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Kemono Friends Mafia - Game Over


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A jailer protects and roleblocks their target. Which means DB was roleblocked as well. And its very much possible for night kills to be roleblocked.


There's no reason for the mafia to try to kill DB when mackc2 is the only claimed protective role and I already used up my jail shot on mack N3. Which means that mack wouldn't have been protected last night. Or scum could have even killed me since I'm basically a backup for the cop and jailer. Or kill Arcanite for claiming cop. Why choose DB over either of us? So its very likely that DB is instead scum whose nightkill got blocked.

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Just now, Shinori said:

Jailed target was BEEP. It probably blocked the kill.

##Vote: Defaultbeep



That's not a valid reasoning since night kills have been blocked before (or as far as I remember). It's possible that it is true (and I guess there are more chances that this is true than false), but this logic is wrong.


ughh whatever just end this guys

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"Awww, I didn't even get the chance to have a decent fight with anybody... Oh well, good game."

DefaultBeep - Lion - Mafia Conditional Day Vigilante - Lynched Day 5

Shinori just stood there, staring at what had just happened. This time, more dumbfoundedly than anything else.

Shinori - Shoebill - Vanilla Townie - Won Day 5

"Ha! I knew it! That bird girl was the killer all along... wait, she was actually town?"

Arcanite - Reticulated Giraffe - Town Cop - Won Day 5

"Told you so... Wait, I didn't actually get lynched, did I? I can't wait to tell Beaver!"

Greencapps - Black-tailed Prairie Dog - Vanilla Townie - Won Day 5

"It was a pleasure to do service for my Friends. Please do still stop by the cafe now that the game is over!"

Mackc2 - Alpaca Suri - Town Even-Night Jailkeeper - Won Day 5

"I'm so happy. Please allow me to sing you all a song~"

Rapier - Crested Ibis - Town Insomniac - Won Day 5

"This singing sucks! Hey, where did Fennec go!?"

SB. - Raccoon - Vanilla Townie - Won Day 5

SB ran off to search for Boron now that the game was over as Marth watched, confused. Marth more like Margay lol. That's not a joke, that was his character. Who is gay, but anyway.

Magnificence Incarnate - Margay - Town Mimic - Won Day 5

Congratulations to the Town for winning Kemono Friends Mafia!

Survived!: (8)
- Arcanite - Reticulated Giraffe, Town Cop, won Day 5
- Greencapps - Black-tailed Prairie Dog, Vanilla Townie, won Day 5
- Mackc2 - Alpaca Suri, Town Even-Night Jailkeeper, won Day 5
- Magnificence Incarnate (Marth) - Margay, Town Mimic, won Day 5
- Rapier - Crested Ibis, Town Insomniac, won Day 5
- SB. - Raccoon, Vanilla Townie, won Day 5
- Shinori - Shoebill, Vanilla Townie, won Day 5

Out of the Game: (5)
- Bartozio - Ezo Red Fox, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 1
- Sunwoo (Boron) - Fennec, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 1
- Rex Glacies - Axis Deer, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 2
- Michelaar - Serval, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 3
- Anime27arts - Kaban, Mafia 1-Shot Day Rolecop, lynched Day 4
- DefaultBeep - Lion, Mafia Conditional Day Vigilante, lynched Day 5


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Oh yeah Defaultbeeps, I'm sorry if I sounded like a very rude person. I'm not a very persuasive person and I felt like I needed to be a bit more aggressive to be heard.

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4 minutes ago, Prims said:

"Awww, I didn't even get the chance to have a decent fight with anybody... Oh well, good game."


This is actually super close to what I was going to say, haha. This was a fun introduction to Mafia for me! I failed utterly, but it was still pretty fun. My one regret is not being the final vote to lynch me.

1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Oh yeah Defaultbeeps, I'm sorry if I sounded like a very rude person. I'm not a very persuasive person and I felt like I needed to be a bit more aggressive to be heard.

No worries! I understand that Mafia can be an aggressive game at times. If anything, I should apologize for not being more aggressive myself, now that I realize it's not a very good idea to hang back in silence so much. I'm not exactly used to this kind of game, so even if I was Town, I'm pretty sure I still would've struggled with that, haha.

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this game is proof of why you should re-roll so the teams are balanced in experience level

Anyways, I hope new people all stick around. I can't give full advice to everyone since I was mostly just skimming, especially on D1, but here's some basic stuff:

@Anime- I thought you had the best posts of all the first-timers but your role claim was really bad. Given that SB mentioned the possibility before of Marth being a scum rolecop, you should have realized that a rolecop claim would be suspicious. Plus, day rolecop is just a really suspicious role.

@DB- You were pretty much screwed anyways by D5 but just for the future- your reaction to the D5 wagon on you was really scummy. Town would defend themselves and protest their innocence, not just say "yeah I guess you guys can lynch me; I just want to be the final vote, also I'm here if you want to lynch somebody else"

@Arcanite- Be more patient lol. I get that town was basically in auto-win mode by D5 but lynching sub-optimally just because you don't want to wait for a few hours for someone to come and hammer is bad play.

@Greencapps- I felt that early on in D1 you had a super smug tone. That just annoys people.

@Michelaar but also everyone- Michelaar was town but SB's case on him was spot on. Several people, especially early, voted/suspected people solely on whether or not they were active. Making/not making posts isn't inherently indicative of either alignment. Some people are just busy or forgetful. What matters is having opinions and then pushing those opinions- whether that's pushing a suspicion to get a better read on their alignment or pushing a scumread to get them lynched or trying to defend a townread who might get lynched. That's how you make an impact on the game.

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Role PMs


You are Reticulated Giraffe! You like to play detective, so each night you may ##Investigate another player and find out if they are Innocent or Guilty. However, your deductions can be a little inaccurate, so there is a 50% chance (RNGed pre-game) you are actually Insane and receive the opposite results.

You are the Town Cop. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Alpaca Suri! You own a small cafe located in the middle of the mountains. On even-numbered nights, you may ##Jail another player, inviting them over for tea. While you're with them, players won't be able to target them with killing actions, but they also can't use actions of their own.

You are the Town Even-Night Jailkeeper. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Margay! You're a big fan of the idol group PPP and possess the talent to copy the voices of others! Each night, you may ##Mimic another player. If they use a non-factional night action, you will gain a shot of that ability. You may not use this ability and a mimicked ability on the same night.

You are the Town Mimic. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Crested Ibis! Oh, where are your friends~? Each night, you may loudly sing so that all your friends can hear your song and find you - in effect, this means you can post during the night phase.

You are the Town Insomniac. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Ezo Red Fox! You hang out at the hot springs with your friend Silver Fox, who is much more responsible than you are. You just like to play arcade games! Which is cool and understandable. Anyway, you have no abilities other than your word and vote. Go for a Perfect!

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Fennec! You're a cute little fox girl. You like to follow around Raccoon, who is always getting herself into trouble. Is she in this game, though? You sure don't know! You have no abilities other than your word and vote.

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Black-tailed Prairie Dog! You're a super fast worker and you like to kiss people! When you heard your friends were going to play a mafia game, you of course rushed to join as soon as possible! You have no abilities other than your word and vote, though.

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Serval! You're a wild cat! You can make a huge leap more than 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) above ground! You're energetic but have no abilities other than your word and vote. Waaa~! Sugoi~!!

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Raccoon! You're a hothead and tend to jump to conclusions! Why are you playing mafia, you ask? Who knows! You have no abilities other than your word and vote, though.

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!

You are Shoebill! You're sweet and soft-spoken, but your stare is a little bit offputting. Friends tend to get bad vibes from you! Hopefully that won't make them think you're mafia, though, because you have no abilities other than your word and vote.

You are a Vanilla Townie. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one member of your faction remains. Best of luck!


You are Lion! You come off very serious to your soldiers, but you really just wanna relax. That's not to say you can't be dangerous, though! Should town enter MYLO, you will gain a single-use ability to ##Daykill another player in-thread, forcefully removing them from the game and revealing their flip. You will only gain this in MYLO, though, not LYLO. It actually can't be used in LYLO! Revealing your might like this will reset the day's votals and extend it by another 24 hours.

Also, you have rolled a mafia role! You may chat with your buddies, Anime27arts and Rex Glacies, in this quicktopic. Each night, one of you may use your factional ##Nightkill on another player. You probably know what this does!

You are a Mafia Conditional Day Vigilante. You win when your faction acheives parity with the other players, or when nothing can stop the same from happening. Best of luck!

You are Kaban-chan! You have a big bag and a sharp brain. Also, a fancy hat! What kind of friend are you? Clearly a human, but not everybody knows that. Once in the game, you may use your intellect to ##Scan another player and identify their role name and any abilities they have. This ability is used during the day phase - you will receive your results when the night begins.

Also, you have rolled a mafia role! You may chat with your buddies, DefaultBeep and Rex Glacies, in this quicktopic. Each night, one of you may use your factional ##Nightkill on another player. You probably know what this does!

You are a Mafia 1-Shot Day Rolecop. You win when your faction acheives parity with the other players, or when nothing can stop the same from happening. Best of luck!

Rex Glacies
You are Axis Deer! You love dirt. Sweet, sweet dirt. That said, you have no abilities other than your word and vote.

Also, you have rolled a mafia role! You may chat with your buddies, DefaultBeep and Anime27arts, in this quicktopic. Each night, one of you may use your factional ##Nightkill on another player. You probably know what this does!

You are a Mafia Goon. You win when your faction acheives parity with the other players, or when nothing can stop the same from happening. Best of luck!


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Action List
- RNG rolls Arcanite as Insane.
- Mafia Quicktopic
- Graveyard Quicktopic

Night 1
- Arcanite: ##Scan Rapier (Result: Guilty)
- Marth: ##Mimic Sunwoo (Result: nothing to copy)

- DefaultBeep: ##Kill Sunwoo (success)

Night 2
- Arcanite: ##Scan Greencapps (Result: action failed)
- Mackc2: ##Jail Arcanite (success)
- Marth: ##Mimic Mackc2 (Result: 1-shot jailkeeper)

- Anime27arts: ##Kill Arcanite (success, but kill fails due to jail)

Day 3
- Anime: ##Scan Shinori (Result: Vanilla)

Night 3
- Arcanite: ##Scan Greencapps (Result: Guilty)
- Marth: ##Jail Mackc2 (success)

- Anime27arts: ##Kill Mackc2 (success, but kill fails due to jail)

Night 4
- Arcanite: ##Scan SB (Result: Guilty)
- Mackc2: ##Jail DefaultBeep (success)
- Marth: ##Mimic Arcanite (Result: 1-shot cop with same sanity as Arcanite's [insane])

- DefaultBeep: ##Kill Mackc2 (action failed)

Set-up Commentary
As you can see, I went for a very low-powered set-up, with heavily nerfed town power roles and scum roles that only had minimal effect on the game. Arcanite's role was indeed in effect a Color Cop, but I chose to keep it as an actual Cop for flavor reasons - the character Reticulated Giraffe is a wannabe detective who tend to jumps to conclusions, so it made more sense for her to be a Cop who was potentially insane than for her to receive colors as results. The cop also had interesting synergy with the Jailkeeper, who could not consistently protect it and would have to deny it a result to save its life. Since the cop's first result was effectively worthless, protecting an outed cop on N2 was basically a gamble, because of scum instead decided to hunt for the doc then town was denied a second scan in a situation where scans were not worth much earlygame to begin with.

Speaking of the Jailkeeper, it was even-night only! Surprise! I don't think Mack ever actually mentioned that in-game, but that was probably good play in his position due to the psychological effect on scum. When designing the set-up, I kept worrying about the potential of town concluding "oh, there must be an odd-night protective role too" and scum being able to pull off an easy fakeclaim from that, but that also never came to fruition here. Had it happened and town taken the bait that would have been town's fault for questionably gaming the set-up anyway, so.

Mimic was a "for fun" role that was also a bit of a troll - mafia had no night abilities (this was why the rolecop was day only), the cop scan was worthless without the cop's claim, and the jailkeeper could not be consistently copied. I imagined it would be used as a fakeclaim-checker of sorts, in case scum fakeclaimed a night ability. That said, Marth managed to make good use of it - not sure if the Mack scan was just dumb luck or if there was a reason for it, but it sure paid off. Claiming it as follower was a decent call too, although I am not sure why he wanted to out his existence as a power role in the first place. Insomniac was just there because I like Insomniac, naturally. Sadly, Rapier continued the SF tradition of the ability barely being used for anything.

Around Day 3-4 I regretted making scum so weak and figured I should have given scum the Mimic instead of the 1-Shot Day Rolecop and made the town mimic just be a 1-shot tracker or some other low-power role. I'm not sure if the set-up was townsided (BBM says it is) or if this is just one of those games where town gets lucky with the role game and everything manages to slide into place for them, but it was hard not to feel for scum. Having been on the receiving end of several set-ups where everything goes wrong for my scumteam, it was almost painful to watch them only pull off one kill. It was a little baffling they didn't really throw around the likelihood of a protective role being on the cop on N2, but I still can't blame them too much for wanting to shoot Arcanite - hell, in this particular set-up, it could have paid off had Mack not taken the risk and willingly blocked him.

However, for a scum team comprised of three new players, I thought the scum did surprisingly well! Sure, they got smoked out in the end and made some misplays here and there, but for a group of newbs with no first-hand experience playing town or scumhunting, they did a great job of picking up on how to play and blending into the crowd, and I would gladly welcome back all three of them if they want to join games in the future.

Player Commentary
@Bartozio - You mostly died due to being the alternative to the claimed cop (again), which sucks, but what can you do. I hope this doesn't discourage you because even though there was a small case on you your play wasn't really that bad.

@Sunwoo - Good stuff, not really surprised scum killed you. Also you called 2/3 scum after dying with an alternative to one of your correct reads being the third scum, which was funny. Thanks for signing up.

@Rex Glacies - Kind of sucks that you drew attention while busy IRL and unable to focus on the game. I thought people throwing around "maybe Rex is lying about being busy!" was lame and had I known sooner or been told over PM beforehand I would have mentioned you were V/LA in-thread. As for your actual play, people were right that waiting for all data before posting doesn't work too well in mafia, since it leads to sitting back and not hunting scum. Maybe it is a personality aspect, but it is naturally gonna look like an excuse scum can abuse to not post. I don't have much else to say since by the time you had the chance to post more, you were already in the hot seat from your low contribution rate and got lynched shortly after.

@Michelaar - As was said in the graveyard, your reads were mostly off this game and you didn't do very much (to the point of not offering up any alternative lynch when you were the main focus of the day). I would implore you to consider the play of people who did turn out to be scum this game and think about what really does show scum intent. I also think you could benefit from being more open in your thought processes, there were post where you said "DB seems to be actively scumhunting" or "I'm not buying (Greencapps' reaction to the fakevig being town)", but didn't explain why you thought that, so it was effectively a dead end for discussion which also resulted in you continuously being wrong.

@Anime27Arts - I really appreciated your amount of contribution in the scum quicktopic; considering the research you did I think you seem to have an inquisitive mentality that works well for this type of game and that if you kept joining and played some games as town you'd do a good job of it. That said, you did totally botch your fakeclaim - try to think more about how your claimed role fits in with the other claim roles in the future if you're claiming for the sake of survival. You might have been able to get away with 1-shot rolecop, but anything more than that was very redundant with Marth's role and potentially overpowered when combined with a cop.

@DefaultBeep - Like Anime, you played a pretty solid game for rolling scum on your first go, even though you got screwed by roles in the end. People were right that your play was rather passive at times, which would have been less than ideal had you been town, but I'm chalking that up to being scum with no prior experience scumhunting as town. Would like to see you in more games.

@Shinori - I thought your posts this game were well-made, but the actual reads were rather off, sadly. Besides the inactivity I don't think you did too badly, though. Thanks for playing.

@Arcanite - Like Michelaar, I couldn't really tell why you pushed the people you did and think you would benefit from rethinking your approach to scumhunting, although in this case inexperience is likely a huge factor. You were also rather obstinate at times, which unfortunately resulted in Shinori blowing up on you. His criticism of your play is something I agree with removed from the context of the game, even though he was wrong about your being scum of it.

@Greencapps - Despite your rough start and unfamiliarity with SF's more serious approach to mafia, around D2 your scumhunting actually picked up and after SB's fakevig gambit got people to townread you you were, alongside him and Marth, probably one of the more actively competent members of the town IMO. I would maybe tone down the antagonism and defeatism a bit, but I think you did a great job adapting and wouldn't mind seeing you in future games here if you're still interested.

@Mackc2 - I don't remember too much of what you did this game outside of your night actions, but you were right about Beep and it seemed like you didn't need the power role to get people to townread you, so GJ.

@Rapier - Your D1 posts were actually really good (besides the claim mishap which other people covered when it happened), but then you stopped playing. Please do not stop playing Rapier why do you do this. Even if you lost motivation, at least checking in to skim and post a vote would've been the least you could've done on D4 (did you have unforeseen IRL circumstances or something). Oh well, you came back in the end, at least. If you disappear again in OJ mafia I will be sad. :(

@SB. - I'm burnt out at fake vig gambits at this point, but I thought yours was actually a brilliant call here given Greencapps' circumstances and the unlikelihood he'd expect it to be fake given his unfamiliarity wit hSF's meta. Town MVP because that gambit was IMO the turning point for town this game - before that, they had little direction and who knows what might have happened had Green been lynched instead of Rex that day.

@Magnificence Incarnate - Refa and I were both very confused when you didn't mimic Arc on N1, but it worked out better that way in the end. I think you did well overall; your reads were generally on point this game and your role use just completely screwed scum over.

As for some other points I want to address...
No lynching - People explained this several times in game, but newbies threw it around multiple times so I'm going to restate it here. In games with no outside contact, it's almost always preferable to mislynch rather than no lynch, because otherwise players will just end up in the exact same situation the next day, only scum will have had the chance to pick off a townie at night. Not lynching Michelaar on D3 would have probably only pushed his lynch back a day, for example. Town should always strive for scum lynches, but when you have plenty of mislynches left, being wrong and killing town isn't the end of the world. It's not like anybody's actually dying!
Hammer requirements - After this game, I'm starting to think requiring hammer to lynch is less than ideal. My PoV has always been that deadline lynch results in half-hearted lynches like the Bartozio lynch on D1, but in effect it seems to just make lynching harder for town, especially as they lose numbers and have to rely on scum to vote with them to get a lynch. I think hammer is an important mechanic since it stops the game from dragging on and on, but I'm thinking that in future games I should maybe either let town deadline lynch a player if they're at L-1 at deadline, or just not require hammer to lynch at all. Thoughts?
Deadline shuffles - That said, if a hammer is required, please, PLEASE state whether or not you expect to be around for deadline when it's coming up near the end of the day, and if you're unlikely to be around, please consolidate then. It's also best not to let things run down to the very last minute, otherwise you end up with crazy panicky situations like the end of D2. On a related note, I remember a few points where townies (mostly Mack, Marth and Arc, power roles wyd) were posting but just not voting which made the game seem spammy and slow at points from a mod PoV. Not too big of an issue, but less than ideal nonetheless.
BBM being a fucker - I usually don't reroll since it sets a bad precedent that encourages outguessing the mod. The biggest exceptions to this are CYOR where alignments are still mostly random but some are shuffled around for set-up design reasons, and in games like Trainwreck where it's supposed to be goofy anyway. Anyway, on N4 I wanted to force-sub you in for Rapier and give you a fake SK PM and say Rapier killed Boron N1 and idled on all other nights then give you your real PM on D5 start but night talk meant I couldn't do it without potentially affecting the game. TRAGIC

Anyway, that's about it. Thanks for playing Kemono Friends Mafia, everyone!


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Wow, uh, the game ended?

Also, DefaultBeep was the third scum? Fuck, I totally thought you'd put in at least one experienced player as part of the scum team, but I somehow managed to call the entire scum team. Of course, I thought that only one of Anime or Glacies was likely to be scum, but I did say "or possibly both" and I called DefaultBeep at some point. Looks like I still got it!

Congrats to me for being the only person actually NK'd the entire game. So why did you guys shoot me first anyway?

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6 minutes ago, BBM said:

this game is proof of why you should re-roll so the teams are balanced in experience level

Admittedly, the three of us being Mafia was hilarious with how fitting it was, so even though we failed in the end, I'm kinda okay with how that worked out.

8 minutes ago, BBM said:

@DB- You were pretty much screwed anyways by D5 but just for the future- your reaction to the D5 wagon on you was really scummy. Town would defend themselves and protest their innocence, not just say "yeah I guess you guys can lynch me; I just want to be the final vote, also I'm here if you want to lynch somebody else"

Yeah, I had read the previous page and basically given up at that point. I was amazed I had even lived that long, and I was mentally exhausted already, so I just kinda accepted my fate instead of trying to think up some reason for my innocence. Thanks for the advice though, hopefully I'll be more prepared if I decide to play again!

3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Wow, uh, the game ended?

Also, DefaultBeep was the third scum? Fuck, I totally thought you'd put in at least one experienced player as part of the scum team, but I somehow managed to call the entire scum team. Of course, I thought that only one of Anime or Glacies was likely to be scum, but I did say "or possibly both" and I called DefaultBeep at some point. Looks like I still got it!

Congrats to me for being the only person actually NK'd the entire game. So why did you guys shoot me first anyway?

Feel free to check out the Mafia topic we had if you want to see our exact reasoning, but basically, you were one of the only more experienced players that didn't seem to have any of us at the top of you suspect list. I remember you having some solid, detailed posts on Day 1, and combined with you actually having experience, we all decided that you were one of the best big threats to eliminate early on. Especially since we were all newbies, like it's been mentioned before; although, while Anime and Rex have said that they've had some experience with similar games, this was a totally new thing for me, haha. I think Rapier was our other main choice, which I'm now glad that we decided against, considering he wasn't super active later on. Arcanite didn't seem threatening for at least Night 1, Green was originally considered but we decided he was too risky in the end, and most of the others didn't have as much to work off of, if I remember right.

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I don't think there are actually that many situations where you have a bunch of new players all signing up at the same time where people can build up a mod meta like that. 

tbh you should have actually made me SK on N4 and seen if I could win but then give the win to town anyways as long as they lynched DB

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@Anime27Arts and the rest of the scum team: I'm female, the only reason I display my gender as male is due to an unpleasant experience on SF. But I don't care what people refer to me as. Also, I'm really not that scary once you get to know me :P:

EDIT: Am reading through the scum QT now, DefaultBeep.

Edited by Sunwoo
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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

@Anime27Arts and the rest of the scum team: I'm female, the only reason I display my gender as male is due to an unpleasant experience on SF. But I don't care what people refer to me as. Also, I'm really not that scary once you get to know me :P:

EDIT: Am reading through the scum QT now, DefaultBeep.


Some advice to mafia: Don't worry about who's suspecting who, just kill people who either are 1) good players (even if they're wrong at the moment, chances are they'll be right eventually) or 2) proven power roles that can fuck you over down the road (and usually, 2 is more important than 1 because good players can still be wrong).  Also don't be afraid to be wrong, because as long as it looks like you have conviction in your reads and genuinely thought the person would flip mafia, town will buy anything lol.  It gets harder when one of your scumbuddies is the wagon or makes a really scummy post, but I suck at bussing don't ask me for advice there.

Edited by Refa
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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

@Anime27Arts and the rest of the scum team: I'm female, the only reason I display my gender as male is due to an unpleasant experience on SF. But I don't care what people refer to me as. Also, I'm really not that scary once you get to know me :P:

EDIT: Am reading through the scum QT now, DefaultBeep.

I kinda figured you were reading it based on the rest of the post, haha. That's definitely an understandable reason, though. I didn't want to come across as rude if it was a sensitive topic, but thank you and Prims for explaining it a bit. I have a feeling most people are probably less scary outside of Mafia, haha.

2 minutes ago, Refa said:

Some advice to mafia: Don't worry about who's suspecting who, just kill people who either are 1) good players (even if they're wrong at the moment, chances are they'll be right eventually) or 2) proven power roles that can fuck you over down the road (and usually, 2 is more important than 1 because good players can still be wrong).

I'm glad that we at least managed to get the first point with our first kill. The rest of the night kills were... an unfortunate chain of problems and problematic reactions.

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Yeah, people usually don't worry too much about who a dead player suspected if that player was townie-looking and feared enough to not raise any "weird kill" flags.

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Pretty much what Refa said, yeah. D1 is D1, most people's D1 reads aren't going to be super accurate anyway, and not everyone gets to build up a serious case on D1. Also, even if I didn't suspect you guys too seriously on D1 (with the exception of Glacies) there was a reason why in the graveyard QT I ended up calling all three of you as the most likely scum suspects over Michelaar or Mackc2 or Greencapps (or Bartozio, but he flipped before I was shot, so kind of a different situation).

So basically, my point is that you guys played really well for an all-newbie scum team, but just be careful. There are some things that, new player or not, just look really scummy. Being too stubborn about not wanting to post cases until everyone gets there, or not wanting to vote, or not wanting to no lynch because you're afraid of mistakes, just comes off really scummy if you continue to do it throughout the game.

EDIT: Arcanite also looked really scummy. He just had a town role PM.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

I kinda figured you were reading it based on the rest of the post, haha. That's definitely an understandable reason, though. I didn't want to come across as rude if it was a sensitive topic, but thank you and Prims for explaining it a bit. I have a feeling most people are probably less scary outside of Mafia, haha.

I'm glad that we at least managed to get the first point with our first kill. The rest of the night kills were... an unfortunate chain of problems and problematic reactions.

I suppose I am quite lucky that it was you three as scum when I jailed Arcanite, had there been an experienced player in there they probably would have predicted a town protective would be all over Arcanite, which would have been really bad because I would have Roleblocked our most powerful role for no reason.

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