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12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

So, how about that 4*+5* banner?

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Lon'qu (I have been looking for Vantage 3 for too long), 4* Jeorge (Well, meh indeed. +Def/-HP), 4* Tailtiu (Too much investment the fodder. +HP/-Spd), 3* Nino (A Resounding meh to a unit who I've gotten more than 20 times. She is +Spd/-HP though....), 3* Nino (WHAT THE FUCK?)

3 Blue, 2 Red

4* Henry (Good fodder. Neutral), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker I guess.), 3* Shanna (Desperation, Nice!), 4* Effie (Well, I've pulled worse. +HP/-Res), 3* Donnel (Pot head the unit.)

3 Red, 2 Green

3* Palla (You know, I could get used to this.), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav I guess.), 3* Hinata (Well, could be worse.), 4* Fae (Oh look, Renewal! +Spd/-Atk), 4* Fae (More Renewal! Guess I get Chicken soup today. +Def/-Spd)

I actually try to get Soleil and Lancereaver, not a bit of luck. I'm off to fodder some Renewal.

Why exactly is Jeorge in the fodder banner?  He's got some of the worst skills possible for SI.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Why exactly is Jeorge in the fodder banner?  He's got some of the worst skills possible for SI.

He replaced Rebecca.

I'd have taken any of hers instead.

Guess I'll wait and see next time if I actually finally get Soleil. At this rate, I'll get Rhajat before her to add the the Shiro and Seigbert.

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10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

He replaced Rebecca.

I'd have taken any of hers instead.

Guess I'll wait and see next time if I actually finally get Soleil. At this rate, I'll get Rhajat before her to add the the Shiro and Seigbert.

They weren't against reusing the same units, and Rebecca at least has Darting Blow.  I was expecting Sothe or Kagero, since they've got some skills actually worth transferring.

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21 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I got my husband and son from Awakening.  They are both -Atk.  It must be hereditary.  @Arcanite@Anacybele@Vaximillian@SatsumaFSoysoy@GuiltyLove@Anime27Arts@Infinite Dreams@Rex Glacies@DefaultBeep@Sophie@Captain Karnage@DarkLordIvy@Bartozio@TheTuckingFypo@Rafiel's Aria


I think my last five 5*s have been -Atk.  The curse is alive and well.

I wonder if the next Banner is going to be a repeat of last year's Easter units, new Easter units, or just a regular banner.

You and that -atk thing, its a never-ending tango between you, I swear XD.

At least you got them, right? I got nothing

While we're at it, how's the tomato prince? Like his upgrade, yay or nay?

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4 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

You and that -atk thing, its a never-ending tango between you, I swear XD.

At least you got them, right? I got nothing

While we're at it, how's the tomato prince? Like his upgrade, yay or nay?


I haven't upgraded it yet for him.  My Leo is -Def, I think, so it's not the best for him, and I'm not sure if it would be better than the Rawrblade.  If they keep nerfing Blade Tomes I might give it to him if I get more Dew.

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Branded King Banner  5* Pulls (About 60-70 orbs):

Ryoma (+RES, -ATK) - Merged into my better IV Ryoma.

Female Morgan (+ATK, -SPD) - Stoked as. Going to give her QR3 as her B skill and try out her default weapon. Potential Magic Tank in my flyer emblem team.

Exalted Chrom (+HP, -RES)- Resummoned after getting FMorgan and got him! Happy enough with the IV's as well. Straight into my Cavalry team he goes :)

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GOD DAMN IT NOW HE'S TROLLING ME. I just want Morgan...


I hate this man now. -_-

But troll horse prince here is allowed to stay for now this time. I realize I may still not have male Morgan when that TT starts, and this Chrom could then be my only 40% unit. So he's a last resort. I don't know his IVs though, as I can't find them listed.

EDIT: Actually, wait, comparing him to Rezzy's, it looks like +Def, -Res. That's actually pretty good. I might not want to get rid of him at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Reddazrael said:


Surely there will be M!Morgan or E!Chrom in here. Surely.

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...Well, okay, I guess I'll take that.


@Anacybele I'm so sorry. If it's any consolation, I hit six E!Chroms and, like, 320+ orbs before I found M!Morgan.

Wow, that's a nice pull, even without Chrom or Morgan. And...yeesh, man, that's nuts. :( Sorry that happened!

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3 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@Anacybele If you want Chrom's IVs, you can find them on... uh. They datamine, so I don't know if I'm allowed to link them here? Just search "exalted chrom iv" on Google and it should be the first result or close to it.

Oh, no worries, I found them already by comparing to Rezzy's Chrom.

I realized +Def, -Res is also the nature I want for my Frederick. ...Freddy, your liege is definitely a massive troll! xP

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1 hour ago, Reddazrael said:


Surely there will be M!Morgan or E!Chrom in here. Surely.

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...Well, okay, I guess I'll take that.


@Anacybele I'm so sorry. If it's any consolation, I hit six E!Chroms and, like, 320+ orbs before I found M!Morgan.

I'm so sorry you got a Sanaki.  I've been plagued by her 3 times.

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My second red orb on the branded king banner was a new 5 star red cavalry unit. It's Seigbert! I just want to ruffle his hair, it looks so big in comparison to his head. He's -HP +speed. He's no Chrom but I can't say no to 60/42 offenses unbuffed on player phase. It took about 20 more orbs but I ended up getting a focus unit. Male Morgan! He's -attack +resistance. I sacrificed a Hana to give him life and death 2. Even with -4 to both defensive stats he still has 18/26 which isn't bad on top of 37 HP. I can make him work.

I went to the fodder banner looking for a -HP +attack Barst. No luck on that but I did get these two:


This is Jaffar #5. Being stalked by the angel of death is a little unnerving. All off banner. He's -resistance +speed so he will be the new merge base until I get a +attack one. Soleil is -speed as expected. All but one of her either has -speed or -attack. I might use her as fodder for firesweep sword but out of all my sword users she is the one that wants it most anyways. I will let her sit until I find a better Soleil or someone who wants the sword.

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/crawls out of my pit. 

@Rezzy -atk or not at least you got them lol. 

I had a weird time on this banner, I’m just going to post all of my pulls. I want everyone on this banner so a sniping reds and blues I went. 

Round 1:



Lon’qu was the free, then hell yes Seliph will be +9 soon, and then one of the units I was least expecting. -spd/+def so someone’s getting Swift Sparrow! Probably Jaffar but I’ll hold onto her for a bit just in case.

Round 2:



I had such a long Subaki drought this was pretty exciting. I have lots of units wanting QR.

Round 3:



I was pretty bummed when Lightning Breath+ showed up first pull here. Nice to not have to promote one for Fae like I’ve been planning forever, but still that’s not fMorgan so. >:(

Stahl meh, I sort of need swap fodder. 

And then! There she is! Good kid and the only mage flyer in the game that I am willing to use at the moment! +Spd/-Hp so she will be excellent on my flyer team! 

So yeah pretty good for only using a bit over 30 orbs. I want to pull more but I’m making myself wait till I have at least 30 orbs again. 

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1 hour ago, Natalie said:

She came home after only about 25 orbs ;_;

love u too -atk~



Congrats on your -Atk Morgan.  Out of curiosity, why the love of female Morgan?  I never had her appear in my games, so I don't really know much about her, other than being the distaff counterpart to male Morgan.

1 hour ago, DarkLordIvy said:

/crawls out of my pit. 

@Rezzy -atk or not at least you got them lol. 

I had a weird time on this banner, I’m just going to post all of my pulls. I want everyone on this banner so a sniping reds and blues I went. 

Round 1:

  Reveal hidden contents


Lon’qu was the free, then hell yes Seliph will be +9 soon, and then one of the units I was least expecting. -spd/+def so someone’s getting Swift Sparrow! Probably Jaffar but I’ll hold onto her for a bit just in case.

Round 2:

  Reveal hidden contents


I had such a long Subaki drought this was pretty exciting. I have lots of units wanting QR.

Round 3:

  Reveal hidden contents


I was pretty bummed when Lightning Breath+ showed up first pull here. Nice to not have to promote one for Fae like I’ve been planning forever, but still that’s not fMorgan so. >:(

Stahl meh, I sort of need swap fodder. 

And then! There she is! Good kid and the only mage flyer in the game that I am willing to use at the moment! +Spd/-Hp so she will be excellent on my flyer team! 

So yeah pretty good for only using a bit over 30 orbs. I want to pull more but I’m making myself wait till I have at least 30 orbs again. 

Thankfully, I can still make the -Atk work for the most part.

Nice pulls!  I got a couple 5*s, but only after buying some Orbs and exhausting my supply.  I'm hoping to be a bit luckier next time, since I had gone quite a while before now without having to spend any on Orbs.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your -Atk Morgan.  Out of curiosity, why the love of female Morgan?  I never had her appear in my games, so I don't really know much about her, other than being the distaff counterpart to male Morgan.

Most of my 5* pulls are either -atk or -spd...

I only had her once, and I found her very similar to M Morgan (who I also love) but her Heroes artwork is just so adorable~

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48 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

...Seriously. A third horse Chrom, game?


All I wanted was one decent male Morgan. ;_;

Did you get a Male Morgan with a bad nature?  I got one, but he's -Atk.  I'm going to hope for a rarity drop before pulling more.

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I don't know why, perhaps because I was bored, perhaps because I thought it would be good to have a second 40% bonus unit for TTs along flying Morgan ... but I used some of my saved Cordelia-orbs and pulled a male Morgan (+DEF/-RES).  

Also Chrom would have been cool, but mages are always nice. This delays Tharjas promotion even further. 

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18 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Did you get a Male Morgan with a bad nature?  I got one, but he's -Atk.  I'm going to hope for a rarity drop before pulling more.

No, I didn't get him at all, I already said. And I hope he drops in rarity too.

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5 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

@Anacybele If you want Chrom's IVs, you can find them on... uh. They datamine, so I don't know if I'm allowed to link them here? Just search "exalted chrom iv" on Google and it should be the first result or close to it.

The wikis have all the stats and variations.  That's how I can list everyone's boons/banes.

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Truly, I was worried that I was going to have to whale out to get F!Morgan.  But it only took dedicated blue orb sniping as opposed to normal pulls for me to luck out.  While she may be -Attack (Rezzy, your bad luck is contagious!), +Res says that she'll eat any Reinhardt alive if I give her a +Res Weapon refine!  

That and I also pulled a 4* L'Arachel to compliment my Tome!Eirika.  Not that she'll ever see much use over my Reinhardt.

@Rezzy F!Morgan seems to be loved due to her incredibly trollish/airheaded nature.  This is the girl that kept teasing Yarne by calling him a bunny and whose response to seeing a maskless Gerome was literally "Hubba hubba AWHOOOOOGA!"

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Picked up some more orbs, so time for a few more tries at Morgan!

  1. 4* Mae: Bleh. The other 4 orbs are red, so it's really tempting to look for Chrom and M!Morgan. But I must find my daughter.

And again...

  1. 4* Est: Worthless. And again 4 red orbs.

This game loves taunting me, doesn't it. Of course I already got a 5* Clair, so I've already been rather lucky.

  1. 4* Femui: SI fodder.

Why is it that I'm only ever getting one blue orb at a time?

  1. 4* Mae: Again?

Well, did some of the new modes and quests for more orbs. So I'm not out yet!

  1. 4* Robin: Wrong blue mage tactician!

And still one at a time...Probably missed multiple M!Morgans and Chroms from all of the red orbs.

  1. 3* Florina: Wrong pegasus! At least there's a second blue orb this time.
  2. 3* Jagen: Worthless.

Come on...

  1. 4* Robin: Again?!

This damn game knows how much I want Morgan...

  1. 4* Effie: Whatever...

Sunk cost fallacy is in full force here.

  1. 4* L'Arachel: More Renewal, or a possible merge for my 5* copy.
  2. 3* Wendy: Garbage.

53 orbs spent, mostly a pile of garbage. 3.75% pity rate, only 10 orbs left. I'd prefer to be able to pull a few more orbs if I actually get Morgan, so going to stop for now.

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