you but I think my case was valid. I'll put a writeup thing at the end of this post (or maybe in my next one) that might help you out for next game.

@Anime27Arts You played well imo because I think I was the only one onto you for most of the game and you managed to shake me a couple of times. You fumbled your claim but that kind of thing comes down to experience. Lategame though you started to read as very desperate which was understandable since you were maf and kept failing kills, so I would work on keeping your composure if you join again.

@DefaultBeep A lot of what I said to Rex applies to you, but your side content was generally solid and for most of the game tbh I didn't have much of a problem with you. Passive scumplay works well if town is eating itself alive but imo you had to try and misdirect the town a little more actively than you did. I kind of got the feeling the scumteam was heavily composed of newbies after D3 when I realised I had basically dictated every lynch in the game with almost no resistance.

@Arcanite Tbh you probably would have been lynched day 1 with any other claim. I agree with Prims that you felt very stubborn and difficult to work with because you never really seemed to look at the bigger picture. I think copping me over DB or Shinori was also bizarre considering I was (imo) obvtown as fuck but maybe I'm biased.

@Greencapps It felt like your behaviour was kind of inconsistent but overall you did well later on. I'm not sure if its just me but I found you kind of difficult to read throughout the game, even after my vig test, but overall you just seemed more likely to be town than mafia. I also got the feeling that you were very reactive based on the current thread but generally you would follow the right people so gj.

@Mackc2 You were fairly quiet but you played your night actions well. I never really thought you were scum even before the claim iirc, but I don't really remember much else from you. I think getting a little more involved in future would be good but you're on the right track.

@Magnificence Incarnate Your reads and general play was good BUT I thought your crumb at D2 start sucked. There was no real reason for town to make that play imo to the point that I suspected you might be scum for a little while just trying to lay down the foundations for a fakeclaim. Otherwise you were solid and I don't have much to say other than thanks.

@Rapier I am convinced now that the best way to deal with having Rapier in your game is to ping him in every post you make. You played well (aside from Insomniac is super town guys) until you didn't. Didn't play, that is. I actually thought you were probably mafia despite your play being obvtown because I thought you'd just abandoned Anime in the scum QT and left her to make a really bad claim lol.

@Shinori You were obvtown after your reentry even if you kind of went for a weird case on Arc considering the gamestate. I only really thought you were maf for a little while bc your D2 play reminded me of NSFMM4 but you pulled it back. Have fun with video games.

@Prims Thanks for hosting but I still think the setup is a spiritual successor to Pictures of Birds despite what you told me on Discord. noob

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Mafia is a game where you make something out of nothing. This is basically what RVS is and it leads into the rest of the game because of the discussion it generates (and this is why you don't spam hard for 4 pages at game start). 

Its understandable if you can't read everyone or don't have strong opinions on them but you should always try and have an opinion on the people who are most influential to the gamestate (wagons and most active players). If you don't have an opinion, try and form one. If you still can't, ask them questions or ask others to explain their reads to you on them, or prompt them to tell you what their opinion is on a specific post.

Engaging with other players is generally a way easier way to get what want in the game as well because you're actively influencing their thoughts instead of just writing out that killer case which their eyes might glaze over at and then be forgotten about later. It's good if you're town to get the right people lynched, and as maf to keep your faction afloat.

It also just generally makes you looked townier because you're more involved with the game. Town need to make things happen to win the game while the mafia don't necessarily. If you don't have good day play you're relying on role luck to carry you through effectively, and most Even Night Jailkeepers will not block the scumkill three nights in a row.

Hopefully this helps.

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I feel so scummy about this. Bleh. I had to come up with an end because I was running out of remarks to say. They are so going to throw me under the bus for this for a long, long LONG time. To be fair, it will be similar to how I felt when they ditched Leo and became......ArCAWnite...... at least the summber gauntlet was an honest mistake....that.... was not... i was left for puns. 

I want to die

I mean at the very least this is payback LOL So I'm not too sad.... but....

4 hours ago, Anime27Arts said:

I'm sorry! I am so sorry! If you read the scum chat you'll see we felt awful about lying to you and you defending us still. I'm on whatever team you are on this time to make it up to you!

But you know it is kind of ironic that us twins are both cops. Heh

I'll never leave you for puns ever again

Also, both of us being cops is pure fate. Proof that even when we aren't on the same side we're together in spirit <3
Not gonna lie, I was thinking about investigating you since people thought you were scum and I wanted to clear your name....

I think I'm going to avoid playing in the same game with you in the future

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9 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

@Bartozio I just wanted to tell you this since I read the GY QT.


You show a good sense of reading the game and making informed opinions but you don't post a lot of that thinking while you're playing the game. I noticed this in the last couple of games but what might be really hitting you here is activity more than anything. Perhaps in future games start scumhunting by dissecting things that you feel are really off? I felt like your D1 was a bit passive but I didn't think you played terribly bad, my bad for voting you at the end but it was consolidation haha.


3 hours ago, SB. said:

@Bartozio Sorry for getting you lynched. I was starting to feel off about your lynch later on into the day but nothing really seemed better to me because my reads sucked. I actually agree a lot with what Marth said, I think that if you just push your opinions a little harder you'll be alright because it kind of felt like you were just a passenger even if your content itself was probably fine.

Thanks for the advice guys. I'm pretty bad at pushing my opinions, especially when I'm unsure about them (like I obviously was about all my D1 reads), but I'll try to work on that in future games. I think I'm mostly good at reading the game state when there's more information about the roles of people, but I didn't really survive long enough to use that. Guess I'll just have to keep playing until I finally do survive long enough right? :P

20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


@Bartozio: Hope you keep playing more mafia games XD

Will do!

Also, I may have sounded a bit salty after my lynch, but it was really just a in the moment thing, along with me wanting to point out the irony. I really don't blame anyone who voted me, especially not the people who were consolidating on me. Mistakes like that are just part of the game.

It's funny to see that I would have been night killed if I survived anyway, even though I feel that would have been a pretty bad choice.

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15 hours ago, Prims said:

but I think you did a great job adapting and wouldn't mind seeing you in future games here if you're still interested.

Thanks man :D

Adapting was a bit of a struggle but I think I got the hang of things.

I'll gladly join in in the future plus the mafia game I mentioned after the fake day is still in the works give me a few days, maybe even a week due to other complications, to draft the game but sign ups should be up soon.

Anways I had a good time, even if I did miss the last day due to excessive KoTOR playing.

Edited by Greencapps
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4 hours ago, SB. said:

It felt like your behaviour was kind of inconsistent but overall you did well later on. I'm not sure if its just me but I found you kind of difficult to read throughout the game, even after my vig test, but overall you just seemed more likely to be town than mafia. I also got the feeling that you were very reactive based on the current thread but generally you would follow the right people so gj.

I guess I just tend to be a bit of a wild card in these kinds of games due to my kinda all over the place personality.

But thanks for the feedback man I'll keep it in mind.

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Thought I'd give the player analysis thing a shot so here we are:

@SB. Thank you for saving my life.

@Rex Glacies You didn't do much so I don't have much to say other than talk more. Oh and don't say you're gonna post later after X event it doesn't look good.

@Anime27Arts Also pretty silent but you're posts were good enough to fool me into not suspecting you most of the game. The claim before killing Beep was really the wrong move if you had just hammered him without a word you might have survived D5. You were probably trying to get town credit but it ended up backfiring hard keep those cards close to your chest nextime. 

@DefaultBeep I just wanted to say I called it, I was right about why you had a sudden rise in confidence after the claim. Other than that's after the change in play you nearly had me convinced you were town. Play like that the whole time instead of apologizing all the time and you'd probably be a pretty good Mafia.

@Bartozio Sorry for getting you killed. You probably would have been a good ally if you'd survived.

@Sunwoo For the little time you were alive you were a voice of sound reason. Sad the mafia got to you so soon.

@Magnificence Incarnate You did good. Plus the Mack defend shenanigans was hilarious. I love when town pulls of stuff like that. Also thanks for always being on my side. I'm really glad you weren't scum.

@Mackc2 You did a killer job as jailer keep it up.

@Michelaar You're probably getting this a lot, and I made my opinions on your play pretty clear before your death, but seriously you need to talk more. You looked incredibly scummy the whole time.

@Shinori when you did post they were good, though your rage at Arc may have blinded you a bit. I do understand where you were coming from though.

@Rapier Pretty valuable till you flaked. 

@Arcanite Not gonna lie you were a mess and really did nothing useful. Your reluctance to lynch and inability to form a solid case on just one person at a time. Work on that and maybe you'll do better next time.

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3 minutes ago, Greencapps said:

I just wanted to say I called it, I was right about why you had a sudden rise in confidence after the claim. Other than that's after the change in play you nearly had me convinced you were town. Play like that the whole time instead of apologizing all the time and you'd probably be a pretty good Mafia.

Again, if any of that came across as confidence, I was not expressing myself well at all. I didn't even know Anime was going to do that, and I was more panicked then than I was for the entire rest of the game. Especially when everyone kept asking for more details about my role; I was certain I was going to say the wrong thing and be immediately killed at any moment. I'm glad that my panic comes across as confidence though, haha. 

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Yeah ... I know I mentioned it briefly earlier, but Arcanite's play really was that bad. They were the scummiest player in the entire game, and the only reason they didn't get lynched D1 is because people didn't want to lynch a cop claim. Not scanning their biggest scum read, Shinori, was also an extremely bad move. Cops don't scan to confirm their town reads, they scan who they think is scum to get a guilty or not. Also, it irritated me later on in the game when you started acting arrogant because you weren't playing well at all and the only reason you lived was because of your role.

Finally, having a powerful role is great, but having strong town players -- whether they are vanilla or not -- is just as important. Focus on having your logic make sense and being a town player more than sitting on a powerful role and not contributing otherwise.

Edited by Sunwoo
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@Greencapps we're restarting a queue for people to host games, and there are a couple games we've been talking about hosting the past few weeks/months that are probably going to go first- namely Rein's and mine and maybe SB's. Also, we have a list of game checkers in the first post of the mafia HQ- new hosts need to run their setups by one of them to make sure that it's balanced


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3 minutes ago, BBM said:

@Greencapps we're restarting a queue for people to host games, and there are a couple games we've been talking about hosting the past few weeks/months that are probably going to go first- namely Rein's and mine and maybe SB's. Also, we have a list of game checkers in the first post of the mafia HQ- new hosts need to run their setups by one of them to make sure that it's balanced


Oh shoot.

Didn't know it was so formal.

Ok thanks for the heads up.

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31 minutes ago, Greencapps said:

Not gonna lie you were a mess and really did nothing useful


You're just jealous of my role

33 minutes ago, Greencapps said:

Your reluctance to lynch and inability to form a solid case on just one person at a time. Work on that and maybe you'll do better next time.

I actually literally had no idea what I was doing



I didn't read any games before, I just read the rules and said "hey why not". PROBABLY should have read something before.... lol
We still won though right? 

21 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Not scanning their biggest scum read, Shinori, was also an extremely bad move

Nobody else seemed to agree with me ;-; so I thought that investigating him would have been a waste anyway, since at that point I wasn't sure on my sanity just yet and in order to confirm it we would have to also lynch Shinori, which as you can see would have been a waste, aside from being a chore to do since again, nobody agreed with me.

also I forgot to use my action that day, which is why it RNG'd to Rapier. I then investigated Capps because I wanted to see if I was sane or not. Is that so horrible?
plz dont say yes

33 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Focus on having your logic make sense and being a town player more than sitting on a powerful role and not contributing otherwise.

I'll do my best :Nino:

Well I'll try anyway heh

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4 hours ago, Arcanite said:

I want to die

I mean at the very least this is payback LOL So I'm not too sad.... but....

I'll never leave you for puns ever again

Also, both of us being cops is pure fate. Proof that even when we aren't on the same side we're together in spirit <3
Not gonna lie, I was thinking about investigating you since people thought you were scum and I wanted to clear your name....

I think I'm going to avoid playing in the same game with you in the future

 To be fair I was hoping you wouldn't investigate me.  I figured if I didn't give myself up for Beep that you or Mack would investigate/jail me and I'd be screwed. I think I told Beep this but its really hard to play this game with people you are friends with. I play the game at school and different variations of it and its a lot easier to play there because I don't have any close friends in the class so I have no problem accusing or placing blame on anyone.


I do find the scum team hilariously ironic because we were joking on the counting thread and I accused Beeps of being scum because they are the mole, Beep accused Glacies for his taste in music, and Glacies accused Beep for a reason I can't recall. We all were right with our first guess xD

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20 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Nobody else seemed to agree with me ;-; so I thought that investigating him would have been a waste anyway, since at that point I wasn't sure on my sanity just yet and in order to confirm it we would have to also lynch Shinori, which as you can see would have been a waste, aside from being a chore to do since again, nobody agreed with me.

also I forgot to use my action that day, which is why it RNG'd to Rapier. I then investigated Capps because I wanted to see if I was sane or not. Is that so horrible?
plz dont say yes

That's the point, though. If no one seems to agree with you, all the more reason to investigate him. If he's town, then you can drop the case on him and be done with it. If he's scum, then you have results to drive a lynch on him. Also, even if you didn't know your sanity, you should've scanned him anyway. Since your first night got RNG'd to Rapier, you at least had a result. If Shinori and Rapier returned different results, one was scum. If they returned the same results, they were the same alignment. That's better than nothing. Also, even if you wanted to see if you were sane or not, you really should have scanned Shinori if you suspected him so much. That way, depending on the result you got, you either had confirmed scum between Shinori or Rapier, or you knew that Shinori and Rapier shared an alignment.

EDIT: Also, I play mafia on SF with my boyfriend. In the most recent game that we both played in, we rolled opposite alignments and the scum NK'd me on ... I want to say N2 or N3. We're all close friends on the forum, some of us have been playing together for years. The game really doesn't have to be a thing that's hard to play with close friends, stay off personal attacks and no one has issues.

Edited by Sunwoo
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