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@mcsilas Hey nice pulls, new 5* units keep flooding your second account. I'm tempted to complete my Camilla emblem and also Flying Olivia seems nice, but I managed to keep my orbs mostly together so far (except for the obligatory first (and disappointing) full pull this morning). 

@Zeo Woa, so close to the perfect Matthew! Good luck, may the last one arrive soon! 

@Vaximillian Wow, seeing your Sumia I realize how beautiful she is. Congratulations!

Too bad I'm full of competent EP melee fliers already and need to save orbs. 

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8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Not long to go now. If only I can send you mine. He thinks it's funny to appear instead of Legault!

I got a Matthew too, actually. @Zeo, have you got any Marths or Cecilias? I would have taken them off you happily.

6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, seeing your Sumia I realize how beautiful she is. Congratulations!

Thanks! Pikomaro really did her justice for this game. As did Eden Riegel, again. A perfect combination.

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I'm not so much bummed about the fact that I didn't get the new Olivia or Sumia, but by the fact that I didn't get any Caeda. :kefka:

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Because I'm weak I wasted all orbs (90+) on the new banner pulling red. No Caeda, no focus unit, no SI fodder, only a 5* +SPD/-HP M!Morgan and two 4* Legault (neutral offensive stats) in the last session ... sigh

@Zeo I'll use this copy over my +DEF/-RES Morgan, since I've never did considerable SI on him. Do you think it's worth the effort? 

@mcsilas No orbs left for the legendary banner, no new Flier for the team. 

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I am beyond Flabbergasted. I scared up some free orbs. And now I also have an extra Elincia. That makes THREE 5*'s today. But not a single one on banner or that I particularly wanted! If I cry will anyone actually feel sorry for me?


*Sigh* At least an Elincia might see some use. Maybe. Not sure if this one is better though. My original is +HP/-RES. This one is +RES/-HP. Significantly less physical bulk, but has ploy capabilities.

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Wow. I got Sumia as my free pull (this is the 3rd consecutive banner I've pulled a 5* on my free pull), but I hate Sumia so much, so she'll be GREAT fodder. Free Death Blow lance?! Def/Res Assist!? Close Def?! I want her for so much different fodder I don't even know where to start with her.

And then of COURSE Olivia is red!! So I used ALL my beautiful 103 orbs and guess what I got? Nothing. I mean, I got Gray because Red is HELL to pull from, I don't care what anyone says it's my least favorite color I ALWAYS get pity broken by off-focus reds. I do love Gray, so I merged him into my Gray and now he's pretty light blue and +1, so yay? I also pulled 5 NORMAL Olivia. I kid you not. FIVE.

What are the chances?

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The only new unit I pulled going for the YT Banner was Ares. I immediately foddered his Brazen Atk/Def off to Alfonse. Getting ready for his refine, though definitely not going with the TA refine. As for units I already have, I pulled another Lucius. Pain+ fodder is always good too I guess.

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Well, Maribelle's in Heroes now. While I still have interest in two other banners. Sheesh.

Maribelle's first.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Klein (I have been waiting for this fodder for a long time. +Res/-Atk), 3* Matthew (Hone Spd? +Atk/-HP), 3* Henry (Fodder. +Def/-Res)

So, time to try for a Frelian summer.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue

5* Minerva (FOR MACEDON! +Atk/-Def, could be worse. All that's left is Linde from launch.), 5* Sonya (YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR SONYA #2! +Res/-Def, have better, Does anyone in particular want Res Ploy or Mirror Strike?)

Today was a good day. I might try Frelia again, maybe not. But even with 0 focus units, far better than the Nohrian banner.

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@Zeo Congrats! Just one more to see Matthew at his max potential, let's hope it won't take long. 

- - - -

Well, the Lunatic quests+TT orbs didn't amount to anything. I got a fricken Raigh (feathers) and another trash I can't remember but I send that one home too.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Because I'm weak I wasted all orbs (90+) on the new banner pulling red. No Caeda, no focus unit, no SI fodder, only a 5* +SPD/-HP M!Morgan and two 4* Legault (neutral offensive stats) in the last session ... sigh.

3 hours after the statement that you had to save up. It hurts when that happens. I'm not even gloating or anything, since I am on the same boat with Noire. I don't NEED her, I just WANT her, because IS again, in their stupid habit, made a special hero before the regular one (if it ever happens). So I wasted over the duration of that banner 150 orbs I told myself were saved for other banners. Got pitybroken TWICE by Lucina (yup, not even the right colour, and twice), you know, the unit who becomes less and less relevant with each Masked Marth.  :D

Enjoy my agony to soothe yours.

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8 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Enjoy my agony to soothe yours.

Thanks, but it doesn't work that way. ;-)

Yeah, my saving lasted 3 hours, lol. I watched the FEH channel again and all those orbs we'll get. "One pull can't hurt, power of yolo" but it ended bad this time. 

Sorry to hear you didn't get Noire, good luck with the next pulls. 

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Just now, mampfoid said:

Thanks, but it don't work that way. ;-)

Yeah, my saving lasted 3 hours, lol. I watched the FEH channel again and all those orbs we'll get. "One pull can't hurt, power of yolo" but it ended bad this time. 

Sorry to hear you didn't get Noire, good luck with the next pulls. 

At least I tried, ha! And thanks.

May Lady Luck visit us again soon.

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I had to be dumb and blow orbs trying for S!Innes and I ended up with B!Ike who was fed to my Lukas so I only had 20 orbs for flying Olivia.   No 5*s at all yet on the new banner just Henry and 4*M!Morgan that were nice, the other pulls were trash.  I really need a flying dancer so pulling for Leo is out the window.  The good thing is that this coming legendary banner is probably one I will skip so more orbs for flying dancer.  At least I will have another shot at Leo next month on a couple of those one day banners so I can focus on flying Olivia.

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So...you could say I got a good haul today.


If both Maribelle (+HP) and Sumia (+Def) getting Rezzy'd was what it took for Camilla (-HP) to get +Atk, then I can definitely live with that. Olivia, for her part, got something benign (+Res/-Def) and broke my flying dancer drought.

I also got two errant blue repeats: Micaiah (pity broke me on Sketchy Summer) and F!Morgan (kinda just showed up on Ylissean Travelers). They were both put towards someone I've wanted to promote for a while and just now did.

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Wow, that looks like the beginning of a great streak. Very nice ladies, congratulations! 

Why thanks! Though at this rate, I might end up rivaling Satsuma as a waifu hoarder because my SI and merge fodder hoarding hasn’t been enough for me.

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@Tybrosion Wow, congrats on those pulls!!! Especially, that perfect Camilla!

@mampfoid Darn. That first pull looks like my last pull in the current summer banner for my main, at least Odin has good fodder and I actually need more Moonbow.

Also red hell can be so real. It's always an issue- do I pull a unit as a single red focus but can be pitybroken by the MANY red 5 stars? Or wait for the legendary banner and be pitybroken by 2 other 5 stars. Then again, I know you don't like legendary banners as well, but at least the new units can pitybreak you out of surprise anytime.

And yeah I fell for the 'many orbs are coming' part of the FEH channel, not realising they're mostly August. Plus I didn't understand the Forging Bonds announcement properly and thought we had those units.

At least you still have a pretty good flier collection! Don't have a Legault yet but congrats on Atk Tactic! And that's Morgan's best boon I think (faster than Tharja/Katarina), so congrats on that at least even if he's not a focus.

@Sunsurge Her lance isn't Death Blow, it's the opposite. It works on the enemy phase, so technically more like a Fierce Stance lance.

@Usana Darn, sorry to hear the pitybreaking, at least Elincia is a really good rare unit. Personally, I think +Res slightly edges out the +HP. As you said she can use Ploys that way, and her HP is pretty low to begin with anyway. If you play her right, you shouldn't be taking melee damage anyway, and she can take a hit from mages if you can't help but be in their range. 

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13 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Rafiel's Aria @Rezzy @Alexmender @Usana @eclipse

So I went in with the expectation of doing one full pull and getting out. Libra has a good chance of demoting as does Sumia, flying dancer and best healer (statwise) are appealing but I don't need them. So I went in, the free pull was colorless, *3 star and... well... how about I just post this instead.


Needless to say, this is better than anything I could have pulled on the banner.

Though still, seeing everyone's *5 pulls left and right and seeing all the orbs that are about to come flooding in, against my better judgement I tried my hand again, once on the new banner and again on the banner for Neph. Sadly was left with naught a *5. I did pull an Abel, Sully and a Barst, so some decent fodder along the way. Nothing worth noting for Neph and unfortunately my stock were reduced to 45 which sucks (Spent 34 more orbs than I should have). 

But I press on. Still have to grab the last few tempest orbs, story orbs and the flood of orbs coming in should leave me sitting pretty for the legendary banner. Still wish I hadn't spent what I just did but what can you do. Hopefully what I gather will be enough for L!Lyn. This is still a win. Though it could have been one with nearly 100 orbs, but still.


Congrats on your Matthew!  Hopefully you get your +10 soon.  I'm currently trying to get Ests and Cecilias for +10ing.  Although if I get enough Ares, I might +10 him to have a red horse for my Arena team.

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