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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:


LOL i felt like that for such a long time. Caeda took forever to show up for me at times and when i did get her she was -atk which made it even worse. She'll show up for you though, I know it. 

In the grand scheme of things I'm sure you are right, and she will reappear at some point, probably with some Bantu on the side as well. Patience in gacha just ain't my strength tho, that's for sure, so I wonder when I'll start wasting again. I also admit that it is a very weird problem to have.... Hector being mere consolation for a 3/4* unit that isn't coming. What has gacha done to me?

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18 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

In the grand scheme of things I'm sure you are right, and she will reappear at some point, probably with some Bantu on the side as well. Patience in gacha just ain't my strength tho, that's for sure, so I wonder when I'll start wasting again. I also admit that it is a very weird problem to have.... Hector being mere consolation for a 3/4* unit that isn't coming. What has gacha done to me?


honestly again, the same. 
I was tempted to pull on Caeda/Marth's BHB banner because i was so desperate for Caeda (and at 5* and I figured, okay at least NOW I'll get one). then people were pointing out knowing my luck i'd get like all the Marths instead. same thing happened with Nino, and chances are the same thing is gonna happen w/Mercedes and Norne. 9x10 for us, we can't do the +10 5* exclusive every new banner so hunting what we need  (the caeda, the cains, etc etc) is what gets our mojo going and we hope we get the new shiny along the way. 

when going for My hector i was happier seeing Cains than actually seeing the bearded wonder. (though i mean. he coming when he did was a happy moment too lol)

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@mcsilas @mampfoid @Ginko @Landmaster @Sunwoo @SatsumaFSoysoy @Alexmender @eclipse @daisy jane

What the crap?....


Free pull... again... Kana, Hector, Siegbert, Yarne and now him. All free pulls (well, technically Hector was 4 orbs). It's just crazy. Yeah, he's +RES/-DEF which is probably one of the worst natures imaginable and he's invalidated by my +10 Lukas but I don't even care. He's *5. What the heck... 

Took this as a sign and went in for B!Lucina. Lost 10 orbs because I came back to my senses. Not too bad of a loss. I'll revisit the banner before it's expiry... maybe.


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Free pull was Norne, which is surprising, but not really. I seem to have a real knack of getting recent demotes. I currently have all the demotes from the past 7 banners. Pretty sure I won't use her, or I'll give her bow to someone, but dust collector seems to be the main use. Now, I'm going back to Utapri to try for my Tokiya UR.

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@Zeo OH WOW, on a streak lately! Been getting the Fates kids suddenly lol

as for me, i'm so anxious about the ToD rerun tomorrow for my main, that I was bored summoning on my alt account to take the itch out.

A bit stupid yes. Wasted 18 orbs trying for Leanne casually. Nothing but at least i finally have a good Lucius, +Spd/-Def.

Then gathered 18 orbs. Then fell into the trap of trying to fix my -Spd Gray. Nothing again but I did get an Ares which is always welcome.

Then tried again for H!Hector for no reason. Got a +Atk/-Res Seth which is something at least. Should really stop and save for Nailah.

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Trying for Lute on the New Power banner, both because my current copy is -Res and because everyone else on it is common as dirt.

  1. 4* Shigure: Nope.

The orb supply is sitting at a comfortable 222. Need to keep stockpiling for L!Julia.

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Free pull on last year’s Halloween banner is a -Atk +Def Juice!Kagero! Sad bane but new unit that completes the set 😄 

On the other hand... been trying for literally any focus unit on the new Halloween banner and got up to 5.25% before being pity broken by a neutral Yarne... not a bad unit or fodder, but already have him and would have preferred a focus unit. Ah well, I’m still gonna keep chugging away on that one since I want any of them!

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4 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Free pull was Norne, which is surprising, but not really. I seem to have a real knack of getting recent demotes. I currently have all the demotes from the past 7 banners. Pretty sure I won't use her, or I'll give her bow to someone, but dust collector seems to be the main use. Now, I'm going back to Utapri to try for my Tokiya UR.


OH JEALOUS. I want Nornes!!

@Zeo that's AWESOME!

I scored a Shanna. 

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@Zeo I would trade you all my Chroms for that Shiro.  It always seems like other players get all the merges for your projects while the game seems to just know who you want and won't give it to you.  I hope all the Chroms waiting to show up in my barracks end up getting redirected to yours since I have more Aether fodder then I know what to do with.

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I free pulled Lute from her banner and I'm kind of pissed.  Why is it that I can't get the Lucinas I want but the game will happily throw everything else at me?  Oh and the worst part, Lute is +Spd/-Def so apparently ideal IVs and I can't fodder the stupid thing.

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50 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I free pulled Lute from her banner and I'm kind of pissed.  Why is it that I can't get the Lucinas I want but the game will happily throw everything else at me?  Oh and the worst part, Lute is +Spd/-Def so apparently ideal IVs and I can't fodder the stupid thing.

Oh, how absolutely terrible. Actually getting a 5-star, and for nothing no less? 

If you're looking for sympathy, look elsewhere because you aren't getting any from me. Know why?



And I never got anything from that rate on Splendid Soiree, either.

If I didn't already make it obvious to everyone present, I've kinda fucking had it with the damn gacha lately. Only pulling three 5-stars (two of which where duplicates) since September 6th (when I got dancer Neph) will do that to you like it has me. That above post just happened to stoke my already present anger and salt even more.

I did at least get Old Man Jenkins Bantu (+Res/-Spd) yesterday, but that still isn't nearly enough to make up for the still on-going 5-star drought.



Also, I swear I've pulled Silvia at least three times since the start of A Monstrous Harvest. I mention this because her face is starting to piss me off too.


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@Zeo Wow! What a luck streak! It's a little funny how everyone but Hector is a pity breaker but still, so many free 5* units is awesome! 

- - - 

Well, for me I don't know why but I pulled a bit to see if I got Kagero in the re-run banner and ended with my 3rd H!Myrrh. I didn't got the unit I was looking for but the one I got is a lot better, funny that said Myrrh was also +Res. Guess mixed bulk is the way to go with her. 

It was very fun and stuff getting all those units but I think it's time to start saving for real.

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41 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, how absolutely terrible. Actually getting a 5-star, and for nothing no less? 

If you're looking for sympathy, look elsewhere because you aren't getting any from me. Know why?

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And I never got anything from that rate on Splendid Soiree, either.

If I didn't already make it obvious to everyone present, I've kinda fucking had it with the damn gacha lately. Only pulling three 5-stars (two of which where duplicates) since September 6th (when I got dancer Neph) will do that to you like it has me. That above post just happened to stoke my already present anger and salt even more.

I did at least get Old Man Jenkins Bantu (+Res/-Spd) yesterday, but that still isn't nearly enough to make up for the still on-going 5-star drought.

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Also, I swear I've pulled Silvia at least three times since the start of A Monstrous Harvest. I mention this because her face is starting to piss me off too.


Considering I don't care for it, I'll be brief and polite while I'm at it.


Yes it sucks to have bad luck, I am well aware but in the same token don't you think it's just as bad for someone who gets something they don't want/care for over something they desperately want?  I'd say that's on par with your current run of not great luck.


That's no reason to get all defensive and come across like a massive jerk.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Considering I don't care for it, I'll be brief and polite while I'm at it.


Yes it sucks to have bad luck, I am well aware but in the same token don't you think it's just as bad for someone who gets something they don't want/care for over something they desperately want?  I'd say that's on par with your current run of not great luck.


That's no reason to get all defensive and come across like a massive jerk.

You still pulled a good 5 star unit. He's gotten nothing. It's not on par at all.

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16 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

It is to me.  Especially since I don't have any use for her.

You're wrong. This isn't an opinion. It's factually not the same. Useful to you or not.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, how absolutely terrible. Actually getting a 5-star, and for nothing no less? 

If you're looking for sympathy, look elsewhere because you aren't getting any from me. Know why?

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And I never got anything from that rate on Splendid Soiree, either.

If I didn't already make it obvious to everyone present, I've kinda fucking had it with the damn gacha lately. Only pulling three 5-stars (two of which where duplicates) since September 6th (when I got dancer Neph) will do that to you like it has me. That above post just happened to stoke my already present anger and salt even more.

I did at least get Old Man Jenkins Bantu (+Res/-Spd) yesterday, but that still isn't nearly enough to make up for the still on-going 5-star drought.

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Also, I swear I've pulled Silvia at least three times since the start of A Monstrous Harvest. I mention this because her face is starting to piss me off too.


I feel this was trying to pull for brave Ike on the weekly revival must've spent like 150 orbs and got absolutely nothing. Well I did get a -atk lute much like chloey that broke my pity but at -atk I ain't getting much use out of her. Gachas will be the death of me I swear to you

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3,287 total pulled units.  I think.


Felicia (+Atk/-HP): Well I'll be, this one's useful!  Or, she'd be more useful if she wasn't 3*.
Kagero (+Def/-Spd): And fodder here we come.
Frederick (+Res/-Def): I always need Luna fodder.
Shigure (+Def/-Atk): The waifu, who is going to donate his lance to someone.
Silvia (+HP/-Atk): One day, I'll make a super-merge of her.  But not today.

Setsuna (+Def/-Spd): What is it with -breaker fodder?
Tailtiu (+Spd/-Atk): Forever good fodder.
Catria (+Res/-Atk): Also good fodder.
Ogma (+Spd/-HP): Kind of ironic that I already trained one that's +Atk.
Morgan (+HP/-Atk): Your mother called, she's disappointed.

Marth (+Def/-Res): Free pull is free.

Olivia (neutral): I still need Hone Atk!
Sully (+Def/-Res): I also need lots of Draw Back!
L'arachel (+Spd/-Res): Hmm. . .I think I like her better as +Atk.  But this is usable, too.
Donnel (+HP/-Atk): #NotMyWaifu
Jagen (+HP/-Def): I don't use his C skill as much these days.

Mae (+Atk/-Def): Thank goodness I already have her!  But she's in demand for Draw Back.

Niles (+Spd/-HP): That's better, but it isn't +Atk.
Shigure (+Def/-Spd): Still no.
Hana (+Atk/-Res): Perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  Only took a ton of summons for this to show up.
Ares (+Atk/-HP): He's reminiscent of my first one, and a nice replacement since I gave someone Brazen Atk/Def.  I might slap that skill on Rolf for giggles.
Seth (+Def/-Atk): NO.

Sully (+Spd/-Res): I prefer +Atk.  More fodder~!

4.5% pity rate on the new Halloween banner.  WHY.


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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yes it sucks to have bad luck, I am well aware but in the same token don't you think it's just as bad for someone who gets something they don't want/care for over something they desperately want?  I'd say that's on par with your current run of not great luck.

That's no reason to get all defensive and come across like a massive jerk.

If you're getting your pity rate constantly wrecked and your orbs wasted by things you don't care for it's understandable to get pissed.

Complaining about pulling a perfect unit for free, even if it's not one that you want, just makes you sound like a spoiled brat.

Saying "I free-pulled so-and-so. Wish I could pull unit I actually want just as easily" is fine. Throwing a fit because you pulled a freebie is not.

I mean, I almost free-pulled an extra Brave Eliwood on the hone banner that just expired. I didn't have any of Lethe, Kliff, or Leanne so getting one of them would've been really nice especially since I have a freebie Brave Eliwood who just got a costly 5-star Guard. But even though I was confused, I didn't throw a fit about it because damn that's still fucking lucky.

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I’m a firm believer in pull karma. Obviously you get variable luck, but over a long period of time it evens out. The next time you’re at 5-6% and you’re pulling your hair out, think back to the last you free pulled a 5* you didn’t care about. That took your luck that you could’ve used to get something you actually wanted.

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