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Legendary Hero Battle Across the Plains: Lyn


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@mampfoid I did...it was my second copy and I didn't see much use in merging him, so I saved myself the feathers and gave both his premium skills to Hinoka.  Don't worry I wouldn't sacrifice my only copy of him lol 

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to my surprise I cleared it, with micaiah, ninian, shigure, and bridellia, probably the most brutal infernal yet, I had no fun, but I needed orbs after being hardcore baited by that legendary banner, not that I expect anything good next banner, it'll probably be elibe and I am very indifferent too that.

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1 hour ago, DLNarshen said:

@mampfoid I did...it was my second copy and I didn't see much use in merging him, so I saved myself the feathers and gave both his premium skills to Hinoka.  Don't worry I wouldn't sacrifice my only copy of him lol 

Under this circumstances I approve of this, especially since you gave Hinoka Galeforce and thus united two of the best things in this game. 

Strange that someone would use  Steady Blow ... 

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58 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Strange that someone would use  Steady Blow ... 

It'll be swapped out for Swift Sparrow whenever I can the fodder for it.  This wasn't intentional, but in retrospect the extra defense from Steady Blow was actually necessary to survive the hit from the Lance Pegasus lol  Otherwise the previous Sword fighter would have done enough damage to put her in kill range.

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@Zeo How about a Lunatic run then? Sure it doesn't have the same bragging points as Infernal but it can still be tricky in Lunatic levels.

I'm actually trying to do a Wind-related characters in Lunatic team run but I haven't been getting it right yet. I mean partly because I'm using units like Merric and normal Lyn (funnily enough my first 5 stars who came in the same session) but it could still be a fun theme to watch if I somehow succeed,

Also finally managed to break through Infernal on my main, using Siegbert, Gronnblade LA Lilina, Brave Bow Brave Lyn and +Atk Reinhardt with Atk+3 (since he could barely KO those fury bow knights without the SS).

Not sure if I should record that run if I remember how to do it though

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@NegativeExponents- It requires quite a bit of voodoo to get -SPD Lyn to double L!Lyn, but it's not worth the hassle. An all Bow clear is where my heart was, and in all honestly I think I could pull it off, but it requires too many resources and it's just not worth losing high grade fodder for bragging rights. I just kinda wanted the achievement. Maybe someday these maps will come back like you said and I'll be ready then.

@mcsilas Lunatic would be much more doable. The next two days will be busy so I don't know if I'll have time to do a clear at this point. Congrats on your Infernal clear also! If you record a run I'm all for seeing it.

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@Zeo Just wondering, what units were you planning on using for the all-bow team?

I just recorded some Kana GHB videos, but I'm not sure I have the energy to tackle the Lyn maps so soon. Reinforcement maps can get real annoying. I'll have to try and remember what I did for Infernal if I can. I hate those inflated stats.


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Ugh, that was a pain. Cordelia is best girl, though.

The usual suspects did it for me: Reinhardt, Nino, Olivia, and Cordelia. Nino, Olivia, and Reinhardt conspired to get rid of the Lance Knight on turn 1, and Cordelia baited a large group over to the bottom left of the map (including bloody Lyndis) before flying away laughing, which gave Nino and Reinhardt the space needed to clear out the reinforcements. Cordelia and Reinhardt teamed up to kill Lyn at the very end.

The worst thing? Vantage Bow Cavalier. Bowbreaker Reinhardt just didn't quite cut it on EP, even with Moonbow charged, which led to the death of many runs as I then had no way to get a melee unit safely over to kill.

The best part? I finished it off at four in the morning, because I couldn't stop thinking about it after I woke up from a bad dream.

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On 5/1/2018 at 5:17 AM, mampfoid said:

@Zeo @mcsilas @Poimagic @DLNarshen @Infinite Dreams @LordFrigid @tobuShogi @NegativeExponents- 

Legendary Lyn Infernal in one turn:


Wary Fighter again, but luckily Quad-Cherche could handle that one. Roy needed Summoner Support, ATK Tactic and Savage Blow to kill the sword Fighter. 

The Firesweep bow will complicate EP clears, @LordFrigid. I'm looking forward to your solution. 

Whoa!  Nice one, Lyn Infernal was difficult enough trying to do it without the 1-turn restriction!  Thumbs up big time!  :D:

On 5/2/2018 at 1:22 AM, Zeo said:

@Rafiel's Aria @mcsilas @Alexmender @Vaximillian @Nosmur @Quintessence @Infinite Dreams @Johann @Fei Mao @Cute Chao @DefaultBeep @XRay @Hilda @Poimagic and just for this time @tobuShogi and @LordFrigid .

Matthew's cleared over two dozen of these types of maps at this point, but they're almost always on another games playing field so it felt good using an FE7 unit for an FE7 themed stage for a change. This one was a tried and true Matthew tanking classic. 

It took a few tries but the key turned out not to be attacking as much as possible, but carefully choosing when to attack and who you wanted to eat Ignis. Yeah, we have to bring out the big guns for this clear. Matt was having some trouble killing key opponents at first and I was initially going to go with the DEF refine on his weapon, but before that happened I realized the Drive ATK 2 seal became a thing not too long ago and Ayra's seal slot is generally flexible depending on the map. That played a key part in this clear even if Ayra herself didn't do too much. Genny helped out a bit but that pair was strictly cover and support this time around. Matthew and Inigo shared the spotlight and while Matt was the star of the show, Inigo had to take a much more active combat role this time around than he usually does. This was a fun one to be sure. 

That was quite an enjoyable watch, thanks for the tag~!  Wow, Matthew takes hits like a champ, even when he got down to 1HP!  Always nice to see Inigo too! :):

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1 hour ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Whoa!  Nice one, Lyn Infernal was difficult enough trying to do it without the 1-turn restriction!  Thumbs up big time!  :D:

On 5/2/2018 at 10:22 AM, Zeo said:

Thanks! :-) 

To be honest, being specialized to this kind of clears doesn't make me a big tactician. For example after my one-turn clear of infernal Kana, I tried to solve lunatic with the same team, but failed several times. That's because sometimes GF wouldn't proc if the opponents have lower HP than their infernal variants. If some of them survive to their own phase, buffs like Fortifys and Hones come into play. 

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@Zeo @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Vaximillian @Rezzy @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents- @Usana @LordFrigid @Infinite Dreams @DefaultBeep @Poimagic

So after too many clears I finally managed to solve it with a Wind Theme Team clear. Lunatic was tricky enough using these units, but after much trial and error (and accidental seals combinations) I bring you this!

Team is +Res/-HP Merric (+1), +HP/-Def Rhajat, +Def/-Res Lyn and +HP/Res Takumi.

Special mention to Merric and Lyn because they were my first 5 stars (summoned on the same session), so I really wanted to do a themed clear with them.

As for Wind theme- Lyn talks a lot about the plains and her new version is Wind themed. Merric because Excalibur. Takumi's Fujin Yumi is wind-related and Rhajat is from the Wind Tribe.


A few things-

-1:24- Lyn NEEDED to be hit by the Spd Ploy from the Lance flier so she wouldn't double the sword cav. If the sword cav doubled, because of Heavy Blade he would've activated Galeforce and would attack Takumi afterwards. Also based +Def Lyn shrugging off that attack, thanks to Merric's Drive Def SS and Rhajat's Rally Atk/Def.

-1:45- Takumi needs Swordbreaker to deal with the Spd boosted swordies. 

-THANK GOODNESS for effective weapons. It just somehow worked out that everyone except Lyn has an effective weapon against certain units. Yes, I made Excalibur work on Merric, although because he's not +Atk, even with Lyn's Drive Atk boost he couldn't even ORKO the axe flier at 2:23. Rhajat's Threaten Res also helped out, but it was only Level 1 because I lack SP, and even then Merric couldn't ORKO the axe flier, also because of Darting Stance. If the flier didn't have that, Merric would have doubled (he also had Darting Blow but wasn't equipped).

-Speaking of Rhajat, yes that is Night Sky and not Glimmer. Again, I lacked SP. Also, it turned out for the best, and Merric not being able to finish the axe flier meant Rhajat can use turns to charge it. Rhajat really needed the special proc at 2:59. (Kudos to @Zeo, your suggestion of giving Rhajat Vantage led me to also inherit Glimmer from a Lon'qu, so this worked out. Also my initial run had Vantage but she didn't actually need it in the end).

Also her Keen Gronnwolf is great against PvE. It helps so much, but because of that Vantage Bow Knight, I had to use double Distant Defense to make sure Rhajat can live the hit after a Drive Def.

-3:10- Merric used Reciprocal Aid on Lyn. Fun fact, Merric was my 'healer' back in the very first Tempest Trials, which is why he had Renewal and Ardent Sacrifice in his kit (although it was upgraded to Reciprocal Aid for this run). Might as well make use of that native HP+5! Healing Lyn is also important in the next few steps.

-3:38- A few important things happen here. Rhajat needed to let the sword take Fury damage so Takumi can finish him off with Swordbreaker. Atk Smoke then activates, which is really important for the next turn (as I accidentally found out). This allows Lyn to survive the Owl tome from the red mage cav, giving her enough HP to survive the Zanbato sword flier. (This is why swapping HP with Merric was important, and tanking the hits allows her to charge Galeforce). Lyn then uses her own Reciprocal Aid to heal back up with Merric's HP later to tank another magic hit.

-5:04- Galeforce in action! @mampfoid

-6:08- Lyn vs Lyn! I wanted Merric to finish Lyn off like in my initial runs- this meant my Lyn needed the Defiant Atk boost so Merric could finish Lyn off without getting hit back. Alas, enemy Lyn moved differently, which meant Takumi gets to deal the final blow, archer to archer! (Who knows if he wanted to be the Wind legendary green archer?)


Side note I wanted to somehow make Kaze work in this because his name means 'Wind' but the mages are on the latter part of the map and the earlier enemies are bad for his squishy Defense

Music is Galford's theme (Arranged version) from the Samurai Shodown IV arranged soundtrack. Yea I used it before, but I wanted to have something with wind instruments so the flutes go nicely with the Wind theme, and I needed something a bit 'ethnic' for the setting.

So yeah, it took me this long to solve it in Lunatic, don't really have time (nor skill fodder) to try Infernal

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@mcsilas Interesting team, always nice to see units in action who I am still missing in my roster (Lyn, Rhajat). I couldn't listen to the music this time, but I like how you use the vanilla skills of your team (with minor SI added). Even Rhajats Rally comes to shine. Too bad Lyns Defiant ATK was not necessary, but her GF moment was one of the key moves of the clear, since the opponents where plenty and near. Congratulations! 

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@Zeo @LordFrigid - A test run of my potential "hero team." I wanted to get this map out of the way because I knew it'd be disappearing sooner than the others. I'll try another test run on Kana maybe. Not sure if I'll really do mass tags, but I figured I'd show you guys since you at least encouraged me to go for it. This video also took only an hour to upload as opposed to four, so I don't know what's up. XD

Mia's my physical "tank." She's not as tanky as most, but I got her as +DEF -RES, and I've always loved the little extra bulk. I decided not that long ago that she was worthy of DC and Wrath. For some reason, I didn't have Wrath equipped, and I didn't notice until later. Micaiah is more of a magical tank. I have her with a player phase and enemy phase build. With double Distant DEF, she's got decent bulk. With Swift Sparrow and support, she's pretty speedy. Originally, I had her at +DEF -SPD, but I pulled a +SPD -HP copy and decided to use her as the merge base instead. Lucius and Raven are kind of my big projects, and they're both monsters. Oddly enough, Raven does nothing but look pretty while Lucius does the heavy lifting for him. 

For some reason, YouTube kept saying my video was "invalid" when I tried to upload it from my phone. I've never had that issue before. It may be because I changed screen recording apps because the other one I was using had dreadful lag for the sound... Oh technology. 

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@Rafiel's Aria Nice clear! I lowkey wished I pulled Micaiah on the legendary banner, but yeah that Thani bomb is sure useful in these maps!

DC Mia looks like a monster!

And Lucius's Pain bombs are always satisfying to watch!

@mampfoid Well Defiant Atk was more so Merric can finish Lyn off but oh well haha. Yeah it's pretty satisfying to not have to use too many skill inheritance and use mostly base kit skills. Challenging, but satisfying.

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@Rafiel's Aria Wow, nice job with that one! I didn’t quite appreciate just how hard Lucius hits until now. I was not expecting him to ORKO that first Sword Fighter. Micaiah was surprisingly quick too, though I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised...I use a +Spd Julia myself, and their stat lines are pretty similar. DC Mia just tanking everything was funny; did you plan that bit where the blue mage attacked Micaiah instead of her to avoid dying?

Raven’s Repositions were 10/10. I didn’t look too closely at it, but Drive Spd might have come into play in one or two of the earlier matchups.

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@mcsilas I would’ve responded sooner but my brain was not cooperating with me yesterday. 

Kinda funny that everyone on your team has one defensive stat boon and another defensive stat as a bane. Interesting approach to have Lyn take a ploy to prevent her from doubling. You’re also rocking that natural Galeforce of hers. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone use Merric (any male mages outside of Arvis and Reinhardt is a rare sight) so that was cool. The use of Reciprocal Aid to keep Lyn’s tank game strong was fantastic.

3 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Oddly enough, Raven does nothing but look pretty while Lucius does the heavy lifting for him. 

H̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶D̶e̶t̶e̶r̶m̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.

Good job! I was too fixated on Lucius and Raven that Mia caught me off guard with that DC of hers. I forget that bonds are a thing healers can use and that atk/spd bond practically makes Lucius a colorless mage.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Rafiel's Aria Nice clear! I lowkey wished I pulled Micaiah on the legendary banner, but yeah that Thani bomb is sure useful in these maps!

DC Mia looks like a monster!

And Lucius's Pain bombs are always satisfying to watch!

Micaiah is really good. I'm finding that I like her more and more even when I had her with a less ideal nature. I hope you can get her someday!

16 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

@Rafiel's Aria Wow, nice job with that one! I didn’t quite appreciate just how hard Lucius hits until now. I was not expecting him to ORKO that first Sword Fighter. Micaiah was surprisingly quick too, though I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised...I use a +Spd Julia myself, and their stat lines are pretty similar. DC Mia just tanking everything was funny; did you plan that bit where the blue mage attacked Micaiah instead of her to avoid dying?

Raven’s Repositions were 10/10. I didn’t look too closely at it, but Drive Spd might have come into play in one or two of the earlier matchups.

I literally have no idea why that mage attacked Micaiah instead of Mia. ...I mean I'm glad he did... I'm thinking it might be because he could double Micaiah but not Mia...and maybe because Mia had her special ready? But I'm also 90% sure he would have fried Mia had he tried because on my trial runs, if I killed the sword peg instead of the blue mage, Mia got wasted during the next enemy phase. I'll chalk it up to dumb luck....that looks like I had some sort of cool strategy planned. 

I always forgot to factor in Drive skills, but I really, really like them. It's really neat because when Lucius is next to Raven he'll get +7/+10/+2/+2 drive/support buffs. He's deceptively fast which is why I opted for +SPD over +ATK. 

17 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

H̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶D̶e̶t̶e̶r̶m̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.

Good job! I was too fixated on Lucius and Raven that Mia caught me off guard with that DC of hers. I forget that bonds are a thing healers can use and that atk/spd bond practically makes Lucius a colorless mage.

I need cheerleader Raven alt.

I had been looking for a good A skill for Lucius... I'm actually a huge fan of Bond skills/-owl tomes etc. He might not have the BEST stat line for a "real" mage, but he's so versatile in what he can do that I have zero complaints. ...in the Arena he just tears through non-wary fighter armors. 

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@Nowi's Husband I didn't watch your last clears with Nowi, but I checked this one. Hard to believe, but she became even stronger, congratulations! Those smoke skills are perfect for her. How does Wrath perform on her compared to QR? 

@Rafiel's Aria That's a pretty cool team! I already knew your Lucius and Raven from the +10 compendium, but also Mia and Micaiah get some hard work done here, congratulations! Mia seems perfect to counter Lyn, what does she usually tank? Your Micaiah works surprisingly well with that offensive set, funnily mine is of the opposite nature (+HP/-SPD). 

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29 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I literally have no idea why that mage attacked Micaiah instead of Mia

Ooh, that one is simple. First up, you’re absolutely on the right track saying that it was because Mia had her special ready. Thanks to Aether and Vantage it would’ve died to Mia’s counter.

The reason Mia dies if you kill the Peg Knight first is due to the healing from Aether because she is no longer under the HP threshold that allows her to activate Vantage and at this point the Blue Mage has defiant atk ready and is able to easily kill Mia because of that blade tome.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

@Nowi's Husband I didn't watch your last clears with Nowi, but I checked this one. Hard to believe, but she became even stronger, congratulations! Those smoke skills are perfect for her. How does Wrath perform on her compared to QR? 

@Rafiel's Aria That's a pretty cool team! I already knew your Lucius and Raven from the +10 compendium, but also Mia and Micaiah get some hard work done here, congratulations! Mia seems perfect to counter Lyn, what does she usually tank? Your Micaiah works surprisingly well with that offensive set, funnily mine is of the opposite nature (+HP/-SPD). 

I still prefer QR for arena since I want to ORKO enemies and Nowi only needs to beat one or two enemies usually, but Wrath is good in solos when it's more important to keep the specials coming for heals.  I don't know if I'd consider one better than the other, I just play around with the movesets every new challenge to see what works.

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10 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Ooh, that one is simple. First up, you’re absolutely on the right track saying that it was because Mia had her special ready. Thanks to Aether and Vantage it would’ve died to Mia’s counter.

The reason Mia dies if you kill the Peg Knight first is due to the healing from Aether because she is no longer under the HP threshold that allows her to activate Vantage and at this point the Blue Mage has defiant atk ready and is able to easily kill Mia because of that blade tome.

Ohhhhh..... I must have totally planned for that to happen. I knew I had Vantage equipped for some reason. Then it was 100% dumb luck, it just makes me look like a cool strategist. Thanks though. XD At least now I know why this happened.

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Can't believe it took me this long to respond, sorry guys.

@mcsilas That was pretty sweet! Despite my belief that sword Lyn is nearly dead weight in this map you made good use of her and I even saw Galeforce in there! Every unit had a specific role to play, a lot of specific skills and spurs needed to survive I noticed, but you definitely made it work. Part of me wanted Lyn to get the kill but it's somewhat hard for Lyn to double L!Lyn. 

@Rafiel's Aria That team is actually fantastic in practice. Mia and Micaiah I can tell will be sticking to eachother if you end up keeping them. I slept on Mia though, I didn't expect her to be so insane. DC Mia is pretty fantastic. You're ahead of the curve with this team since you have not one but two *5 +10's. Swift Sparrow on Micaiah is also something I never thought I'd see. I even happen to have a Micaiah of the same nature. Sadly I only have come into possession of one Swift Sparrow and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to.

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:


@Rafiel's Aria That team is actually fantastic in practice. Mia and Micaiah I can tell will be sticking to eachother if you end up keeping them. I slept on Mia though, I didn't expect her to be so insane. DC Mia is pretty fantastic. You're ahead of the curve with this team since you have not one but two *5 +10's. Swift Sparrow on Micaiah is also something I never thought I'd see. I even happen to have a Micaiah of the same nature. Sadly I only have come into possession of one Swift Sparrow and I have to think long and hard about who to give it to.

I know I should probably support Mia and Micaiah, but I don't think I have the heart to break up Micaiah's support with Sothe. XD And that support does have practical purposes because they're on an Arena Assault team together. But oddly enough, those two do seem to work well together... I had been torn on who to give DC and Wrath to. There's Fallen Celica, Joshua, Soleil, Ayra... All are decent choices. My favorites are Joshua and Mia. I love Celica, but I prefer her normal version to her fallen self. Soleil and Ayra I have no special attachment to even if I do like both. I decided to go with Mia. I don't have her with a perfect nature, but so far I've had no regrets. A +ATK Micaiah would probably be better to maybe oneshot armors and whatnot, but I think I like +SPD on her. I made a video (which I haven't uploaded yet) on the Narcian Infernal, and she makes pretty decent use of Desperation. Her SPD isn't amazing, but it gets up into a passable range. I'm usually pretty pick about who I give Swift Sparrow to...but at the moment...I think I have more 5 star Swift Sparrow fodder than I do 4 star Fury fodder...

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