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Rate the Unit, Day 42: Athos

Thor Odinson

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Rate the Unit, Day 42: Athos


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Scores (in ascending order)

Karla: 0.39

Wallace: 1.12

Nino: 1.65

Wil: 1.85

Renault: 2.47

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Karel: 4.01

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Louise: 5.52

Vaida: 5.53

Guy: 5.71

Farina: 5.95

Erk: 6.01

Jaffar: 6.03

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Geitz: 6.50

Legault: 6.55

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Oswin: 6.98

Hawkeye: 7.21

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Harken: 8.03

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Pent: 8.60

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Okay so Athos.

He exists for one chapter only. But his one chapter's existence is better than some characters throughout the entire game. And he's forced, so he doen't have competition in his deployment. It's nice that he's pretty good in this one chapter he's in.

So basically, Athos is the game's way of saying: "got RNG screwed? Your team sucks? Don't worry, here's a guy who can ORKO the dragon!" Athos will need 2 statboosters from the speedwing and/or body ring variety to double and hope that one of his shots crits with Thor's Ire, or he could go for a 13% crit instead with a +10mt boost for no statboosters necessary. It's not all that likely that it happens, but it's not horribly implausible either, and the thing is that he /can/ oneshot/round that fucker. And that's pretty cool. I can't speak for ranked, but on efficiency, your lords are likely not gonna be of a high enough level. Lyn might be able to get a shot in for low damage, Hector's the only one likely to do decent to good damage in one hit, and Eliwood will probably get ORKO'd. Lucius requires 40 HP to not get oneshot, either, should you give him Aureola, and he might want a Robe for that. So Athos will be probably the most likely candidate for the dragon kill in an efficiency run.

He also helps out a lot during Light part one. His combat on most bosses are pretty damn nice, and even if you don't want him to fight, he's got the best hitrates with status staves, which is highly recommended for douchebags like Lloyd who otherwise likes to double your team especially if you're going fast and thus not many would have capped speed. Sleeping Lloyd makes shit a lot easier, and Athos has pretty good hitrates on the guy. Or you can always go with Berserk for extra hilarity. He can warp FIFTEEN spaces so that your guys can get to Nergal as soon as his door opens, and avoid those berserk Druids of Nergal's own. Oh and if you want him to spam that Fortify, he's basically got the entire room because his mag is so damn huge.

tl;dr he's forced and his contributions in a single chapter is worth than some of the other characters who's been around forever. 5.5/10 +1/10 for looking like Dumbledore=6.5/10.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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7/10 Best crutch ever. Of course he's only avalaible for one chapter, so there's only so much I can inflate his score. He also brings Armads and Durandal (and Sol Katti), and while two of them are hardly worth a crap, It's cool that you get them. More importantly, he brings Aureola which you can give to Lucius and I believe is worth 0G.

Edited by Refa
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7/10. S ranks in all magic means he can use the tomes you get (though lolgespenst), as well as Aureola, and he can heal on top of all that. Not to mention his good combat against the bosses.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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not much people who can beat down the dragon better than athos. sometimes when i have no magic users athos ends weildiing all the sacred weapons in the that level you name it forblaze, aureola, gepenst, luce, excalibur. but yeh he is pretty damn good those weapon ranks. there is a couple of things that i don't like about him first his health need to use angelic robe on him and well he is avalible for 1 level. so 8/10

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What can I say? He's pretty powerful, and is capable of finishing off the dragon. A good unit to have for endgame, since he's forced and can deal decent damage to the enemies that rush you. However, his speed is pretty bad (which means he can be doubled by some of the faster enemies), defenses aren't exactly the best, and he only exists for one chapter. Pretty much, he's all offense and little defense.

Edit: Finally! Got rid of that Black Knight pic.

Edited by Boron
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One of only a few characters who can ORKO the dragon, plus he helps so much with the final chapter, whether you need a powerful Luna user, a strong Bolter, or someone to Warp/Rescue/Fortify everyone. Simply put, he's awesome.

Of course, he's only available for the last chapter, but man, is he worth the wait.


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5.5/10 +1/10 for looking like Dumbledore=6.5/10.


Yeah i so went there. (that sprite is pretty old. excuse the bad glasses.)

Athos is this guy whos like, all wizardy and junk. He knows all the things.


S ranks in all the things.

Staff use is yes.

Comes with legendary magic he can use.

Hits pretty hard with the pretty magics.

Luna use.


Low HP for someone so spamtacular.

Im not even gonna like, knock a point(s) down for late coming because he'd break the game if he came eariler. Hes a pretty cool guy. Yeah hes pretty much pounding that dragon into submission and really helping junk. (Canas can raep Dragon too you know...) So yeah he gets a 8/10 for when hes around. Athos is not bad.

Edited by Florina
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not much people who can beat down the dragon better than athos. sometimes when i have no magic users athos ends weildiing all the sacred weapons in the that level you name it forblaze, aureola, gepenst, luce, excalibur. but yeh he is pretty damn good those weapon ranks. there is a couple of things that i don't like about him first his health need to use angelic robe on him and well he is avalible for 1 level. so 8/10

Now why in the world would you use Gespenst when it, to be blunt, is godawful?

Edited by Metal King Slime
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I know we're not meant to be counting availability but Athos just CANNOT be a 10

He gets an 8, instead. He's a ten in that final chapter and by fucking god he is coming to final and killing everything with Luna but all those chapters before the final chapter have to count for something.

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9 because he pwnz teh dragonz and everything and also he's freaking Dumbledore like everyone else said I couldn't even have made that joke since OP Lumi made it already sadface. :<

Edited by Crashman_Alpha
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He has crazy offenses and utility as he bring an awesome Forblaze and a shitty and ugly Aureola tome, now he also has staff utility; bearing instant access to Warp and Fortify staves paired with the Status staves to land some serious problems on the morphs; particularly Linus and Lloyd who are both potentially dangerous.

Now, the other thing he has is being an insta-Luna user and can happily crit the Dragon to death which is WONDERFUL. Other stuff he can do? He can instantly use a lovely although slowing Gespenst tome and a crappy and stupid Luce tome too, although I prefer giving the killing blow to the dragon in the form an ominous yet foggy thunderstorm and shooting myself in the foot at the same time, cause masochistic playstyle, not that I care about his low CON anyways.

Bad bits? He has a little problem with speed and a low CON, which is sadfais.

My verdict?

8.5, supposedly it's a 7.5, but I'd give an extra point for being able to use something I'd like.

Yes Aureola and Luce, you hear me! I'd kick you two rotten tomes off a cliff!.

Edited by Icicle Spear
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7/10. Like others have said, he's 11/10 in the chapter he shows up in and contributes more in that brief period than most do the entire game... but he's not there the entire game, so he can't be scored as high as Marcus.

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He's really only good for staffbotting and taking out Nergal and the Dragon. Although Luna is basically exclusive for him, there's not much of a point for him to do anything else. But he can most likely wreck Final on his own. But you probably have enough good people who can also wreck it.

8/10 for being the reason Hector gets Armads and for being that crutch staff user.

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Man, the hell are up with these rankings? :lol:

On ranked, Athos is almost never used. While he's an offensive beast, he costs you some serious experience; at best, he's a 30-mag healer (admittedly nice, but it's expendable). On efficiency, he's great in Light, but let's think about that: he's great... for one chapter.

EDIT: going with frat on this one, .5/10

Edited by God Brady
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sometimes when i have no magic users athos ends weildiing all the sacred weapons in the that level you name it forblaze, aureola, gepenst, luce, excalibur.

Gespenst isn't a Divine weapon. It's a robot from SRW.

You're thinking of Apocalypse. Too bad Bramimond didn't felt like lending it to Athos at the time, though.

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You know, he is only available for one chapter, but man, what he can do in that one chapter...

Fortify, Warp, OHKOing the dragon, and just nuking bosses in general.

Worth at least a 5/10, though I'd give him a 7/10. I mean, if Karel gets a 4 and is pretty terrible...

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Gespenst isn't a Divine weapon. It's a robot from SRW.

You're thinking of Apocalypse. Too bad Bramimond didn't felt like lending it to Athos at the time, though.

While I do love me a good Gespenst MK II M In FE7 the S rank dark tome is called Gespenst.

Oh I guess I should be on topic, huh

5/10. He can murder the dragon well, and do stuff with magic'n'stuff ( ' 3')

Edited by seph1212
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