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Posts posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. @NSSKG151 Thanks. Oh wow, Brave Bow Anna. I have a friend who does these types of clears with Bridelia, but of course Anna would be able to too. That Glacies sure hits hard.

    @Hilda Wow, that Nifl clear is nice. I heard the eldest sibling of Nifl uses a sword, but hm... Ylgr's firepower was a lot higher than I thought it would, for one. I haven't used mine that much myself, and wow.

    @Vicious Sal RIP. I love both Palla and Catria a lot. I see you went for a quadding attack on Bramimond as well, though it only took Catria 5 hits instead.

    @Maaka You should build a Cordelia for Galeforce...

  2. 2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    Right now, I’d like to pull at least one. I’m still thinking about it. Lilith really throws a wrench in the works, if I’m being honest. Plus the art makes it look like she’s going to share a color with Marth (not that I’d mind Marth, I like him well enough too, he’s just not Caeda). Though if that silver border they had around her portrait means she’s going to be 4*/5*, I will be a happy summoner. I’m not really expecting that to be the case, though.

    Yeah, I wouldn't expect her to be 4*, unless the other two units on the banner are hard-hitters. There is hope, though. Good luck!

    So you like Lilith? Didn't know that.

  3. The spark feature not working on Legendary/Mythics is a shame, and I really think it should at least work on skill banners. Since seasonals are called Special Heroes and not New Heroes, I'm not holding my breath.

    Free random lord is lol. Not sure why it has to be random again, but whatever IS, I'm used to it by now. Prolly going green.

    @LordFrigid What are your plans regarding Caeda?

  4. According to this tweet, FE Cipher is officially going to end with the 22nd edition releasing in October. There will be a livestream discussing this in detail in about three hours, but the outline on the site says that official support for the game will end in March 2021.

  5. 9 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

    We don't talk about inheritable dragon slayer weapons. x_x

    Damn, look at Tiamo go!  The more I see these Galeforce clears the more I think I should invest in my own.  The Hilda placement towards the end looked scary - it's a good thing the AI prioritizes short-term damage at the cost of everything else, otherwise I figured the blue armor would attack first to let Bramimond get in range.

    No comment then, I suppose.

    If the armor would move, I could've just waited another turn for the enemies to move up again before plopping Hilda onto the bridge, I guess.

    2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy I could've sworn it was 7, I probably got distracted by a second a missed the last hit. 

    Yup, I adore Tailtiu (must protecc and burn FE4 Hilda if she ever shows up) but her art is just...yeah. I have enough books and some premium fodder to get her going, but that's going to wait for the day she gets a Resplandent skin. Or that's what I want to believe, I hope she'll get it sooner rather than later.

    Yup, I was torn for the longest time on going for Tsubasa or Clair but Tsubasa won after I tried the Poison Strike+Savage Blow combo (I didn't use Savage Blow here because I needed the speed from the Wave skill to double the red mage but I'll try to bring it for the next clear) thanks to her having a free B slot. It is super fun to whittle foes and then GF away!

    As for Eirikalter, I'm a little concerned about her refine, now that she's a F2P unit I can't shake the feeling that they're going to give her an underwhelming refine that's going to be inferior to a Blade tome. I hope I'm wrong, though. While I get that SS2 is a valuable skill, sacrificing best girl for it is still an act of Heresy. Officer Hilda will bring you to court...one day

    To pay for your sins, you shall receive eight hits yourself.

    Her art could be better... Her Prf is pretty strong though, for sure. My favourite gen 1 female in FE4 is Lachesis.

    Oh, that's why she's the Spy. That's a fun idea.

    Well, maybe it'll be decently strong. Unfortunately for you, Hilda is in cahoots with me. I've even Summoner Supported her.

    2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

    Firesweep Celica scares me. Those poor greens never stood a chance. Cordelia puts in good work as always; nice use of Escape Route on her! I was surprised when she took only 5 damage from that red mage. Nice work!

    I’ve got a few “send in Caeda and wait” clears...Abyssal Ursula, and Reinhardt & Ishtar Infernal are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. It turns out I didn’t actually need to EP anyone but Bramimond. Desperation on Ephraim and Death Blow+Quickened Pulse on Caeda would’ve let me take out everything else on the Player Phase. I think I like it better the way it is, though. There’s a certain symmetry to it.

    Resplendent Cordy is suprisingly bulky now that her BST is caught up to gen 4 standards.

    There's always style in having people wait for their own death.

  6. 4 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy That clear was really cool! It is funny how similar it is to mine, with basically 3 shared roles (and having both Hilda and L!Azura). Resplandent Cordy is a sight to behold, sadly I'm too stingy poor so I'm only going to buy the skin for Eirika and Tailtiu whenever they release. Also that 7 hit fest on Bramimond was on point!

    It was 8 hits

    Tailtiu, huh? I didn't expect her to be one of your favourites. I love Cordy, though, and I have to buy for Azura too, so I picked up Sophia as well.

    Wow, Tsubasa! I got her as well, but I haven't given her a lot of fodder yet. She did really well here. Mage Eirika, too. I have a +0 Mage Eirika... because I used the other two or three copies I've gotten for fodder... heh... Are you excited for her refine?

    We did employ a similar strategy, but yours was a lot heavier on chip damage, and our red option was very different too, of course. We use Hilda in somewhat different ways.

    3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Hilda, Hilda! Galeforcing the hell out of this map is pretty much the way to go. There’s so many annoying units on here and you just had them dropping like flies. Really awesome having the ladies spread  out all over the map to get it done and retreat to take down the final bosses~ Also nice music!

    Thanks. I always like to go on the offensive I guess. I love this song.

    Damn, +10 Sophia. Mine is still +1, but I plan on building mine up too. I've given her Atk/Res Solo for now. Sophia was just the thing the Elises needed to help them out, though. I always love watching people's units duel Mythics head-on. There's some serious firepower packed in these small girls.

    Really nice music on the preparation part, btw.

  7. Just now, Arcanite said:

    Is Altina the one we got for free or was it someone else

    I forgot

    Getting her to +10 definitely wasnt easy 😁

    Everyone knows tomes run the world regardless

    Yeah, she's free, but she's only free for a month.

    Good thing I didn't use a tome

  8. 2 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy what a great video! Congrats!

    I don't have a Catria built. I was between her and Est, and I went with Est because of the Armor Eff. I may built a 4* +10 Catria someday.

    Do it bro, you need to complete the sisters. Not that I have them at +10 or anything either. I just use Cordy most of the time, as you can see lol.

  9. 1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

    Using guides in 2020

    What kind of scum are we here at Serenes Forest

    Back in my days, hard work was done using nothing but one's own blood, sweat, tears, and elbow grease. Grow a pancreas for goodness sake!

    besides, the new guide is to just through Altina in and see what happens

    Arc: "hard work"
    also Arc: "haha Nino"

    Altina isn't used in PM1's guides because she's limited time

  10. @Some Jerk Instantly obliterating enemies is always good, that's how I roll. Well, except I don't do one-turns. Unfortunate that Silvia had to take a relative backseat this time, but relying on your allies is never wrong lol. Klein did very well ORKOing Bram, and Delthea was really reliable.

    @Wanda Nice, fellow Kagero user! I didn't use her this time, but I have a +10 one too. Didn't get LnD4, though, sadly. Very nice clear, and very strong Tharja too. Kagero made Bram look stupid, as she does.

    @LordFrigid Nice Sophia. I just bought the Pass and am going to build her next, mostly for AR use. I've given her Atk/Res Solo and QR3 for now, but I don't have a premium B to give her yet. May have to stick to Guard. She's also still only +1 +Atk.

    I think this is the first time you EPed more than one thing for your one turn clears. Sophia demolished Bram easily.

    @Diovani Bressan I like Palla a lot, so I'm glad you used her! She did pretty well. Too bad Catria wasn't here.

    @Maaka Wow, really nice with Lilina. Haven't seen Raven Lilina in a long time (understandably).

    @DLNarshen That looked really rough, but really nice job! Kempf's chip damage was a big help, and the Flash effect came in clutch this time! That dragonslaying dagger is annoying, huh?

    @Landmaster @Alexmender @mcsilas @Zeo

    Celica + Kagero was again not quite working out this time. Not enough room to do things. Instead of dropping Celica, though, I decided to drop Kagero instead since she was missing a lot of kills, but after I switched teams it didn't take too long to figure out.

    I chose this song because the chaotic duet went with Bramimond's quirks.


  11. On 3/30/2020 at 2:45 AM, mcsilas said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Oooh Summer Cordy! Can't be Cordy without GF, and the Drag Back was a nice choice. Eirika scared me with her low HP but good thing Priscilla was there. Very offensive clear!

    I think all my clears are just offensive in general... as are my units.

    Battle of Eagle and Lion! But this time the tables have turned, compared to that previous BHB.

    Bernie sure is strong. I wish I got Laegjarn...

    Nice to see that DK was finally able to contribute this time. Everyone had a solid and important role.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Ooh, I'll take that. Does that seem notably atypical among Sharena's descriptions?

    She doesn't use it often, no, but most of the time she just chooses to repeat the name of the hero she's talking about in those kinds of sentences. Though, the common alternative to onore there (自分 jibun) is gender neutral too. I don't think it's really a specific thing, personally.

  13. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    So yeah, that would offer an additional measure of support for Limstella being a "them". I know watashi the default option for anyone in Japanese in the average formal situation (and Limstella never appears in informal situations), but thats precisely why it's gender-neutral. It'd be harder to argue Limstella outside of artbooks and the like was gender-neutral if they used feminine or masculine pronouns and the like in FE7.

    @Ice Dragon Limstella's card in Cipher actually has no listed sex/gender, which is usually used for checking certain skills, so it's basically confirmed I think.



    As for Bramimond, he was male before he became the void I guess. Now he is just... not much.

  14. 6 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

    Alfonse- Tatsuhisa Suzuki
    Roy- Jun Fukuyama
    So that pretty much proves it isn't one of them. Just looked that up, I had no idea Jun Fukuyama was Roy's va, I love him. But yeah, Idk who Branemwefw's va is.


    5 minutes ago, Parrhesia said:

    I stand corrected and have some shouting to do at misinformers on SFcord.

    Or possibly at you.

    It's Mark, then.

    Tatsuhisa Suzuki is the fourth voice.

  15. I always thought that a lot of male characters in FE were already really shoujo... It doesn't adopt the style of shoujo media in the plot and stuff, though.

    From my own consumption of it, I'd say the defining aspect of shoujo (other than romance) is a heavy focus on the inner thoughts and reactions the main character (or whoever has the PoV) to situations. Insecurities, inner turmoil and conflict, etc. etc. to help the audience relate to and thus support the character(s). A lot of shoujo content is very heavy on this, though, spelling out every thought in full sentences, and that's part of why I never liked the genre much. Granted, I'm hardly the target demographic, but that was my issue with it. Josei stuff tends to be more subtle about things, but the focus tends to still be on similar issues.

    Essentially, I think shounen and seinen lean more towards the happenings of the plot, inspire values that would be considered heroic, and paint emotion in broader strokes. Shoujo and josei like to go more intricately into moment-to-moment feelings and how they inform the characters' actions, and has a stronger emphasis on making characters relatable, usually through dwelling more on flaws. Obviously FE in general does more of the former, and in Three Houses you literally almost never get the shoujo/josei style since Byleth is a silent protagonist. But like I said, I do think quite a bunch of FE characters, mostly male ones, embody tropes found in shoujo/josei males more already. Seth is probably the most archetypal one in my memory, as the loyal protector/love interest male that sticks with Eirika. More recently in Three Houses, I'd say you could apply it to... every male in Blue Lions, for one.

    A combination of the two philosophies behind the styles could probably create something pretty good. But I sure hope the style of dialogue doesn't become the generic shoujo manga kind that takes forever to get through one thing.

  16. 2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy very nice clear!  I always love seeing horses!  Yeah, Leo had to carry the weight this time.

    If you can find some unit to represent your husband, maybe you can do family clears with Titania, Leo, Est and whoever?

    2 hours ago, Sasori said:

    I do. Best fates kid and if any 5 star exclusive becomes my 10+ project it will probably be him....that being said +5 merges was a bit of a accident. I tried fixing his attack bane, but the game just kept throwing more atk banes at me. That was in the time where merges did't delete your bane.

    Also cool clear. Those trenches did't seem to get in the way much of your all cavalry team.

    I see. Good luck, and hope he gets a refine soon.

    They weren't too hard to work around, yeah.


    @Maaka I just realized I forgot to comment on yours somehow, even though I watched it. Sorry about that. That Wo Dao guy is honestly surprisingly weak lol. I saw the father-daughter one too. I think Enemy Phase still counts as 1-turn.

  17. @NSSKG151 The Anna duo is pretty strong in your hands. I still keep Commander Anna's Noatun, but I guess I should replace it someday...

    @Diovani Bressan Nice work with Saizo. Easy pickings.

    @Rezzy There's Leo, but no Titania, so not a mother-son outing this time, I guess. He did pretty good though.

    @Alexmender Sothis needs to stop crashing these poor students' events. I don't think they were prepared to deal with a deity.

    Also, good choice of music, the drop was perfectly timed. Rhea: "Mother, I'm sorry... I must go."

    @Sasori So you like Siegbert? Or are all of those merges... accidents?

    @Landmaster I was a bit excited to see Elise's best friend at the start of the video, but as soon as Bath Elise charged straight down to Edelgard, I knew Sakura had nothing to do...

    "What now?"

    Galeforce on either Byleth is a very good choice. Sword of the Creator is perfect for it.

    @LordFrigid Huh, WoM Reciprocal Aid. That was pretty smart. You're really loving Leif, huh?

    Went for cav-only myself. Don't get to use these units much.

    @mcsilas @Zeo


  18. Chalice of Beginning is really good in AM endgame. You don't really need to stack Avo or Res to make it work if you have someone who can use Vantage or Battalion Vantage. Dimitri happens to have the latter, and he should be able to cleanly one-shot the mages back.

    Other than the mages (or if you weren't struggling with them at all), are there particular formations walling you on the map?

  19. @mcsilas Nice axe girsl clear. They're all really strong, though sadly Annette didn't do as much. We both went for the same MByleth tank, but I see you had Edelgard kill herself lol. I liked how the lance armor had a choice of which axe girl to do to at the end.

    The 3H girls did really well too. Gravity was a smart idea there to bait the lance armor specifically while keeping Atk/Def Solo active. I think I'd just pick Glimmer for Annette personally. Maybe Moonbow or Luna for Bernie, since her Atk isn't the highest, but honestly Glimmer works too.

    It's kinda fitting that Arvis is the one working the backlines in the Flame Emperor clear. Watching her constantly take a lot of damage while  choking the point was intense.

    Wow, someone who actually built Conrad lol. I respect it.

    Speaking of Black Knight, I recently replaced my BK on my armor team with Zelgius, since I got a merge to fix his bane. RIP the helmet.

    RIP DK, he couldn't get the kill with his AoE. That's kinda sad.

    Yeah, Sword of the Creator really ruins Flame Emperor. Counters both the Guard Axe and the Wary Fighter.

  20. On 3/11/2020 at 10:03 PM, LordFrigid said:

    Someday, I’d like to get to that point. I was sad when the 3rd unit on the Idunn & Fae BHB banner was Roy.

    Nice work on that clear! Sothis had a close shave with those mages at the start, but Sirius+Wrath proved too powerful in the end. I really liked the use of Creator Sword to show the Flame Emperor just what you thought about Guard Axe and Wary Fighter.

    Yeah, that banner was pretty lame.

    It's funny that Sword of the Creator just counters Flame Emperor's base kit. It was meant to be.

    On 3/12/2020 at 1:47 PM, Landmaster said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - More Sothis clears, you all have great taste. That Flame Emperor tank from Byleth was wild. Sothis also impressively handled a lot. Really nice!

    I do quite like Sothis as well.

    The Elises didn't struggle with this at all. That Ignis was no Bignis.

    On 3/13/2020 at 12:13 PM, Sasori said:

    Haha it shows that you should never count Tobin out.

    I haven't gotten any Sothis' yet, but your clear showed why she was strong enough to be in the finals in the last voting gauntlet. Nice clear. Also again nice hat on the dagger unit.


    I quite like the hat on Kronya.


    Speaking of Kronya, I did a """no damage run""" myself. Memed.

    @Alexmender @Zeo @mcsilas

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