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Nothing on the free pull, back to the brave banner. Perhaps I'll manage to get a better nature for one of them (my Alm and Camilla being -ATK, Eliwood would like a SPD boon and Micaiah an ATK boon).

One full circle and there is Alm! Even with an ATK ... bane. Same nature again +DEF/-ATK, so it's a merge. 

I think I'm done, don't want to be without orbs on Halloween. 

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What a way to end these banners. Fortress Banner, Blue or Colorless, cool maybe I'll get a Kliff or Innes.

4 reds and a green, green is a *3 Merric. Literal garbage.

Well, it was a fun ride... not really, but it wasn't without it's rewards I suppose.

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Oh, I didn't realise it was the last one.

4* Clair

1/21 is probably just slightly below the average expected 5-stars so it's fine, even if it was only a 3-4* available unit in Ares. I struck out completely on the February event so it's an improvement at any rate.

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In my quest to get Inigo a better tome, I pulled the three other units of Nohrian summer. (I had summer Leo for free in the 2nd anniversery celebration)


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Oh yeah, I did that pull yesterday.

There were 3 blue, but I only pulled one which was 4* Sully (+HP/-Def).

Back to dancing misery.


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After the admittedly disappointing Myrrh daily banner where I got nothing of value (fine fine, the one Reyson merge is appreciated), there was nothing left to pull but the new brave units, and since i only wanted Micaiah and Camilla for utility and to accompany my Catria and Flylivia I pulled Colorless and Greens (Red if none of those, since Alm bias).

Got a Camilla .... but with -Speed flaw.... darn. So ill continue pulling for the time being, but at least I could safely take the free Micaiah (fitting, if I need it for a PM1 guide, tho she is a generally useful unit). As per my own rules, Micaiah does not count for my overall amount of 5* pulls. Hopefully I'll be able to save up orbs soon, or get a Brady while sniping, plox.

I also still need a good way to kill Fallen Celica for being pretty much useless and not being Myrrh. Don't know who to give Chill Speed to yet, tho, but my itchy trigger finger wants to waste her real bad.

2019 5* count (no guarantees/TT): 90

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So I have been saving orbs ever since I got Hilda a while back, AND when I decided to wait on getting B!Eliwood for a future banner with a hopefully much better appearance rate (hoping for another Golden Week Hero Fest with tickets). I had about ~82 orbs or so saved up, but my trigger finger was itching. B!Roy is the only Roy I do not have, while I DO have both B!Lyn and B!Hector. If I were to get Brave Eliwood in the future, I know the collector in me would feel horrible about not having the brave lion in my barracks as well. So I pulled...~40 orbs later, he came home! +HP / -Spd, but I am happy nonetheless! I finished out my circle in order to try for Ninian, but got nothing, bringing my orb count a little lower than I would have liked. I cannot complain, though; even as out of date as he is, B!Roy is cute and fun with galeforce!


Back to saving... I do not plan on going hard on the mythic banner, so I should be good with orbs for a while. I might go for Innes when he reruns, but other than that, I shall save for dancer Hrid the token cute dancer boy in September!

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On 8/22/2019 at 5:36 PM, mampfoid said:

Nothing on the free pull, back to the brave banner. Perhaps I'll manage to get a better nature for one of them (my Alm and Camilla being -ATK, Eliwood would like a SPD boon and Micaiah an ATK boon).

One full circle and there is Alm! Even with an ATK ... bane. Same nature again +DEF/-ATK, so it's a merge. 

I think I'm done, don't want to be without orbs on Halloween. 

Wow congrats on the Alm merge!

After 3.75% I finally broke the dancer banner, I finally have Dancer Elincia! +Def/-HP but it doesn't matter. as long as I had her. Gosh I love her art so much, she made me work for it after 3 circles with no greens.

Was also trying for Xander for CC but sadly no colourless in the final circle (ironically when I wanted to). Opened the whole circle anywya to see if I can get Ryoma to complete the set, but nothing. Did get a +Atk/-HP Mordecai though that I can promote instead of the +Atk/-Def one that I was planning to use.

Now down to 0 orbs though so hopefully the VG banners aren't good!

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@mcsilas Fantastic! I have 3 of her, she'll serve you well. She's neat against blue dragons occasionally too so keep an eye out for that.

I had a 3.75% on the CYL banner. Really promising pool with one colorless, one blue and 3 green. 4 *3s and one *4 Camilla in one of the greens. Really demoralizing pool, that one.

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Screw this Brave Lyn/Brave Roy/Ninian revival banner. After getting my B. Lyn all the way up to +9 (she was +5 before), I've had six days of TERRIBLE luck. As in, hundreds of orbs spent, a pity rate of over 7%, and now I'm out of orbs and cannot afford to buy anymore. This is the worst luck I have ever had in this game and it's soured me significantly on summoning anything else anymore. Holy shit this is terrible.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Thanks and congrats to Elincia! My orb count is very low as well, hope I can save up until Halloween. 

Thanks, she's so pretty. Love the fireworks effects.

Yeah Halloween is my main goal right now. Still need to grab Halloween Jakob somehow (darned shared focus with Sakura).

...I actually hope we don't get Three houses characters between then in case a favourite comes in haha.

@Zeo Thanks, Yeah I need more blue dragon counters, they're the most threatening.

I hope you get something soon. It always depresses me to see it go up to 4%. Four unit banners are suffering.

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@Lysithea Bear in mind that 7% on a revival banner is slightly different to a 7% on a regular banner. Both are possible, but when you start at 4% and the pity rate increases proportionally to the starting rate, that's "only" 45 units without a 5-star, as opposed to the 80 units on a regular banner. A 7% on a revival banner is therefore equivalent to 5.25% on a normal banner in terms of the bad luck shown.

Note this is based on the assumption the focus percentage starts at 4% and goes up by 0.33% (and the non-focus by 0.17%) for every failed session for the revival banners. I've never seriously summoned on these banners so this might be an inaccurate assumption, but given that's how the Hero Fest banners work (the focus rate goes up 0.31% at a time and the non-focus by 0.19%), I have no reason to assume the revivals would be different. For normal banners, both the focus and non-focus rates go up by 0.25% at a time, of course.

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27 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

@Lysithea Bear in mind that 7% on a revival banner is slightly different to a 7% on a regular banner. Both are possible, but when you start at 4% and the pity rate increases proportionally to the starting rate, that's "only" 45 units without a 5-star, as opposed to the 80 units on a regular banner. A 7% on a revival banner is therefore equivalent to 5.25% on a normal banner in terms of the bad luck shown.

Note this is based on the assumption the focus percentage starts at 4% and goes up by 0.33% (and the non-focus by 0.17%) for every failed session for the revival banners. I've never seriously summoned on these banners so this might be an inaccurate assumption, but given that's how the Hero Fest banners work (the focus rate goes up 0.31% at a time and the non-focus by 0.19%), I have no reason to assume the revivals would be different. For normal banners, both the focus and non-focus rates go up by 0.25% at a time, of course.

Oh right, this was a banner with a default focus rate of 4%.

(thought about 3%)


The only time I have pulled from a banner like that was the banner with Nailah and FallenTiki. Thinking about it I had a pityrate of 6.33% or something till I pulled Nailah, so in this case I have used >150 orbs in a row without a focus unit. 

If I also count Legendary Banners in, then this scenario happened at least three times to me already. 

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On 8/25/2019 at 12:04 AM, Humanoid said:

@Lysithea Bear in mind that 7% on a revival banner is slightly different to a 7% on a regular banner. Both are possible, but when you start at 4% and the pity rate increases proportionally to the starting rate, that's "only" 45 units without a 5-star, as opposed to the 80 units on a regular banner. A 7% on a revival banner is therefore equivalent to 5.25% on a normal banner in terms of the bad luck shown.

Note this is based on the assumption the focus percentage starts at 4% and goes up by 0.33% (and the non-focus by 0.17%) for every failed session for the revival banners. I've never seriously summoned on these banners so this might be an inaccurate assumption, but given that's how the Hero Fest banners work (the focus rate goes up 0.31% at a time and the non-focus by 0.19%), I have no reason to assume the revivals would be different. For normal banners, both the focus and non-focus rates go up by 0.25% at a time, of course.

My pity rate is 7.33%. It goes up by .33% every five units. That's 50 units without a 5-star unit, and 250 orbs. TWO HUNDRED FIFTY. I say again, this is the WORST luck I have ever had summoning.


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Let's go. Again.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Soleil (Ho hum. +Res/-HP)


3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

4* Athena (Really? +HP/-Spd), 4* Fir (Again, really? +Spd/-Atk), 3* Marth (Another fucking sword. +Atk/-Spd)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Eliwood (Really feeling how much of a burn this banner is. +Res/-Spd), 4* Laslow (I'm feeling la so low. +Atk/-Spd)

That's 5%. Fuck this banner.

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Voting Gauntlet time. Still need a merge to fix Kinoka's Speed flaw, so grey it is.

  1. 3* Priscilla: Feathers.

And now for Farfetched Heroes 1. Blue since I don't have Lute.

  1. And there she is! Unfortunately, just like Yune she's +Atk/-Res. A great asset, but a flaw that massively hampers her viability. Still, she's a solid blue mage.

Lucky me. Hopefully I haven't drained my luck.

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Dorcas, eh? I wouldn't mind fixing the one I free pulled on his debut banner. Hopefully there's a green...


Oh goddammit. The sheer novelty of it compelled me to open them all, but alas:

4* Soren
4* Raven
4* Raven again
4* Nino
3* Beruka

Across to the VG banner and there were no greys and no greens, figures. Blue is regrettably my only option then.

4* Gwendolyn


Oh well, that's done then. Decided to finally claim my CYL3 freebie, and it had to be Micaiah despite my relative indifference to her.

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@mampfoid @Alexmender @Rafiel's Aria @mcsilas @Landmaster @Cute Chao @Usana @NegativeExponents- @eclipse @Alexmender

I knew it.


The pools have been very generous giving me red stones, which I've been avoiding. Orb spending is getting dicey however and I can't afford to snipe for Micaiah right now so I decided to just break my rate and be done with the banner. This next pool gave me 2 blue, 2 red and 1 colorless. I decided to go ahead and pull them all and I knew I'd get Alm or another Eliwood. And that's exactly what I got. I literally called it.

He's even +SPD/-HP, same nature as my L!Alm. Obviously +ATK would be tyrannical on him, but since this is quite literally the second best nature I could possibly ask for, I'll take it. I would never have pulled for this unit, so having him is a nice bonus. Come to think of it... I have all the Alms now, and I've never actually pulled for any of them, same as the Celicas (they're always connected one way or another, huh?). Somehow I'm satisfied with this banner. The girls will likely be the Ike/Lyn of this CYL batch and show up in many more banners to come than Alm/Eliwood so with my rate broken I'm going to save the rest of the months orbs towards the Legendary and the Dancer banner. Don't really care about Halloween and once September comes in I'm in saving mode for the forseeable future, so this is our who-rah.

Also pulled on the two new banners today, Cherche in both green orbs, pretty silly.

@Fire Emblem Fan I spent over 200 orbs on the Sothis banner without getting anything. And that rate starts at 8.00%. It was my worst summoning session ever, so believe me when I say I feel your pain. Made all the worse that it was the only Legendary/Mythic banner in the game's history where literally every unit on the banner would have benefited me so literally anything would have been better than nothing.

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19 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Dorcas, eh? I wouldn't mind fixing the one I free pulled on his debut banner. Hopefully there's a green...


Oh goddammit. The sheer novelty of it compelled me to open them all, but alas:

4* Soren
4* Raven
4* Raven again
4* Nino
3* Beruka

Across to the VG banner and there were no greys and no greens, figures. Blue is regrettably my only option then.

4* Gwendolyn


Oh well, that's done then. Decided to finally claim my CYL3 freebie, and it had to be Micaiah despite my relative indifference to her.

Ooof that reminds me of my circle. Somehow 4 greens and 1 red. Mia was the only one I didn't have, but I would like a non -Atk Dorcas. Got a Boey instead, but I'm low on orbs so didn't open the rest.

@Zeo Ahh dang. Well...having half of the banner already is pretty good at least, and yeah the girls would be more popular picks for other banners. Still, +Spd is a great nature, hope you enjoy using him (can you imagine L!Eliwood's Bonus Doubler on him!?!)

Also wow, DC AND Kinoka banner? that's actually a pretty good banner...but I just managed to scrape 15 orbs. No greens or colourless on circle though amusingly enough. At least I get to save for now..the upcoming 4% hector Banner is coming next week anyway so I won't be baited....this time. (I say as I'll try to get a colourless to at least attempt a Kinoka merge to rid herself of the Atk bane)

On my alt I got 1 green, and I got Barst. As good as a 5 star actually, I was running out. Although he was a good +Atk nature.

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