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Phew! The Chain Challenge+Tower quest orbs came in handy. This time I got what I wanted, even if it's not the best I'm pretty happy with the results


Edited by Alexmender
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Picked up some more orbs, so time for a few more tries at Morgan!

  1. 4* Mae: Bleh. The other 4 orbs are red, so it's really tempting to look for Chrom and M!Morgan. But I must find my daughter.

And again...

  1. 4* Est: Worthless. And again 4 red orbs.

This game loves taunting me, doesn't it. Of course I already got a 5* Clair, so I've already been rather lucky.

  1. 4* Femui: SI fodder.

Why is it that I'm only ever getting one blue orb at a time?

  1. 4* Mae: Again?

Heroes seems to know that I'm sniping and going out of its way to make it as inefficient as possible. I'd almost prefer that the blues be concentrated into a few circles so that I can take advantage of the discount to save a few orbs here and there. Anyway, down to 9 orbs, so I'll have to come back later.

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Now up to 775 total pulled units.  Thank you new day orbs!

Olivia (+Spd/-HP): Honestly?  Good boon, not too keen on the bane.
Chrom (+Atk/-HP): I have some bad news for you, dear.  You're no long going to wield Falchion.  The good news is that you'll make a fine 5* some day.

Fir (+Def/-Atk): Speed +3 is a relevant skill.

Jagen (+Spd/-Atk): There's a few characters that can get away with this.  You're not one of them.
Horse!Chrom (+Res/-Def): Well, that's. . .interesting.  You're not quite Sigurd, but you'll be a fine alternative to him, if tanking isn't an option!
Fir (+Res/-Spd): Decent fodder.
Nino (+Res/-Def): -blade and Draw Back should be good for someone.
Cecilia (neutral): Great, I was looking for more Escape Route fodder!

Overall, an excellent pull.  Now I have a bonus unit!  Will run him alongside some other guys that need leveling.

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41 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I wonder if Esther and Leo (that's the name of your son, right?) are both -Atk.

I know that I am −Spd. I wonder whether my mum, dad, and sis are −Spd too. I don’t think so, and I very well might be that one apple that fell far from the tree.

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Roughly 60 orbs spent and I got F!Morgan and two Chroms, this is a very welcome surprise after I spent weeks trying to get Hardin. All three of those are +res as well great for Morgan, not as great for Chrom, I might see if my luck holds out and attempt to get Morgan 

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

Congratz, hope you can still make good use of them (if anyone can, its you).

Honestly though, would you have believed it was your son if he wasn't -Atk?

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

Noooooo, the curse is back!  My condolences.  You truly have a "gift". 

I wonder if IS will ever add the option to pay some sort of currency to neutralize natures.  That would be so awesome.

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9 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

Poor Rezzy :( Don't give up. Congrats on them, anyway.

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Ughhh, so many orbs. Got my pity rate up to 3.75%, which is usually when a 5 star comes rolling. But of COURSE, rolled one with NO BLUES, so picked the only red and guess who I get? Male Morgan!! +Spd/-Res. So that's GOOD.

Then used my remaining orbs for another roll and NO BLUES, and this time got a 5-star Roy. -_- Like why. WHY?!

I just want Female Morgan and yes I can't complain about Male Morgan cause I love him, I'm still upset because I just wanted my daughter to come home. Luckily we have 11 days and I can force my pity rate up again and hopefully get Female Morgannnn.

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7 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I wonder if Esther and Leo (that's the name of your son, right?) are both -Atk.

Yep, my son is Leo.  I've gotten several -Atk Ests, but not the one I promoted.  Thankfully, my Leo is +Atk.

5 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Congratz, hope you can still make good use of them (if anyone can, its you).

Honestly though, would you have believed it was your son if he wasn't -Atk?

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

I suppose it should have been expected.

5 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Noooooo, the curse is back!  My condolences.  You truly have a "gift". 

I wonder if IS will ever add the option to pay some sort of currency to neutralize natures.  That would be so awesome.

That would be cool.  I've got tons of 5*s that would benefit from that,

3 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Poor Rezzy :( Don't give up. Congrats on them, anyway.

Thanks, I'm just happy to get them at this point.

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Decided to toss another 5 orbs at the banner because my girlfriend pulled M!Morgan after 15 orbs.

Got another Exalt Chrom lol... -HP +Def. I merged him into my other one after not being able to figure out who to give chill def to. Probably gonna make a spot on my horsie emblem if he keeps it up

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Got M!Morgan (+Atk/-Res) as my free pull! (Apparently a lot of people are having amazing luck on this banner, what a nice change if true!) Stopped after that, but decided to pull again anyways since I had over 80 Orbs and wanted to. Got F!Morgan (+Res/-Atk, lol the opposite of the other Morgan) and 4-star L'Arachel (+Atk/-HP, goodness that's some low HP)!

Not bad at all for 20 Orbs total!

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2 hours ago, Tsak said:

Decided to toss another 5 orbs at the banner because my girlfriend pulled M!Morgan after 15 orbs.

Got another Exalt Chrom lol... -HP +Def. I merged him into my other one after not being able to figure out who to give chill def to. Probably gonna make a spot on my horsie emblem if he keeps it up

I'm happy for you!  Onward to Clumsy Horse Adventures!  I can easily imagine Chrom begging for horse riding advice from his fellow cavaliers.  That or a better saddle. lol


Speaking of the Saddle Slipping Exalt, I ended up pairing up EK Chrom with Lucina after I couldn't get the image of Lucy laughing at Chrom out of my mind; that, and I love the thought of them training together, especially with EK!C's Sword Valor still equipped.  I'm wondering, though, should I have paired up Chrom with Brave Lucina instead?  I imagine the two of them learning new forms of combat together would warm her heart like it were in a cauldron pot.

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34 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I meant in real life. What if the three of you are -Atk?

I'm not sure.  I haven't attacked many people in real life, since I'm more of a healer.  Both my little ones are pretty young, so they haven't had a chance to level up much to see what they're growths are like.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm not sure.  I haven't attacked many people in real life, since I'm more of a healer.  Both my little ones are pretty young, so they haven't had a chance to level up much to see what they're growths are like.

RIP didn't check nature at level 1

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So the Nowi I pulled earlier that I'm now training turns out to be +Spd / -Res, which makes me even less salty about her finally coming to me instead of another F!Morgan.

The Seliph I pulled today, however, due to no blues being in the summoning pool, was not a welcome pity break.

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18 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

RIP didn't check nature at level 1

They weren't in the database.

4 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

So the Nowi I pulled earlier that I'm now training turns out to be +Spd / -Res, which makes me even less salty about her finally coming to me instead of another F!Morgan.

The Seliph I pulled today, however, due to no blues being in the summoning pool, was not a welcome pity break.

You should see my +7 Pity Breaker Seliph.

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So, how about that 4*+5* banner?

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Lon'qu (I have been looking for Vantage 3 for too long), 4* Jeorge (Well, meh indeed. +Def/-HP), 4* Tailtiu (Too much investment the fodder. +HP/-Spd), 3* Nino (A Resounding meh to a unit who I've gotten more than 20 times. She is +Spd/-HP though....), 3* Nino (WHAT THE FUCK?)

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Henry (Good fodder. Neutral), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker I guess.), 3* Shanna (Desperation, Nice!), 4* Effie (Well, I've pulled worse. +HP/-Res), 3* Donnel (Pot head the unit.)

3 Red, 2 Green

3* Palla (You know, I could get used to this.), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav I guess.), 3* Hinata (Well, could be worse.), 4* Fae (Oh look, Renewal! +Spd/-Atk), 4* Fae (More Renewal! Guess I get Chicken soup today. +Def/-Spd)

I actually try to get Soleil and Lancereaver, not a bit of luck. I'm off to fodder some Renewal.

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