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19 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

This is scary. A neutral unmerged Leo with is refinement can kill +10 Tailtiu with fury, hone cavalry, dull ranged and QR. He won't be killing Vlyns, but he sure does pack a painful punch into bladetomes

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You do not even need Dull Ranged.

A more economical build would be:

Leo neutral
Brynhildr [special], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte,
Distant Def

That should stand up to:

Tailtiu +10 +Atk
Life and Death
Attack +3

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28 minutes ago, XRay said:

You do not even need Dull Ranged.

A more economical build would be:

Leo neutral
Brynhildr [special], Moonbow
Fury, Quick Riposte,
Distant Def

That should stand up to:

Tailtiu +10 +Atk
Life and Death
Attack +3

Glad I don't need to fodder off a M!Morgan in the future. Thanks

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Been meaning to post but have just lacked the time.

@Cute Chao Grima is always welcome on my FL. Especially with Armor boots. It's funny though, since a little while ago I've gotten 2 or 3 requests out of nowhere. a +2 Erika with refinement, a +10 CC Boey and most recently a +9 Amelia. I feel like it's people from this forum but no one is saying anything to me. I don't know if I'm like that, was just a funny observation. 

@Kaden Are you my alternate universe self? I literally just pulled my second Erika ever yesterday during a yolo pull on the Falchion banner and she is that exact same nature. I never considered using her because I only ever pulled one and it was +RES/-SPD but now I'm actually conflicted because +ATK/-HP is either the best or second best nature for her and I forgot about her... she, Athena and Chrom are the only units that I like enough in the *4 pool (as red swords) to actually +10. And while I picked Chrom, I like her almost if not just as much as him and objectively... she's... well... a lot more versatile and... frankly amazing now. I don't know how to build her but she'd love a lot of different things, Fury, Distant Counter, a Breaker, Wrath, her options are vast.

@mcsilas Yeah, I have 4 Barsts and they all have great natures so... I understand the struggle. And ha! Matthew and Clarisse in the same army sounds freaking awesome. Glad to see he's putting in the work that it looks like he should!

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45 minutes ago, Zeo said:


@Cute Chao Grima is always welcome on my FL. Especially with Armor boots. It's funny though, since a little while ago I've gotten 2 or 3 requests out of nowhere. a +2 Erika with refinement, a +10 CC Boey and most recently a +9 Amelia. I feel like it's people from this forum but no one is saying anything to me. I don't know if I'm like that, was just a funny observation. 

I keep varying between Armour Boots and QP for him, depending upon how I've been using him. I wish there was a way to keep one seal on for your lead >.<

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@Zeo Huh, that +9 Amelia is probably me. I could have sworn I had a Tenk on my friend list at some point for a VG, but when I went to field Matthew in Rival Domains I couldn't find him.  Could have sworn I said something somewhere. But my computer has been dying on me a lot lately(fails to read the hard drive, hopefully a connection issue rather than the drive itself going bad *crosses fingers*), so maybe that was one of the posts that I just never went back and rewrote after getting booted back up. Or I suppose I could have simply forgot to tag you when saying it. Easy to miss individual posts in bigger topics.

@Cute Chao Sure would be nice. I can't even say how often one of my units ends up with a silly seal. Such as Brash Assault somehow landing on a firesweeper. Seals just get shuffled around so much.

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14 minutes ago, Usana said:

Sure would be nice. I can't even say how often one of my units ends up with a silly seal. Such as Brash Assault somehow landing on a firesweeper. Seals just get shuffled around so much.

Yup, I feel you there. It makes me laugh sometimes to see where seals end up. But it would be nice if you could just control the seal for the unit you give to your friends, in the least. At least with your own, you can change the seals around.


On another note, had a weak moment and spent 50 orbs on the banner. I decided no matter who of the three I ended up with, it would be nice to have a guaranteed 40% unit for the trial, and even if the one I ended up with dropped, then it still saves me 20k feathers. 

I actually ended up with a 5* Roy and a 5* Male Morgan out of those feathers, and I'm not unhappy. It has fully satisfied my urge to pull on the banner, though, because I do not want a million Morgans instead of one Chrom. I would've preferred Chrom overall, but oh well. I quite like Morgan's art and voice, and two 5*'s in 50 orbs is definitely not bad going. 

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Cute Chao aww that's a shame. We all have those moments were we gove in but at least you have a bonus unit! And two 5 stars is pretty good so congrats!

Thanks :) 

I figured that, unlike with Siegbert and Soliel, I actually didn't mind if I ended up getting the other unit... once...  but this time I definitely was going to set limits - either one focus unit or fifty orbs, since there are several upcoming banners. I was able to stick to them and I have no desire left to pull, since I just know I'll end up getting a tonne of Morgans and I can wait for Chrom to appear on another banner :) 

...Besides, I really don't want to encourage alts, despite my wish to get Chrom... It seems a bit hypocritical that I still want Chrom, but since he was added, I might as well. I would have preferred they added someone who wasn't an alt, though, especially since it kinda takes away from it being a second gen Awakening banner. It is nice to have a complete male emblem of some kind, though, even if it's not the most diverse, weapon wise. At least it is movement wise. If only Bunny Chrom had had a wyvern... they could have got one of each xD 

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31 minutes ago, Usana said:

@Zeo Huh, that +9 Amelia is probably me. I could have sworn I had a Tenk on my friend list at some point for a VG, but when I went to field Matthew in Rival Domains I couldn't find him.  Could have sworn I said something somewhere. But my computer has been dying on me a lot lately(fails to read the hard drive, hopefully a connection issue rather than the drive itself going bad *crosses fingers*), so maybe that was one of the posts that I just never went back and rewrote after getting booted back up. Or I suppose I could have simply forgot to tag you when saying it. Easy to miss individual posts in bigger topics.

Clarification would be nice if you get the chance. The +9 Amelia is nice, but I'd definitely like to know if it's you so if you see my Matthew in your FL let me know. I'm currently running the DEF refinement on his Dagger for GHB purposes.

5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


@Zeo random thought but have you ever considered Guard on Matthew?

Not particularly. While Matthew's B Skill is flexible if he doesn't necessarily need Seal ATK 3, he generally likes to run Wind or Watersweep with the occasional Poison Strike. He doesn't particularly need breakers since they don't matter against the units he'd like them against the most: QR Armors and Dragons. Guard's not really a skill I see working very well on him as his B skill is better for a seal skill or a sweep skill and generally procs like sun skills and even those like Moonbow and Draconic Aura don't mean all that much if the unit is doing 0-7 damage to begin with.

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Bleh, my Morgan is +Def -Spd xD I knew it would happen, but oh well. 

I wish he could swap with my Roy, who is +Atk -HP. My already existing Roy (who was my first 5* and is going nowhere) is +Atk -Def already. 

Oh well. He's still got decent speed by the looks of it, and I'm sure the extra defence will come in handy somewhere ^.^

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@Cute Chao Funny, something similar happened to me some hours ago. I saved up orbs to pull for Cordelia if she ever should be featured on a 4* banner, but spend half of it in a weak (and bored) moment. This got me a +DEF/-RES male Morgan. 

His tome is really nice, the buff/debuff effect is quite fun. 

I'll give him Seal Res for TTs, since Dull Ranged doesn't seem helpful for PvE content where enemy buffs are random. Too bad there is no RES smoke or Chill Resistance skill yet. 

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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

New calendar is out! 


I don't like that they're still doing BHB reruns, but more tap battle is nice. Hopefully they use better songs this time.

Also, heroes with countering skills

That is a giant calendar. Let’s see, two new BHB’s, a seasonal banner, the Thracia Banner, Awakening special maps, Heroes with miracle, Heroes with countering skills (interesting), more rap battle, a legendary hero event, weapon workout, earth blessing, chain challenge/squad Assult quests, a cooldown bonuses banner, and a voting gauntlet. Wow, that is a lot

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That's a lot of green bars. Granted, most of them seem to be just take-the-free-summon-and-run type but hey.

There's just the usual stuff after that though. It might look to be fairly packed if you look at everything on the same chart, but if you just focus on the blue bars then there's not a whole lot going on, notably no GHB on the horizon. A TT, a VG, two BHBs, 3 special maps, Illusory Dungeon (disregarding the very low value BHB reruns). That said, we do have the Blessed Gardens and Rival Domains weekly content now which helps fill in some gaps.

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4 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Oh, and looks like we will probably be figuring out the bonus units to the TT tonight since the banner starts tonight. Wonder who is on it

It’s going to be all four Lucinas with their weapons temporarily effective against dragons within and for the duration of the tempest.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Kaden Are you my alternate universe self? I literally just pulled my second Erika ever yesterday during a yolo pull on the Falchion banner and she is that exact same nature. I never considered using her because I only ever pulled one and it was +RES/-SPD but now I'm actually conflicted because +ATK/-HP is either the best or second best nature for her and I forgot about her... she, Athena and Chrom are the only units that I like enough in the *4 pool (as red swords) to actually +10. And while I picked Chrom, I like her almost if not just as much as him and objectively... she's... well... a lot more versatile and... frankly amazing now. I don't know how to build her but she'd love a lot of different things, Fury, Distant Counter, a Breaker, Wrath, her options are vast.

I checked and my second Eirika came from the Love Abounds banner. First one I think was from her debut banner.

-HP is probably Eirika's best bane since it doesn't mess with any of her other stats, especially her decent mixed bulk that can become very stupid with unique refined Sieglinde's buff abuse. Someone on Reddit mentioned they wanted a +Def, -HP Eirika because of the +4 defense gain she has. +Def, -HP Eirika is essentially Selena, the closest being a +HP, -Def Selena, with access to a legendary weapon. +Def, -HP Eirika's 39/26/35/30/28 to neutral Selena's 37/25/35/32/28 and +HP, -Def Selena's 41/25/35/29/28.

On the other hand, you could go for +Spd, -HP Eirika if you want her to have more base speed, 38, and +Atk, -HP Eirika is kind of like the opposite of a neutral witch Celica where Eirika makes others stronger and becomes stronger as a result of that while witch Celica makes others weaker and empowers herself. +Atk, -HP Eirika has 39/30/35/26/28 to neutral witch Celica's 40/35/35/27/26.

So, yeah, Eirika is a flexible unit where she was mainly a support unit whose downfall was having low attack is she isn't +Atk and not really having the raw bulk of some characters. Well, now she can abuse buffs to also be an offensive unit or an even bulkier unit.

Anyway, Soren's Wind's Brand not having a sound effect is strange. I think it might have been mentioned here already. Maybe it's just a silent, but deadly wind. :p

Also, with units getting new weapons, I'm not going to be surprised if Cherche ends up getting Helswath because for whatever reason, she's been drawn with it in her official art for Awakening, for some of her Cipher cards, and for Heroes. At the very least, we'd have another axe flier with a legendary/personal weapon since aside from Minerva, I can't think of any other wyvern riders in the main FE games with legendary/personal axes. They gave Michalis Hauteclere in Heroes and Camilla does have a weapon named after her in Fates which I think is also her personal weapon in Warriors.

A Miracle banner? Delthea, Lucius, Maria, Mist, and Sigurd have it. Part of me feels like either Delthea and Sigurd won't be on the banner because they're not going to give us the chance to get them that "easily" or they're going to be on the banner so people will be tempted to spend orbs to get them.

Edit: Aw man, there's going to be Earth Blessing quests. Who the heck am I going to give an Earth Blessing to?

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28 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It’s going to be all four Lucinas with their weapons temporarily effective against dragons within and for the duration of the tempest.

I know your joking, but I still don’t want that. Well, I’m somewhat hoping the banner is Lucina, M!Robin, and Cherche, with 40% units being The two Morgan’s, Lucina, and Gerome, while the 20% Units are Cherche, Rider Chrom, and the two Robin’s

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Why exactly are the dates on the schedule still a day off? The daily reset in the Pacific time zone should now be happening right at midnight, and thus on the same day that they've been happening as (almost) the rest of the world instead of at 11 PM the previous day, with Daylight Savings Time now being back in play here in the US. Or am I just missing something here?

14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Lucius, Maria, and Mist are already three greys. Do not want.

Given I don't have Mist, I'd accept her being on that banner. Lucius.....not so much.

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It's possible they just forgot PST now refreshes at midnight. Anyone know if Japan goes back when the U.S. does, because I know the UK and Norway change clocks two weeks later rather than now.

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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

It's possible they just forgot PST now refreshes at midnight. Anyone know if Japan goes back when the U.S. does, because I know the UK and Norway change clocks two weeks later rather than now.

Japan doesn’t have daylight savings. It’s currently 1:38 PM in Japan at the moment of this post, to help you make calculations.

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Oh my, that calendar is full of stuff! And so many Orbs (especially since I missed the BHBs being Revival'd, so I'll be getting those Orbs now)! I can try for one more 5-Star on the Branded King banner and still have plenty left for Thracia! Maybe I'll even try for someone on the Legendary banner if I see someone I really want (which, there's no Ephraim, so probably not, but who knows)!

51 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Oh, and looks like we will probably be figuring out the bonus units to the TT tonight since the banner starts tonight. Wonder who is on it

Definitely Exalt!Chrom and both Morgans since this is happening on their banner, and I'm guessing either Gerome or Lucina for the 40% side.

For the 20% side, whichever of Gerome and Lucina isn't a 40%, and after that... I dunno, maybe Cherche, M!Robin and Sharena? I got nothing on this one.

38 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Also, with units getting new weapons, I'm not going to be surprised if Cherche ends up getting Helswath because for whatever reason, she's been drawn with it in her official art for Awakening, for some of her Cipher cards, and for Heroes. At the very least, we'd have another axe flier with a legendary/personal weapon since aside from Minerva, I can't think of any other wyvern riders in the main FE games with legendary/personal axes. They gave Michalis Hauteclere in Heroes and Camilla does have a weapon named after her in Fates which I think is also her personal weapon in Warriors.

A Miracle banner? Delthea, Lucius, Maria, Mist, and Sigurd have it. Part of me feels like either Delthea and Sigurd won't be on the banner because they're not going to give us the chance to get them that "easily" or they're going to be on the banner so people will be tempted to spend orbs to get them.

Cherche getting Helswath seems fairly likely, yeah. Never noticed that that was Helswath in her art tho.
I was expecting Gerome to get it since it was in the datamine with him (before I found out that he was getting Poleax instead... which is also fine, though hopefully we'll get someone in the regular summoning pool with that sooner or later), but I'd be okay with Cherche getting it instead. Maybe that would be what I need to finally raise my +ATK/-RES Cherche up to a 5-Star, since I'm not getting Brave Axe+ fodder again any time soon (I gave it to my Airzura, because I am stupid and also I didn't get this Cherche until after that).

As for the Miracle banner, they'll have Sigurd and Delthea for sure, since Sigurd is tempting 'cause he's very good, and Delthea is a pretty alright mage with a semi-unique weapon. Not sure which staffer they'll round out the banner with, but I really hope it isn't Mist. She isn't that good, unless they're planning on giving a weapon refinery buff in the near future.

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