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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @mampfoid @eclipse @Hilda @Rezzy @Johann @Vaximillian @SatsumaFSoysoy @DefaultBeep @Fei Mao

Holy crap.... after all this time. I went ahead and summoned on the VG banner. 2 reds, 1 colorless. Grabbed the reds. *4 Raigh took my supermerge to +9 and *3 Olivia. Mostly a waste of 8 orbs. But nevermind that!... the free summon was!-


For the love of God! After over a month. Finally Matthew #6! I think I've pulled at least 2 of literally every other *3 colorless along with a Kagero, Klein and Sothe. This one is +SPD/-RES again. That's nice and everything but I'm not sacrificing 4 points of RES for 3 points of SPD. Sticking with Neutral. I think this is probably the most excited I've ever been to pull a *3 from a stone. Progress! Progress!


Congrats, it's nice when you're able to get the units you want at 3*.

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My VG free summon was a 3* Serra.

I had 13 orbs so I figured I would see if I could get anything from my Fell Heroes 3.5 pity rate. I see 1 green and 4 colorless. I face palm. Grima will be behind that green. That is how this always works. I want reds for Celica and now my pity is going to be broken by the one I want least. +DEF/-SPD so not a terrible IV, but I have plenty of strong green armors and a strong Myrrh. I likely won't get enough orbs to get another 5* from this banner, so I guess I am exiting out with my least favorite only. *sigh*

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I wanted colorless for my free pull, didn't get it. Thanks game, for constantly not giving me the color I want. My last three free pull sessions: Wanted green, no green. Wanted blue, no blue. Now I wanted colorless, didn't get it, as I said.

I did a few more pulls hoping for Takumi, as I wanted to complete the Hoshido royals. But I still didn't get colorless until the third session.

And I GOT HIM ANYWAY OMG. Literally the second colorless pull.


I completed the Hoshido royals! Got all of them at 5 star now. GO HOSHIDO. Oh, he's +Res, -Def too, so not horrible IVs (just eh ones). He isn't screwed like my -Spd Ryoma anyway.

@Rezzy @Arcanite @Thor Odinson

Tagged Thor this time too, because I know you like Hoshido as I do and we Hoshido fans gotta stick together, right? ;D



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2 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@Anacybele As a hoshido fan, I must say that I would’ve been offended if it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t really voice my liking of Hoshido. Seriously though, nice luck. How are you gonna build him tho?

Sorry, I didn't know you were a big fan there either. My bad!

And I think I'll keep his base kit aside from the special (since there are definitely better ones than Vengeance out there) and add Vantage, Draw Back, and either Luna or Moonbow or something. Only problem is, I've been lacking on Vantage 3 fodder. I used to pull a bunch of Lon'qu and pulled a few Reinhardts too, but now they're all gone and not showing up anymore. >_< I do have Gordin for Vantage 2, but I'd really like to pull Lon'qu and/or Reinhardt again.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I completed the Hoshido royals! Got all of them at 5 star now. GO HOSHIDO. Oh, he's +Res, -Def too, so not horrible IVs (just eh ones). He isn't screwed like my -Spd Ryoma anyway.


Yeah that isn't horrible at all, he still has his cool weapon refine too that lets him teleport and stuff

Nice ~


I free pulled a +Spd -Res Zelgius myself actually LOL

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


Yeah that isn't horrible at all, he still has his cool weapon refine too that lets him teleport and stuff

Nice ~


I free pulled a +Spd -Res Zelgius myself actually LOL

Oh yeah, Fujin Yumi does have refines, that's right. And that does sound handy!

lol nice! XD

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12 hours ago, Zeo said:

Holy crap.... after all this time. I went ahead and summoned on the VG banner. 2 reds, 1 colorless. Grabbed the reds. *4 Raigh took my supermerge to +9 and *3 Olivia. Mostly a waste of 8 orbs. But nevermind that!... the free summon was!-

For the love of God! After over a month. Finally Matthew #6! I think I've pulled at least 2 of literally every other *3 colorless along with a Kagero, Klein and Sothe. This one is +SPD/-RES again. That's nice and everything but I'm not sacrificing 4 points of RES for 3 points of SPD. Sticking with Neutral. I think this is probably the most excited I've ever been to pull a *3 from a stone. Progress! Progress!

Incidentally, several of my free pulls lately have been Matthews, and I immediately think of how I wish I could send them to you. I've been saving all my orbs since the last Legendary banner and waiting for this next one. But yeah I've had the same problem of not getting any Felicias.

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I wanted colorless for my free pull, didn't get it. Thanks game, for constantly not giving me the color I want. My last three free pull sessions: Wanted green, no green. Wanted blue, no blue. Now I wanted colorless, didn't get it, as I said.

I did a few more pulls hoping for Takumi, as I wanted to complete the Hoshido royals. But I still didn't get colorless until the third session.

And I GOT HIM ANYWAY OMG. Literally the second colorless pull.


I completed the Hoshido royals! Got all of them at 5 star now. GO HOSHIDO. Oh, he's +Res, -Def too, so not horrible IVs (just eh ones). He isn't screwed like my -Spd Ryoma anyway.

@Rezzy @Arcanite @Thor Odinson

Tagged Thor this time too, because I know you like Hoshido as I do and we Hoshido fans gotta stick together, right? ;D



Congrats on getting your pineapple and reuniting your family.  I got a Hana for my free pull, who's okay for LaD, but had her fodder niche supplanted by Sothe.  It will be nice to get that free VIke, so I don't have to worry about pity breakers on the Legendary Banner.  Speaking of which, is the next legendary banner supposed to be coming out tomorrow?  I wonder if we're going to get our first Fire Hero, or if they're going to be doing Water again, since apparently, Fjorm won't be in this next one.  It's a bit odd that Ike was Earth, considering he's called the Hero of Blue Flame or something like that.

I've noticed that since the Sacred Stones Banner, I've not been getting very many Blues, hoping for more Rachels to merge.


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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on getting your pineapple and reuniting your family.  I got a Hana for my free pull, who's okay for LaD, but had her fodder niche supplanted by Sothe.  It will be nice to get that free VIke, so I don't have to worry about pity breakers on the Legendary Banner.  Speaking of which, is the next legendary banner supposed to be coming out tomorrow?  I wonder if we're going to get our first Fire Hero, or if they're going to be doing Water again, since apparently, Fjorm won't be in this next one.  It's a bit odd that Ike was Earth, considering he's called the Hero of Blue Flame or something like that.

I've noticed that since the Sacred Stones Banner, I've not been getting very many Blues, hoping for more Rachels to merge.


Ike being earth makes perfect sense though. It's his affinity in his games! And he isn't really associated with the kind of fire that Heroes seems to have in mind. He's also definitely no wind or water dude.

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Fuck Love Abounds. I don't care that it gave me LA!Hector. It just made me wait until my rate was at least at 5.75% (possibly 6%) and do you want to know what the payoff ended up being? Hint: it's someone @Rafiel's Aria would appreciate a lot more compared to me.



+Def/-Spd by the way. I didn't have him as a 5* previously, but that boon/bane really made this payout outright insulting. Screw both LA!Lyn and LA!Roy. I am so done with this damn banner.

At the very least, I did get another Cordelia (four to go to get her to +10) and a Sothe in addition to the Rein pictured above (only two to go to have enough to +10 him) along the way. Oh, and this happened when I went into Fallen Heroes with the orbs I had left over.



It's almost like Grima sensed all the murderous rage I had towards the game after that shit show on Love Abounds and decided he liked what he saw enough to come and join me. He's just neutral, but that's fine. Also, my rate here was only at 3% so I think the game knew it had to appease me somehow. Now I suppose I'll wait to see what the next legendary banner has in store.


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46 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Fuck Love Abounds. I don't care that it gave me LA!Hector. It just made me wait until my rate was at least at 5.75% (possibly 6%) and do you want to know what the payoff ended up being? Hint: it's someone @Rafiel's Aria would appreciate a lot more compared to me.

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+Def/-Spd by the way. I didn't have him as a 5* previously, but that boon/bane really made this payout outright insulting. Screw both LA!Lyn and LA!Roy. I am so done with this damn banner.

At the very least, I did get another Cordelia (four to go to get her to +10) and a Sothe in addition to the Rein pictured above (only two to go to have enough to +10 him) along the way. Oh, and this happened when I went into Fallen Heroes with the orbs I had left over.

  Reveal hidden contents


It's almost like Grima sensed all the murderous rage I had towards the game after that shit show on Love Abounds and decided he liked what he saw enough to come and join me. He's just neutral, but that's fine. Also, my rate here was only at 3% so I think the game knew it had to appease me somehow. Now I suppose I'll wait to see what the next legendary banner has in store.


RIP. Poor Lucius. I love him, but I also know he's not a great pitybreaker. Healers in general aren't great pitybreakers. Granted I would LOVE to pull some more copies of Lucius at 5 stars to save myself some feathers. At this moment, I've pulled more copies of 4 star Sothe than I have Lucius. ;A; 

But that banner for real really sucked. I know my pity rate went over 5 a couple of times, and I got pitybroken three times looking for Lyn... And now I've had some stupidly amazing luck recently.....

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Jagen, cecilia, hawkeye, lon'qu......oh hey Zelgius

and he's -att. 

fuck. (oh hey more fodder for good skills at least.)

I think my gacha luck is going to be bad for a week or so. I did want celica or zelgius tho.



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I got feathers (4* Raigh) and a Cherche. I think I'm going to make a 5*+10 Cherche because I really have a ton of them and her stats are pretty good all things considered, also I know getting Airzura to +10 isn't feasible so there's that too.

Anyways, still at 4% on the FH banner.

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13 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I completed the Hoshido royals! Got all of them at 5 star now. GO HOSHIDO. Oh, he's +Res, -Def too, so not horrible IVs (just eh ones). He isn't screwed like my -Spd Ryoma anyway.

@Rezzy @Arcanite @Thor Odinson

Tagged Thor this time too, because I know you like Hoshido as I do and we Hoshido fans gotta stick together, right? ;D



Grats on your takumi and completing the fam!

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5 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

RIP. Poor Lucius. I love him, but I also know he's not a great pitybreaker. Healers in general aren't great pitybreakers. Granted I would LOVE to pull some more copies of Lucius at 5 stars to save myself some feathers. At this moment, I've pulled more copies of 4 star Sothe than I have Lucius. ;A; 

But that banner for real really sucked. I know my pity rate went over 5 a couple of times, and I got pitybroken three times looking for Lyn... And now I've had some stupidly amazing luck recently.....

Damn, I wish I could just pass him over to you then. I have nothing at all against him, it's just the circumstances is all. At the very least, this is the first time I got a healer pitybreaker and he's also just the fifth 5* staff unit I've pulled to date (and two of those were Gennys that were both gotten off of Fjorm's banner).

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After blowing over 120 orbs on the fallen heroes banner without even a pity breaker, I got mah boi Grima.

A timeline of my thoughts:

Welp, I've got 9 orbs left. I haven't gotten a green orb to show up in a while, so this will be my last desperate gasp

Oh, hey there green orb! Where ya been?

C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mooooooooooooon!


Ooh, a SPD base of 8! Is he a speedster? That'd be weird and awesome.

Oh, nope. No he isn't.

Aaaaaaaaaand he has a RES bane.

And it turns out RES is his superbane.

Well, at least I got one.

Would it be worth sacrificing a Valter to give him Panic Ploy? That is a lot of HP.


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