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Whom should I promote today? 


I have no particular need for anyone, I'm open for (biased) suggestions. There is nothing else to do (in FEH today), since I will do the blessing missions tomorrow together with the march missions. There are enough stones to refine weapons, but not for the big ones (where dew is needed) yet. 

Alternatively I could give a better nature to Reinhardt (+ATK), Titania (+SPD) or Tailtiu (+ATK). There are also GHB units left to promote: Narcian, Robin, Navarre, Zephiel, Lloyd, Legion, Clarisse, Berkut, Oliver and Takumi

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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Whom should I promote today? 


I have no particular need for anyone, I'm open for (biased) suggestions. There is nothing else to do (in FEH today), since I will do the blessing missions tomorrow together with the march missions. There are enough stones to refine weapons, but not for the big ones (where dew is needed) yet. 

Alternatively I could give a better nature to Reinhardt (+ATK), Titania (+SPD) or Tailtiu (+ATK). There are also GHB units left to promote: Narcian, Robin, Navarre, Zephiel, Lloyd, Legion, Clarisse, Berkut, Oliver and Takumi

Out of all of those, M!Robin is the one I personally use the most. I came across way too many Brave Bow Lyns, though, so he's really handy. My vote goes to him :)

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7 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Colorless hell indeed...my search for ONE S!Gaius led me to 11 PA!Olivia and 4 Jaffar, along with 3 Sothe and a Setsuna for foddering. Rest were feather fodder.

These banners know who you want, I swear. I got two Corrins and two Shiros but no Ephraims in my search v.v

Got some good fodder, but no L'Arachel, who is currently the only 4* unit I don't have.

Good luck getting Gaius. I'd like another one, since mine is -Atk, but I'm happy to stick with the one I have since he's mostly there to look pretty...

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7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

These banners know who you want, I swear. I got two Corrins and two Shiros but no Ephraims in my search v.v

Got some good fodder, but no L'Arachel, who is currently the only 4* unit I don't have.

Good luck getting Gaius. I'd like another one, since mine is -Atk, but I'm happy to stick with the one I have since he's mostly there to look pretty...

I did get him. +Res/-HP, but at this point I don't even care. I finally got the one seasonal I was missing and can relax for a while. Another week of no pulling should help my wallet a great deal.

And I'd give you my extra Ephraim if I could. +Atk/-HP or +Atk/-Def

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@Cute Chao @mcsilas @NegativeExponents- Thanks for the suggestions so far. Utility is of lower priority for once. More important are fun (to play) and bias. 

M!Robin works already at 4*, since I gave him TA3 and Bowbreaker for the first ever Tempest Trials. Btw.: Vanilla F!Robin is a 100% Reinhardt-Killer at 4* with just TA2 and a RES+1 seal. 

Current votes: 

  1. M!Robin (1 ⅔)
  2. Caeda (⅔)
  3. Leon (⅓)
  4. A!Tiki (⅓)




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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Wait, what? Serra? When? How are we supposed to kill something with her

I think I'll manage.



She's actually in my top 5 list of units to +10.

@mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Fei Mao @Johann @Vaximillian

Won't do a mass tag until I've done the deed in full but yeah, another Matthew popped up so he's +6 now. He was also +SPD/-HP which is objectively better than Neutral and second to my endgame nature of +ATK/-HP. So at +6 he gets +1 SPD/HP so he essentially took a -HP drop for a massive +4 SPD jump which is pretty nuts. But... I didn't really like looking at the dropped HP... so... I did a thing.


It's been a long time coming. The thing is... anyone can be great with SS. What I wanted to prove was that Matthew could be a unit worth using and even cause a lot of trouble without using Summoner Support (aka the very highest form of favoritism.) and I feel I've done that. But the point is he's my favorite unit to use in this game right now and I use him in literally every mode while Brave Lyn mostly collects dust, so this was something that needed to happen. And so we have our monster.


So here we are. SPD enough to hang with the fastest of units and even reliably use Watersweep and mixed bulk that becomes dumb when his buffs & debuffs come into play. He's still got a ways to go and before it's over we'll find that magical +ATK nature so his SPD will drop a bit but at +10 he'll have 42 SPD and 47 ATK (Which is 45 without SS. Not bad for Matt, eh?). That Water Blessing is actually there because he and Fjorm are AA staples right now, so he benefits from it but he and the rest of his team will likely go for the Earth or Fire Blessing. These things are rare and can't be tossed around. I just happened to have a spare one.

And speaking of AA staples! Ayra has been replaced! I finished my normal Arena run (mediocre score of 4910, but probably enough to get back into tier 20) with Matthew/Chrom/B!Ike/Nowi (With +DEF Refine) and for the love of God Chrom is ridiculous... stand him next to somebody and he just destroys. Plus he has the ATK to oneshot green and red mages so if he can get to Nino she gets oneshot without even needing the bonus. There was a team of dragons and he obliterated them all. That's what he does essentially. one-round every dragon except F!Corrin (Nowi has to run TA or Swordbreaker, otherwise she's not fast enough to double Chrom and is always a few points shy of killing him, so QR kicks in and he finishes her.).

So I used the last 20k feathers I had and went ahead and promoted that last *4 Chrom I had in my barracks and did this. He's my planned endgame Sword infantry and I've only ever pulled 3-4 Chroms anyways so I doubt I'll be getting him again any time soon anyways.



An absolute tyrant. Stand him next to somebody and things just suicide on him. He's waiting on Steady or Warding Breath and then he'll swap out HB for the Close DEF 3 seal but for now he gets the job done. With a Breath he'd be guaranteed to activate Aether if his opponent doubles him, but as of right now he'll end his first round of combat with it charged guaranteed and HB comes in handy once in a while. It helps that it's pretty much guaranteed to activate against pretty much everything in the game because he hits 64 ATK without buffs when Falchion comes into play and that's without hones or spurs/drives of any kind which could put him into the 70s which... yeah. that.

 He needs that +6-10 DEF/RES because Lances and Strong swords can still end him (especially with a skill proc) but for now this'll do. He may run Infantry Pulse or something at some point too. What he really needs though is a partner. I can't decide who he should run with but I really want whoever it is to have Spur DEF/RES and Drive DEF/RES just to make him dumb. Lukas might want that if he runs Berkut's Lance+ though so I don't know.

For the time being he's done. Going to keep focusing on Matthew and when he's done Nino is next. Matthew > Nino > Lukas > Chrom > Serra. That's the priority unless something changes.

In a nutshell. Things are going good and that endgame team is actually coming along bit by bit.

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@Zeo - Wow. Things are really starting to look up! That Matthew's looking pretty sweet actually. :3 He's REALLY ready for action now. I had actually logged out of SF for the night but I was working on building a dagger user myself, and I thought to ping you. XD Imagine my surprise to see this guy! Congrats though! Just 4 more copies to go. ...I recently got another copy of Merric. Now I'm just one short.... 


But yeah. Of my first three colorless pulls in the legendary banner, two ended up being Jaffar. The original Jaffar I pulled was +RES -HP. Not good, but also not bad. He's one of my favorite dagger users, so I've really wanted to build teams with him, but... I've never gotten around to it. Plus he's rare, so it's not like I can build a 5*+10 copy of him easily. The two copies I pulled of him weren't the +ATK I was looking for, however, one was +DEF -HP which seemed a little better considering his dagger refine doesn't let mages counter. +ATK would probably still be better, but beggars can't be choosers. 

Well long story short, I guess I never realized...but he's oddly bulky. XD I remembered there was one annoying developer map where he was really difficult to kill because of his strange bulk. So I decided to get a little creative...and he's not awful. He's not going to compare to Sothe in terms of ATK/SPD, but he's kind of this weird....in-between of like Matthew/Saizo and Kagero/Sothe... Deathly Dagger refine will give him another 3 ATK which should help a bit...as should his support with Nino. 



Daggers are fun. I really need to challenge myself to use them more.

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Current votes: 

  1. M!Robin (1 ⅔)
  2. A!Tiki (1 ⅓)
  3. Caeda (⅔)
  4. Leon (⅓)


@Zeo Cool Stuff! Your Matthew is actually faster than my +6 Cordelia at 43 (Fury 3, Slaying Edge with +SPD Refinement, no support). oO

Will Chrom replace Ayra also in your GHB/BHB team?

I know Breaths are better, but what do you think of Fire Boost for Crom (given by LA!Eliwood and Luke)? It would be active on PP and EP. He wants to stay at 100% health anyway because of QR. 

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@Zeo Nice!

Good to see your team is going nicely well. That Matthew looks so annoying to defeat.

Come to think of it, I don't really think I have an endgame team. Nice to see your plan going along though.

@mampfoid Hmm if it's for fun then maybe Roderick? 3 move Firesweep is pretty nasty. Felicia with her Plate also sounds fun but I think she wants +Spd and doesn't want -HP because she needs as much bulk as she can especially against stronger mages.

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Whom should I promote today? 


I have no particular need for anyone, I'm open for (biased) suggestions. There is nothing else to do (in FEH today), since I will do the blessing missions tomorrow together with the march missions. There are enough stones to refine weapons, but not for the big ones (where dew is needed) yet. 

Alternatively I could give a better nature to Reinhardt (+ATK), Titania (+SPD) or Tailtiu (+ATK). There are also GHB units left to promote: Narcian, Robin, Navarre, Zephiel, Lloyd, Legion, Clarisse, Berkut, Oliver and Takumi

I've found Caeda and L'Arachel to both be a lot of fun. Also Zephiel, if you have any interest in armors.

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Well, I'm really pissed now. Bought some orbs, sniped blue and ended up with fucking Corrin, tried to buy more and had a connection error, and the complete purchase function refuses to work, but it won't let me buy orbs either.

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Whom should I promote today? 

I cast my incredibly biased vote for Caeda! Felicia’s a pretty close second. I ran her on one of my TT teams, she did pretty well for herself, even without the refinement for her plate.

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@mampfoid I say Leon I switch between him and Innes when I use my infantry team and he has put in great work for me. 

@Zeo That Matthew is great seeing yours reminds me I need to promote a dagger user to 5* since I do not have a 5* dagger user other then PA!Olivia.  I am torn though as to who I want to promote since I have good IVs of everyone you can pull at 3/4* except Sothe who refuses to come home.  

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7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Cute Chao @mcsilas @NegativeExponents- Thanks for the suggestions so far. Utility is of lower priority for once. More important are fun (to play) and bias. 

M!Robin works already at 4*, since I gave him TA3 and Bowbreaker for the first ever Tempest Trials. Btw.: Vanilla F!Robin is a 100% Reinhardt-Killer at 4* with just TA2 and a RES+1 seal. 

Current votes: 

  1. M!Robin (1 ⅔)
  2. Caeda (⅔)
  3. Leon (⅓)
  4. A!Tiki (⅓)




I found my F!Robin always died to certain Reinhardts, depending upon their specials, etc, at 4*. So much, I'm still wary about using her against them at 5* unless moonbow and other cavalry units are far behind. 

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Put Grima to use alongside ordinary Robin, P!Azura, and Siegbert in the arena, and ended up with a 5028 score which should be enough to up instead of down in Tier 19.

Grima!Robin and Robin bait and severely punish enemies. Siegbert is player phase oriented, but can take a hit if necessary. Azura dances and provides an alternative way for dealing with blues. Since M!Robin in particular can bait and destroy Falchions and Armorslayer users, Grima easily fit right into my team, replacing Elise.

Incidentally, very happy about how good both alts of Robin have been. Christmas!Robin has a fantastic stat spread for an armor, and G!Robin is just so powerful. Currently waiting on another M!Robin so I can make M!Robin emblem a reality. I have already made David Vincent Emblem since G!Robin saw fit to come home to me.


Also happy that Grima!Robin is M!Robin and that Grima!Robin's animations are so freakin' awesome!


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9 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Whom should I promote today? 


I have no particular need for anyone, I'm open for (biased) suggestions. There is nothing else to do (in FEH today), since I will do the blessing missions tomorrow together with the march missions. There are enough stones to refine weapons, but not for the big ones (where dew is needed) yet. 

Alternatively I could give a better nature to Reinhardt (+ATK), Titania (+SPD) or Tailtiu (+ATK). There are also GHB units left to promote: Narcian, Robin, Navarre, Zephiel, Lloyd, Legion, Clarisse, Berkut, Oliver and Takumi

Narcian :p

idk, I never thought they'd actually release narcian, lloyd, or ursula in the game within the first year.

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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

@Vaximillian I liked it when you used Sharena as your avatar. Now you're using creepy cats. If it's one thing that causes me unease, it's cats in human clothing.

Actually, I started with cats in human clothing. Also I don’t find them creepy.

If Sharena becomes more popular and gets more fanart, I’d love to use images of her as my userpic again.

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@mampfoid I'd say Caeda for diversity on sword fliers, although it would be nice to wait for Eirika's refinement and see if it is actually worth it. Felicia is another close one but my vote would be for Talys's Heart.

= EDIT =

Although I definitely would prefer +Spd on Caeda rather than +Atk.

Edited by Quintessence
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