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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @Usana @NegativeExponents- @Rezzy @eclipse @Cute Chao

Heh... this game is something. After pouring countless orbs into the Scattered Fangs banner. Yeah, I did that. A 4.25% rate with nothing to show for it even though I didn't "need" any of the units put me in a serious hole. I went into this Legendary Banner not expecting to get anything out of it. One or two full pulls and bam, I'm done. I could live without any of the reds as I don't care about Tharja so much nor do I need Leif. I already have LA!Roy and Grima and don't care about Elise. The only blue I could want is LA!Lyn as I have the other units but between the 3 of them what are really my chances of pulling her? Green was the prime color here as Hector is awesome, B!Ike is great fodder which I need and Myrrh is the unit I wanted from the SM banner. I didn't really expect anything going into this so I didn't have to feel anxious.

This game though... free pull~

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Really?... Really? This game sometimes man... times like this are what make it all worth it. It was the only blue orb in the pool. Sure she's +RES/-SPD which sucks, but as an armor her speed doesn't matter so much if you can get your hands on fighter skills which I'm sure I'll do eventually. She'll be built defensively some sort of way I'm sure. Now I have 2 out of the 3 mage armors. I'm not expecting Tharja, but still it's awesome. She and Vector are the units I truly wanted from Love Abounds. My thankfulness is unparalleled. 

So I decided to go ahead and go for a second round just because. First green orb out of the two was a *3 Arthur. For the second one the game glitched up and kicked me out like it was doing for some of the players here. So I closed the app, and when I came back...

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Speechless... this is what was waiting for me. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected a one-two punch quite like this one. It was as if the game remembered the units I really wanted in this game and just decided it was christmas for me. He's +HP/-SPD. Hector seems to like that boon when he appears for me. 50 HP is decent though and it's his best bane. Even if that superboon in ATK would have been fantastic, his bulk wasn't touched and he didn't lose any offensive power. This is my first armor ever with a fighter skill and it's unhindered by his nature. I can't wait to train him and get a taste of his power. I'd hate to say it but Amelia might be in trouble on my M!Morgan team.

To get what you want from a banner... and I mean exactly what you want from a banner is an indescribable feeling. I never would have imagined things would turn out like this. But I'm not going to hold your ear any longer. I'm 100% satisfied. I could pull on this banner again in a few days perhaps, but my orb count is a comfortable 0 and honestly? I feel like I'm done.

A Barst, Roy and Hinata for a premium circle of fodder across the two sessions was my top-off also, in case you were curious about my other pulls. Praying for the best pulls for the rest of you.

Congrats!  I managed to get Hector myself on my third pull, so I'm happy.

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Okay, it's a legendary banner.

I know how badly these go.

3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (SEE? No reds!)

3* Saizo (Of course. +Def/-HP)

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green (The one time I want Red.....)

3* Oscar (Good fodder. +Atk/-Res though, that's actually good though I have +Spd already.)

3 Red, 2 Blue (Finally)

4* Fir (What is she useful for as fodder? Neutral, nah), 3* Roy (TA3 I guess. +Def/-HP, so close), 4* Hana (L&D 2 I guess. +Atk/-HP, already have better)

So that's 8.5%.


3* Wendy (Shame this is useless what with having +10 Wendy. Unless I did get her to 5*. +Res/-Spd, if she were +Atk..... But nah, she'd be better with +Spd/-HP anyway for 5*)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Selena (Well It's not like I wanted Reposition or anything. +Res/-HP eh.)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

4* Hinata (Furious boi. +Res/-HP blah.)

Anyways, that's me out for a day.

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@Zeo Holy Crap! Nice.
@mcsilas Double Nice!

Also a grats to others who got what they want. Don't want more tags than words in this post so, I'll avoid going too far.

@MonkeyCheez3K Yeah whining about 5* may sound bad to some. But darn it, what does it matter if they weren't the ones you wanted?! They may as well be a 0star, yes? I definitely feel ya there after the long string of off banner pulls I have had this past month.


Now as for the banner you can't have off banner pulls from. ~40 orbs got me 2 5*'s and 2 units missing from my barracks. More precisely I got Ares at 4* and Leif at 5* during a session with mostly reds. Ares is +DEF/-SPD and Leif is +RES/-HP(if memory serves). Technically I don't really want either one, but I also don't want hero shaped holes in my roster. As for the other 5*? Booklyn comes to me AND she is +SPD/-RES. My last one during the LA banner was +ATK/-HP. So I guess I got what I want and I should back out before greed bites me in the arse!  Hector would be nice. It seems his art gets better and better, but still he is a rehash of the same thing. And Green armors are the ones I have the last room for given how green stacked I am. Still Kinda sad I didn't get more Steady Breath though. Would gladly have traded Leif for Brave Ike.

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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@Hecatia Lapislazuli WOW that's a lot of DC? what was the pity rate? Congrats though!


Idk what to do with them yet.
I'm training my best one for now with the option to merge the Other two into it unless I'm pulling a Myrrh who should get DC for sure.
I rather prefer to merge my units to have an easier time with GHB, CC or arena than to sacrifice 5* ones.

Also my pityrate was... 8%.
in total I got six 5* unit of 15 pulls.
I know it's so sick.

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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So I went in to the legendary thinking I will take my free pull only but there were 2 greens and since I really want Myrrh I pulled them both.  First one was Boey which is fine he is good fodder, and the second was Myrrh!  I finally have my favorite dragon that is in Heroes in my barracks and she is neutral so at least I did not get any bad nature even if she does not have a boon.  I am so happy I pulled the one unit I really wanted from this legendary banner. Now back to trying for S!Tana because I need a fling red mage.  

Edited by EricaofRenais
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14 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

So I went in to the legendary thinking I will take my free pull only but there were 2 greens and since I really want Myrrh I pulled them both.  First one was Boey which is fine he is good fodder, and the second was Myrrh!  I finally have my favorite dragon that is in Heroes in my barracks and she is neutral so at least I did not get any bad nature even if she does not have a boon.  I am so happy I pulled the one unit I really wanted from this legendary banner. Now back to trying for S!Tana because I need a fling red mage.  

So happy for you! Glad we walked out of this banner safely with Myrrh! Now I'm back to the Summer's Arrival Banner.

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@Zeo @mcsilas Hey wow, you guys have an awesome luck on this banner congratulations! I'm also happy that you got what you wanted, that's a good feeling for sure. Very kind of Hector to show up so many times. 

I didn't get anything so far, only 3* and 4* units not worth to mention here until my orb count went to zero. 

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1 hour ago, Aera said:

So happy for you! Glad we walked out of this banner safely with Myrrh! Now I'm back to the Summer's Arrival Banner.

Thanks,  I am so glad to finally have her since she refused to show up on her debut banner and now I can have two flying dragons since I have F!Grima as well.  I just hope S!Tana will decide to come home soon as well.

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120 orbs gave me some of the worst natures possible for Bike (who I only wanted for Steady Breath anyway), W!Tharja (new), and two LA!Roy (the one I wanted the least). 

I don't even know why I roll on these. I think I've done it three times and all three times I've left feeling disappointed. At least I didn't get below 200 orbs and had luck on the last summer banner, but I won't have much more than 300 orbs for the next summer banner now.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAA SHE'S +ATK -RES @Vaximillian @Rezzy @Alexmender @GuiltyLove @Zeo

I also got my third Ninian, +Spd -Res from the Nohrian Summer banner:


And a +Spd -Res BIke in the Leg banner. All in 67 orbs!


No Tana unfortunately, and I have to save for CYL2, so I'm not sure how hard I'll go in for her.

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Well my last round of trying for S!Tana gave me another B!Roy.  Oh well +1 B!Roy is nice, I just hope the next 5* from this banner is the one I want.

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12 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

my d00d i dont even play this game anymore :(

But you can share in my joy.

6 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy Damn with perfect nature and everything, congrats! Her wink is really strong.

I'm contemplating saccing my Firesweep Peri to her.

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Congrats to everyone on their pulls, looks like a lot of luck...speaking of which

7 hours ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:


Holy crap!  That Wrys!  No seriously though, that is an insane pull.  

For me, the legendary banner wasn't nearly as kind.  By far the lowest pull rate I've ever experienced on one of these banners, 205 orbs and I got 2 units.  It took a 150 to get the first.  I was pulling everything but greens too, and even greens when it was 3 orb cost.  Anyways at least the 2 units I got were ones that I want.

+HP/-spd W! Tharja.  The red I wanted the most by far, and most wanted unit on the banner (aside from Hector).  After Hero Rises, I thought I would never get her.  Great nature too.

+res/-def F! Grima.  The colorless I wanted the most, and 3rd most wanted unit on the banner (after L! Ephraim, still no fire hero for me).  


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Well, that didn't take long. He got only decent IVs (+HP/-Spd), but I'll never complain about a free pull Hector! I also got tactician daughter (+Res/-Def) at last and a dup "normal" Tharja (+HP/-Def; which is still an improvement over the incumbent +Spd/-Def). 



Of course, I'll still keep going on this banner for Elise and F!Grima even though I already know how that'll end.

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I guess after getting S!Innes in like 15 orbs it would make sense I could go through all 146 orbs and NOT get F!Morgan. She refuses to come home. I just want to merge her, and she's not having it.

I got B!Ike (I was sniping Blue, but would pull Green if it came up for DC fodder (there were like 5 green orbs total)) and L!Ephraim, and SO MANY L'Archael (like seriously I have 14 of her now). I also got a lot of Pieri. And out of all those Blues I only got one M!Robin (another shitty nature, so my +Def/-Spd powerhouse will be +7 soon) and a Shigure (to merge).

I would be okay if I got at least like 2 or 3 more M!Robin's. I can bet you, the moment I get mine to +10 is when he'll ALWAYS appear.

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51 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Tybrosion nice, congratulations! 

SPD is Hector's best bane, so a very good pull. Good luck getting Elise finally! 

Yeah, he got his best possible bane so I certainly can’t complain about his boon/bane either.

And thanks for the luck! I’m only going to need every bit of it I can get with where I’m going.

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Spent almost 200 orbs pulling for hector, winter tharja, and leif and naturally only pulled every other 5-star unit for those colors, Oh well, at least now I have a flying dragon and can plus 1 my legendary Ike and try out Brave Ike who I am sure is probably really powerful.

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