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Rate the Unit: Day LXII


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Rules(Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

-Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted - incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning. Especially if your score is radically different to everyone else!

-Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Turban/10",etc.

-Personality /Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

-Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

-Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

-Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 19:00BST!Take that, Americans!

-Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted.

Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest):

First Generation

Diadora: 1.19

Ardan: 1.39

Tiltyu: 2.00

Briggid: 3.71

Claude :4.42

Azel: 4.63

Jamka: 5.25

Midir: 5.47

Dew: 5.68

Holyn: 5.90

Lachesis: 6.13

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Beowulf : 6.40


Ayra: 6.79

Levin: 7.87

Fin(FirstGeneration): 7.88

Fury: 8.25

Cuan: 8.41

Lex: 8.83

Ethlin: 9.15

Sylvia: 9.50

Sigurd: 9.96

Second Generation

Asaello: 2.19

Roddlevan: 3.33

Radney: 3.44

Daisy: 3.65

Johalva: 3.93

Corple: 4.00

Patty: 4.31

Faval: 4.65

Amid: 4.85

Dimna: 4.89

Mana: 4.98

Tinny: 5.00

Tristan: 5.00

Johan: 5.08

Sharlow: 5.50

Skasaher: 6.00

Janne: 6.29

Lakche: 6.35

Linda: 6.38

Femina: 6.50

Lester: 6.59

Julia: 7.12

Fin: 7.82

Nanna: 8.00

Hawk: 8.20

Lana: 8.24

Delmud: 8.45

Shanan: 8.56

Oifaye: 8.58

Arthur: 8.67

Sety: 8.69

Fee: 8.86

Laylea: 9.42

Leen: 9.45

Leaf: 9.45

Aless: 9.47

Celice: 9.54

Sharlow beat Corple... no!!! I curse all of you!


Imagine Ardan but in gen 2. That's pretty much Hannibal. He may have coped in gen 1, but he can't fight reliably, and he can't move anywhere. His physical defense is impressive, but you're fighting mages and guys who can double him.


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Agree with Horace, but he can also guard your main castle if it ever would be attacked for whatever reason, and he gives chubby cheeks the Berserk staff, so he gets another point. 2/10.

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I like Hannibal. He's just doing his job and is a good guy. I admit he comes so late in the game that everyone is probably far stronger than him. However, I still have him in the fight. I don't care about movement so he won't lose points for that. Moreover, I'll give him Celice hero sword once I'm able to use the Tyfring(however you spell it). Call me weird and yes I know Hannibal isn't the best but I have a soft spot for him. I just wish he had some more skills. Still he's usable.

4+ 1 point of bias for being a good guy and having a badass beard.


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shut up, hannibal

late, costs a few turns to get unless playing ultra-optimally, bad weapons, not good combat, others make better castle guards, etc.


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I actually like Hannibal. He's the only general you can feasibly get in either generation. He has poor growths, but there's no way he's going to see that much combat in the first place. I usually just put him on the home castle, and he does a good job there, if needed. He's not too great, but he does his job well, like someone else already said. Besides, unlike Ardan, he doesn't need training to be any good.

I'm giving him a 4/10, +1 bias because I like generals, for 5/10. I don't think he deserves all the hate he's getting.

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anal prolapse 0/10

In all fairness, that's probably a fair enough score. Feel like sharing why it prolapsed?

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In all fairness, that's probably a fair enough score. Feel like sharing why it prolapsed?

I think it's pretty obvious and there's not much need to state what's already known about him (hurr durr 5 move no pursuit)

Also apologies to DA125 for accusing him of worshiping dondon while quoting his Wallace score word for word.

Edited by Dark Sage
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He's the reason for my "General Hannibal Award" that I hand out to characters I just don't use when I finish RPGs (S-or otherwise) in my silly pointless reviews. (Hell, I hand it out in cases like Valkyria Chronicles, which is more-or-less a Third Person shooter), why you ask? It's no vendetta, I just don't use those characters, but for him, there's a reason. He's slower than even my liking. I'm a slow player- I don't care for blitz tactics, but even I find this guy horrifically slow. He lacks Pursuit. He's very mediocre in stats.

He seems to function like Arden from the first gen, but even then, despite the fact that for once, castle capture defeat is actually possible, there's Speed-Sety, who literally is so fast, even bosses like Burian will not *ever* do anything besides swarm the castle and get picked off by guerilla tactics from the castle, or are safely ignored; his sole purpose seems to be annulled right there.

I suppose he's great for holding his own castle in the face of the Triple-headed Dragon, but, that's one tiny fight in the mess of chapter 9, but outside of that, he's nothing.

Facing his recruitment, he's a difficulty of his own--- one easily handled yes, but the fact that he's so weak is irritating- him dying is far more a chance than him killing anyone (which is why Speed-Sety Fear tanking him is like, my favorite strategy for it).

But alas, he has to get a point for that in and of itself, he's one of FE4's great challenges. So to Hannibal:


+Holds his own castle, Kapathogia, like a boss against ****load of wyverns.

+Fun to recruit



-Abhorrently Slow

-Outclassed, as a tank, by a Sage

-Long, difficult recruitment.(although, it's fun)

-No Pursuit


Final Verdict: 1/10

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