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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria @NegativeExponents- @Vaximillian @Rezzy @Usana @Cute Chao

I do pulls on my nephew's phone now and it's a hassle to save and upload images from there, so excuse me if the summon images don't have stars on them as they're from my hero catalog and occasionally will be going forward.

So I went into this banner with 123 orbs. The most I've ever had at once. I was optimistic but tried to stay realistic at the same time. My #1 Goal was L!Lyn but L!Lucina is a close 2nd at this point. I went in with the full intent to skip reds unless it was one for 3 orbs. I know full well I could be missing out on red *5's but I've made peace with the fact that I don't need nor do I want another horse Chrom or NY!Camilla and I can live without Ryoma. On the other hand WE!Lissa is a good unit or potential fodder and I don't have any of the blue units on the banner so those are prize choices. That being said I'd be sniping green and blue and in I went.

Boy oh boy... I don't think I've ever seen such an abundance of red stones. I mean wow, there wasn't a single pool that didn't have a red stone in it out of all the pools. So starting out I had to do a lot of sniping, the first pool was a horrid one of almost entirely *3's, 2nd pool had some decent fodder in it but predominantly red/colorless so I backed out after one or two pulls. There's only one green in the third pool, so I pull and~



So this is pretty cool. No it's not L!Lyn but it could have been an LA!Lillina whom I didn't want at all or worse, another -ATK or even -SPD variant of her. That being said, this one's +HP/-ATK which... is pretty bad. Her offense does her no favors with that bane. It's probably the worse bane she could possibly have. But all is not wasted. I can just max out her HM and fodder her for Bold Fighter. Though I'll have to think long and hard about who to give it to. It's the first time I've had such premium B skill fodder. So it's no joke there. Journey continues.

Blue and green continue to be scarce. A few pools later I get my first pool with 4 red and 1 colorless (...really?).. so I go for the colorless because hey Matt's +9 and~



I was not pulling for you! Yep it's Brave Lyn. The first one I've ever pulled that wasn't the free one actually. I was trying to avoid colorless *5's as I have them all but she's still a welcome bonus. She's +DEF/-SPD which is horrific but while Lyn's my favorite, I'm not really interested in merging her so I believe I've come into the possession of yet more Swift Sparrow 2 fodder. That makes 2 fodder for the coveted A skill. I really need to start giving this skill to people.

So, continuing my huge summoning session, pulling garbage here, a Shanna there and my orbs are nearing depletion. On one specific session there are 2 blue orbs. One gives me a *3, and the other gives me~



Wasn't expecting this one. Hey there Ishtar, your art is really nice, though you seem like you're having hip problems. So yeah, she was actually the last thing I wanted out of the blues as L!Lucina is ridiculous and Azura is the only launch dancer I still don't have. While I have plenty of powerful blue mages and they seem to keep pouring in now, almost as if it's redemption for all of them being -ATK or -SPD the first half of my playing the game. Ishtar herself is +RES/-HP which isn't all that great, but the superboon and bane cancel eachother out and her offenses are untouched so she'll do just fine. I gave the Shanna I pulled during the session to her almost immediately so she'll be ready to go as soon as she's leveled.

Pulled a bit more fodder and went down exactly to 0 orbs, albeit with a flat 8% rate. So... I'm left with mixed feelings honestly. Yeah, I pulled a good amount of *5's for the orbs I had I think and they're all useful. Heck I even pulled some pretty premium fodder while avoiding any units that I didn't want. At the same time I didn't get anything I truly wanted from the banner. I wanted L!Lyn, L!Lucina or Azura more than anything. Still it's hard to be ungrateful as I'm sitting in a pretty good spot if I want to build up units.

I could keep going on this banner as the next month is about to roll in and the orbs are about to start piling up.... but the daily banners are a thing, I still have a 3.75% rate on the Ylessian Heroes banner (Which I greatly regret. That's 55 orbs spent over there.) plus CYL is around the corner and it may be best to save up. So I'm in a tough spot... not sure how to proceed.

After seeing the horrific sessions some of the other people here had with more or similar orbs though, I'd say I'm blessed all the same.

EDIT: Also worth noting that this session gave me the last Lukas and the last 2 Ninos I needed to +10 them. So there's that as well.

Edited by Zeo
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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Darn, at least 4 stars save you feathers for foddering

Wouldn't mind 3* pulls if they came along with a 5*. Sorry about your misfortune with Lyns nature, at least SPD tactic is a cool skill. 

1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

Well, I dumped my 80 orbs into the legendary banner mainly aiming for green, since I really wanted Lissa. And.. I got her, on the last session I was able to pull. Of course after my excitement cleared I saw she's -atk +spd, the absolute most garbage nature she could have. Honestly, it went from making my morning to ruining it. The IV system sucks and has really been fucking me up lately.

Ouch that hurts, sorry about the bad natures you keep pulling. Perhaps sacrifice her for bold fighter and try again on her next banner?

12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

After seeing the horrific sessions some of the other people here had with more or similar orbs though, I'd say I'm blessed all the same.

Good way to see it. Sorry you got the wrong Lyn, merge fodder is always nice at least. 

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Im trying to figure out (after i spend some time gathering more orbs) what do i want to do. 
Get my Sky Olivia 
Try to get Miciah 
Or spend time in the new banner because it has a better drop rate. 


i simply don't know. 

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I went in with 13 little orbs and came out with another Knight Exalt Chrom from my free pull and Legendary Lucina in the next summoning session.

I was super surprised because I've been having terrible luck with these Legendary banners! I'll try to see if I can manage to get Ishtar, too.

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@Zeo I know they weren’t the units you wanted but those are some nice pulls anyway. And getting the Lukas and Ninos you needed to +10 them is a neat bonus.

I just summoned on the sole green and blue orbs in the circle as anyone from those colors would be greatly appreciated. I sadly got nothing worthwhile though. Completing the Camilla collection would’ve been great too but not worth going through reds.

Seeing your summons really makes me want to continue summoning but I also want to save up orbs for that Takumi banner that’s coming. I don’t know, maybe I’ll give it one more try later.

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

i simply don't know. 

I've spent some 600 orbs total on Legendary banners and gotten zero units I wanted. I recently spent 196 orbs for Micaiah and got pitybroken twice and only have 325 orbs at the present. I still want that Micaiah, and I want that Lucina, but all "evidence" points to it becoming a dumpster fire, and I've got no 3-4 star blues that I need for fodder. 

I know how you feel.

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Okay 172 orbs which is not a ton. Avoiding all but greys with blues being top priority since I own none of those three. Would be really nice to add Legendary Lyn and Ryoma as well as Camilla and Lissa to the roster as well. But I can live without a shot at Hinoka.

First attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


4*Effie +Def/-Res

Second attempt. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey


4* Corrin+HP/-Def

4* Bartre +Spd/-Def

4*Tharja +Def/-Res

Third attempt. 2 red, 1 green, 2 grey


4* Sheena +HP/-Spd

4* Seth +Def-Atk

4* Fir +Spd/-HP

So close on that sheena

Fourth attempt 1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey


3* Abel +Res/-Spd

4* Nowi +Res/-Def

3* Palla +Atk/-Def

Fifth attempt with 9% pity rate. I could use a pull with less than two greys. 3 red, 1 green, 1 grey


3* Hinata +Atk/-Def

3*Lonqu - +Atk/-Res

3* Stahl +Atk/-Res

3* Soren +Res/-HP

sooo close on that Hinata, and I already have an optimal lonqu and stahl

Sixth attempt with 9.5% pity rate. 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 grey



3* Cordelia +HP/-Atk

4* Tharja +Res/-Def

3*Priscilla +Res/-Atk

3* Lucius +Atk/-Def

5* LA!Lilina +Def/-HP

Saw this coming two months ago when they started lagging on green seasonals. The game conspired to have Lilina and Lissa on the same banner just to avoid having a combination of Hector with one of the winter greens. What a waste.


Seventh attempt. 2 blue, 3 grey. 



3*Sully Neutral

4* Oscar +Atk/-Def


Eighth attempt. 1 red, 1 green, 3 grey



3* Corrin +HP/-Def

4* Sheena +Spd/-HP


Ninth attempt. 3 blue, 1 green, 1 grey



4* Oscar +Spd/-Atk

4*L'Arachel +Atk/-HP

3* Gunter +HP/-Def

3* Clair +HP/-Res

4* Rebecca Neutral


Tenth attempt. 1 red, 2 green, 2 grey


4* Roy +Res/-HP

3* Boey +Res/-HP

5* Lilina +Res/-HP

Eleventh attempt. 1 red, 1 green, 3 grey


4* Selena +Atk/-Spd

4* Frederick +Atk/-Spd

Twelfth attempt 4 red, 1 blue



4* Chrom +HP/-Def

4* Ogma +Def/-Atk

4* Odin +Atk/-Res

4* Sophia Neutral

4* Athena +HP/-Def


This was going to be the first hundreds of orbs summoning session I wouldn't report in exhaustive detail but I'm not really sure I believe the result. 

TL;DR: 172 orbs got me two dupe five stars. Apparently pulling reds, blues, and greens only IS color sniping. Over 40% of the orbs that appeared were grey. And although I own only 2 of the 9 units that may appear, Lilina showed up twice. I've had worse summoning sessions than this, especially in terms of straight statistics. But this probably ranks among my top three. No units added to my collection. No optimal natures for units I haven't yet built. Nothing nothing nothing. 

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Alright, gonna start the Legendary Banner with the new Orb set tomorrow, while I grind for some Orbs in game. I was insanely lucky with the Summer Heroes so I'm not gonna push my luck and expect too much this time.

Main Goals: Lucina, Lissa

Nice if I can get: Green!Lyn, Azura, Lilina

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Well my free pulls on the last two banners have been nothing and I am up to 4.50% pity rate on the Awakening banner.  Hopefully tomorrow's monthly orb quests will break my pity rate with Sky Olivia because I am really sick of seeing the same 3 and 4* reds over and over again:(  Heck I will even take Eldigan breaking my pity rate, any 5* is better then none.

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Spent all my orbs on the banner, but all I got was 3* and 4* units. Shame, I want to save up orbs from next month on. Gacha failed me big time once again.

The bad luck is unreal.

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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch that hurts, sorry about the bad natures you keep pulling. Perhaps sacrifice her for bold fighter and try again on her next banner?

I wouldn't mind too much on some units, but it stinks when it's the ones I hoped to actually play with as well. I was looking forward to a Brave Axe quad build with Lissa, but it'd probably be a waste on this -atk one. I may hold on to her in case I can't manage to get a replacement with the Christmas rerun later. (seeing how I got 5 Bride Caedas instead of Bride Charlotte, Lissa sharing green with Chrom might turn out the same way)

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@Alkaid Bad nature day is biting also me. I decided to try for Lucina, since her Assist could be something fancy in my clears.




First I got a Camilla. I thought I could repair my -SPD Swordmilla and this new one is really +SPD ... but also -ATK ... 







Then Lucina arrived! Sadly -ATK as well, which is really a bummer since in my clears she needs to kill fast. 

So I pulled three legendary units ever, one being Gunnthrá -SPD, Ike - HP and Lucina -ATK. I really wanted Grima as well, but at least I got some Legaults and a Kaze. No merge material though ...

Good luck on the winter banner rerun! 


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Took my piddly 126 orbs, went in for L!Ryoma and W!Lissa and ended up with a +ATK -SPD Exalted Chrom and a +ATK -DEF W!Lissa. Both are now the base units and sitting at +1. 

I have about 43 orbs left and I want to dip back in to pull another W!Lissa or, interestingly enough, try to pull a F!Corrin to give Dark Breath to M!Kana. But, I think I'm gonna wait until those 1-day banners show up and try to get a 5* one to avoid having to dish out 20k feathers.

All in all, this legendary summoning session was decent. I'm satisfied with what I got.

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So being as impatient as I am, I wanted to see if I could pop my 9.5% rate before the August orbs drop. It ended up being worth it for once.



And it only took five banners to get her (nature is neutral)! Another Nanna for a potential +10 one is nice as well.


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@Zeo Nice pulls...even though it's not exactly what you wanted. I'm really rooting for you to get Lyn the right Lyn. It looks like she's coming back in October, I believe...if I'm remembering that correctly. And Lucina isn't coming back until November.... But at the very least, getting the last merges you needed is incredibly rewarding! Sometimes getting those 3/4 star units is even more rewarding. Now if only the game would give me more Shigure. >.>

I'm in a pretty weird place too. Of course my free circle had no blues, and I got a 3 star Cecilia for my troubles. So I decided I wanted a chance to throw SOME orbs at Lucina. Went in a few more times and didn't really get much. Oddly enough, I got WAY more green stones than blue stones. I'm not sure if I want to try a few more times trying to YOLO a Lucina or if I just want to cut my losses and save. I'm not too concerned with spending orbs on the daily banners... The special heroes banner will last a month....but also there's CYL.... Ugh. Too much to worry about. lol 

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@mampfoidDamn, sorry the -atk luck rubbed off on you today.

Nice you got Lucina! Even if she's kind of gimped there, at least she can still kill some things thanks to color advantage.(I won't lie that my -atk L Lyn is still pretty bad, but Lucina's got better stats and no superbane in atk, so she might still be okay) I'd love to keep pulling for Lucina myself(and a better Lissa), but I both have no orbs and Azura/Ishtar isn't that good for me either, so I guess it's fine to wait till next time to try again.

And thanks! Shared colors are truly evil, so I'll have to hoard orbs plenty of orbs for it if I can.

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Heroes didn't want to give me Blue Orbs today, but that's okay. I got 4 5-Stars from a whole lot of Orbs, but I think it was worth it since I got:

Female Grima: +SPD/-DEF. Not sure if this is better than the +DEF/-RES I already have, but she's neat.

Brave Lyn: I was disappointed at first, but she's +ATK/-HP so I'm no longer disappointed. In fact, I'm quite happy.

Ryoma: I was so happy when he showed up! He's +HP/-ATK but his ATK is still okay and I can just toss him a Slaying Edge+ And Bushido so he can be Karel with better hair and SPD and I'm so damn happy right now~

Azura: Not Lucina, but the Lady of the Lake swimming into my barracks isn't bad either. +RES/-SPD means she'll be able to run Ploys and still have not-terrible SPD. Now I'm hoping that I'm right about her appearance on this banner means she's getting a personal weapon with the update after the next one.

Definitely gonna keep trying, but I'm happy with what I've pulled so far.

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Game, why you always doing this to me?

When I need a Swift Sparrow fodder. You gave me (+Atk,-Def) Ishtar.

When I need a Spd Tactics fodder. You gave me (+Spd, -HP) Legendary Lyn.

I will keep Ishtar for the sake of Tier 1 blue mage.

But Lyn, you are going to die now. Because she will always die to any DC sword user and OP red Lilina.

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180 orbs on the distant def banner sniping blue netted me a Lancina, Lute, and finally one Micaiah, but I'm up to a 4% pity rate now.  Really wanted some Micaiah merges, but had to remind myself that I had the same chance of getting pitybreakers as I did Micaiah.  If only they weren't my third of both Lancina and Lute, I might be happier.  Still never pulled a Hinoka, Ishtar, Tana or Delthea, so it would have been nice to get one of them if I had to get a pity breaker (somehow, I've pulled every other 5* exclusive blue in the pool).   At least I got one more Micaiah, so I can be happy about that!  (Even if none of the five have been +Atk...)

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82 Orbs (and some luck) netted me:

NY!Camilla (+Def/-HP) New unit, huzzah! Not a bad IV either!
Legendary!Lucina (+HP/-Def) Newest unit, huzzah! AND FINALLY A LUCINA THAT DOESN'T HAVE A MASK HAS COME HOME! :D I have literally zero other Lucinas.
Legendary!Lyn (+Res/-Atk (uuughh...)) New unit! With a terrible IV but I love her anyway!
LA!Lilina (+Spd/-HP) My fourth Valentine's Lilina, but this one has a better nature than my old +Spd/-Atk one, so OMNOMNOMNOM

I don't know why, but this banner was extremely nice to me. Only units I'd want from it now are Helpful!Chrom and Ringaling!Lissa. Horse Chrom is in the normal pool and while I don't really want to wait until December or January... I don't have any orbs left, and paying for this banner would just strike me as extremely greedy on my part, so I think unless I get another 20 orbs by the time it's done, I guess I'm all out for this banner, but three new units for my orbs is more than I expected! Thanks Legendary Lucina banner! Now be nice to everyone else, y'hear?

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5 hours ago, Alkaid said:

@mampfoidDamn, sorry the -atk luck rubbed off on you today.

Nice you got Lucina! Even if she's kind of gimped there, at least she can still kill some things thanks to color advantage.(I won't lie that my -atk L Lyn is still pretty bad, but Lucina's got better stats and no superbane in atk, so she might still be okay) I'd love to keep pulling for Lucina myself(and a better Lissa), but I both have no orbs and Azura/Ishtar isn't that good for me either, so I guess it's fine to wait till next time to try again.

And thanks! Shared colors are truly evil, so I'll have to hoard orbs plenty of orbs for it if I can.

Ha thanks, now that I think about it, I'm really lucky that I didn't get Azura (bad fodder). I guess you are right, that bane won't hurt her as much as other units. 

@Ginko That's really premium fodder, congrats! Who will be so lucky to inherit the skill? 

6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

And it only took five banners to get her (nature is neutral)! Another Nanna for a potential +10 one is nice as well.

Nice, congratulations! 

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I think I pulled like...4 brave Lyns, and I already had one. At least I got a Hinoka, but... 300 orbs (which I was actually saving for the next seasonal banner) and no F!Grima. ;-;

I'm glad I FINALLY pulled a Seth though. :D Got a Nana for the first time, too.

Hmm... Did all these Lyns come at me because they think I'm "THE ENEMY!" or something? *trying to summon someone possessed by an evil fell dragon* Why would they think that, I wonder...

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Annoyingly the A and C monthly quests left me one orb short of a full session, so I had to grind out a training stratum monthly on top.

4* Subaki +Spd -Atk
3* Ogma +Def -Atk
3* Sophia Neutral
4* Raven +Res -HP
3* Clarine +Spd -Res

Hopefully the "celebration" orbs are kinder than these ones, because that was a shocker.

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@Zeo Congrats on the haul! Sure it's not the one you wanted but at least you had good fodder and nice merge potential there!

Now that I think about it, this banner seems to be the best one if you want unique archers. Bow archer Lyn, flying archer Kinoka and then the two coloured archers...

@mampfoid Nice that you got the new archer! Too bad about the -Atk as well, looks like we share the fact we summoned -Atk coloured archers this time haha.

@Rafiel's Aria It's funny how green orbs appear when you're not actively green sniping! Blue orbs were rare and one session had 3 green orbs, I pulled one then was scared and backed out haha

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