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Grand Hero Battle: Camus: Sable Knight (6/2/17)


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That staff cavalry was a pain in the ass on Infernal. It got turn 1 Miracle! I am surprised it did not also have Brazen Atk/Spd and Desperation.

I finally beat it with NS!Corrin, HNY!Azura, BB!Cordelia, and Olivia. If GHB still costed stamina, I think would have blown through at least 5 stamina potions.

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Beat infernal thanks to a F2P youtube video.  The quests were a cakewalk for me and I am so happy I can make Camus +3 once I have the feathers.

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I’m so glad stamina isn’t a thing for these anymore. There was so much trial and error going on in this map that I would’ve wasted quite a bit of stamina potions.

I said I’d make up for Legion doing next to nothing in Clarisse’s GHB and I think this does it. Needed to swap out Legion’s Dragon Fang for reprisal and vantage for obstruct plus give WoM to Henry. Lots of panicking enemies thanks to Legion and Henry. Pass is a very annoying thing but nothing a good Gravity+ can’t take care of.


11 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@LordFrigid @NegativeExponents- @mcsilas @Zeo @Poimagic @DLNarshen @Infinite Dreams @tobuShogi

One Turn Clear Infernal done: 


First time Cherche with gold border. All those Goads made it difficult to use Heavy Blade (Cherche needed the buff to proc GF against the Healer). Cordelia needed SPD seal, Hone Fliers and Ally Support by Roy (forgot to equip his Drive SPD though) to quad Camus. 

I also found solutions for Zephiel and Valter, but I need GF fodder for Oscar first. 

Wait, Cherche wasn’t at 5* before?! I never even noticed. Good job on finding solutions for Zephiel and Valter can’t wait to see how those go.

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9 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I said I’d make up for Legion doing next to nothing in Clarisse’s GHB and I think this does it. Needed to swap out Legion’s Dragon Fang for reprisal and vantage for obstruct plus give WoM to Henry. Lots of panicking enemies thanks to Legion and Henry. Pass is a very annoying thing but nothing a good Gravity+ can’t take care of.

Nice, I enjoy to watch how you find solutions for your unusual team. Legion had to hide from the red mage, but otherwise he could do much more that in Clarisse's GHB. When Henry was attacked, I was surprised he didn't counter. Only then I remembered he doesn't come with Close Counter. I don't have an Henry myself, but most of them in Arena have Close Counter equipped. 

13 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Wait, Cherche wasn’t at 5* before?! I never even noticed. Good job on finding solutions for Zephiel and Valter can’t wait to see how those go.

Yep, she was 4*+10 until today. That wasn't a draw back for the one turn clears, since she had basically the same stats like now with 5*+5. A lot of feathers for a golden border. ^^' 

Perhaps I could pull off Zephiel without Oscar, I have to see into it next Monday. Valter needs a second blue GF unit though. Since I got a Cherche copy today, perhaps also Cordelia decides to visit me again. 


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I was actually stumped on how to do this with my BraveBow!Takumi, because the RedCavTome  didn't want to cooperate with me. Finally pulled out a Flier Emblem (H!Nowi, Bunmilla, Hinoka and Airzura) which cleared it in like three tries.

I might actually try a Takusquad run on this since Skadi seems like it could really work wonders here.

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31 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Nice, I enjoy to watch how you find solutions for your unusual team. Legion had to hide from the red mage, but otherwise he could do much more that in Clarisse's GHB. When Henry was attacked, I was surprised he didn't counter. Only then I remembered he doesn't come with Close Counter. I don't have an Henry myself, but most of them in Arena have Close Counter equipped. 



I keep thinking the same thing everytime I use Henry! Sometimes I even get ahead of myself and start making plans which involve him countering melee and then I remember he’s not able to.

37 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yep, she was 4*+10 until today. That wasn't a draw back for the one turn clears, since she had basically the same stats like now with 5*+5. A lot of feathers for a golden border. ^^' 

Well at least the gold looks nice? And you can work towards 5* +10 which will certainly come in handy I imagine.

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7 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Well at least the gold looks nice? And you can work towards 5* +10 which will certainly come in handy I imagine.

Yep, that's the plan and the only way for her to improve further. The merges will help me in arena, since she is part of my core team (along with Cordelia and Roy). 

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I couldn't be bothered with Infernal, so I just used Brotel's strategy after a few failed attempts of my own. 

I found the Lunatic quests more fun: 

Fire: Reinhardt, Xander, Inigo, Frederick - Reinhardt did most of the work. Inigo did what he does best. Xander and Frederick mopped up. 

Water: Fjorm, PA!Azura, Sanaki, Shiro - Can't remember what I did. I forget how tanky Fjorm is, though. She got the ball rolling by tanking an axe to the face. 

Wind: The Christmas Robin, Zelgius, M!Grima, Frankenjakob - My armour team just laughed at everyone. 

Earth: Still my weakest team. The people don't synergise like on my other teams. Took a lot of trial and error with the people I do currently have, since I don't want to bless more yet - L!Ike, Camus, Titania, PA!Olivia. Again, can't remember who did what, since it took a fair few tries, but everyone took hits they shouldn't and survived, so I thank them all. I think it helps that it's Earth season

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This is one GHB I went hard on. Camus was the GHB I've waited for to Return for a while now.

Infernal was actually quite a challenge, but I got it (after giving W!Chrom a Poleaxe).

My team was:

W! Chrom (Poleaxe+, DC, WF, Threaten Atk 3, CD 3 Seal)

Alm - (Brave Lion +Atk/-Def, Fury 3, Renewal)

PA! Azura (TA 3, WoM 3)

Arvis (Debuffs everywhere, Fortress Res 1 Seal)

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Decided to do Infernal after all because I want the feathers now instead of next week or whatever. Took the standard flier team and was unpleasantly met with Dull Ranged so I couldn't assassinate Camus as would be the standard strategy. So I went with the cheese strategy and just put my entire team in a vertical line along the water to the left. Took a couple attempts to get the positioning right but it's a relatively straightforward strategy: Corrin baits, the two Brave weapons execute, Airzura buffs, dances and walls (she tanked both an axe cav and Camus, what a champ).

I needed a couple attempts to do the Water quest because my Bridelia really doesn't cut it on this map; once I swapped her out for Nino everything went smoothly. Other elements (that award orbs) were trivial enough.

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Recording these after that 1am rollover isn’t my greatest habit. Please excuse the terrible joke in the tweet, I’m running on end of the semester panic.

I’m about 70-80% sure that I could solo this with Soren if he had CC. I’ll be making an effort on the next Takumi banner. 

Got all the quests done too. I’m going to miss those. 

Water: Jaffar, Nino, Ninian, and Raigh

Fire: VLyn, Vector, Inigo, and nyTakumi

Wind: Micaiah, Sothe, Olivia, and Azura

Wind was the only one that really gave me trouble because none of those guys can take a hit but sticking WoM on Micaiah ended up solving the problem. Wish I had done that sooner. 

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This was... interesting. Nino finally found a use for the Triangle Adept I gave her to counter QP/Moonbow Rein literally a week before Summoner support made it redundant, and I ran Olwen instead of Reinhardt... and didn't use her.

I ended up making good use of the enemy bodyblocking each other - Nino was in the theoretical range of the Gronnbreaker Red Cavalier twice - the first time, it rallied the (completely doomed) Blue Cavalier before it attacked Nino, then it attacked Eirika before the 1-HP Troubadour that she'd just dragged back moved away to attack Olivia.

...And now I have Grani's Shield fodder for Xander, so he can maim his own GHB. Score.

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@mampfoid Congrats on your Cherche promotion! Nowhere to go but up now. Smooth clear as always. Will be interested to see how GF Oscar deals with the other GHBs when you get the fodder.

@Ginko Seeing your Shiro continues to reaffirm me that Lukas is 100% my *5 +10 Lance unit of choice. +1

@NegativeExponents- Close Counter was something I was considering giving Henry at one point myself, I almost felt pressured into doing it. So glad I didn't, I wouldn't have my Matthew today. That Florina is oddly satisfying to watch also. The tree is great and DC on her makes me smile. I wish it was a skill we could get easier. It's really nice on her. Legion was a beast also.

@mcsilas @eclipse @Rafiel's Aria @Johann @Nosmur @Rezzy @SatsumaFSoysoy @Poimagic @Fei Mao @DefaultBeep @Hilda @DarkLordIvy @Oz ♠@Quintessence

Once again we've reached the end of the road for the second week of straight GHBs. I recorded this and Saias a while ago, just couldn't get around to editing. This turned out to be easier than Xander. My team is stronger sure, but with the enemy army more compressed and no ploys or Raven mages in sight, this map was asking to be one of those "throw Matthew at everything" types and indeed it was. Took 2 or three tries if I recall.

Recording was so quick that I went ahead and recorded the Lunatic runs with my 4 elemental teams cause why not. I doubt it's something I'll do often but it was different and I had extra time since the Infernal recording was so fast.

It's refreshing to have to tackle the map in different ways due to the makeup of each team being so different. Also lets me showcase some other characters than my team which is always nice.


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21 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Once again we've reached the end of the road for the second week of straight GHBs. I recorded this and Saias a while ago, just couldn't get around to editing. This turned out to be easier than Xander. My team is stronger sure, but with the enemy army more compressed and no ploys or Raven mages in sight, this map was asking to be one of those "throw Matthew at everything" types and indeed it was. Took 2 or three tries if I recall.

Yeah, I don't know if they will come up anytime soon with something similar cool like these GHB rotations. Perhaps BHB rotations?

First I thought all those horses would block each other when one of the ranged units went in front of Matthew. But I forgot about pass! 

2 HP on the end of turn 3, that was close! In comparison to the Saia clear, you really could throw Matthew at everyone. It's every time again impressive, congratulations. 

21 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Recording was so quick that I went ahead and recorded the Lunatic runs with my 4 elemental teams cause why not. I doubt it's something I'll do often but it was different and I had extra time since the Infernal recording was so fast.

I watched some of your lunatic fights to see Chrom and Morgan in action. Even if both didn't have much to do, they both could deal the final blow to Camus in their respective run. 

Why don't you have any flying units in your blessing teams? 

21 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid Congrats on your Cherche promotion! Nowhere to go but up now. Smooth clear as always. Will be interested to see how GF Oscar deals with the other GHBs when you get the fodder.


Yeah, Oscar needs to grind a lot of SP to learn all this stuff, he'll visit the university of lunatic TTs soon. I gave him the 5* promotion, Killer Lance+, Hone Cav, Fortify Cav, WoM2, Reposition, Astra, but he is far from learning everything, let alone the refinements. He still needs GF and something for his A-slot, like LnD and Fury (have no spare Sothes). 

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@Zeo So strange to think that you have more than 4 units. I mean, I heard tales of your journey for a 5* +10 Chrom and Serra but I believed it was just a myth :o:

Joking aside, your runs really were an enjoyable watch. I 100% agree with you on it being a stimulating experience having to solve these maps with a different team compositions. Variety is the spice of life after all.

2 hours ago, Zeo said:

@NegativeExponents- Close Counter was something I was considering giving Henry at one point myself, I almost felt pressured into doing it. So glad I didn't, I wouldn't have my Matthew today. That Florina is oddly satisfying to watch also. The tree is great and DC on her makes me smile. I wish it was a skill we could get easier. It's really nice on her. Legion was a beast also.

Why did you feel pressured to give it to him? Were you just severely lacking a good Close Counter unit at the time?

Thanks! Florina is a pride and joy of mine. High investment for sure but well wort it. If only Hector were at least 4*. So many characters still in need of DC.

Legion did come out better than expected. He’s basically Raven but with much better hp. Coupled with Fury and a Def refine he ends up deceptively bulky while retaining his offensive.

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@Zeo This map is somewhat annoying with those Ward Cavalry and Miracle. Good thing that we can finish those horse mages fast enough before they will give us a headache. Likewise, I have to kill them before I can let my Shiro sweep all physical horses safely. Yours is Ayra and Matthew. 

Matthew is a great mixed-tank. I found someone else use him in Grand Conquest defense. I must one shot him before he will target my squishy mages.

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, I don't know if they will come up anytime soon with something similar cool like these GHB rotations. Perhaps BHB rotations?

First I thought all those horses would block each other when one of the ranged units went in front of Matthew. But I forgot about pass! 

2 HP on the end of turn 3, that was close! In comparison to the Saia clear, you really could throw Matthew at everyone. It's every time again impressive, congratulations. 

Probably not for a while I think, the BHB rotations. And yeah! Pass worked out good actually because Matt was able to deal some extra damage. But it was a little weird at first, almost as if the cav was trying to flank him. Not possible in FE I'm afraid!

It's funny. On one hand, if he didn't have summoner support he wouldn't have been able to survive that. On the other hand if he had Seal ATK/SPD in his B slot, ATK Smoke in 3 and Distant DEF 3 as his seal like I want for him ideally, he would be able to regardless. The build he has right now is better for support and team play, but my ideal build for him makes him quite a bit more independent. If Flashing Blade was a seal, I could go Seal ATK/SPD, ATK Smoke, Flashing Blade seal and he could run Aether for full self sustain.

8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I watched some of your lunatic fights to see Chrom and Morgan in action. Even if both didn't have much to do, they both could deal the final blow to Camus in their respective run. 

Why don't you have any flying units in your blessing teams?

F!Grima I have for earth, she just wasn't necessary since it was almost an Ike solo. Between NY!Camilla, *4 +2 Palla, +SPD/-ATK Hinoka, -ATK S!Corrin and Cherche, I don't have too many fliers worthy of a blessing. It'll happen eventually, but the need for one hasn't come just yet. That and I don't have the best situation when it comes to fliers.

Fury seems like a good fit for your Oscar also. It's in line with the WoM shenanigans frequently present in your clears.

@NegativeExponents- I'm actually more interested in merging Chrom to +10 than Nino (who's +3 and my active project while I wait for Matthew merges), he's just on the backburner because I simply can't seem to pull more of him. That and he wants Steady Breath in his A slot but I'm at 4.25% on this cooldown banner and Brave Ike won't. show. up. Serra on the other hand I could +10 right now. I have literally 11 of her, but she's not priority right now.

6 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Why did you feel pressured to give it to him? Were you just severely lacking a good Close Counter unit at the time?

Thanks! Florina is a pride and joy of mine. High investment for sure but well wort it. If only Hector were at least 4*. So many characters still in need of DC.

Legion did come out better than expected. He’s basically Raven but with much better hp. Coupled with Fury and a Def refine he ends up deceptively bulky while retaining his offensive.

It just seemed like the optimal thing to give him. The only thing really. As a result he still has no A slot, but at this point I just haven't gotten around to him. He's vanilla still. And yeah, I have 2 DC fodder, but when it's such a coveted skill it's hard to decide who to put it on, especially when there are units gunning for it. I also was going to build up Legion at some point, but now that I've finally pulled a Raven (at +SPD/-RES of all things) he won't be touched any time soon.


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50 minutes ago, Zeo said:

If Flashing Blade was a seal, I could go Seal ATK/SPD, ATK Smoke, Flashing Blade seal and he could run Aether for full self sustain.

I think Flashing blade could become a seal in one of the next TTs. It would also be handy for my team, i.e. if Roy has to use another weapon for a special map.

Too bad Matthews ATK is too low for heavy blade, Aether on every round sounds terrifying. On the other hand, after a rogue dagger buff/debuff he could win many comparisons. Perhaps worth a try? 

54 minutes ago, Zeo said:

F!Grima I have for earth, she just wasn't necessary since it was almost an Ike solo. Between NY!Camilla, *4 +2 Palla, +SPD/-ATK Hinoka, -ATK S!Corrin and Cherche, I don't have too many fliers worthy of a blessing. It'll happen eventually, but the need for one hasn't come just yet. That and I don't have the best situation when it comes to fliers.

Chose one you like and make him/her work (like @NegativeExponents-s Florina or @DLNarshens Narcian). I liked to play Valter a lot for example, his stat line is a little similar to Matthews (he trades 3 SPD for 4 DEF and 7(!) ATK). Flyers can do stuff other units can't, even if its just a Reposition over rivers/trees/mountains. 

57 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Fury seems like a good fit for your Oscar also. It's in line with the WoM shenanigans frequently present in your clears.

I think I'll start with LnD2 until I get a spare Sothe. Its 7 DEF less compared to 6 after-combat damage of Fury, but also 1 more ATK/SPD. 


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23 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I think Flashing blade could become a seal in one of the next TTs. It would also be handy for my team, i.e. if Roy has to use another weapon for a special map.

Too bad Matthews ATK is too low for heavy blade, Aether on every round sounds terrifying. On the other hand, after a rogue dagger buff/debuff he could win many comparisons. Perhaps worth a try? 

Nah. Currently my Matthew has 42 ATK. 46 With a hone. Most strong opponents have ATK in the latter 50s. Even with Ally Support + Debuffs it would be unreliable and it would only proc on EP after enemy units have been debuffed. Vs Flashing Blade with 42 SPD which is much higher end for that stat, can be bumped up to 48 with Support+Hone and will generally always proc.

Matthew needs ATK Smoke in his C skill and he still really wants Seal ATK/SPD in his B Slot. If we can get some BH!Lyn fodder, we can consider opening up his Seal slot, as of now it's all locked up. Flashing Blade seal would be a big consideration for him if it were to come out as a seal though.

23 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Chose one you like and make him/her work (like @NegativeExponents-s Florina or @DLNarshens Narcian). I liked to play Valter a lot for example, his stat line is a little similar to Matthews (he trades 3 SPD for 4 DEF and 7(!) ATK). Flyers can do stuff other units can't, even if its just a Reposition over rivers/trees/mountains. 

I like Florina, but ideally if I were to build a flier it would be Cordelia or Shanna. Even if the game really wants me to build a Catria (I have a +ATK/-DEF, +ATK/-RES and +SPD/-RES one) and Caeda is a great option now since she's my only offensive option for a red flier. Cherche is my best flier, but I'm not that interested in merges for her. Especially with such a large que of promotions. Likely she would be the one to get the blessing though. 

23 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I think I'll start with LnD2 until I get a spare Sothe. Its 7 DEF less compared to 6 after-combat damage of Fury, but also 1 more ATK/SPD. 

If you think that's best. At least you can commit to a decision. My +ATK Celica still has her base A skill.

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@Zeo Excellent work on Camus and Saias (´∀`)b Saias one seemed no problem for you with Genny delaying the enemey and such, was a bit tense to see Matt have 2 HP remaining on Camus's map.




Gerald actually had some of the best voice acting from Kingdom Under Fire, but there were 2 of them, The Crusaders and Heroes. I think the voice acting for the first game was top notch, it fell off a bit during the second game though, even Gerald himself. I could have sword we got the Blimp in KUF.... It's been too long though. Never played Advance Wars though. And yeah, I was waiting for that sequel for a while too, but maybe it was for the better.

For sure, yeah we got one on the final map in Crusaders but in Heroes I recall seeing it as an option when creating your squads, but none of the officer you can hire/get could learn the skills needed for it. Ah, if you ever have time try out Advance Wars with a GBA emulator maybe you might like it. Yeah, perhaps it was better it didn't get released like you said.  I gotta find an xbox emulator now and the ROM if it exists.

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On 4/17/2018 at 12:26 AM, mampfoid said:

@LordFrigid @NegativeExponents- @mcsilas @Zeo @Poimagic @DLNarshen @Infinite Dreams @tobuShogi

One Turn Clear Infernal done: 


First time Cherche with gold border. All those Goads made it difficult to use Heavy Blade (Cherche needed the buff to proc GF against the Healer). Cordelia needed SPD seal, Hone Fliers and Ally Support by Roy (forgot to equip his Drive SPD though) to quad Camus. 

I also found solutions for Zephiel and Valter, but I need GF fodder for Oscar first. 

Nice video~!  Congrats on your newly promoted Cherche!  (Sorry for the late response, just catching up on my tags now.)

Whoa, buffed Cordelia had 58 Atk and 44 Spd with a Brave Lance+.  Wowza. :wub:

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29 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Nice video~!  Congrats on your newly promoted Cherche!  (Sorry for the late response, just catching up on my tags now.)

Whoa, buffed Cordelia had 58 Atk and 44 Spd with a Brave Lance+.  Wowza. :wub:

Thank you! No problem, great weather weekend here as well. I'm not very productive FEH-wise these days either. 

Cordelia is really cool, I hope I'll get more of her with her 3*/4* demotion. 

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