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Mythic Hero Battle! Sothis: Girl on the Throne (July 31st - August 7th)

Diovani Bressan

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@Zeo Jeez you just throw Matthew in face first. I thought spies were supposed to sneak around behind not walk right up to your face! The Serra clear reminds of Final Battle Fantasy. The boss fights in that game seem to always be race to try and out heal the damage you are taking and you are constantly nearing death only to refill back to full/near full HP.

Anyways seeing your themed clears made me curious if I could do a Sacred Stones Armor clear now that I had the rhythm for an armor clear down pat. Plus you mentioned the armors being OP. Those are my second stringers that are hardly invested into. Well other than Jakob. All of them lack merges(other than Jakob) and for the most part run their default kits(again other than Jakob). If you look here, Ephraim redeems himself by showing Hector that he isn't the only one who can one shot Sothis. And unlike Hector he charges in alone and needs no goading to do so.

Like last time the blue mage and the green cav mage were royal pains. Do you know how hard it is to get Amelia up to 57+ Speed? Who's brilliant idea was it to give a unit with Abyssal HP levels Wind boost, Odd Speed Wave, 40 base speed, AND Null Follow-up?! Oddly enough putting Wary Fighter on Eirika causes the green cav to move differently even though she is on the opposite side of the map. I needed him to move where he did in the vid, so she had to have Dazzling Staff equipped. Even though she was well away from him he must have been taking the damage he could do to her into account for if he moved towards her a bit or just straight down.

Anyways all I have to say is that Sothis is really squishy. Everyone just keeps taking her out in one hit. Weakest Mythic yet! /sarcasm

Edit- And yeah my phone is still lagging. I guess it just isn't fast enough to do recording and playing? That or I have too much crap on it which can cause flash memory to slow down noticeably.

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@mampfoid It certainly looked like there were a lot of close situations there.  Sothis's special makes Brave+Galeforce strats a little more complicated, but it was nothing Cordelia couldn't handle.  Did you need to play around with ally supports to get around those 1 Atk/Res/Def situations?

@Zeo "Hm, I know Matt got a really good refine recently, but it'll be interesting to see how he gets around all the reinfor- aaaaand he just one turns the map LOL.  I'm glad to see you're enjoying his new power.  He is quite done working "behind the scenes".

I've been taking a bit of a break from Serenes, but I thought I'd log in and post a few clears.  Don't have a whole lot of time to watch/respond, but I'll do my best for those who respond to or tag me!  Julius and his enemies come together once more to tackle another Abyssal map.  The new Forging Bonds has given Julius quite possibly his best accessory.  The EX hat almost perfectly matches his color palette and doesn't look too out of place.  Easy to imagine him as an honorary officer of the Grannvale imperial army. x)

I apologize ahead of time for the length.  Seven minutes is kind of pushing it - I may consider parring down on the animations in the future. 


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11 hours ago, Zeo said:

I'm always impressed when I see Shiro not only tank greens, but avoid doubles. He's deceptively speedy and it surprises me when I see him double on initiation. Because of that I wasn't as surprised as I would usually be when I saw him eat Sothis' Sirius the way he did. Though I doubt my +10 Lukas would have survived her double somehow.

Another lance fighter who have similar stat to Shiro is Donnel but I don't like him as character, also no unique weapon. Lukas is pure slow type physical wall so I'm quite sure he can't handle Sothis. He need Berkut's Lance or Barrier Lance to patch up his crappy Res in order to handle her and other dragons.

11 hours ago, Zeo said:

Kagero's damage is crazy also. Death Blow 4 is no joke.

Of course, dead Brave Celica will be remembered in this bar maid ^^

11 hours ago, Zeo said:

I know Claude was meant to be the star of this clear but he didn't do much, even if he was given the privilege of the finishing blow.

Bad map situation, Claude need buffs from Sothe to trigger Cunning Bow full potential. But they can't stay together, Sothe clear the right side while Claude on the left. It's more sad when he can't duel Bow Cav. and need to move 1 space for Micaiah to warp and steal the kill lol. I like him more than Bow Lyn so there will be another chances to feature him again in the future.

Now it's time to talk about your clear. I've watched all of them this time and I think it's too much for me to comment in each video so I will comment base on units performance.

Starting with Matthew. He is like a rebirth unit after his new refinement. I remember that his playstyle in last year was "debuff and survive" but now it is "debuff and kill" . Pretty sure that his C skill and Seal slot will be locked like that forever lol.

Morgan still work well with Close Counter. Sol and Brazen Atk/Res is kind of conflicting each other but it works somehow. 

Ninian in Morgan's clear is survive at 1 HP and was saved by Trilemma lol.

Last but not least, absorb Serra is awesome!! My favourite of all your clears. I love it when she attack at the center and healing Azura from almost dead to full. I hope to see her wielding other staves like Pain or Flash in the future (sac a Mikoto lol) .

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Brave Hector and Brave Lyn make a great team. With Legendary Ike and Legendary Azura, I managed to beat Abyssal. Brave Hector with Omnibreaker is nearly invincible. He cleared out the middle. Sothis didn't stand a chance. Ike handled a couple of greens and Lyn took care of the rest.

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18 hours ago, Alexmender said:

@Zeo 5 clears! Wow, I'm really astonished at your dedication to clears. I can never do more than 3 for any given map but wow! 

The classic Matt team clear went super smoothly with Matt taking care of the northen part of the map on his own while the others dealt with the tin cans and those that tried to run away from Matt's might. Not much else to say considering the team still has great synergy even if Matt has kinda reached a whole new level compared to the others. 

I love the Morgan clear. Having to leverage between the Brazen power and sustain is something that I find pretty hard to do but you pulled it off. The map itself was a battle of attrition where Morgan tried to nuke as much as he could while the others kept enemies at bay/created chokepoints/etc/etc. Like Morgan himself it was really tactical and the positioning was very precise. It was really awesome!

Even if her build still has ways to go, Serra is already pretty OP in her own right. There was never a moment where she was in danger and whenever her health got too low she would just absorb it from her enemies and charge Miracle again to keep the immortality loop going. Leveraging her Atk with Fae in order to allow them both to recieve L!Eliwood's Bonus Doubler and C-skill bonuses was very clever. I'd say this clear had the best music out of the 5, Golden Sun music to strike right in the nostalgia and while I can't recall the name of the song you played during the map I know for a fact I heard it somewhere and it's great!

The mega Matthew clear made me think of a few things. First I got surprised at how he was able to double the blue mage in Abyssal but not Infernal so I went to check the stats and skills and wow...Both Matt and Eirika really are behemoths, aren't they? After getting Eirika to sweep Abyssal maps easily I had grown numb to understand what kind of enemies she was facing because I just stopped checking the enemies stats and as such I started to assume they were chumps with low stats that anyone could take care of easily. Matt's clear really served as a reality check for me, I'm really dumbfounded at how easily I lost sight of the difficulty of these maps. When you think about it, it really is mind blowing to see what many consider a low tier Gen 1 unit sweep super hard maps so effortlessly.

Another thing it made me imagine was what would happen if I were to replace Ylgr for L!Eliwood one day, and I have to say that I kinda shudder at the very idea of it. Eirika already tramples Abyssal maps like they are children's play and adding Bonus Doubler to that is the epitome of overkill. I don't think there's anything in this game that could be able to withstand such a beast of a unit and at the same time it feels like getting Eirika to that level would sap my enjoyment from the game. It's really interesting when I think about it, guess I'm not ready to unleash Ultimate Eirika to the world anytime soon. Anyway, I think I rambled quite a bit about this one, haha. 

And last but not least, Hector and his trusty retainers go to take care of a sassy "child". The clear itself felt like Hector wanting to wreck havoc while Matt and Serra made sure he didn't get himself killed for being too reckless. They certainly made a wonderful job at keeping Hector safe but I feel he'd end up somewhat annoyed at how those two got all the fun and he was left to play with a tin can and some lame horse instead of taking the super threatening kid (who would've absolutely demolished him). While the kill count was a little unbalanced, the theme of the clear was displayed perfectly. Great stuff!

Color coated responses!~

That's why I've been looking into fodder for them recently. I want to kind of take them up a notch. Like, maybe Chill skills for Genny, Bonus Doubler or something for Ayra (not realistic, just an idea), Infantry Flash for Inigo and stuff like that. He's head and shoulders above them at this point. Being realistic, I could have a much stronger team if I say, replaced Ayra with +8 Chrom (with the proper skills), replaced Inigo with a +5 to +10 Smolzura and replaced Genny with Serra, it's just that nostalgia holds me back. Matthew's team has carried him for so long, I'm hard pressed to just replace them all even if it's technically possible now.

I never use Sol on Morgan so it definitely added a new layer of challenge I'm not used to with the Brazen. He'll probably keep using Luna/Glimmer for the clears but this was a necessary tool and definitely spiced things up. I'm also going to say that old Morgan from the original clears (+1) would not have been possible. He needed every merge he's been given. I wish I could pull 3 more.

Tricky thing about Serra is that changing her skills and seals is necessary but it messes with her ability to absorb Eliwood's bonuses and Fae's ATK can only be manipulated so much. I'm still figuring her out but there's a big challenge right now. I'm really hoping since she was the first healer to have Absorb she'll be the one to get a Prf Absorb+ staff so that her ATK can spike and I can be a bit more liberal with her partners. Plus I really want that Mystic Boost healing effect I told you about. Something like that and the new ATK/SPD Push 4 we saw in the FEH channel would just make her dumb. Even without Close Counter.

Yeah, Matthew did a lot more work than his partners in the clear and there were a lot of things I wanted to do differently, more kills I wanted to give to Serra and Hector but moving them around messed with the clear and most times would end up getting Hector blown up. It was the most ironic thing that he was the most fragile unit on the map this time around. They will definitely reunite later on. In fact they'll probably show back up when L!Eliwood's battle comes back. It could be Brave Hector next time though.

It's funny that you say that, Matthew and Eirika have become Gods of destruction but what that Abyssal clear made me realize, after all my friendly competing is that Eirika is in another league from Matthew entirely. L!Eliwood brings out the best in Matthew and sure, he could get a nice HUGE buff if I got Kaden to replace the Cain you saw in the clear. But it wouldn't be enough. Matt's skill options are limited due to the nature of his weapon and his abilities while potent are occasionally situational. Eirika on the other hand is on a completely different level and would break the game with L!Eliwood's support.

If I were to compare Matthew and Eirika with everything they needed (L!Azura/L!Eliwood/Kaden) I would classify Matthew as a Tier 9 DemiGod and Eirika as a Tier 10 God. Nevermind that Eirika doesn't fall to units like Surtr and doesn't have weaknesses like Idunn. There's just a stark difference in power, nevermind Eirika's access to skills like Wrath. 

I probably won't be getting Kaden any time soon, but I do hope you end up pulling L!Eliwood once he comes back around. I want to see Eirika become a God and I want to see her in T20+ AR to fight the strongest of the strong.

While we're at it, maybe some time down the line I'll ask you to make an AR Defense team tailored to your Eirika at max power so I can do a Matthew vs Eirika clear. 

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On 8/3/2019 at 11:33 PM, Zeo said:


@Landmaster DC Vantage Keaton is something I didn't realize I needed in my life. I could do the same thing with Swordhardt, but I feel like it wouldn't be the same. You really put all four of your units to work in this map. Usually clears like this will force you to split up your team but I wasn't expecting the four of them to literally spread out to the four corners of the map. Still it was cool seeing them all come together to kite Sothis at the end, even if I was disappointed that Keaton got the kill instead of Lyn. CC on S!Elise is quite the interesting choice as well.

This is what I've been waiting for. A battle to test my Matthew's true power. I had a lot of different ideas and I'm off this weekend from work so this was the perfect time to get it all out there. Brace yourselves guys, this is going to be a colossus of clears. The largest set of clears I've ever done (and likely will ever do) so grab a snack, some coffee if it's morning and get ready for a ride. It's the biggest release of clears from me, ever. The theme is FE7.

We'll get the most uneventful of the clears out of the way first. The Matthew clear. I thought Abyssal would be a cakewalk with my team but I was forced to do infernal sadly. The challenge wasn't using Matt to destroy his foes, but rather keeping his teammates alive which proved a bit too difficult with the layout of the map and reinforcement positions. Which led us to Infernal. The way I see it, if I can clear Abyssal maps with Matthew himself, he doesn't specifically have to be running his personal team. It's just a bonus if he can.

As for our Matthew clear, to keep it simple, all Matthew asked of his team was to watch his back so he could focus on the battle in front of him like with Azura. And that's exactly what they did. I had done this so quick I'd actually forgotten how I did it. I just ended up figuring out another way in a minute or two. Not that it mattered.

For Morgan it was a puzzle as you'd expect. It took considerably longer to crack this one. I required a few different base tools to start with: Sol and a Brazen on Morgan, Drive SPD 3 on Amelia in order to double Sothis and DEF Tactic 3 on Priscilla to double as a bulk increase for Morgan and Amelia's prf activation. The trickiest thing was to find a balance between Morgan's Sol and the Brazens, finding the right spots to heal and the right enemies to use his >80% boost on. The second trickiest thing was finding the right spot for Amelia to use her signature warp. It took some doing, about an hour or maybe a little less.

It was still incredibly clutch with Amelia having to tank a TA Red near the end, but all in all it came together quite nicely.

This was a clear I'd planned to do from the beginning. Serra comes back for her first LHB (or rather... MHB). I wasn't sure how she was going to be able to do it but I was determined to make it work. In this clear Serra is a lot more of a team player like Matthew used to be back in the day. Serra and Fae both being able to take advantage of L!Eliwood's support here was crucial, providing Fae with the bulk she needed to deal with the WTA. Sothis herself was the biggest worry as Serra lacks Mythic Boost to completely wall her off, but it turned out perfectly in the end. Everyone played a part in this clear. Even L!Eliwood himself got a couple kills here and there. 

Probably my second favorite clear of the batch. Don't miss it.

Bet you thought it was over? Nope! I said this set of clears was a colossus. A mega batch of clears. We've got a 4th clear and this time we take Matthew once again to clear the Abyssal map. He leaves his team behind for the unparalleled support of L!Eliwood to test the limits of his power. Bonus Doubler, Close Counter and Spy's Dagger make for an unholy trinity the likes of which you've never seen. The key here was Glimmer and that's all I'll tell you. Well... I'll tell you one more thing, this is the shortest clear. Blink and you'll miss it.

At last we have our final clear. This is one that's years in the making (yes I wanted to do a clear like this before I quit). Since my Matthew's creation I've wanted to do a clear where he, Serra and their lord Hector all come together to kick major tail. This is something that wasn't possible for a variety of reasons. Matthew wasn't ready, Serra wasn't ready, I didn't have Hector etc etc. It's taken years but we're finally here. My near completion of Serra was the last step I needed to make this a reality. 

For our last clear we have Hector and his vassals, Serra and Matthew work together to bring down Sothis. This one didn't go entirely as intended. I wanted it to be a bit more even between the three in terms of spotlight but a variety of things (like Hector dying over and over again) kept that from being possible. This one was the one I spent the most time on and actually re-recorded because I was unhappy with the result. But it wound up being my favorite clear of the batch. Seeing all three of these units come together is yet another one of the coolest things I've seen or done in FEH.

You'll see them again together someday. But for now, witness Hector and his most loyal vassals, finally united.

(Oh, and Ninian too, we have to make it a proper FE7 clear, don't we?)

I'd like to rest, but there's quite a bit I can do right now. So we'll see if I can cook anything up for a few different GHBS/LHBS before I have to go back to work when the weekend ends.





Keaton really benefits from that slight extra Atk and 10 damage when transformed, probably the only thing that really sets him apart from Swordhardt. Try as I might, Lyn just didn’t have the power to kill Sothis, believe me I tried, but she just barely hangs on, so Keaton ended up cleaning up for us~

Time to take a look at these Clears!~

Matthew came so close to one turning it, I expected this to be more of a solo. But it’s always more fun when his team gets to join in on the fun. He spent the larger half of the battle upfront while they held the fort down at the bottom of the map, resulting a quite the impressive display of Matt’s new weapon on a high difficulty map

Morgan starts pretty similarly to Matt. Even I forget sometimes how potent his debuffs are, seeing how easily he tanked that Brave Bow. The lovely ladies get rid of the annoying armors, making him only have to worry about the enemies in front of him. I was a bit worried when I saw Amelia left exposed to that Sword Cav, but she tanked it like a champ. Ninian’s close call with Fury damage was also pretty scary, but I should know better than to underestimate these kids by now. The remaining foes fall right after each other for the hard earned victory~

Serra already making her appearance on a MHB~ Well we see right away that her teammates are no slouches. Fae tanking AND killing a Red Armor is just crazy. But Serra’s Absorb is pretty invaluable, being able to keep everyone on the team alive, including herself. She’s going to really be a beast once she gets CC~ Even without Miracle, the clutch 1 HP lives against Sothis were awesome~ Great Legendary Debut for Serra~

What even needs to said about that Abyssal rampage? Absolutely incredible and I’m sure it’s got to make you proud seeing the power that he has to pull that off. I mean, all those ting tings speak for his power. The L!Eliwood, Spy Dagger combo is one that can’t be matched. I can't wait to see the next Abyssal map he tramples~

A fitting theme, using all of our heroes together with their lord. Matthew still ends up doing the brunt of the work but Serra ends up pulling her own perfectly well. I thought you a mad lad for letting Hector tank the Sword instead of Ninian but he probably was up for the challenge. Ending was perfect with Hector finishing he battle with Matthew and Serra right behind him.

23 hours ago, Alexmender said:

Answers time I think I'm not too late this time

Like last time they'll be in a spoiler tag.

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@Landmaster Your team remains as impressive as ever! I kinda forgot Pegasus Carrot existed but it certainly came in handy for dealing with that pesky green armor. S!Lyn's mobility and high power is a lot of fun, isn't it? I remember wanting her only for collection purposes but she ended up as a unit I want to showcase a lot. Summer Elise with CC is a surprise, I see her as a little too frail for it but you proved my ideas wrong, she certainly makes good use of it and the link support she offers was invaluable for the clear. Keaton was the MVP in my eyes, there's not a lot to say about him that I haven't said before but I kinda want to see how much dangerous he'd be at +10. 


Yep, Pegasus Carrot is a really great weapon~ And yes, I am really enjoying S!Lyn! She is a really awesome unit and coming with Sturdy Impact pretty much saved her or she'd have been easily doubled by Sothis~ CC on Elise is really for some planned CC Vantage sweeping in AR (if I could just get that Atk bane removed but she's proven capable in some test runs). Keaton's defs the 5* I want to +10 the most~ But I think even if I could just get an Atk boon on him, his power levels would really start going even further beyond~ Glad you enjoyed!

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This one actually made me work! I ended up upgrading the Darting Stance seal so Nino could double the stupid Blue Mage. Sothis died to a nice Blazing Thunder, and I don't think Cordelia even got into Escape Route range.

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Sorry for these late comments. So many maps, so little time.

@Zeo I admire your incredible dedication to do so much clears!

Doesn't matter if it's Infernal (hey, I do infernals) but the Matthew clear was still enjoyable to watch, great to see Spy's Dagger in action! He dealt with Sothis so quick, I didn't even have time to blink (and here I was struggling to beat Sothis with my teams in Infernal). I chuckled a bit when he usurped the throne space. But yeah I hate vertical layout maps like these, so I can understand the frustration.

Love the choice of music for the Morgan clear, very fitting- what is it? Nice job balancing the Brazen/Sol thresholds, you've really sold me on using Sol more on my units. Morgan did a good job tanking the blue mage, too! Also exact HP kill on the Miracle Lancer by Amelia is satisfying.

Nice Serra MHB! L!Eliwood and L!Azura support is amazing. Serra tanking the Brave Bow archer felt amazing, I'm so used to squishy healers and she can just casually heal that damage back up! Absorb looks like a fun staff to play with. Again exact HP kills like Serra vs axe infantry soothed my soul. Serra may not have an offensive special but Miracle made sure she can go toe to toe with Sothis.

Do I see Cain in an Abyssal!?!?! A shame he was only a Reposition bot but I still enjoyed the cameo haha. That really was a fast clear, it's amazing how you keep surprising me with these different specials on Matthew, Glimmer is amazing in that clear! Probably my favourite Matthew video, this is a legendary clear!

Wooo Ostia theme team! (Lol at Hector's throne comment against the Girl on the Throne's map). You've had complete control of the spacing in the map, and with 3 out of 4 countering at any distance, the team was confident in standing their ground. Kind of refreshing to see a clear where Hector isn't the star of the show. Also enjoyed the music for this one.

You should be proud of these. Really sorry for how the banner has treated you and you don't deserve that but getting to make your dream teams are enjoyable enough for you

@Usana Wow dambn, those armours just held their ground, major props for no dancers, too! Gosh BF Jakob is just so good!

@Landmaster Great way to start with an exact HP kill from HS!Elise! Close Counter S!Elise is interesting, and nice to see that even Threaten Speed was a key skill for the clear. Nice use of the enemy's Restore and Trilemma to your advantage against Sothis!

@Alexmender Oh wow, that was fast. Eirika + Kaden combo strikes again- she didnt even flinch against Sothis's special!?!? I think you just gave mampfoid a run for his money in the solo department lol

@mampfoid That said, Galeforce clears are always fun to watch! I loved how far Roy moved from the left to the top with Lunge. Cordelia was also impressive with the boss kill and I always have a smile when I see QuadCherche! Spd stacking is always fun!

@Ginko Gosh I love the 3H soundtrack, don't know all the song names yet but I'll wait until I beat it first in case there are spoiler names lol. I never get tired of Shirobert shenanigans. Love how Shiro just shrugged Sothis's attacks.

Also congrats on getting Claude, Golden Deer represent! Micaiah's 99 damage to that armour looked so satisfying. Sothe was a beast, and Dragon Fang sure did some good damage. I laughed when dancer Micaiah used WoM to delete the bow cav because...you'll see down below.

....also wow I didn't even see your clear before doing my themed map clear but funnily enough half of the team is similar lol (don't have the other two). 

@daisy jane @Azuris @SatsumaFSoysoy @eclipse 

From the makers of Silas vs Saias, I now present a similar theme, it's Sothe vs Sothis!

Team is +Spd/-Res Sothe, +HP/-Res Oscar, +HP/-Res Summer Micaiah and neutral Halloween Mia.
Music is Battle Hymn on the Soul - Ultimax version (Margaret's theme) from Persona 4 Arena
-Why not make it a full Tellius team theme while we're at it. Dancer Micaiah and Sothe has great synergy, Sothe appreciates moving again and Micaiah appreciates the double Spur and Bond boost to do perfect HP kills. In fact, Sothe also needed Micaiah's Spur Atk seal (along with H!Mia's Drive Atk) so the green mage would attack Micaiah instead since even with Brazen, the green mage would live by 1 HP.
Speaking of Micaiah, she was perfect in deleting those pesky armours and cavaliers. Wings of Mercy had synergy with Sothe's Brazen/Vantage combo.
-Time Pulse? Meet Mia's Witchy Wand! Her Drive Atk was also needed in key moments to provide Sothe with just enough fire power to OHKO a unit 
-Oscar was also a surprise valuable addition for that movement and Lancebreaker dealing with the Miracle lancer. Life and Death also ensure he had power but just enough HP to survive (funnily enough thank goodness he was still +HP from being a pitybreaker and I haven't merged a +Spd one yet). Fun fact, my original clear I had use his Sapphire Lance+ instead since Sothis was a major threat, but that involved Oscar dealing the finishing blow with Luna instead and kind of defeats a Sothe vs Sothis matchup theme.
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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I never get tired of Shirobert shenanigans. Love how Shiro just shrugged Sothis's attacks.

Shirobert is my OTP (one true pair) that will never be seperated. No matter how my main party change, they will always be there. You will see me switch dancers or range attckers sometimes but 2 spaces will be locked for them lol.

Shiro was severely hurt from taking that Sirius. But that scene make the battle feel more intense when the music beat up.

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also congrats on getting Claude, Golden Deer represent! 

Cost me an arm and a leg for 2 copies of him, worth it !!

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I laughed when dancer Micaiah used WoM to delete the bow cav because...you'll see down below.

....also wow I didn't even see your clear before doing my themed map clear but funnily enough half of the team is similar lol (don't have the other two). 

I believe you !! Because I need exactly 57 damage from +Atk Micaiah to bring that bow cav down but yours come with stacking Spur/Drive so it's not easy to copy each other.

Enough talking about my clear, here is my comment for yours. I'm so proud of you, you don't even need a high merge Sothe to beat it like me. I would say your strategies with low merge units are still top notch. A little bit jelly with that Halloween Mia because mine was -Atk and still on the bench. Overall, your clear is magnificent !!

I wanna see your Silas take on this map if you have time to do it. Because I really want to build him. After all, I got about 6 copies of him, still no +Atk or +Def while I have premium fodders ready for him.

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On 8/6/2019 at 11:19 PM, Ginko said:

I wanna see your Silas take on this map if you have time to do it. Because I really want to build him. After all, I got about 6 copies of him, still no +Atk or +Def while I have premium fodders ready for him.

Sadly that'll have to wait since I don't have free time left before the map ends. Also too many cav-effective weapons right now so I'd have to try different things, but I will try again when Sothis comes back. Hope you get your +Atk/+Def soon! I lucked out and those boons were my first ones.

Having a +Atk Micaiah sure is lucky though! Sad about Mia but her wand is still very useful (she came to mind when I first heard about Time Pulse lol)

Oh also I forgot to tag but can't edit my last post ..


 @Rafiel's Aria @Nanima @NegativeExponents- if you're interested in a RD clear


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Cleared Infernal with my standard Flyboy team. Since they're all fliers, the team got a rename from Boy Band XD. It took a bit of seal shuffling, but Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson and NY!Hríd pulled through. I'll try Abyssal next time, work has been most unkind this week, along with 3H. At least I'm almost done my challenge run in Blue Lions.

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Felt like trying to get back into the swings so here goes nothing, but first some comments.

@Zeo 5 clears!? That's impressive. How do you find that kind of energy in you?

Matt clear was lit. I forgot how much of a one-man army he is. I was real concerned when he just waltzed up to the nuke that is Sothis but before I knew it the mage found itself by its lonesome. Actually went back for a second look cuz it felt like I missed something with how fast that was. Also impressed by the bulk of that axe fighter. Ayra is crazy strong and she had TA3 applied to her and yet it somehow lived.

Brazen and Sol at the same time? Nice going figuring out how to create a balance between the two. You say you were worried about Amelia but all of my attention went to Ninian and her 1hp. I knew she had TA3 but I didn't notice how def stacked she was and thought she might go down.

Damn, Venus Lighthouse at the beginning made me smile. Ok, so Serra completely caught me by surprise with how powerful she was. Killing and tanking everything with little problem? I knew she was highly merged and was receiving buffs to everything thanks to Azura but it still seemed wrong and then I remembered Eliwood gives bonus doubler. +12 to everything is one hell of a drug I see. Exciting to see such a powerful Serra and her showdown with Sothis was sublime.

Cain? Interesting. Not someone I was expecting to see as part of your Abyssal team. Not all that built either. Is he really gonna... oh wait... what? No. You can't be for real. This can't be happening. Really? It happened. That was fantastic! Matthew trivialized that. Shame that Cain was just for reposition but twas nice to see his face.

Hooray for Ostia! My favorite of the 3 Houses. Wasn't expecting Hector to be so sheltered by Matt and Serra. Nice to see his retainers take good care of him at least 😋

Also, wanted to say this for a while now but I'm glad to see you back.

9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@NegativeExponents- if you're interested in a RD clear

Reckon course I'm interested!

Nice to see Waluigi again. Sacrificed mine to Brady but I do miss her "wah!" Talking about her, oof that sword to the face hurt. Surprised she could even take it. Filled with close calls actually, with Oscar barely surviving that Zanbato and then the lancer, Sothe barely getting the kill on the mage cav and same thing with Micaiah and that bow cav. Thrilling clear!

Glad I'm not the only one to use Persona music btw.

@mampfoid This one of the few times I that feel like the difficulty of it really shows. Lots of "barely" in this clear. It sure seemed like you needed to push for every ounce of spd to take on Sothis.


I tried my best to recreate the Golden Deer house for this first clear. Byleth and Claude are there, Serra is our Hilda, and uh.... crap I can't think of any other look-alike for the last member. Well... I guess Sonya kinda looks like Lorenz, right? Her hair is pretty similar to his timeskip one and so yeah! Sonya as genderbent Lorenz.

If there is one thing you must know, it's that the green mage cav sucks. Screw it and all that it stands for. Killed Claude in over and over again until I caved in and grinded support levels. That Healer is terribad also with that balm. Hilda (Serra) was our most valuable unit. Outside of her healing, gravity stops the armors from abusing armor march and reaching Sonya and later on prevents Sothis from attacking Claude. Byleth's sword is useful for negating that pesky wary fighter from the armors. Lorenz (Sonya) just nukes whatever non-red unit happens to be in her radius.


Abyssal time. I wasn't planning on doing it but I saw the glasses and knew I had to have them.

I tried to keep the Golden Deer theme but the only one who survived the transition from Infernal to Abyssal was Claude, and he needed some major rework. Claude traded Atk +3 for Heavy Blade and LnD for Death Blow in order get some much needed bulk. Was worried he'd lack spd to double enemies on EP but this time his bow effect was actually active and made up for it. Priscilla takes over the role of healer and carries not only double tactics but also earth-fire balm to make sure her teammates are buffed even when she's not near. She also has Kumade which helps immensely against the armors and later on against Sothis. Niles takes over Sonya's role as nuke and can actually kill reds and take a hit from the cleric. He does need the def smoke from Claude to take on the opposing archer though. And Owain may not be able to bypass wary fighter but he can sustain himself spectacularly. Also the only one who can tank a hit from Sothis and not get doubled... but only once.

The start is a carbon copy of my first clear but it starts to differentiate quickly. What doesn't differentiate is the annoyance of that green mage cav. If Claude wasn't a "sub-optimal" +res he would not have survived this second encounter. Took me embarrassingly long to figure out I needed to ditch LnD though. I wish it stopped there but Owain actually died so many times to that green tin can. That Ignis decimates. He also couldn't just get rid of it before getting hit by it though because then Priscilla wouldn't be able to activate the much needed balm so it just came down to supports and increasing def and hp via flowers. After that the biggest obstacle was just making sure not to let the cleric activate their balm too early by not attacking certain units and I had to make sure to keep Priscilla's own balm in check.

And finally Sothis. I had to spd stack Owain via Niles support and Kumade to prevent a double. I actually had panicked at the end because I had no idea what to do. I had ended up in that exact same position against her as I did the first time I tried to tank her with Owain and what happened was that he didn't do enough damage to let Claude or anyone else finish her off. But I went through with it anyway because I wasn't sure what else to do and he somehow did more damage? Not really sure what changed but I'm glad we managed to get through it and save myself the trouble of re-recording.

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@Zeo Just watched the Matthew clears, and... hm...
Glad to see you found a way to get Bonus Doubler on him.

Sometimes feel like my clears aren't worth talking about when I'm using two of the strongest +10 infantry mages and LegAzura...

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@mcsilas I'm totally not still utterly bitter at the fact that I don't have Witch Mia or her utterly busted staff which is by far the best staff in the entire game. <_<

The name of the clear may have been Sothe vs Sothis but Micaiah was the real star. Once everyone's health got down into the single digits it turned into a warp and killfest. She was detonating everyone she touched like a block of walking C4. For a split second I wondered how you were going to deal with Sothis and then I remembered Mia was Razzle Dazzle. Even though everyone was taking damage you still made that look incredibly easy. And the map is not that easy if you don't have a supertank. 

Also! The song I used for the Morgan clear is "Kokoro yo genshi ni modore" from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

@NegativeExponents- The sunglasses on M!Byleth have waaaaaaaaayyyyy more swagger than they have any business having. I really wish I hadn't missed that accessory before I came back. Serra didn't play as direct of a role here as she did in my clear but she was certainly just as crucial. The way you used her here gave me shades of both my Genny and Amelia. I could definitely feel that 1 HP you had left from Claude and how absolutely painful it is to have those situations where you have 1 or 2 HP too little to survive an attack that will ruin an otherwise perfect clear. Believe me I've struggled with that on more than one occasion. After you got past that though, Claude and Byleth proceeded to blow up pretty much anything they touched while Serra warped around keeping everyone alive and even kiting Sothis at the end to give Byleth that sweet, sweet finishing kill.

All the Special Spiral fodder you must have had to spread it around on basically your entire team has be jealous. 2 bows is a team setup I pretty much never use, had me nervous seeing it here but I forgot how ridiculously good Niles' Bow is since I never see anyone use him. Claude might have transitioned from Infernal to Abyssal but you wouldn't know it based on just how much wrecking he was doing here. Priscilla did Serra's job but took a surprising hit there. I loved the music and position shift at turn 4. I knew Owain could take a hit but him eating that Dragon Fang from the armor was crazy! Not getting doubled by Sothis was a highlight too, setting her up to just get completely overwhelmed by your team at the end.

The song ending right when Claude killed her was a nice touch as well.

 I'm definitely not going to do this regularly, but LHBs are at the end of the month so I can splurge a bit. It's fun even if there's some work, but if I'm not doing this around the clock like I was before then it's alright. And if you think Serra's strong now, wait until she gets CC, her last merge, her Dragonflowers and the inevitable prf Absorb+ staff with Mystic Boost healing that she's going to get when healers start getting prfs.

@Dayni I'm sorry I didn't tag you in the original post. You said you were looking forward to seeing Matt tackle an Abyssal map. Here you go, plus more.


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46 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@Dayni I'm sorry I didn't tag you in the original post. You said you were looking forward to seeing Matt tackle an Abyssal map. Here you go, plus more.

You did.

I saw it, good job.

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@NegativeExponents- Oh wow, I loved that Golden Deer clear! Fun fact, Lorenz really reminded me of Sonya first thing when I saw his new hair so it fits haha. Also she rocks that hat really well.

Nice synergy with the team, I was kinda bummed Claude was bow cav instead of a wyvern but you showed how being a bow cav is still pretty good in a map like this. Special Spiral Sonya is so entertaining to watch and Serra's support really helped keep things moving along. Fitting end with Byleth boss kill (also had to laugh at Byleth taking 1 damage from the Brave Axe knight).

Persona music on the second one! AND TWEWY music on top of that!!! And Owain! DC + Aether looks so fun, I wasn't entirely sure if I should my Owain DC but your clear shows how it works. So much sustain and so envious of the amount of Special Spiral there. Claude has to have close calls but getting rid of LaD made it work. The ending was amazing, I could feel the tension and hesitation but hey, it worked!

@Zeo Sh I should really watch Evangelion someday. Got DVDs as a gift, just need to find time to sit through episodes lol.

Believe me I was so frustrated I didn't get her and her amazing weapon in her debut banner. I was really salty (also not getting H!Jakob again) at that time even after all the CC orb hunt, so it felt really good to somehow finally get her this year.

Yeah Dawn Suzu is such a great weapon, I'm really considering choosing Micaiah for CYL because double effectiveness is just too good, and I still haven't seen a regular Micaiah. Her base kit bond + those spurs really make an effective combination, I love how offensive she can be for a dancer.


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Vacation makes it difficult to watch videos, so only some replys to clears where I was tagged. Sorry for late- and shortness! 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

 @mampfoid Brilliant use of Lunge. I would usually point out a highlight but there was none really, it was as you said, a quadfest. I really enjoyed how you used Roy's positioning to line up everyone to just warp in and blow up the enemy. Cordelia tanking Sirius was a treat too. Quite a spectacle, this one!

Thanks, glad you liked it! 

Ok, let's check your clears ... wait, five? Wow, you were productive! 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

As for our Matthew clear, to keep it simple, all Matthew asked of his team was to watch his back so he could focus on the battle in front of him like with Azura. And that's exactly what they did. I had done this so quick I'd actually forgotten how I did it. I just ended up figuring out another way in a minute or two. Not that it mattered.

Ok, I've been waiting for Matthew at full power (the last flower doesn't count). Those puny foes are mere snacks to Matthew, you really should try Aby... oh wait. 

Nearly a one-turn clear even! 

/edit: Lol I nearly spoilered myself. 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

It was still incredibly clutch with Amelia having to tank a TA Red near the end, but all in all it came together quite nicely.

Haha, I know these skill-puzzles. I can imagine how it is to keep brazen working, even if < 80% HP doesn't seem hard to meet at first glance. 

Priscialla got more kills that usual, hopefully she'll get a refine one day. Well done! 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

Probably my second favorite clear of the batch. Don't miss it.

New toys, lets see! 

Serra is the star, with the help of her team members of course. Great how she blocks Sothis to get the boss kill in the end. Everyone getting to 1 digit HP made it no less interesting. 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

Well... I'll tell you one more thing, this is the shortest clear. Blink and you'll miss it.

Wow, awesome! One-turn clear and solo, a very close one (I was counting his remaining HP against the remaining foes with every attack). 

On 8/4/2019 at 5:33 AM, Zeo said:

You'll see them again together someday. But for now, witness Hector and his most loyal vassals, finally united.

Oh, lovely team! Serra with the push skill and legendary Hector in all his greatness. The others are having trouble to keep up with Matthew, perhaps build up an unmerged copy for this kind of clears

Looking forward to see more FE7 clears! 

On 8/4/2019 at 8:13 AM, Alexmender said:

@mampfoid Clean as always, it was pretty impressive how Cordelia was able to quad Sothis despite the Brave weapon penalty and her tanking a Sirius while using LnD is really cool! 

Thanks! :- )

On 8/4/2019 at 4:44 PM, DLNarshen said:

@mampfoid It certainly looked like there were a lot of close situations there.  Sothis's special makes Brave+Galeforce strats a little more complicated, but it was nothing Cordelia couldn't handle.  Did you need to play around with ally supports to get around those 1 Atk/Res/Def situations?


I didn't bother with Ally supports this time, but I had to take SS away from Roy to take enough damage from the sword guy (on a first try, I attacked him first). In the end it wasn't necessary of course ... 

On 8/4/2019 at 4:44 PM, DLNarshen said:

I apologize ahead of time for the length.  Seven minutes is kind of pushing it - I may consider parring down on the animations in the future. 

It's a reinforcements map, so no big deal about the length.

A new hat for Julius and another clear! Enemies keep coming, but Julius takes on quite a big chunk of them. His buddies give him a little help, but he has some spotlight to share. Congrats! 

On 8/6/2019 at 1:32 PM, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid That said, Galeforce clears are always fun to watch! I loved how far Roy moved from the left to the top with Lunge. Cordelia was also impressive with the boss kill and I always have a smile when I see QuadCherche! Spd stacking is always fun!

Yup, quads for everyone! Glad you liked it! 

On 8/6/2019 at 1:32 PM, mcsilas said:

From the makers of Silas vs Saias, I now present a similar theme, it's Sothe vs Sothis!

Effective WTA Glimmer damage by Micaiah was one of my favorite parts, but also the start is great with Sothe performing a close tank and hushing the green mage away with his Vantage. I like the Telius theme, the name semblance doesn't catch that much. ;- )

On 8/7/2019 at 1:48 AM, NegativeExponents- said:

@mampfoid This one of the few times I that feel like the difficulty of it really shows. Lots of "barely" in this clear. It sure seemed like you needed to push for every ounce of spd to take on Sothis.

Yup, I'm just glad I could keep the necessary SI at bay. 

Could say the same of your Abyssal clear btw., it's obvious that the difficulty was high to make this possible. 

On 8/7/2019 at 1:48 AM, NegativeExponents- said:

I tried my best to recreate the Golden Deer house for this first clear. Byleth and Claude are there, Serra is our Hilda, and uh.... crap I can't think of any other look-alike for the last member. Well... I guess Sonya kinda looks like Lorenz, right? Her hair is pretty similar to his timeskip one and so yeah! Sonya as genderbent Lorenz.

Haha, funny look-alike contest. Sonya won, I think. 

Claude catches the pesky healer from behind, while Hilda was preparing Sothis for the final blow from Byleth. Well done! 

Abyssal was a great clear too, so many clutch moments with angel Priscilla beaming around. Owain had to take a lot of beatings, but in the end he succeeded. 

Surprised that Claude managed to get the final shot, well deserved though! 

That looked quite the puzzle, congrats! 






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On 8/6/2019 at 7:32 AM, mcsilas said:

Sorry for these late comments. So many maps, so little time.

@Zeo I admire your incredible dedication to do so much clears!

Doesn't matter if it's Infernal (hey, I do infernals) but the Matthew clear was still enjoyable to watch, great to see Spy's Dagger in action! He dealt with Sothis so quick, I didn't even have time to blink (and here I was struggling to beat Sothis with my teams in Infernal). I chuckled a bit when he usurped the throne space. But yeah I hate vertical layout maps like these, so I can understand the frustration.

Love the choice of music for the Morgan clear, very fitting- what is it? Nice job balancing the Brazen/Sol thresholds, you've really sold me on using Sol more on my units. Morgan did a good job tanking the blue mage, too! Also exact HP kill on the Miracle Lancer by Amelia is satisfying.

Nice Serra MHB! L!Eliwood and L!Azura support is amazing. Serra tanking the Brave Bow archer felt amazing, I'm so used to squishy healers and she can just casually heal that damage back up! Absorb looks like a fun staff to play with. Again exact HP kills like Serra vs axe infantry soothed my soul. Serra may not have an offensive special but Miracle made sure she can go toe to toe with Sothis.

Do I see Cain in an Abyssal!?!?! A shame he was only a Reposition bot but I still enjoyed the cameo haha. That really was a fast clear, it's amazing how you keep surprising me with these different specials on Matthew, Glimmer is amazing in that clear! Probably my favourite Matthew video, this is a legendary clear!

Wooo Ostia theme team! (Lol at Hector's throne comment against the Girl on the Throne's map). You've had complete control of the spacing in the map, and with 3 out of 4 countering at any distance, the team was confident in standing their ground. Kind of refreshing to see a clear where Hector isn't the star of the show. Also enjoyed the music for this one.

You should be proud of these. Really sorry for how the banner has treated you and you don't deserve that but getting to make your dream teams are enjoyable enough for you

@Usana Wow dambn, those armours just held their ground, major props for no dancers, too! Gosh BF Jakob is just so good!

@Landmaster Great way to start with an exact HP kill from HS!Elise! Close Counter S!Elise is interesting, and nice to see that even Threaten Speed was a key skill for the clear. Nice use of the enemy's Restore and Trilemma to your advantage against Sothis!

@Alexmender Oh wow, that was fast. Eirika + Kaden combo strikes again- she didnt even flinch against Sothis's special!?!? I think you just gave mampfoid a run for his money in the solo department lol

@mampfoid That said, Galeforce clears are always fun to watch! I loved how far Roy moved from the left to the top with Lunge. Cordelia was also impressive with the boss kill and I always have a smile when I see QuadCherche! Spd stacking is always fun!

@Ginko Gosh I love the 3H soundtrack, don't know all the song names yet but I'll wait until I beat it first in case there are spoiler names lol. I never get tired of Shirobert shenanigans. Love how Shiro just shrugged Sothis's attacks.

Also congrats on getting Claude, Golden Deer represent! Micaiah's 99 damage to that armour looked so satisfying. Sothe was a beast, and Dragon Fang sure did some good damage. I laughed when dancer Micaiah used WoM to delete the bow cav because...you'll see down below.

....also wow I didn't even see your clear before doing my themed map clear but funnily enough half of the team is similar lol (don't have the other two). 

@daisy jane @Azuris @SatsumaFSoysoy @eclipse 

From the makers of Silas vs Saias, I now present a similar theme, it's Sothe vs Sothis!

Team is +Spd/-Res Sothe, +HP/-Res Oscar, +HP/-Res Summer Micaiah and neutral Halloween Mia.
Music is Battle Hymn on the Soul - Ultimax version (Margaret's theme) from Persona 4 Arena
-Why not make it a full Tellius team theme while we're at it. Dancer Micaiah and Sothe has great synergy, Sothe appreciates moving again and Micaiah appreciates the double Spur and Bond boost to do perfect HP kills. In fact, Sothe also needed Micaiah's Spur Atk seal (along with H!Mia's Drive Atk) so the green mage would attack Micaiah instead since even with Brazen, the green mage would live by 1 HP.
Speaking of Micaiah, she was perfect in deleting those pesky armours and cavaliers. Wings of Mercy had synergy with Sothe's Brazen/Vantage combo.
-Time Pulse? Meet Mia's Witchy Wand! Her Drive Atk was also needed in key moments to provide Sothe with just enough fire power to OHKO a unit 
-Oscar was also a surprise valuable addition for that movement and Lancebreaker dealing with the Miracle lancer. Life and Death also ensure he had power but just enough HP to survive (funnily enough thank goodness he was still +HP from being a pitybreaker and I haven't merged a +Spd one yet). Fun fact, my original clear I had use his Sapphire Lance+ instead since Sothis was a major threat, but that involved Oscar dealing the finishing blow with Luna instead and kind of defeats a Sothe vs Sothis matchup theme.

Sothe put in a lot of great work! Mia surprised me, she got in a lot of damage herself, pretty impressive. Oscar getting near one shot was pretty scary, but he came through in the latter half. Impressive! Also nice to see Dancing Micaiah get rid of annoying Armors~


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  • 3 months later...

Whew, finally cleared Abyssal on this one after spending a few hours on it. Had to use Celica, replace her Fury skill for a Brazen skill and teach her Dragon Fang just so she could one shot Sothis. Those golden glasses are mine now.

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This was more of a test to see how viable Altina will be as an offensive unit in AR. I say she passed but she'll still need some support to deal with super bulky blues (which thankfully are pretty uncommon because Reinhardt/Ophelia dominate the color).


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@Alexmender Ooof wow Altina's offense sure is spicy. Great one turn clear, mampfoid would've been proud lol

@Zeo @Landmaster @mampfoid @Ginko @DLNarshen @SatsumaFSoysoy @daisy jane

So it took a while until I could get a team of 3H characters, but here we are finally! Technically I could have promoted Death Knight but uhh..don't need another lance cav right now.

Team is +Atk/-Res Sothis, +Def/-Spd Male Byleth, +HP/-Def Mercedes and neutral Kronya.

Music is The Apex of the World from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

-Mercedes was a really important partner to Sothis in this map, providing not only needed healing but her Res Wave and Drive Atk made sure she could beat all those enemies in the first turn! She also had to clutch tank with Miracle when cornered, then used that low health for more healing!

-Sothis herself showcases how nice her base kit is. Sirius healing + Wrath is a nice combo. Had to make sure enemy Sothis's Atk/Spd solo was deactivated when it was Sothis vs Sothis though so my Sothis wouldn't get doubled.

-Byleth just needed a little oomph in Atk to deal with the axe cav on the first turn, hence the Fierce Stance. Chill Spd also kept the healer distracted for a while. Meanwhile, Kronya (who somehow helps this team), showcases how nifty her Vantage dagger is. While I don't have CC, her base kit is good enough for those mages. She did need an extra HP/Atk boost though to survive the bow cav.


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14 hours ago, mcsilas said:

]So it took a while until I could get a team of 3H characters, but here we are finally! Technically I could have promoted Death Knight but uhh..don't need another lance cav right now.

Team is +Atk/-Res Sothis, +Def/-Spd Male Byleth, +HP/-Def Mercedes and neutral Kronya.

Music is The Apex of the World from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

-Mercedes was a really important partner to Sothis in this map, providing not only needed healing but her Res Wave and Drive Atk made sure she could beat all those enemies in the first turn! She also had to clutch tank with Miracle when cornered, then used that low health for more healing!

-Sothis herself showcases how nice her base kit is. Sirius healing + Wrath is a nice combo. Had to make sure enemy Sothis's Atk/Spd solo was deactivated when it was Sothis vs Sothis though so my Sothis wouldn't get doubled.

-Byleth just needed a little oomph in Atk to deal with the axe cav on the first turn, hence the Fierce Stance. Chill Spd also kept the healer distracted for a while. Meanwhile, Kronya (who somehow helps this team), showcases how nifty her Vantage dagger is. While I don't have CC, her base kit is good enough for those mages. She did need an extra HP/Atk boost though to survive the bow cav.


I was gonna use Apex of the World for my Elise clear of this, now I'm kinda glad I didn't, haha~ Sothis was the clear star here which is great because best girlie~ Really clever making sure evil Sothis wasn't getting her solo buffs~ Kronya also handled that left side well~ Rhea may have a word with Byleth after this, though, may get some docked pay letting his students do all the work, tsk tsk~

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@Alexmender Altina is a thing of beauty. I can hardly imagine what a +10 +ATK SS +5 DF Altina must be like. Truly a goddess.

@mcsilas The best showcase of Sothis I've seen since her debut. She made full use of Sirius to stay healthy over a long battle, facing enemies of every color and coming out on top every time with the help of Mercedes. Things got concerning when they backed you into a corner but without being able to double the axe fighter couldn't finish Mercedes and together they were able to punch through Sothis and the blue lance infantry and pivot her over to safety, allowing Sothis to finish the axe unit with a satisfying WTA kill. M!Byleth and Kronya worked well together on the left side with Byleth being a true tactician. Never wasting movement, just biding his time until the perfect opportunity to strike, and he did so brilliantly. A clear worth watching.

Whew, Altina aside I think I'm caught up now!

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