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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Hmm was impatient for the update and blew my small stash again after arena orbs since i want an extra Hrid for DC+Atk smoke combo.

good news is i broke the rates for both accounts. Got a dupe Eliwood for each, my main now has a +Atk/-Res one (original was neutral) while my alt has a +Spd/-HP one (original was +Res/-HP)

now unsure if i should merge or save the first copies for DB4 fodder. I only sacrificed a Freddy to give him Luna so haven’t inherited too much on the original copy. But then again maybe i should merge to remove bane and score a little better in Allegiance battles? (Want to get to the 5 orb prize)

Oh, congrats! I'd love to get one Eliwood. 

I wouldn't merge for the 5 orb price in AB. Thanks to the weekly synergy bonus, you'll reach it sooner or later. Also the banes don't hurt him. On the other hand, DB4 isn't too great either. 

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Yeah, the synergy bonus just hit the point last week where I can hit 950 without jumping any hoops and without any merges on my pair-up hero - my base score is 926. Team led by unmerged Legendary Roy paired with Cherche+10, alongside Oscar+10 paired up with an ally grey - first choice being NSSKG's Fallen Tiki. Johann helpfully left his F Grima before he left, and if that fails, there's are +10 NY Takumi, Saizo, Felicia and Niles to try. Helper units are Nowi to be a not-too-damaging blocker, and Palla with Iote's to reposition over mountains and rivers.

That said, my Roy is -Res and is vulnerable to mages if he can't Vantage OHKO them. Getting rid of the bane might be useful.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Oh, congrats! I'd love to get one Eliwood. 

I wouldn't merge for the 5 orb price in AB. Thanks to the weekly synergy bonus, you'll reach it sooner or later. Also the banes don't hurt him. On the other hand, DB4 isn't too great either. 

I'd love to donate one of them if I could, it would help with my indecision haha

I was really close with getting the top reward for that orb, (was the 2nd rank for those rewards). Hopefully when the next orb rewards come I can reach it.  

I guess the Reinhardts would like DB4, but other than I don't think I really have anyone that really needs it? I've been fine with DB3 and only use him when desperate for orbs. I'd rather have Cherche get Sturdy Impact if I get a spare one.

Then again as Humanoid mentions, there's also something satisfying about removing a superbane.


edit: @mampfoid That's fair, I do use him every week for the pair up bonus. Thanks!

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May as well spend all the tickets immediately. Going red only.

4* Soleil

3* Lilina
3* Seliph

3* M Morgan

4* Draug
4* Olivia

4* Raigh

4* Olivia
3* Athena

Oh well, nothing useful, but no big loss.

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Halloween has come once more, and with it a bounty of 5 tickets. I still need to save orbs for L!Julia's return, so I'll stick to the free pulls only. Going green since I like L'Arachel and she's the only non-armor.

  1. 4* Titania: Meh.
  2. 4* Titania: Seriously?
  3. 4* Clarine: Worthless.
  4. 4* Jakob: Also worthless.
  5. 4* Beruka: Ugh. One more time.
  6. 3* Sheena: Lousy.

What a bunch of trash. Eh, it's not like I'm in desperate need of another green mage.

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Holy fuck I pulled a Brave Eliwood on the hone banner.


What do.

EDIT: Uhh, second ticket on the Halloween banner netted me one +atk -res Kaden.


... Did the game feel bad for getting me up to 4.25% on the Performing Arts banner and giving me nothing?

EDIT3: ... This is ridiculous. I just pulled Halloween L'Arachel. She's even +spd -def. HOOOOOOW.

I am going to be supremely unlucky for like. The rest of the year.

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Got a dad Hector in under 30 orbs and he's optimal to boot!!

I said I'd summon for merges but I'm honestly debating whether I actually wanna go through with that since part of the reason for that was I that I expected to need to fix natures but it looks like that won't be necessary.

Well I'll mull it over a bit before deciding whether to save up for something else or go all in right now.

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39 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Used free pull + 5 tickets + 15 orbs to get one Cain and a Selena. 

Yay Cain buddies!

I pulled some Pallas, too, so I'll take any WoM fodder.

Also got my first Bantu in my main..who is also +Spd/-Atk like my alt account lol

Gonna stop here. The most I'm gonna be baited for was 4 orbs for the last circle, hunting for a red in a 4 unit banner is just inviting suffering. At least I got decent fodder out of it.

@NegativeExponents- Congrats on the perfect duo! 🙂 

@Sunwoo WOW that's an awesome amount of luck

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111 orbs of 115 saved, gone. Free summon should have been a good indicator of the coming storm as I got my first Lugh. But -Atk. I pulled my first Bantu. -Atk. I pulled a Skylivia spare. +Res/-Hp, I might make that my new base instead of my +Def one...but we'll see. Pulled a Lethe immediately after Skylivia on a separate circle. +HP/-Res. 

My orbs dwindle down to 9 left. I start a summon. A solitary red orb. There's smoke aaaaand...

Papa Hector! And he's -Atk...

@Rezzy your curse is truly contagious. Or it's a backup of bad luck from my previously amazing nature pulls. 

I just wanted Papa Hector to NOT be -Atk.

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28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Sunwoo WOW that's an awesome amount of luck

Yeah, I have no idea where all this luck came from. I guess the game sensed that I was not happy about getting to 4.25% on Performing Arts and was REALLY not happy about Duo Heroes or Halloween in general. So it decided to give me the Hector I actually wanted, the banner unit I actually wanted, and some extras.

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Oh my gosh. Okay, so, the free pull had 3 red nodes. I pulled on all of them (so, spent 8 orbs), got 4* units. I use my first free summon ticket. 1 red node. I pull. I get Hector.

Update: my Halloween Hector is +res/-spd. Not too bad!

Update: I used the rest of my tickets seeing if I could pull another Hector (only had 1 wheel without any red nodes. I spent 12 more orbs.) Didn't get anything noteworthy, but I'm cool. My pity rate is at 3.25% and though I love the heroes on this banner, I'll probably let this sleep for now. It went well. 🙂

Edited by Mercakete
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Decided to do full summons. Did six rounds of summoning, so I spent 90 Orbs (15*6) if I did my math right. I got 2 AMH!L'Arachels and one Velouria. That is pretty good.

If I do decide to spend more Orbs, I think I would snipe reds and try to get maybe 2-4 AMH!Hectors. Although I already have Laevatein as my Counter-Vantage unit, I think I might give Kronya a try. I still need Null C-Disrupt for her though.

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You guys getting so much with so few resources tempts me to spend all the tickets now, but I stuck with my original plan of one full pull.

@mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @Landmaster

Hm, weird start to this banner.


That was my free pull. A unit I probably would have never pulled for. That I have never pulled for now that I think about it. Since Bantu is a thing, she doesn't really have any value as fodder anymore so I'll  keep her. She's +HP/-SPD though so pretty terrible. I doubt I'll ever use her until she gets some sort of good refine. She's one of the *5's at this point that should demote into the *4 pool. Still, it's an addition to the collection. If anything, I won't feel like I left the banner empty handed if the pot of gold ends here.

Sticking to the plan, not spending 1 more orb on this banner until we near the end of the month. I'll do the discounted sessions on any new banners that show up and continue to save until we get to the end of the month, then depending on what's available, either blow it all across the banners or save up for the next month.

Wish me luck.

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so these last few days i got 2 nagi (and an useless helbindi) in less than 50 orbs, and now a neutral halloween ilyana with 12 orbs + 5 tickets

very happy, since she's the only one i wanted

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@Zeo Congrats on the random Kana! yeah sadly she seems a bit outdate (female Adrift Corrin is pretty much better in every stat except Def), but she can work as a speedy defense Dragon with Goad Dragons support just for that little extra damage. Good for slow, low Res lancers at least for AA.

Wish you the best in the saving!

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