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Well, I got a green node on my wheel for the free 5*. I was all "Okay, so that's either Julia, Diedre, or Hector. Good odds of a good unit. I'll be happy with Julia, but I would really rather have Hector for the fodder. I do NOT want Diedre. I've already gotten her at least once, maybe twice. I'll go for it since my other options are colorless and red and though I'd like Sigurd or an Alm merge, and neither are likely." And...I get Diedre. The ONE unit I didn't want. Ah well... She was free, so I can't really complain. It was disappointing, though, and I had instant regret that I didn't go for a red node.

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I wanted blue for my free 5*, but I only had red and green. I went for green in hopes of DC, got a +hp/-res Deirdre. I wish I didn't spend so much trying for her a few weeks ago, but alas!


I also got my first B Eliwood from a ticket!! +Spd/-Res, so extremely optimal! I now have all of the Brave heroes from each year!!

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@mcsilas Sheesh those are some quality pulls! Especially that Mareeta!

Everyone's pulls have been so great on this banner. I hope the same will ring true for me as I haven't used my tickets yet. I did however, use my free *5 summon. (excuse the volume icon)


Literally best case scenario. One green stone, Hector's in it, and he's even +ATK/-HP. I don't even know where to begin. If this is a sign of things to come I'm ecstatic.

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@mcsilas @Alexmender @mampfoid @DLNarshen @Landmaster @SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane @Sunwoo @Dayni

@Roflolxp54 Congrats on your +10 Lyn! As someone who's wanted to +10 her myself, I feel bad for not giving you the props you deserve!

So if you guys didn't see, I got a Hector for my free *5 which was great. I went in on the tickets on the new heroes banner. Passed up a lot of reds and blues so no *5's wasn't a big surprise but I only spent 4 orbs so no big loss there. I went back to the revival banner with 29 orbs and a 4.67% rate. With just a little hope and the comfort of the Hector I just pulled, I pulled any reds I saw and passed on all greens but one, lucky me, as that one green I pulled finally netted me another Ross!

Down to 10 orbs rather quickly, I went back in expecting 3 red stones as that's how things usually go. To my surprise there was just one, and inside it?



The relief I feel inside is immesurable. Maybe it's only one, but maybe only one is all I need. After blowing my 140+ stash on Bramimond (whom I did get!) I didn't have much hope at pulling even a single Lyn merge, but I persisted all the same with the meager orbs I had left and after a bit of rate raising, here she is. +SPD/-RES so I actually maybe should think weather I want to keep +ATK or go +SPD since I'm not sure what's better at the highest level.

All the same... Lyn is a record breaker as my first *5 exclusive to go up to +4 (Hector would already be there, but DC is too good to pass up. Ironically he's my favorite male character and he'd be around +5 if I only merged him.) And she gets a beautiful +1 to ATK and SPD. I think I'll start giving her Dragonflowers now. Maybe next year we'll get her to +10. Who knows? 

Now I can officially save.

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@Zeo Congrats on both Hector and Lyn! Going for +Atk or +Spd is certainly hard considering Lyn really needs both. I'd personally lean towards +Spd just to be safe against those Mareetas and Larceis. 

Having a 5* exclusive with high merges is certainly a nice feeling. I'd like to say that my highest merged unit is one of my favorites, but turns out it is OG!Alm who's going to be at +7 after I get the limited manual (all but 1 copy are pity breakers and free summons), at least my 2nd place at +5 is H!Myrrh and I did pull for her on purpose.

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Some of us are lucky ducks with their Hectors @Zeo. I mean, I got a Robin merge.

There's still Lilith and Rinkah.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Camilla (Why? +Atk/-Res), 3* Ogma (No, no need. +Res/-HP), 3* Lissa (So many launch units, not enough feathers. +Atk/-HP), 4* Jeorge (I never get Klein enough. +Def/-HP), 3* Wrys (The man offers potions in trying times.+Spd/-HP)


2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Nino (I need no nino. +Atk/-HP), 3* Gunter (There's units who really should show up. +Atk/-Res), 3* F!Corrin (Why? +Atk/-HP), 4* M!Morgan (Norgan. Neutral), 4* Azama (This update's really not changed the pool imo. +Atk/-HP, lots of this nature though)


2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Nowi (Wrong dragon. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Mordecai (Of all the units I'd rather not see.... +HP/-Res), 4* Echidna (FINALLY A UNIT I WANT TO SEE +Atk/-Def, Great base but I kind of want +Res for my plans), 3* Caeda (Why must you torment me? +Spd/-Res), 4* Gaius (Why would I want any of this? +Atk/-Res)


Let's go with Lilith because Rinkah is in a better (You'd think) pool. I want to hold off for a minute.

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@Zeo Wow and the luck keeps adding up for you! Congrats on the Ross!!! 

...oh and Lyn, too

Congrats! Those two boons are always hard to choose, especially if you plan to merge. I think she wants more Atk generally but unsure what endgame stats should be chosen

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Got a neutral Azura from the Fire Emblem Leads summon (there were 4 reds and 1 blue). Welp, that puts my Azura at +4 merge.

Got some insane luck with the Fates banner -- 5 freebies and 16 orbs got me 2 +HP Midori's.

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Despite I'm not into Fates, I made use of the new "offer" raised my number of pulls to reach the free 5* focus.

It was not a waste of orbs.

I got some 5*, even if all of them were non-focuses (SwordReinhardt, Nailah, FemaleByleth, BowHinoka).

FemaleByleth is new for me with a very good nature (+spd / -def), Nailah has a better boon now (+spd), and Hinoka got rid of her res superbane. 

Free pick was Midori since I already pulled Lilith and Forrest, and I wanted to train a foot bow user after a very long time.

Edited by Reisalin Stout
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Well free 5* was Ninian which was nice I like her and she is now +3.  I got nothing with the tickets except a 4*Hinata for fury fodder.  I was dumb and tried again on the mythic banner but am now out of orbs and have nothing worth talking about.  Starting tomorrow I am really going to save orbs because my luck hasn't been that good.  I am now really going to save for the brave banner and pray to Naga that one of them is a colorless tome unit because I want a colorless tome at some point.  

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I was going to for Lilith on the 40th Summon but I got her on my first free summon along with Ranulf as well.

I don't think I 'm going to go for 40 summons since I'm not doing any projects right now.

When I wished I was unlucky was when I was the most lucky. Oh well, at least I don't have to grind for orbs to pull the next new hero that piques my interest.

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Well, I managed to get a Lilith! =D ...But she's +res/-spd. I think that may be her worst possible nature, so I'm hoping to pull another of her (hopefully, a +spd one.) I also got my first Altina (Cuan's daughter; I can never remember which one is Altina and which is Altena) which is nice because she's pretty cool. I recently got my first Siegbert and my first Ferdinand, too, so it's been pretty okay.

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Ditched my 300 orbs into blue hoping for the first blue unit I liked in a long time, and I got Forrest and the Red archer instead, same awful luck I had with Holiday Sothis.

The free unit is much better than where I would have been.

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Ended up spending around 170 orbs in the Fates banner. The results:

Paladin Chrom (+Atk -HP): He's new to me and showed up in the first circle so I'll take him. Great IV too.

Forrest (+Spd -HP): Also got another one at 4*.

Rinkah (Neutral): Consolation pull.

Perceval (+Res -Atk): Was hoping to end with Lilith but got this pity break instead. He's new to me though, so he's welcome. That IV though, ugh.

Still, not a bad haul for what I spend. The Consolation Pull definitely makes things more manageable, so it's a welcome feature. Too bad it's not for Seasonal and Legendary/Mythic banners.

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welp, went to do my final yolo pulls, partly out of frustration from no calendar yet.

Mythic yolo gave me a 3rd F!Grima for my second account, +Res/-HP. Already have a +Spd one, so maybe Res Smoke fodder (unsure who yet, maybe Male Morgan?)

then with remaining story orbs i went all in for either Skylivia or a Kinoka merge to fix -Atk. 

Unfortunately after 4% I got +Spd/-Atk Mercedes, as the last reminder of the 4 star-5 star before she demotes further lol... already promoted a +Atk one so it's mainly choosing the boon.

Unfortunate, but I did get 2 Cains which are always nice. And two Bradys (Def and Res), so unsure what to change from neutral. Still waiting for Atk or Spd though... 

guess it's time for a summoning break and let orbs gather again

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Eirika merge? It's that or an old man and a unit I hate seeing in this game.

2 Blue, 1 each Red., Green, Colourless

4* M!Corrin (Definitely not. +Def/-Atk)

I'll try and break that rate.

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Cordelia (Just... don't. +Res/-Atk)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Echidna (Nice. +Atk/-Res, another one for the project.), 4* Python (Could be worse. +Def/-Spd)


2 Blue, 1 each Red., Green, Colourless

3* Cecilia (There's legit worse. +Spd/-Def)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Barst (Reposition. I'll take it. +HP/-Def)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Camilla (This is not the Fates axe I'm looking for. +Def/-HP), 3* Soren (Definitely not. +Spd/-HP)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

5* RInkah (It's Ms. Angry. +Def/-Res, least it's on brand (Not as much as -Atk. :P)), ), 4* Tailtiu (Fodder. +Def/-Res), 4* Sophia (No Replendesent is going to get her off the bench. +HP/-Def), 4* Clarine (More launch units. +Res/-Spd), 3* Legault (It's a shame that merge project won't happen. +Def/-Spd)

We're done here. Definitely not the best 5* luck, with only Midori and Rinkah to show for it after hitting 4.5% on the latter. The free summon was Lilith and due to two Forrests showing up it was a clean sweep, but still. Where are all the new colourless units at?

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Free pull in the New Power was a 3* Clair as there weren't any red orbs. 

Today I also got to 20 orbs and made another round in the rev banner. I ended up getting another Midori and a Kaze so it was a good session. They became manuals along with Gharnef and Hana to pass all the skills to either L. Julia or Brunnya and Kaze has many units wanting that C slot so he waits for now. 10 more summons to go until Lilith. 

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Free pulled a decent IVd version of the Dagger Dancer who's name is just not memorable enough +Atk so she might be worth bringing along to build.  Still saving orbs for Lucy's revival banner.  And I seriously hope she comes painlessly.

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5 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Free pulled a decent IVd version of the Dagger Dancer who's name is just not memorable enough +Atk so she might be worth bringing along to build.  Still saving orbs for Lucy's revival banner.  And I seriously hope she comes painlessly.

Tethys? Excuse me, but her name is not just some random group of letters, which I feel you're acting like it is. It clearly comes from one of two possible origins. There's the Tethys Ocean, an ancient body of water that later would become the Atlantic and Pacific. It existed during the times of the supercontinent Pangaea. Then there's also a moon at Saturn called Tethys.

Science is great imo, so I like her name, personally.

I free pulled a random 3 star, so feathers.

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