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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Free pull: lone red, 4★ Palla.
Second set: lone red, 4★ Fir.
Third set: no reds, lone blue…



HP/Res. Fine by me!

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep @JSND Alter Dragon Boner @Rezzy @mcsilas @mampfoid

This looks like an apology for my yesterday’s summoning spree for Hinoka that after 99 orbs broke my 4.25% rate by an Abel.

Nice one. I kinda wish we can actually trade the session result




because trust me my attempt at Hardin is just as much of a horror as my attempt on Brave Roy

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OKay, so, in almost 400 orbs, I got... two Grima (+Hp -Atk and +Res -Def), one Abel, one Sheena, one Hector (cool, I needed a Distant Counter) and one Lukas...

Can I be angry at the game ?

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Come on, game...

When I want red (in the second legendary banner): No red.

When I want green: No green.

When I want blue: No blue.

But I do get three greens and two colorless in this session...

...and a 5 star Sheena for my free pull. Her IVs seem decent enough (+Def, -HP), but I have rather it been Frederick, Titania, or Hector. Now I have a 5 star that I'm entirely unsure of what to do with.

This also makes four of my last six free pulls 5 star units though. What weird luck is this, I say again...

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It took me about 150 orbs, but I managed to get Robin and Celica... and I wasn't even trying for Celica. I also picked up Brave Ike along the way. I've been pretty lucky recently.

I'm tempted to go for Hardin just to complete the set... but that was almost half my orbs (I've been saving a lot, thanks to a combination of luck and lack of interest on recent banners), so I don't think I want to spend any more. I live in dread of the day that I blow all my orbs on a whim only for the next banner to introduce laguz.

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@mcsilas RIP Raven pitybreaker. +SPD -HP actually probably isn't too terrible. RES is his weakest stat, but -HP might make it a little easier to activate desperation. Not that it's that hard anyway. +SPD and anything except -ATK is always fabulous. But I mean Cherche is great too. XD 


My goal this week was to save 118 orbs, and I had saved almost 150 which shattered my goal, so I decided I could afford to spend a few. I pulled greens, a few reds, and one blue. And I ended up with Grima!Robin! And I still have 119 orbs. :3 Yay me! Goal for next week is to save another 40 which I think should be possible considering story chapters, the rest of my TT rewards, and dailies. Unfortunately, Robin's +HP -ATK. But...even with -ATK, he's rocking 53 ATK. That's not bad. And +HP would make him really good with Panic Ploy, so I'm not complaining! 

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9 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@mcsilas RIP Raven pitybreaker. +SPD -HP actually probably isn't too terrible. RES is his weakest stat, but -HP might make it a little easier to activate desperation. Not that it's that hard anyway. +SPD and anything except -ATK is always fabulous. But I mean Cherche is great too. XD 


My goal this week was to save 118 orbs, and I had saved almost 150 which shattered my goal, so I decided I could afford to spend a few. I pulled greens, a few reds, and one blue. And I ended up with Grima!Robin! And I still have 119 orbs. :3 Yay me! Goal for next week is to save another 40 which I think should be possible considering story chapters, the rest of my TT rewards, and dailies. Unfortunately, Robin's +HP -ATK. But...even with -ATK, he's rocking 53 ATK. That's not bad. And +HP would make him really good with Panic Ploy, so I'm not complaining! 

Dang but at least he still has high Atk with that bane!

Well yeah my current -HP still works, he just loses some physical matchups more because no Brave weapon means he's more susceptible to counter attacks. Ah well, I'll take what I can get.

If this was me a few months ago, I would be ecstatic to get a Raven so I don't have to promote someone for Brave Axe+ lol. Still good though, maybe the next Brave Axe+ pitybreaker/fodder can go to Winter Lissa

That said, I do wish this Raven went to my main account, since I sacrificed my 5 star one before Basilikos was announced (also to a Cherche). Game, you're funny sometimes.

But wow, enjoy Grima though!

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Not only that I got all the units from the banner I wanted, but also got a bonus unit.
Hector: + def / - spd - perfect
Lyn: + res / - spd - bad
Olwen: + HP / - atk - ugh

Seriously this banner was epic to me. Got four focus units and two other 5* Units out of about 50 pulls. 

Now I can my save orbs since the pseudo-Halloween banner can kiss my ass.

Edited by 豊聡耳 神子
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@mcsilas @mampfoid Well my summon session ended up being a rollercoaster itself. Went into summoning with 45 orbs, expected to spend only 15, ended up using them all across the LA and New Heroes banners. Free pull was Hinata. But the other red stone?




Yeah so. Didn't see that coming at all. He's +DEF/-RES so he's merge fodder but yeah a *5 Chrom. First ever so that's cool. 9 more and I have my endgame swordsman.


. So yeah I was feeling myself and tested my luck on the LA banner. Funnily enough a few pulls and-



Figures doesn't it? I saw the dress from the bottom of the screen and just knew. Yeah so not Hector. To rub salt on the wound she's +HP/-ATK so when she maxes HM she's potential ATK Tactic fodder. But for now hey Tempest unit.

I tested my luck with the last batch of orbs I had. One summon on the New Heroes banner and one on the LA banner with the last 19 orbs I had. I only want green and It's not like I ever get them anyways right? So one green orb on Fallen Heroes. *4 Gunter so whatever. Then on the LA banner with 14 orbs and it's never happened before... 4 green stones and 1 red... so.. crap. This is the result.


I felt so funny about that last orb. I looked at it first... it really could have been Hector and I'll never know. I really wanted to spend money there I can lie. If I'd had any on hand at that moment, I would have spent it. Oh well. Still no Hector or Lyn. Bittersweet as always.

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@Raven Wow, that's some luck! Congratulations!

@Anacybele Free Slaying Axe for Freddy? 

@Zeo Sorry you didn't get Hector (yet), but -ATK isn't too bad if you run Lilina in TTs. Mine is -ATK as well and she maxed HM pretty fast (gave her SPD+3 seal, +SPD refinement and she got Hone SPD from my healer). Also the AoE special is perfect in TTs. 

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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Free pull: lone red, 4★ Palla.
Second set: lone red, 4★ Fir.
Third set: no reds, lone blue…



HP/Res. Fine by me!

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Arcanite @GuiltyLove @DefaultBeep @JSND Alter Dragon Boner @Rezzy @mcsilas @mampfoid

This looks like an apology for my yesterday’s summoning spree for Hinoka that after 99 orbs broke my 4.25% rate by an Abel.


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Summoned on the Fallen Heroes banner looking for Robin since that Grima animation was just too good to pass up. Also seems like a good buddy for W Tharja. (I don't actually have a dragon team to use him with yet)

After about 130 orbs, and a duplicate Sonya pity breaker in between, I got him.. but +atk -def. Not the worst,  but that -def really hurts. I don't think I can afford to try summoning a new one, though. Still happy to have him overall.

Also, after I managed to get him I thought I'd try cheering myself up over the meh IV by pulling on the Hinoka banner. I going to wait for the Legendary banner reveals but I was already in the summoning mood.. and...






@mampfoid @Zeo @GuiltyLove

ALSO +atk -res. And I really expected to get IV screwed if she finally showed up. I'm still in shock, but so happy! It only took about 3 blue orbs too. Some karma balancing for the massive failure on earlier banners perhaps.

And so that's one of the most wanted units finally crossed off the list, and with an IV I'm more than satisfied with. She certainly helped make up for that mixed-result Robin, bless her.

Edited by Alkaid
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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

Summoned on the Fallen Heroes banner looking for Robin since that Grima animation was just too good to pass up. Also seems like a good buddy for W Tharja.

After about 130 orbs, and  Sonya pity breaker in between, I got him.. but +atk -def. Not the worst,  but that -def really hurts. I don't think I can afford to try summoning a new one, though. Still happy to have him overall.

Also, after I managed to get him I thought I'd try cheering myself up over the meh IV by pulling on the Hinoka banner. I going to wait for the Legendary banner reveals but I was already in the summoning mood.. and...



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@mampfoid @Zeo @GuiltyLove

ALSO +atk -res. And I really expected to get IV screwed if she finally showed up. I'm still in shock, but so happy! It only took about 3 blue orbs too. Some karma balancing for the massive failure on earlier banners perhaps.

And so that's one of the most wanted units finally crossed off the list, and with an IV I'm more than satisfied with. She certainly helped make up for that mixed-result Robin, bless her.


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Well, this is a neat banner. I won't pull much from it today though, I might try for Bowy again.

First, that fell banner:

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Hana (L&D. Neat. +Res/-Atk), 3* Bartre (BA is eh to be fair), 3* Est (Merge fodder)

And now the hunt for Bowy begins.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Sothe (I needed to wash my mouth out. Neutral, could be worse)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Lissa (Well that's not much good)

4 Blue, 1 Red

3* Laslow (Well, it's Axebreaker)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

4* Lachesis (Blanked for a sec. +Atk/-HP)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Chrom (Well, I could have pity broken here. Crap. Is +Spd/-HP any good?)


4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Jackpot?)

4* Maria (That would have been a frustrating 5*. +HP/-Spd), 3* Felicia (Is she worth anything?), 3* Niles (Bleh.), 4* Virion (Merge fodder. +Res/-HP)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Gordin (That's crap.)


2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Clarine (Bleh), 4* Azama (Asshat returns. +Spd/-HP, so close.)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Lissa (Once again, uh.)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (Crap...)

3* Tiki (Well, it's Lightning breath)

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Gordin (Again, crap.), 4* Klein (GOOD FODDER. For bloody once. +Def/-Atk)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

5* Bowy (Well that's good, I got Bow Valour 3. +Res/-HP, could be better), 4* Merric (*Sigh. +Def/-Spd),  4* Donnel (Pothead's not the worst fodder. +Def/-HP),  4* M!Corrin (Bad fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* Draug (I've been looking for one for Hunktor, so nice)

Spent over 100 orbs today, but I got Bowy, I'm done with the banner. Also some fodder's no bad thing.

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I had saved up 80 orbs from in game events, and managed to get a 

5* Titania (Didn't have her at 5 stars yet!)
5* Hardin - on a "there were 4 colorless and 1 blue, so i guess i'll pull blue - (-ATK/+SPD)
5* Grima - on my very last orb - (+HP/-SPD)

No Celica, but I got 2 more units that I didn't have, so that's fine with me! Hopefully Celica drops in the 4-5* pool

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New banner, more summons. I took my first full summon. I got a +hp/-res Oscar at 5 Stars (effectively neutral), three unimportant five stars, and a three star Nino who I will promote so long as her nature is good. At least the pitybreaker appeared at the beginning and not mid way in the summons

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So I blasted the meager orbs I had saved up and the three form the TT bonus runs and the dailies. For the most part I don't care whom I get. Though Grima is on my low list. I have strong green armors and Myrrh. I don't really need another. But a DC lance is something I am lacking and I would really want to play with that Speed skill.  So Reds and Blues are my big ones.

And a Red pops a 5*! A 5* +RES/-ATK Mia. Well I didn't have her yet. So hooray? Anyways I'll collect all the orbs from the maps I haven't cleared yet and try again.

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Okay, goal for today, get me a Grima.

Tools at hand: 330 orbs.


A huge herd of Ninos (aka draw back fodder since most re 3*), a few Cecilias (Atk+ fodder... maybe gronnraven fodder), a few Ravens (probably something fodder), some Sorens and surprisingly only one Bartre and one Reposition - uh... Barst.

Green orbs started off thick on the ground but petered off, so I was certain I'd be alt-colour pity broken. Oddly, every time I pulled on a blue orb, a beautiful 4* Reinhardt popped out (I wanted L'Arachel but since I'm contemplating Reinhardt being merged, I don't mind having more merges for him for a future dream :) )

Dorcas proved me wrong!

Wrong DC unit... but a new one for me and I could always do with more axe units. Welcome to the gang, Dorcas.

Thankfully, a number of pulls later, Grima took pity on me and came along too :D

Boons/banes currently unknown.

Orbs left: 168... So I used a fair amount but I'm happy enough :) Especially since I was pulling pure greens and ended up with two green 5*'s ^.^

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