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Grand Hero Battle - Aversa: Dark One (October 25th~)


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7 hours ago, ruruo said:

A Celica for every occasion. It'll make the team look very aesthetic for sure. Wonder what weapon she'd have x) 

Red dagger or bow would be nice, but I bet it would be tome or sword again. ^^' 

7 hours ago, ruruo said:

Thank you :D I'm super biased think he's good investment. Parthia takes advantage of his stat line on higher merges very well. Hm, I also think it also depends on how much you like using Parthia too, as it's his only niche over other archers with better pure offensive spreads. 

Well, I didn't play his games, but Jeorge has been my first 5* archer (pity broke me on the first Hero fest banner trying for Takumi) and has been my Brave+ archer ever since. He got a unique look and I would like to use Parthia more. 

I piled up feathers for a red +10 unit, but if we get a the 10th and 11th M!Marth (mine is +8) before I get copies of Caeda, most of those feathers would be free for a colorless +10 project. His nature is +ATK/-HP which is perfect for Brave bow, perhaps I would switch to a +SPD nature for Parthia. 

5 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

@mampfoid Always refreshing to see Lunge in a clear. Congrats!


I need that skill as a seal. :-) 

5 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Coming in late once more to ask about Units that might cheese this on Lunatic, I'm fine to miss the 2k Feather one for now but my alt can't clear Lunatic due to having M-Grima instead of F-Grima and not having Veronica. Thank goodness they've made a habit of redoing all of these over time(new rotation with Version 3.0 anyone?).

PM1 has got a lunatic solution (no SI, 1 seal) with L!Ike, 4* Ursula, 4* Narcian and 4* Olivia: 

The video contains 3 solutions for Infernal as well. 


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@mcsilas That feeling you get when you realize you unintentionally built the exact same Cordelia as someone else (Mine has Drag Back, but still.). I was really feeling my Galeforce Lon'Qu, but you really made things happen with Cordelia, the original GF. Still, I was the most surprised by the fact that you all but cleared the entire map before killing Aversa. You dealt with her tome's effect the whole map which I have to hand it to you for. Also a lot of anxiety built up when I saw Aversa go for Tiki, rightfully so turns out. Excellent choice of music as well. One of my favorites. I think I may have used that in a clear actually!

I see that Brazen Seal is working wonders for you too! That Blue Flame followed by the flashy kill on Aversa with Lucina was too good! I really enjoy the sound effect of Blue Flame's activation. It only makes me want Owain more. I enjoyed that clear a lot more than I thought I would. Putting Inigo in front of the 2 blues even with TA3 was worrisome but you knew what you were doing and Lucina came swooping in with Future Vision. After that, the rest was gravy.

One does not simply run double Life and Death on a unit. I wouldn't have had the guts to do something like that. I love Galeforce but it was satisfying seeing those special procs. For me what made this clear awesome was that I saw echoes of my own clears in it. From someone warping in to kill to blue cav to Lon'Qu killing the topside reinforcements (though with Lucina's help.) and even some of Maribelle's actions. Of course everything after the half-way point was all you. Your team worked together to dispatch the last 4 remaining enemies once again making perfect use of Future Vision. Really makes me want a L!Lucina all over again. 

Favorite clear was the first, though they're all good. You've matched me 3 for 3 this time! Also while I've never played Awakening, without even playing it I'm telling you right now Owain is Lon'Qu's son. I couldn't possibly see him as anyone else's child. I don't know if there is a "canon" pairing, but that's his dad as far as I'm concerned and should I play Awakening, that's exactly what I'm going to make happen even if I don't really like the black hair look on him.

And yeah, I use Amelia as my resident warping angel of death, but Frederick is actually the OG now that I remember and he's gotten me out of a few pinches. Both in the early game and a few times in today's age. He's timeless.

Finally... now that you mention it... yeah, I don't think Matt's team moved from their position almost the entire battle. Feels good man. Abyssal is one thing, but Infernal maps aren't going to tell my bottom tier dagger what squares he can and can't be on.

@Landmaster I've seen your *5 +4 Lon'Qu in the projects thread. Give that man Galeforce! I'm telling you, you won't regret it! I'm going to be jealous of that +2 to all stats you're going to get above me when he's +10. I really like the guy, but 220k+ feathers is an investment I just can't make in him.

What an unorthodox clear here. I don't see L!Lyn in action often. Even if people don't think she's very good I really want her so this was a treat. Also tanking red mages as a green unit because you can is always fun. The more I see this game evolve, the less and less relevant these new units make the weapon triangle.

@SatsumaFSoysoy It's not as bad as you think it is. Most clears don't require any SI at all and when they do it's just a *4 or two. Lon'Qu's is probably my most expensive clear to date at 40k and even then it wasn't exactly on an impulse. Maribelle's Martyr+ is worthless and Restore+ is a better choice for her not only for the purpose of the clear but because of the fact that I don't have a Restore+ staff user at *5 (Sorry, Nanna).

As for Lon'Qu, I'd always considered an infantry GF user in Raven, but I just never committed to it. This gave me the push I needed and it's already paying off in other modes. Otherwise the only thing that went to waste was a *3 Setsuna to give M!Robin Bowbreaker. This may make it seem like it, but I'm not exactly liberal with my SI. I'm sitting on literal dozens of premium fodder that I've had for almost a year or longer.

Nice clear there as well! You don't see Sophia often anymore and you made superb use of her here. The green+bow combo suiciding on her twice in a row which had her special ready to nuke the flier was awesome.

@Alexmender Never count out those *4+10's. I didn't used to think about it but it's basically a cheap *5+5. He may lack versatility but as someone with Ayra, Lyn, Swordhardt, F!Celica, Brave Roy etc I can tell you that in terms of pure Player Phase he is my best sword unit bar none. You could replicate the build rather easy with Karla since they're stats with him as +5 and her at +0 are pretty similar and she can surpass him rather easily. Either way, Karla's all you need right now, but don't count him out for the future.

Huh... I've never thought of giving Matt Guard... I should do that just to see if I get more DEF wins. Guard on a unit like him is just mean.

@ruruo Your clear was unorthodox as well! Special Spiral on Jeorge! I love seeing character loyalty. Michalis ignoring the weapon triangle against the brave sword user was a treat too. Also Maria who I almost picked over Serra as my infantry healer of choice. Haha! That second clear though! Glad I was able to change your mind on Aether. With a skill like Flashing/Heavy Blade or Special Spiral, you'll be sure to make it proc all the time. It almost makes me wish I'd gotten it for Matthew.

@Nanima That Bow Knight had me scared for your team. If you do decide to take a break, that was a pretty good battle to stop on. Really enjoyed the music selection as well. Why is it that everyone has a flying dancer but me?... Got to pull for her when New Years rolls around.

@mampfoid Hey, this is the guy that tanked a Bonfire from Grima. Surely a Dragon Fang from one of his servants felt like nothing more than a stiff breeze. And yes, you're right. Galeforce is amazing. I can't believe it took me so long to make a unit like this. I need more of them. Maybe I'll finally give it to Raven.

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@mampfoid If you mean the enemy phase music- it's in the game settings and not the emulator settings. Just turn Enemy Music to Off and the music won't do the annoying start from the top at each player phase thing.

Not exactly revenge on Aversa, just ironic since this map was based on the map before the final boss. And Aversa was about worshipping Grima at this stage, so it's kind of ironic for her to see Grima's power face to face haha.

FEH sure likes giving Aversa Watersweep for some reason, Lunatic had it as well. Well at least it made sure Tiki survived haha

Also fun fact, I actually did the Awakening kids clear last (Cherche/Cordelia/Grima/Tiki was my first completion. This was before I read that the best way was to rush Aversa from the left ASAP). I didn't intend the clears to be too similar team-wise- it was mostly because they were the only thematic Awakening units I had that worked for the overall clear haha. (For example, Olivia doesn't quite work as a child unit clear and Owain was my only sword child unit).

Maybe if I have more time I'll give Morgan another try. Maybe try to involve Gerome somehow.

@ruruo Oooh nice Jeorge showcase! I appreciate it since Jeorge is my first proper archer in the game. Parthia is interesting but he hasn't been quite high enough on the Divine Dew upgrade list but it's nice to see how he works. Also yeah the armours are annoying if you don't have a Res-hitting unit haha.

@Zeo Well actually Cordelia usually has Drag Back, but that meant dragging Aversa closer to Cherche and boom, Cherche would've been blasted by Aversa's Night. This is one of those instances where the small detail in Hit and Run really mattered. As I mentioned to mampfoid's reply, this was my first blind clear so I never thought about rushing Aversa ASAP to prevent the panic debuffs haha. And yes, you have used that music in a clear and I recognised it straight away, I was just surprised with how key moments of this video matched up with the music so I went with this (it was either this or Chaos Ablaze since it fits having Grima in the team).

Yeah the big downside to Galeforce is not hearing the special lines :(. Oh and I guess feather investment for Cordelia upgrades as well. The second half of the Lon'qu clear was actually different from the original (and another alternate try), so it could have had a number of endings. One of them was Lon'qu getting more kills in the end, but that was after I uploaded the current video. I sort of miss the Wo Dao's +10 damage and the colour scheme, but Solitary Blade works as well for more power.

Funny you say Owain is Lon'qu's son, a lot of people speculate that because both the Lon'qu x Lissa and Owain x Father unit supports mention taking an arrow, so many headcanons use that as a basis. I guess it's also the myrimidon design for both of them haha.  Personally I like the Lon'qu x Cherche support but the downside is Cherche isn't Owain's mom

I wonder if Amelia will have Escape Route in a future clear

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7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid If you mean the enemy phase music- it's in the game settings and not the emulator settings. Just turn Enemy Music to Off and the music won't do the annoying start from the top at each player phase thing.

Strange, I thought I had it deactivated also in the emulator. Will check again this evening. 

Good luck finding a way for Gerome and Morgan! Haven't been too motivated to do my Oliver clear. My first tries failed miserably. 

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@Flying Shogi Thanks! Mine is +spd/-hp. I think +atk/-def would be really good on him. I've been wanting to try out +atk for ages, just never pulled it with -hp. (I only kept to -hp, because of merges and summoner support. He'd end up with 48 hp without it, which imho is a little high for hp threshold skills.) So long as it's not -spd or -atk he'll do good for you :D  

@Landmaster Aw, I hope a good IVed Jeorge comes home for you. 

Went back and found your clear btw. Completely missed it at first >_<! Love your team, what a combination. It's great to see some S!Catria action, she kept the Egg :wub: . There were some really close calls with Lyn. 

@mampfoid  Celica still hasn't had a seasonal yet, there's still hope ~

That Marth sounds amazing! And a Caeda project too... They're going to be quite the pair! :'D 

+atk/-hp is really good for Jeorge! That's the only IVs I'd want to swap for actually. Last time I've run it through a simulator, there's not much difference between +atk or +spd. Having the extra attack might just be better in the long run, even for Parthia, because there may come a time where the extra +3 speed won't make much of a difference. There's been quite a few new units with high base speed, and it's also pretty easy stat to buff.

@Zeo Aw shucks! Thank you :) Needless to say your dedication to Matthew and Lon'qu is amazing. I really love seeing what people have done to improve day one units over time. They're so customisable since they do need inheritance to their base skill set. Frankly, you're not missing with Special Spiral. I do find it gimmicky. At the time it was inherited more out of curiosity than anything else.

@mcsilas  Glad to know you liked~ Thank you! 

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:


@Landmaster I've seen your *5 +4 Lon'Qu in the projects thread. Give that man Galeforce! I'm telling you, you won't regret it! I'm going to be jealous of that +2 to all stats you're going to get above me when he's +10. I really like the guy, but 220k+ feathers is an investment I just can't make in him.

What an unorthodox clear here. I don't see L!Lyn in action often. Even if people don't think she's very good I really want her so this was a treat. Also tanking red mages as a green unit because you can is always fun. The more I see this game evolve, the less and less relevant these new units make the weapon triangle.

If you recommend it, I'll take your word for it! Especially after seeing your clear. Never was really certain on the best Special for him but I'm liking how Galeforce looks.

Glad you enjoyed, I was happy to showcase her a bit since she's considered to be one of the lesser Legendary Heroes.

31 minutes ago, ruruo said:


@Landmaster Aw, I hope a good IVed Jeorge comes home for you. 

Went back and found your clear btw. Completely missed it at first >_<! Love your team, what a combination. It's great to see some S!Catria action, she kept the Egg :wub: . There were some really close calls with Lyn. 

Thanks~ <3

And no worries, I uploaded it pretty randomly, but thank you! I'm glad it ended up working out. Yeah, I usually like to keep Special weapons on Special Heroes XD Even though Lyn did most of the work, I was happy Catria came in useful, too since she was substituted for Tomehardt based on PheonixMaster's guide and was able to perform just as well

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36 minutes ago, ruruo said:

@mampfoid  Celica still hasn't had a seasonal yet, there's still hope ~

I bet she will get an seasonal alt, no idea when though. I hope it won't be too much out of role, something like the seasonal dancers would fit well into my team. I also liked the fallen heroes theme, but she got that already. 

38 minutes ago, ruruo said:

That Marth sounds amazing! And a Caeda project too... They're going to be quite the pair! :'D 

It's just all masked Marths merged together with Fury, Renewal, Aether, "Sealed" refinement and Reciprocal Aid. He is an helpful baby-sitter in Arena, but not as much as the real Marth would be. 

I think pairing masked Marth and Caeda would lead to some confusion. :-) I don't think I will merge her to +10 if I can get MM copies before. 

42 minutes ago, ruruo said:

+atk/-hp is really good for Jeorge! That's the only IVs I'd want to swap for actually. Last time I've run it through a simulator, there's not much difference between +atk or +spd. Having the extra attack might just be better in the long run, even for Parthia, because there may come a time where the extra +3 speed won't make much of a difference. There's been quite a few new units with high base speed, and it's also pretty easy stat to buff.

Oh good, then I'm lucky, thanks! 

My original 5* copy was +ATK/-SPD. Still very good for Brave+, but I changed his nature after giving him refined Parthia. 

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Glad you liked the clear! I hope to expand the Sakura's roles more, but I am pretty pleased with what they managed thus far. Glacies was perfectly timed really.


Yeah, I am glad that period of my life is over. Now I can just send out the Sakus together.

It took a long time before I got Firesweep (mid-September this year), and the Takus don't really have access to crazy refines. I am glad you are taking full advantage of Parthia. I used my -Spd OG!Takumi with Bravebow and it worked most of the time, though boosts were often necessary. It doesn't fit with every unit, and like you said Jeorge has better now.

Special Spiral sounds nice, and will be considered if I ever get pitybroken by a Lewyn. Not sure about tge double Brazen, since Sunkumi has to worry so much about archers, and I prefer running him with LnD.


Believe me, he got the drop on me many times. Glad you liked the battle and the music. Flying Dancers are indeed very useful. There's still a lot of time to build up orbs for the new year, or maybe you'll be lucky and have Flylivia show up before then. In any case, I wish you good luck on your pulls.

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Thanks everybody for helping me over this salty FEH-day. @Landmaster @mcsilas @daisy jane @NSSKG151 @Garlyle @Zeo @Nanima

I think I managed to canalize much of the salt into my best Oliver clear so far: 


Finally Skadi plays an imortant role, it (and ATK ploy by Oliver!) helps Stahl teasing Aversa and her imperial royal guard in the high north.

Oliver got a new kit with TA/Blarraven because I needed someone to take out those annoying Archers. He could have killed Aversa with Red Tome Breaker, but I think Stahl deserved that finisher.

Most of the skills/seals are necessary in many situations. For example Walhart needs to attack the Knight alone for Wolfbergs effect. On turn 2 the other enemies keep Wolfberg active while Stahl can buff Walhart (and Takumi) with Drive ATK. Stahl needs ATK Tactic to one-shot the green mage and Oliver needs Takumis Drive SPD to double the Sword Knight. Stahl needed Ignis to kill the Axe Dragon and to not die to his special. Only Brash/Desperation/Bonfire on Takumi were not necessary. 

Took me a while to ponder this out, but it was fun and changed my mood. 

Music is Canon Rock by JerryC.

Edited by mampfoid
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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks everybody for helping me over this salty FEH-day. @Landmaster @mcsilas @daisy jane @NSSKG151 @Garlyle @Zeo @Nanima

I think I managed to canalize much of the salt to my best Oliver clear so far: 


Finally Skadi plays an imortant role, it (and ATK ploy by Oliver!) helps Stahl teasing Aversa and her imperial royal guard in the high north.

Most of the skills/seals are necessary in many situations. For example Walhart needs to attack the Knight alone for Wolfbergs effect. On turn 2 the other enemies keep Wolfberg active while Stahl can buff Walhart (and Takumi) with Drive ATK. Stahl needs ATK Tactic to one-shot the green mage and Oliver needs Takumis Drive SPD to double the Sword Knight. Only Brash/Desperation/Bonfire on Takumi were not necessary. 

Took me a while to ponder this out, but it was fun and changed my mood. 

Music is Canon Rock by JerryC.

this is awesome. :) thanks for sharing and i'm glad it took you out of your mood!

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17 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks everybody for helping me over this salty FEH-day. @Landmaster @mcsilas @daisy jane @NSSKG151 @Garlyle @Zeo @Nanima

I think I managed to canalize much of the salt into my best Oliver clear so far: 


Finally Skadi plays an imortant role, it (and ATK ploy by Oliver!) helps Stahl teasing Aversa and her imperial royal guard in the high north.

Oliver got a new kit with TA/Blarraven because I needed someone to take out those annoying Archers. He could have killed Aversa with Red Tome Breaker, but I think Stahl deserved that finisher.

Most of the skills/seals are necessary in many situations. For example Walhart needs to attack the Knight alone for Wolfbergs effect. On turn 2 the other enemies keep Wolfberg active while Stahl can buff Walhart (and Takumi) with Drive ATK. Stahl needs ATK Tactic to one-shot the green mage and Oliver needs Takumis Drive SPD to double the Sword Knight. Only Brash/Desperation/Bonfire on Takumi were not necessary. 

Took me a while to ponder this out, but it was fun and changed my mood. 

Music is Canon Rock by JerryC.

This was a fun one to watch! I liked how much work Stahl put in (surviving Aversa's minions was the best), I'm glad you gave him the final kill~  I also haven't seen Walhart in action before so that was also cool using Wolfberg's effect to get kills.

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Didn't feel like doing anything remotely challenging for a while and only got around to looking at this today while waiting for lunch. Definitely a tricky one mainly because I'm generally a Blade fiend and Aversa is specifically designed to counter that. Fliers were dismissed pretty quick as they're pretty helpless without hone and the adjacency required by reposition. So horses it is. The Gronnwolf mage heavily suggested I use my G Tomebreaker Xander (who had it because of his own Infernal map), the other two were staples in Reinhardt and Lyn, rounded out by Gronnraven Inigo. Pretty obvious in what needs to kill what, but it took some attempts to make sure I kept the correct sniping spots clear and get Inigo where he needed to be to tank.

If I had done it last week, it would have been Earth week and maybe the fliers would have been viable, but oh well.

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1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

@mampfoid Great video. It was amusing to see a bunch of units I don't normally see in action. Did you had to use skill inheritance much to build those units?


I've been doing team Oliver and Celica emblem clears for some months now:


BHB - Micaiah & Sothe (Celcia)

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BHB - Micaiah & Sothe (Oliver)

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LHB - Robin: Fell Vessel (Celica)

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LHB - Robin: Fell Vessel (Oliver)

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GHB - Jamke: Prince of Verdane (Oliver)

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GHB - Jamke: Prince of Verdane (Celica)

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GHB - Garon: King of Nohr (Oliver)

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GHB - Garon: King of Nohr (Celica)

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GHB - Saias: Bishop of Flame (Celcia)

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GHB - Saias: Bishop of Flame (Oliver)

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LHB - Hector: Marquess of Ostia (Celcia)

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LHB - Hector: Marquess of Ostia (Oliver)

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BHB - Reinhardt & Ishtar (Celcia)

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BHB - Reinhardt & Ishtar (Oliver)

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BHB - Ephraim & Myrhh (Celcia)

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BHB - Ephraim & Myrhh (Oliver)

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GHB - Aversa (Celcia)

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GHB - Aversa (Oliver)

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Nearly all of their skills in this clear are inherited (apart from DEF+3, Ruby Sword, Wolfberg, Fury and Skadi), but aside from Oliver's Blarblade+ and Takumi's RES Tactic 3 (both weren't used here) it's SI from 3*/4* units only. 

Oliver's vanilla skills are bad on him, but Walhart and Takumi are good out of the box, Stahl is okey-ish but most other Sword Cavs are better. 


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@mampfoid Oh my gosh, that was amazing!!! Best Oliver clear yet- Blarraven seems like the perfect tome for him and his high HP.

Love the little moments, like Stahl tanking Aversa and the bow (that high HP really helped him!) and Walhart just demolishing things by himself. Very nice synergy overall. Fallen Takumi was really integral as well with all the fliers in this map.

Well done, hope this made you forget about earlier salt because this was one of my favourite clears from you :D

Seeing Escape Route is interesting, I'm actually doing a clear with that as well. I guess the map is kind of annoying so warping skills are a big improvement.

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  • 6 months later...

This map is annoying.

Sharena/Aversa vs. Aversa quests:

5* Sharena (Def Slaying Spear+, Reposition, Aether, Spd +3, Renewal 3, Atk Smoke 3, Fierce Stance 3) or 5*+9 Aversa (Aversa's Night, Reposition, Moonbow, HP +5, Axebreaker, Fortify Fliers, HP +5)
5*+4 Bath Camilla (+5 dragonflower boosts, S-rank summoner support, S-rank ally support with New Years Azura, Def Barb Shuriken+, Reposition, Close Counter, Mystic Boost 3, Atk Smoke 3, Iote's Shield)
+Spd/-Atk New Year's Azura (S-rank ally support with Bath Camilla, Spd Hagoita+, Sing, Moonbow, Iote's Shield, Flier Formation 3, Hone Fliers, Drive Atk 2)
+1 Summer Corrin (Blarblade+, Reposition, Glimmer, Darting Blow 3, Desperation 3, Fortify Fliers, HP/Spd 1

Cavalry vs. Aversa quest:

+10 +Spd Brave Lyn (+5 dragonflower boosts, Mulagir, Reposition, Luna, Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation 3, Atk Smoke 3, Poison Strike 3)
5*+10 +Atk Reinhardt (+2 dragonflower boosts, Dire Thunder, Draw Back, Moonbow, Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Goad Cavalry, Quickened Pulse)
+1 +Spd Magic Eirika (Gleipnir, Reposition, Glimmer, Swift Sparrow 2, Desperation 3, Hone Cavalry, Atk/Spd 2)
4*+6 +Spd Clarine (Dazzling Gravity+, Rehabilitate, Imbue, Atk +3, Wings of Mercy 3, Ward Cavalry)

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Friendly reminder: Aversa can also be found in the first and third maps of Paralogue 26. That’s how I cleared the two “KO Aversa with” quests done because screw trying to do them on the actual GHB map.

The quests weren’t too much of a problem on my end. I did the cavalier clear with double Elise (regular and hot spring), bunny Catria and picnic Leo.

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