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Posts posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. 1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

    For sure, I only have like 3 copies of her so it's going to be a while before I even consider working on her build. 

    Norne has a pretty standard build:

      Reveal hidden contents


    I also have a Slaying Bow and a Brave Bow build to make use of the Heavy Blade 4 she got from the Duo Ephraim I foddered to her. But I won't mess with that stuff until she gets to +5 at the bare minimum. 

    Tell that to the 3 or 4 translators that wrote it as Kuzosako, 草

    Close Foil Spendthrift Norne is pretty good. Too bad I didn't have orbs to spare for a Midori, and I only have one Norne lol.

    they're wrong

    47 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    OMG! All his Mercy... With all those Mercies... LOL

    How I didn't notice it before?! Oh, I am using Mercedes in every solo clear now.

    Oh, I thought that was what you were going for lol. Why did you bring them, then? Just because you like Mercie?

  2. 54 minutes ago, Maaka said:

    I do have a Karla I got a few weeks ago. I fed a -spd copy to someone a long time ago and she finally came back, I just haven't built her up yet. Might do so soon, but she's +def/-hp this time, so not too strong or fast. Time's pulse was totally worth it on Bartre. I get a ton of use out of it in clears and it's nice to have a 4 cooldown armor killing galeforcer for AR.

    Maybe you can have the whole family do one-turns.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Wanda said:

    Yeah I put Miracle on her but I've yet to try it out, keep meaning to haha. I always ran her with two mythics, which is as much bulk as she'd have on astra. She's always had my summoner support so that helps, and being buffed +6/7 in all stats helps, I guess getting res and spd as mythic boosts rather than atk/def on astra is better for her. Pulse Smoke is the most useful thing though, being able to defuse Ophelias/IP teams is very nice.

    Yeah, the Res boosts are definitely way better. Wish I had Pusle Smoke for her, but I only have it on Sophia and WCecilia for now.

  4. On 6/17/2020 at 4:15 AM, Maaka said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Ooo Altena is amazing! Wish I could pull at least one of her... She does need to work on her res a bit though lol. Great job!

    Yeah... I guess if I merged her more and thought about the build harder she could handle magic enemies a bit better, but that's for later.

    Lol the Firs with the moustache and beard. Brilliant. Smart use of Hit & Run.

    On 6/17/2020 at 4:34 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Oh my! Altena crushed everyone! That was pretty cool to watch!

    She is quite powerful, and I'm quite happy with her.

    Saizo is powerful too... Both of those vids were just sad. Saizo left all his Mercy in the back.

    On 6/17/2020 at 6:28 AM, NSSKG151 said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy How nice that all three of Altena's parents were there to watch her solo the map.

    They were proud.

    Damn, Anna destroyed them all too. That reminds me, Apotheosis Anna had Dragonskin, so that's basically what Close Call is here... Stahl and Sully weren't ready indeed.

    On 6/17/2020 at 6:36 AM, mcsilas said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Ooh I'm in love with Altena's JP voice. Nice music too, close call with that Wrathful staff though lol. The tinks were satisfying though. I like her proud parents lol

    I love her voice as well. She sounds gentle outside of battle, but is really cool in battle.

    Ooh, nice theme team. Too bad Kent and Sain aren't in the game yet. That was smart to back off and let the Awakening cavs handle the two Brave weapon cavs first, since they're definitely the biggest problems. Nice job by Sully, I used her a lot early in the game when she was still a 4* and there was no SI. Her Draw Back was useful.

    @Karimlan Well, this was truly a map that didn't deserve 100% attention lol. Especially with powerhouses like Palla and Cherche there. I wish I had a Palla too. Nice DB4 on Cherche though.

    On 6/17/2020 at 11:17 AM, Sasori said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy: Good thing that healer was around. I started to feel a bit bad for this map after seeing all those 0's

    Lol, same. Saddest part is that if I had more Altena merges (or actually just changed her seal to something else) the healer would just get one-shot, and not even she would have had a chance.

    Well, that was definitely easy for this team. Only the Blue Mage did anything of note by hitting Siegbert, but it wasn't enough.

    On 6/17/2020 at 11:53 AM, Landmaster said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy -  Altena is a beast. I love how effortlessly she was able to tank everything. Even a Brave Axe ting tinged. I ended up free pulling a 5* one day and she has not disappointed. Nice solo!

    You should definitely build yours too, she's very useful to have around.

    So combat Mirabillis is going to be a recurring member like Nowi?

    On 6/17/2020 at 6:56 PM, Alexmender said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Even when the healer tried to do her best, it wasn't enough to stop Altena's rampage on this meme of a map. Really nice to see her considering she's sorta rare. 

    Too bad she didn't drop to 3-4*, would've been really nice.

    On 6/17/2020 at 6:56 PM, Alexmender said:

    So yeah, no video from this meme of a map from me because this one is too kuzosako help I fell into Vtuber hell erm...pathetic. I used Norne+Lancina and it was over in 1 turn. Also, I'm working on a longer video showcasing my new Anima Defense team (so far it has gotten 2 wins, 0 loses and one of those was a massacre so look foward to it) and that's taking more effort with all the different songs I need to get and stuff. 

    What's your Norne build?

    I've been watching Vtubers a lot lately too... It's kusozako, though

  5. 32 minutes ago, Nym said:

    This is not the good way to add difficulty. 

    I would agree that this is a weird and bad way to add difficulty if they were applying deployment restrictions to new Hero Battles... But they're not. They're putting restrictions on older, easier Hero Battles to give older players a new challenge. And again, you lose basically nothing for not being able to do it except maybe getting a bruise on the ego.

  6. 6 hours ago, Wanda said:

    Thanks! It's her AR set for soloing light season, but I also use it in Abyssals as well. I don't think I'd ever drop Vantage. I've seen Special Spiral + Sol, and I've considered Special Spiral +HB+Aether but I think I honestly prefer Vantage. 

    I use Heavy Blade Miracle myself for AR, but I use her in Astra so there's not as much bulk to rely on I guess.

  7. I really think Limited Hero Battles are a good idea. The stakes are low but the challenge can be high, and it really takes people out of their comfort zone. Especially the people who only spam Nino/AoEs with multiple dancers to beat everything, or just followed f2p guides and never played for themselves. With Limiteds, you either think harder and try to dig around in your toolbox more for units and ideas, or you give up and lose basically nothing. It's satisfying if you beat it but I don't really think there's much to be frustrated about if you can't.

    Tangentially, this is probably the only mobile game fanbase I know of that complains so much about not being able to clear content because they didn't want to invest in certain things that are good or useful. Maybe because it's tied to a franchise where almost any unit is """good""" if your pour all your EXP into them (and even then, this is still partially true for a large chunk of FEH's content), but man people can't handle the fact that some things don't work all the time. I guess it's partially the game's fault for not encouraging experimentation because of how SI is tied to premium fodder, when otherwise people might experiment a bit and realize that they just had to make certain changes and they could beat a map.

    Resonant Battles, on the other hand, are kinda stupid imo. It's a competitive mode, and it forces you to pull for this new seasonal-locked unit type if you want to score well, similar to Allegiance Battles... Yet at the same time, the actual gameplay itself is so easy that you wonder to yourself if the word "competitive" can even be used to describe it. There's already f2p-friendly step-by-step guides on how to get max score in the current RB, and someone could just follow that to the tee because it never changes. And even though it doesn't have Arena scoring and a bunch of arbitrary restrictions, the nature of the mode encourages one to abuse high movement units like cavs and flying beasts, and if you like to play Enemy Phase, armors, infantry etc. etc. then too bad, you're just shooting yourself in the foot by using them.

    The rewards of the mode are still kinda whatever at least, but it truly baffles me that there are people who defend this new mode yet hate Limiteds, even though Limiteds are in fact far less restrictive because you can approach the problem in whatever way you want with the tools you have, and also aren't a weekly repeating mode that pushes one to spend orbs. Maybe because it's just easier to play?

  8. @LordFrigid This is probably the least amount of setup I've ever seen you do. That's kinda sad lol.

    @Maaka Ooh, now Fir is back. Do you happen to have a Karla or no? Also wow, Time's Pulse on Bartre is nice.

    @Diovani Bressan The dream fairies came out to help Marth and Saizo, huh? Mirabillis does pair with Saizo quite well, especially in Hero Battles where they don't start moving immediately so they can set up the aura. That was clean.

    @Wanda Welp, that was a massacre. Poor lance armor. Nice Close Foil set, though. I've heard people use Spiral Heavy Blade Aether on Tharja or something, and it's apparently not bad?

    @NSSKG151 It's amazing that in half a year, team Anna has gone from one Anna and three other ponytail redheads to having only one fake Anna in it. DC Close Call is definitely the way to go for the new Anna too. Unfortunately, I don't really have CC/Repel fodder to spare for her. I have a Mareeta manual but I'm holding it for Hilda/timeskip Hilda in the future, or possibly even a Mareeta merge if I get my hands on some other Repel sources later on. I did give Anna DC though.

    @Landmaster Mirabillis as a combat unit, huh. She is pretty tanky, good for protecting the Elises. Does she count as an honorary Elise?

    @Sasori Nice limited SI clear. Mustafa betrayed his king I see... something I don't think Brunnya would appreciate at all. That's a good accessory on her by the way.

    @mcsilas Lucina helps Emmeryn change her fate! I'm sure she was surprised to find that not only does she have a nephew and a niece, but also a great-niece. Some close calls here and there, but good combo from father and daughter broke through the map.

    Lol, Mad King and other Mad King vs third Mad King. It's always satisfying to see enemy Specials do single digit damage. Or no damage.

    Lucky roll on Anna's tap line lol. Unfortunately this isn't the Trickster Anna, but it's still an Anna from Awakening. I see you made do with mostly budget builds too. Anna would be pleased.

    Huh, Henry did work even without his refine. He was definitely one of the Plegians who didn't hesitate to turn his back on Gangrel. Gangrel can dish out some firepower himself too.

  9. On 6/4/2020 at 7:11 AM, mcsilas said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Celica questioning Mila's choices? I wanted to use Brave Celica down below but she wasn't exactly built properly yet and I needed a healer lol. Slaying Celica looks really fun to use. Green mage is really annoying, I agree on that. Genny's mobile healing supported the team well (extra tile to run away from Isolation!) Good thing Kagero still worked in the end even if she needed some stat adjustments. I liked how Mila said "kore de" after Celica's "kore de" haha

    Yeah, it's hard to use Brave Celica in Abyssals without a bunch of merges. She simply won't have enough Spd to do things with, among other things. And heh, Celica is Mila's "reincarnation" after all.

    Nice Celicas. That was a rough spot when you got piled onto, but Mila and Silque managed to clutch it out while the Celicas handled Mila. Avoiding that exact dogpile situation was what took up most of my time while figuring out how to beat this.

    Duma definitely showed what might is capable of by just rolling up into Mila's face like that. That was a steamroll, mostly.

    Hm, nice Gray. I actually got one the other day from a free pull... but he was -Atk. Celica now has Zanbato.

    On 6/4/2020 at 1:53 PM, Maaka said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Wow Celica did some crazy work there. Glad to see she got to kill Mila. Scared me a bit when you attacked that cleric with Kagero when it said he would kill her, but I completely forgot what her refine did. Awesome clear!

    Most people forget what Kagero's refine does, when they try to bait her in AR...

    On 6/4/2020 at 4:28 PM, DLNarshen said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy It looks like the Isolation barely phased you here - good thing considering the map gave you some trouble otherwise (even if it doesn't look it!).  Why worry about Isolation when you can just Galeforce it away?  I hope you're able to pull a spare Leila for Kagero at some point. Or she gets a resplendent version

    I want a Leila for fodder too, though one to keep would also be nice.

    I didn't realize you had already posted a clear until earlier today, completely missed it. Right from the start, I was impressed that Julius was taking 0x2 from that Green Mage. I hate that guy. And then Ishtar casually doubled that really fast Bow Flier (not that Celica didn't, but still). That was a pretty good demonstration of Runeaxe. 14 healing from two hits is pretty substantial, and then another 7 on Player Phase too when smacking something.

  10. On 5/30/2020 at 1:34 AM, LordFrigid said:

    How could Celica betray Mila like that? Nice work on that clear! Another masterpiece from Celica, Kagero, Azura, and whichever staff Cav strikes your fancy. I really liked the Galeforce hit-and-run strikes, and getting Miracle up for the Sword Armor encounter was a nice touch.

    Mila wanted it

    It basically depends on what healing staff I need, and sometimes the offensive staff. I don't have to put every healing staff on Veronica, so I guess this is more efficient for this purpose.

    Lilith was quite strong, but Flora had a key role too. And Jakob just did Jakob things with Bold Brave. Just because VFaye outclasses his completely (good) doesn't mean he's gotten any worse.

    On 5/30/2020 at 1:21 PM, Alexmender said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Guess the extra extra inflated stats are starting to take toll on everyone. Regardless, Kagero still proved that she's strong enough to nuke Abyssal tier enemies without too much trouble and same goes for Celica, she just went and destroyed everything on her path. It was interesting to see Picnic Genny, now that's a unit you don't see everything but her in-combat buffs certainly proved to be very valuable for keeping the dmg up and also to not let Kagero die. Really cool clear!

    Kagero's Special timing is getting more and more important, I guess, but Celica is still holding up well. Maybe she'll be even better after a refine.

    Eirika back at it again... I don't think I've seen an Eirika one-turn Abyssal before.

    On 5/30/2020 at 5:35 PM, Unknown Gamer11 said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Glad you ended up making Kagero work, I haven't seen too much of her in action since her refine so it's cool getting to see one put in some work.

    She has a strong niche, but she pretty much only does that one thing, so she's pretty rare overall I guess.

    Very strong fliers you have. I wish I had Spring Fir. Sanaki did her job well, even if she was only a buffbot mostly. It's nice to see her work with her ancestor.

    On 5/31/2020 at 5:07 AM, Sasori said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy: Thats one loaded Celica. Perhaps her prf needs a bit of a upgrade if a slaying edge allows her to do her job even better.

    Yeah, her Prf has been pretty irrelevant. I've only found a use for it in Rokkr since that mode's setups encourage her to be near allies at all times anyway. Refine later in the year, maybe.

    Nice FE6 (sort of) team. Hector was definitely the star here, but of course everything was only possible with Lilina helping to buff.

    How do you like Siegbert's refine? It's not quite as versatile as Blazing Durandal, I'd think, but it does seem to make him very hard to defend against between the firepower and buff negation. Gordin was the star for the Abyssal, blocking that poor mage cav and killing those lance units. I was really surprised that the Lance Dragoon targeted Gordin over Siegbert or Roy, whom she could've easily killed or pressured if she simply went left. Maybe she doubles Gordin so the total damage is higher, don't remember the stats right now.

    On 5/31/2020 at 11:46 AM, Landmaster said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Sounds like we need some Resplendent Kagero soon~ Celica was a monster in this one, she just went crazy~ I wasn’t expecting to see Genny here but I guess I kind of used the same strat myself~ I could tell this was a well calculated clear~ Celica killing Mila is the perfect finish, great work!~

    Resplendent Kagero would be cool, though I already like her art. I wonder what it'd look like.

    It's always impressive that you clear these without a dancer, and only two movement Assists this time no less, even though this one is rough. Between the Skewer, Physic+ and a C to buff Atk, I guess my Genny and your Elise did have a similar setup lol. Your Sophia is quite impressive, though. I've +10'd mine, but I suppose she's not really equipped to handle these kinds of situations since I don't have a tier 4 Stance. I hope I can get Lull on her soon. SElise also clutched out several fights, partially thanks to the healing from Egg. Bucket kill is fun.

    On 6/1/2020 at 7:50 AM, ruruo said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy  Thanks! Yeah, I find Gjöll's effect easy to trigger when there's a lot of debuffs going around.  
    Your Celica is so cool!! o_o.. Wow... She carried your team well. I'm impressed by how you managed to avoid Mila's Isolation for the most part, and quite easily used a dancer. 

    My friend used Yune with Hrid on this map. They're pretty good partners, I think.

    Thanks. It helps that Galeforce gets rid of statuses and debuffs.

    On 6/1/2020 at 11:01 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy What a great Celica you have. She is so strong when the player is able to keep Double Lion for every turn.

    That's her main weakness, I guess. Maybe her Prf will help fix it.

  11. 2 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

    It's been a while since I've played SoV but which map of that game is this MHB based on?

    it's loosely based on what Mila's Temple looks like in Echoes in the cutscene, I think, not really a playable level.

  12. @LordFrigid I would've thought this one would be hard to one-turn, but judging by your upload time, maybe not lol. YCaeda stays unfair.

    @Diovani Bressan Vantage + Dominance is definitely an unfair combo. Poor Mila didn't get a chance to play.

    @Maaka Even with dragonslaying, 50x2 to Mila is funny lol. Big smash Bartre doesn't disappoint.

    @Hilda Damn, your Askrs are holding up even after the Abyssal stat update. The triple summoner support is really clutch for this. I'm still hoping they'll one day give this Alfonse Open the Future too.

    @Alexmender Very nice clear. Fury 4 Hilda is great, and she zoomed around everywhere for her boss. She really did take care most of the major threats on the map.

    Funny, Lif was way easier than this one for me...

    @ruruo lol, nice bucket kill. Hrid's auto-doubling is really helpful on this map, since natural doubling is so rough.

    @Landmaster @Zeo @mcsilas @DLNarshen

    This map gave me a ton of trouble. Kagero was really struggling, and the Lancer was a big mobile wall for Celica, but I didn't really want to resort to a broken mage yet like LCelica yet. I tried a few other things like Cordy and Hilda, even FTakumi, but the Green Mage was giving everything not named Celica extreme trouble. I went back to Celica and Kagero, and eventually figured out a movement pattern that gave me space on turn 3 to cleanly kill the Lancer. Kagero really needs LnD4; I had to make adjustments for every single kill she got in this, and most of them could've been free kills if she had literally 2 more Atk.


  13. I once read something (it's been a while, don't remember what exactly it was) that the only thing that can objectively separate good art from bad is intent. When a beginner tries to make a vase intended to be beautiful, but creates a poorly-made one that people view as ugly, then the beginner has failed, and the piece of art is bad. Conversely, if a master intentionally makes a vase that incorporates beginner mistakes to look ugly, and people do find it to be unappealing, then the master has created good art. If the product represents the ideal of the artist, then objectively it is good art. I found that line of thought to be interesting, though ultimately it does not produce a truly objective answer. Regardless, I think it is a useful metric, and by analyzing parts of stories, be it consistency of themes or individual scenes, it's possible to weigh the quality of a story by the good and the bad. How much weight is attached to each aspect of the story enters subjective territory, though.

    I guess arguing whether or not Echoes is a good story tends to be a hot button topic on this forum, but it's the best example I have for this. In this interview, Kusakihara describes Echoes as being a story about masculinity and femininity in contrast to each other, both in macro as guiding philosophies of the two countries and in micro as the personalities of Alm and Celica, a theme which I think is actually not bad and worth exploring. However, I tend to argue that this theme was not executed very well in Echoes. The narrative tends to lean more towards Alm's perspective than Celica's. In the balcony scene where Alm explains his ideals while Celica storms off in anger, leaving Alm wondering why. From Alm's point of view, Celica just seemed to get mad for no good reason. As the player, one is able to deduce Celica is mad because of her true identity as a noble, but no time is spent on Celica's inner thoughts as the scene just transitions to her leaving the castle, still upset. It's true that she tends to bottle up her feelings and keep them to herself, but that should be towards other characters, and wouldn't prevent her from having monologues for the audience. There are more examples, but in this case I would say that the Echoes writers did not succeed at creating a balanced view of masculinity and femininity, and lack of balance makes for poor contrast. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine or find out intent for every part of Echoes, so this only goes so far, but perhaps the story is objectively poor in this facet.

  14. 12 hours ago, Zeo said:

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Pretty straightforward clear. Every version of Celica is absurdly powerful. Just based on the team comp I knew what everyone was going to do just about. The Celicas did their thing and Veronica kept B!Celica's B Skill active for all the high priority foes with GF covering any openings and L!Azura doing her thing. Edelgard may as well have stood in one spot and waited to die. It's never complete without at least one instance of a unit clutching out an EP with 1 HP remaining though. Veronica gets her own props for that alone.

    I've always liked strong offensive play, so I guess the Celicas are a perfect match for my style.

    Damn, Ross handled that chokepoint like a champ. That sword cav brought Edel's demise by trying to help with his Rally. Everything else was cake afterwards.

    Lol, Prissy got surrounded, but good thing her team was there to bail her out. Morgan has surprising firepower all the time with the debuffs.

    This Abyssal was really unkind to daggers and stuff, so I had to drop Kagero too. RIP Matthew. Nino did well though, as expected.

    Duo Hector is ridiculous anywhere. The Lilina beam just destroyed any chance the right side's enemies had of doing anything useful lol. Brazen Serra also showed up to dish out some firepower. She's not going to lose to Leila...

  15. 22 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Ha! I imagine the western version has the sense not to rubb that in. Some people find that kinda awkward. 


    20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I can read just enough Japanese to recognize the characters for "elder sister" and "younger brother"

    IS why are you like this

    People ask for FE4 seasonals but IS doesn't want to do them yet, this tides them over

  16. @Diovani Bressan Fateswakening clear was pretty cool. I like that you had two of each.

    @mcsilas Pretty cool theme, and pretty cool units too. Everyone had an important role to fill. Was wondering how you were going to handle Corrin with that team, and I expected Laslow, but Odin + Rhajat chipping her out was a surprise. If Anankos was released, you could've done a Hidden Truths theme team, but alas.

    @Maaka I saw it coming, but my mind was still blown a bit when SBartre quadded FFCorn. What a setup.

    @BoaFerox Itsuki does it again. He's turning out to be really solid.

    @Sasori I feel like the Blue Thief with Dragonslasher was placed there to deter plonking LMarth there among other things, but I guess it didn't matter lol.

    @NSSKG151 Ayyy Fallen Celica. Her role was limited, but a boss kill's a boss kill.

    @Alexmender Good ol' Eirika back at it again. It's kinda lame to see Pulse Smoke not doing anything here, but oh well.

    @LordFrigid I guess this one gave you a bit of trouble huh? Not that Caeda couldn't handle it. "No more fighting!" *110 damage*

    @Landmaster @Zeo

    Did a theme team clear. The goddesses are out to spank some naughty dragons. Well, I guess I would've used Yune instead of Altina if I had her, but I don't.


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