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Ended up pulling all three cause I got so many sessions without green orbs, 175 orbs total.  Nuetral Kana, +Spd -Res Shigure, +Def -Spd Hinoka.  Also got +Atk Florina and Raven along the way, they will get promoted in time as I liked them in FE7.  

Edited by Nowi's Husband
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Ugh...I need to save for the future, but Hinoka is so damn tempting. Don't really care about Shigure or Kana, so I might as well pull any greys I get and leave it at that.

  1. 3* Rebecca: Bleh.
  2. 4* Saizo: Also bleh.

That was a waste of 4 orbs. Depending on my mood and whatever info we get on new banners I might come back to look for Hinoka, but colorless hell is intimidating.

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Guess I'll try for one 5-star, whoever it is.

3* Lukas +Res -Atk
4* Catria +Res -Def
3* Leon +HP -Atk

3* Sakura +Spd -Atk
3* Mae +Def -Atk
4* Est +Spd -Atk

(4 reds...)
4* Est -Def -Atk

3* Cherche +Def -Atk
3* Cordelia +Atk -Spd
4* Merric +Spd -Res
3* Rebecca Neutral
4* Bartre +Res -Atk

That streak of seven Attack banes in eight pulls was something alright. Est goes to +10 now, just have to find her a Brave Lance+ somewhere now. Plus I can send all the 3-star ones home with no regrets now.

Switching to sniping greys:

3* Jagen +Res -Spd

4* Jagen +Res -Atk

5* Bow Hinoka +Spd -HP
4* Jagen +HP -Def
4* Titania +Atk -Def

Okay aside from that WTF series of Jagens, at least I got what I wanted, and I'm fortunate that like the other units I've been specifically pulling for this month in Kagero and Horse Catria, she has a great nature. I'm done with this banner and not a moment too soon, I have a mere 15 orbs left. Golden Week have mercy on me.

(The fodder was godawful but yeah, finished Est at least and Merric and Titania get merges. Probably going to start a Catria merge now)

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Free Summon: Bartre... This isn't going to end well.

Afterwards: Serra x5 and Matthew x2. I can see why people call this Colorless hell. I'll go to sleep and finish TT and Chain Challenge tomorrow.

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Okay, so I pulled Hinoka already. Which means that so far I've pulled every alt barring the original alt, Zelgius.

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@mcsilas @Cute Chao @Usana @Rafiel's Aria @eclipse @mampfoid Oh...



Yeah so... yeah. I was just going to burn the first 15 for this banner and would you look at that. The only unit I wanted and for the love of God she's +SPD/-HP. Colorless hasn't been hell for me for quite some time, and that rings true still, especially now. It's as If the game threw me a bone since I didn't get Kagero. Unbelievable. Thanks God.


First *3 Lukas also which is neat. Sadly he's +DEF/-ATK so still no +ATK|+RES/-SPD|HP but at least now I have enough of him to +8. Even if none of them quite have the nature I'm looking for yet. This game man...

Guess I'm done here. With Kaze on the horizon and him having ATK Smoke, I no longer need to worry about pulling a BH!Lyn to give it to Matthew. 29 orbs in hand and I'll be stocking up for Golden/Legendary. 

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7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

And here she is! +Atk -Def, which could be slightly better but not bad at all. At least it's not -Spd or something.

That’s cool! I like how cute her rawrs are in EN. Her EN VA is overall much better than her boy counterpart’s.

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This banner was really rough, even more so than usual for me. My luck just never gets a break it seems.

I went deeper than I intended to, but I had to have that Hinoka. It took me 250 orbs before I got her.. and I got a +spd -atk one. Plus the same IV for an Elise that pity broke me half way though.(happy to finally get an Elise, but really?) Only a single Sothe and Klein from all those colorless. I also got my first Kagero finally, only one but she's +spd -def so she's getting promoted. Everything else was a flood of Niles, Matthew, Gaius and healers I kept having to send home. I guess colorless hell is still a thing after all.

Oddly enough I summoned in parallel with my friend who spend basically the same amount of orbs and got the exact same IV too. At least the suffering was in good company this time.

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I don't know if I should really pull on this. Just the one for now until we know what's on the legendary banner I think.

3 Colourless, 2 Red (Well, the game's telling me something)

4* Gaius (I HAVE YOU AT +10 ALREADY JUST FUCK OFF. +HP/-Atk, definitely not tasty), 4* Nanna (Oh look, she dropped! :D +Res/-Def. Better than what I have but I can wait for a better nature. She also has Drive Def 2 at 4*. Pretty neat actually), 3* Azama (Let me guess, your nature sucks like all the others? +Atk don't care, you suck.), 4* Caeda (Neat. +Atk/-HP), 4* Draug (Ward armour is something I've not had for a while. +Atk/-Spd, Ward armour it is.)

Well, I've pulled worse. Fine, once more.

3 Colourless, 2 Red (I think the game really wants to tempt me.)

3* Kagero (Well, it is a poison dagger. +Spd/-Res, might consider.), 4* Maria (Well, it's a cleric I guess. +Def/-Spd), 5* Kinoka (Seriously, I am done. I think I've been getting too lucky lately. +Def/-Spd, guess I'll die. I was wrong.), 4* Seth (Fortress Def? Fortress Def. +Hp/-Res, could be worse.), 4* Cain (WoNM? WoNM. +HP/-Def.)

This game I swear. Get the one unit who tempts you but their nature sucks. Well, that's just my luck with Hinoka I guess.

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My wallet is hurting, but I have zero regrets. Ended up deciding to pull for Shigure because he's one of my faves even though after my Ayra adventures, I was already hurting. On the way, I ended up pulling the last Lucius I needed to complete my +10 merge....AND he's +SPD -DEF, the one I've been waiting for!!!!! :3 I ended up promoting him. After I finished my pulls, I got two Shigures (+DEF -SPD and +HP -ATK) and one Hinoka (+RES -DEF). 

But Lucius just needs 3 more merges. 60k more feathers. I feel like I'm crazy enough to try and grind for those feathers during this week. I want him done.  ....I also realized that I've sacrificed six 5 stars to Lucius. XD 

@Zeo I'm glad you got her!!!! It's a bummer that you couldn't get Kagero, but at least you got a flying colorless unit!

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So I did my last YOLO pulls for either Leif or Reinhardt since I'll be pulling less reds in the next banners. Got neither but I did get my first male Morgan! +Def/-HP at 4 star. Workable for now until I get a better one.

And now we move on to the new Fates banner. I had 195 orbs on my second account (hit 200 but only summoned a Fir in the Thracia YOLO), so I was nervously prepared. Don't want to spend too much before the Golden Week/Legendary Banner reveal so..

@Zeo @Vaximillian @mampfoid @Rafiel's Aria @Cute Chao @Alkaid @Nanima



And she's +Atk/-Res!!!! Great boon, superbane in Res but I'm just glad I got her in the first try! This is my 2nd free 5 star in a row (after Celica in the Ayra/Sonya/Brave Lyn banner)!

It's great that Hinoka finally gets love at least, she can join my +Atk regular Hinoka in my flier team!

It took me a while to decide if I should back out or if I should open the other orbs in case I get a better one. Turned out to be a 3 star Gaius (eh) and a 4 star +Spd/-Def Soren! (a nice consolation for the wasted orbs!)

Main account was a bit disappointing, but I did get 4 star Nanna! @Vaximillian I love her art! Good thing I didn't try too hard to get her in the Thracia banner. Guess I should power level her while the TT is here, although not sure what her boon/bane is since 4 star stats weren't out yet.

@Zeo Nice!!! Colourless sure loves you! I guess this sort of makes up for is missing Spring Kagero for now- we get a different ranged physical flier! Also you don't have a superbane so that's neat.

Edited by mcsilas
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About 40 orbs in and Hinoka came home. Not bad!


+SPD / -HP? Yes, please!

About 20 orbs later, I get BH Lyn. Atk Smoke fodder is always welcome! 4★ Shanna shows up while pulling for Shigure; Desperation fodder is also welcome. Three more pulls end with no blue orbs, so I just pull the colourless; end up with 3★ Klein. Hey, Death Blow fodder works for me.

And that's it, I'm out of orbs. I'll earn some more and try for Shigure again later. I don't care about Kana in the least, so I won't bother pulling any green (or red, since there are no focus units there).

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Nice! That really is some good luck. I'll personally hold back until we know who the LG hero is (either Takumi or Sakura are a huge priority), so I'll settle with my free Saizo the XXX. for now.

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@mampfoid Your time will come, it always does.

For Sothe it's 39/33 offenses vs 36/36 offenses. Depends on what you want him to do. If you plan on running Desperation or Wind/WaterSweep then +SPD is a no brainer. If you were going to swap out LnD for something like Close Counter or Death Blow 3 though I'd lean towards +ATK. If you decide on a build I could probably tell you which nature it's better for.

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@Zeo I have no pressure getting Hinoka, but a compensation 3* Cordelia would have been nice.

I have no build in mind yet, but also no Close Counter fodder. Sothe wouldn't be my first choice for CD anyway. Felicia is the only dagger user I played much until now, perhaps also the two Kageros to some lesser degree. I have no hurry building him, but I have many units who want LnD3 soon (i.e. Oscar, Tana etc). 

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@mcsilas Congrats! I really hope she gets rerun on a hero fest type banner eventually so I can fix mine with an IV like that.

@mampfoid I have faith! Your luck usually seems to hold up in the end, so I'm sure you'll get her. And that's a nice Sothe, I got the very same +spd one during my summons too. If you just want to keep LaD and go a typical desperation set I'd go with +spd. Same with if you'd like to try Windsweep debuffing.
I'm honestly not sure if I might just fodder mine for LaD anyway. I'm not really hurting for another dagger, especially when I just promoted the +spd Kagero I got as well.

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@mampfoid In that case I'd say go with your gut. If you're that pressed for LnD3, +SPD is the nature a lot of people would probably go with in that case. +ATK is great for the max damage builds but +SPD had good coverage across just about any offensive build for a unit like him. While I still want +ATK/-HP, my +SPD/-HP Matt has served me well and not even the mighty Nino can double him without help.

Also funny that Felicia is the dagger unit most people tend to use, even before refinery I'd see her more than Kagero.

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@Alkaid Thanks! Your pulls have been difficult too, I hope it doesn't take me 250 orbs to get a focus unit. 

I gave it another try and got a neutral Nanna (my first) and a +DEF/-SPD Tana (I already got a +SPD/-RES Tana). 

@Zeo @Alkaid Thanks for the suggestions! I guess in most cases +SPD will fit my uses, so I can fodder the +ATK copy. 

26 minutes ago, Zeo said:

While I still want +ATK/-HP, my +SPD/-HP Matt has served me well and not even the mighty Nino can double him without help.

You should calculate your next run to compare +ATK Matthew with +SPD Matthew. I'm still not convinced +ATK would be the better choice for him. 

27 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Also funny that Felicia is the dagger unit most people tend to use, even before refinery I'd see her more than Kagero.

I didn't use her before she became cool. I was attracted by the plate and her nice design made me spend dew (even if the refinement is not necessary in many cases to make the plate a great weapon). 

32 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I'm not really hurting for another dagger, especially when I just promoted the +spd Kagero I got as well.

I'm still not used to bring dagger users in my teams. But lately I'm not regretting it when I do it. 

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