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Ok, decided, it's Caeda then. Thanks everybody:



Too bad I don't have Galeforce fodder. 

@Vaximillian @LordFrigid @Cute Chao @EricaofRenais @Othin @mcsilas @Stroud @NegativeExponents- @Quintessence

The others will follow sooner or later. Robin is way too long on that queue. Also Narcian, @Czarpy. I'll promote all Fliers and most GHB units. 

@Cute Chao Reinhardt +ATK 5* +10 DB3/Moonbow/QP Seal with 6/6/6/6 buffs on a defensive tile dies attacking F!Robin 4*+0 TA3/Gronwolf/Btomebreaker/RES+1 seal on normal terrain. 

@EricaofRenais I got an Innes from the LA banner, he is my first Archer with quad build. Klein and Jeorge did the most work for me on that sector so far, but Leon could become the Archer with highest ATK in my roster. 

@Othin Armors are not my thing, but L'Arachel could become my Blarblade Cav since Ursula got her refined tome. 

@LordFrigid Felicia will become my main Dagger. Perhaps I'll wait for a better nature (and dew) like @mcsilas suggested. 

@Stroud I'm pretty sure Tiki will eventually be a bonus unit in a TTs event. She'll get her promotion then!


(Sorry for double tagging, but I got problems removing them on mobile)


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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

(Sorry for double tagging, but I got problems removing them on mobile)

We only get one notification anyway. Or at least, I only got one.

Anyways, congratulations on your excellent decision! I guarantee that you won’t regret it.

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14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ok, decided, it's Caeda then. Thanks everybody:



Too bad I don't have Galeforce fodder. 

@Vaximillian @LordFrigid @Cute Chao @EricaofRenais @Othin @mcsilas @Stroud @NegativeExponents- @Quintessence

The others will follow sooner or later. Robin is way too long on that queue. Also Narcian, @Czarpy. I'll promote all Fliers and most GHB units. 

@Cute Chao Reinhardt +ATK 5* +10 DB3/Moonbow/QP Seal with 6/6/6/6 buffs on a defensive tile dies attacking F!Robin 4*+0 TA3/Gronwolf/Btomebreaker/RES+1 seal on normal terrain. 

@EricaofRenais I got an Innes from the LA banner, he is my first Archer with quad build. Klein and Jeorge did the most work for me on that sector so far, but Leon could become the Archer with highest ATK in my roster. 

@Othin Armors are not my thing, but L'Arachel could become my Blarblade Cav since Ursula got her refined tome. 

@LordFrigid Felicia will become my main Dagger. Perhaps I'll wait for a better nature (and dew) like @mcsilas suggested. 

@Stroud I'm pretty sure Tiki will eventually be a bonus unit in a TTs event. She'll get her promotion then!


(Sorry for double tagging, but I got problems removing them on mobile)


I've gotta wonder, how overshadowed does Lloyd get compared to the rest of the red infantry.

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@mampfoid Congratulations on your new Caeda. Can’t go wrong with her.

1 hour ago, Czarpy said:

I've gotta wonder, how overshadowed does Lloyd get compared to the rest of the red infantry.

I’d argue he’s on the same level as Fir (widely considered the worst sword unit) if it wasn’t  for his 7 atk lead + legendary weapon (which still needs a refinement) he does sacrifice a bit of bulk though but not enough to matter imo (Although that didn’t stop me from raising Fir over him)

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ok, decided, it's Caeda then. Thanks everybody:

Too bad I don't have Galeforce fodder.

Hey, that's the same nature as mine!  +Atk Caeda is always a wise investment.  Personally I've been satisfied with Iceberg so far and would recommend it especially if you can get her Hone Fliers support. 

Narcian should definitely be your next promotion. >:)

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The good news is that one of my Summer Corrins was +Atk -Def. Not quite +Spd, but probably the second best for her, I'm guessing :)

The Jaffar I pulled has the exact same stats as my other one - +Spd -Res, which I was happy with the first time but would prefer an Ephraim, even if it had to be with these same stats xD 

The Shiros, I don't know. One is +Atk but -Spd... The other is +Res -HP. My current one is +HP -Res... 

And one of my Oboros was +Atk. -Def, but can't have everything. Might actually have to go for this one as 5*.

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@Rafiel's Aria That's actually a surprising amount of bulk and ATK. Fury really helps prop him up. He has potential to hit 50 ATK with +ATK and a few other key things. Jaffar has always been a little oddly hard to kill though. He's got the bulk to survive more than you think even with Life and Death and it's virtually impossible to double him most of the time. He was one of the absolute worst units to encounter back in the very first tempest. Hope he works for you. I'd like a Jaffar, but in the scheme of things I'm not sure I'd use Dew on him right now. It's too rare and I don't know who I'll need it for next (Soren is a big possibility.). 

As for Dagger units, they're incredibly fun and everyone should have at least one good one. I'll be surprised if you don't end up going for a Poison Strike/Savage Blow x2 build. That sounds incredibly fun just thinking about it. Or you could just be a jerk and run Windsweep instead of PS and put him on an arena defense team. Ugh. Just thinking about it irritates me.

10 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Zeo Cool Stuff! Your Matthew is actually faster than my +6 Cordelia at 43 (Fury 3, Slaying Edge with +SPD Refinement, no support). oO

Will Chrom replace Ayra also in your GHB/BHB team?

I know Breaths are better, but what do you think of Fire Boost for Crom (given by LA!Eliwood and Luke)? It would be active on PP and EP. He wants to stay at 100% health anyway because of QR. 

He won't keep that speed, but right now he reaches 51 HP and 47 SPD with Fjorm present which is pretty crazy. I'd still prefer the +4 ATK though, with that he'd reach an upwards of +50 ATK with buffs which is unheard of for Matthew.

Nah not for a long time. Chrom lacks versatility which is very much needed for the GHB/BHB's. Until he's seeing higher level merges and his kit is optimized Ayra will remain a better option. Plus he still needs a support partner that will give him the buffs he needs. With Spur and Drive DEF/RES with Support he'd see a +7 Jump to DEF/RES with his partner, taken up to +11 with Falchion buffs, then +2 to DEF if the Drive DEF seal is present, then +4 from Steady or Warding Breath... then +6 to DEF/RES again from Close DEF 3 seal... not factoring in Matthew's debuffs and +6 bulk boost from Rogue Dagger and well... things get really, REALLY dumb with things like +20 DEF/RES on enemy phase. But we're not there yet.

Grats on your Caeda by the way. I've got a +ATK/-RES one, but she's on the backburner. Have fun with her!.

@mcsilas Thanks. An engame team isn't something I thought I'd even think of let alone be working towards. But as far as motivation goes, you just take your favorite units from the *3 and *4 pools and just kind of ask yourself who do you like the best and would be willing to make awesome. It's usually pretty easy to answer that and you'll find it's far more motivating to merge them. Every unit on my list is more or less my favorite unit in that respective pool (With Raven taking the Axe spot and Rebecca taking the bow spot if not Jeorge/Klein). If you're lucky it'll be a unit you don't have much trouble pulling. Chrom is very elusive and I don't see myself +10'ing him for quite a while because of that. Conversely, I pull Nino very often, use her as fodder and still pull more of her. I'll probably +10 her a lot faster than I did Matthew.

@EricaofRenais If that's the case I'd say just go with who you like best, that's usually the easiest way to go about it. Otherwise just fill a role that you don't necessarily have in abundance. Most would probably just tell you to go Felicia. Sothe can do Kagero's job better than she can in most cases and Saizo/Matthew can require a reasonable amount of investment in order to fully shine. Felicia is probably the easiest to build, even if she needs Dew.

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5 minutes ago, Nosmur said:

Don't hate me please @Cute Chao...



I can't hate those that got lucky. Just the banner xD 

Congrats on the Ephraim, though :D I'll just keep on trying to ignore it for four days and not letting the temptation get to me. Stupid Corrin... Jaffar... Shiro... Shove off and give me Ephraim, durned pity breakers!

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@Cute Chao

Hahahaha don't worry, your Ephraim will come. Mine is -atk/+hp btw...

But hey! I got him and every nature is workable right now with SS and merge so i'm happy!

Also i give to you some of my lucky, you'll get him soon or later, just believe :D!

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8 minutes ago, Nosmur said:

@Cute Chao

Hahahaha don't worry, your Ephraim will come. Mine is -atk/+hp btw...

But hey! I got him and every nature is workable right now with SS and merge so i'm happy!

Also i give to you some of my lucky, you'll get him soon or later, just believe :D!

Thanks :) I've been fairly lucky up until this with the most recent banners (setting Zeligus' aside), so I guess it had to happen at some point. Just needed to rant out of frustration, even though I knew what I was getting myself in for. 

On the plus side, I have excellent fodder - so many Subakis, and I love a good swap :D 

Plus I now have the hope that on the next legendary banner that Ephraim comes in on, he brings two people that I don't have so I won't be as frustrated by pity breakers ^.^

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I wish you could switch Blessings without wasting them.  I gave Xander an Earth Blessing a couple weeks ago, but now the Fire Blessing would work much better on him, since it increases Def, and Ephraim has horse synergy, but I can't justify wasting the Blessing I already used on him.

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@Cute Chao congrats on the +Atk Corrin!

+Atk/-Spd Shiro is actually pretty workable too if you for enemy phase builds, which his weapon is designed to be. Ignis might be better in this case and it helps if you have Steady breath and QR fodder. I want that Shiro now lol

not a bad haul! :)

@Zeo yeah i'm more of a collector so not really actively aiming to +10 someone.

also since you have Gunnthra, will you be doing Debuffing shenanigans with her global seal skill?


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After getting Summer Frederick and Xander from the last legendary banner, I was naturally excited to see Summer Corrin was coming, especially being the same colour as the new Legendary hero. You'll never guess who I just pulled.

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4 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

After getting Summer Frederick and Xander from the last legendary banner, I was naturally excited to see Summer Corrin was coming, especially being the same colour as the new Legendary hero. You'll never guess who I just pulled.


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11 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


Are you psychic or something? :Nino:

I still really want those two, who knows when Summer Corrin will be around again, and Fjorm will probably be back so it's possible she'll replace Ephraim next month. But I'm not made of orbs, and the thought of another Shiro coming up is soul-crushing.

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@Rezzy @Arcanite

Oh my god. lol


What have I created?! XD

Frederick's Def in particular, Jesus Christ! I never expected I could get it this high! XD And he still has three more merges to get, they still have yet to reach S, I still need to make a +Def, -Res Freddy the new base for him instead of -Spd, and who knows if I ever get to give Ephraim merges! These two are monsters together!

And can any physical weapon kill this Frederick without a couple Lunas or something? Omg

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Cleaning up February quests. All except the 12-2 quest since who in the world needs arena crests. They ought to replace those with refinement stones. They already updated the rewards for Monthly quests previously, so once more would be appreciated to acknowledge the new items.

With news of the heroes quests, I could promote my Serra to 5 star. I dunno what sort of philosophy to have regarding healers at 3-4 and 4-5 rarity, since they can have better stats as merged four stars. I can eventually get pity broken by 4-5 star healers, so I think those healers are more sensible to promote than the others who have better availability for merging. Y'know I think I'll tough it out and try to clutch kills with 4 star Serra. Can't be too bad. 

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy @Arcanite

Oh my god. lol


What have I created?! XD

Frederick's Def in particular, Jesus Christ! I never expected I could get it this high! XD And he still has three more merges to get, they still have yet to reach S, I still need to make a +Def, -Res Freddy the new base for him instead of -Spd, and who knows if I ever get to give Ephraim merges! These two are monsters together!

And can any physical weapon kill this Frederick without a couple Lunas or something? Omg

And that's with a Speed bane?  33's not too bad.  It won't double a ton, but it will prevent a lot of doubles.  An extra 3 Speed will put him into decent doubling territory.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

And that's with a Speed bane?  33's not too bad.  It won't double a ton, but it will prevent a lot of doubles.  An extra 3 Speed will put him into decent doubling territory.

Yep, that's a -Spd Frederick. :P And yeah precisely why I want a +Def, -Res Freddy so I can have that +Def with neutral Spd and only lose a stat that doesn't matter for him anyway.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo yeah i'm more of a collector so not really actively aiming to +10 someone.

also since you have Gunnthra, will you be doing Debuffing shenanigans with her global seal skill?

For sure. Only thing is the only unit I have that debuffs well for her is S!Frederick who can debuff all 4 stats which is great. But... he's already got a Water Blessing (and an S Support with Fjorm) so I'll be wasting the blessing... Arvis is a good contender since he debuffs DEF and RES so they can work together to debuff multiple stats, but... he's not that great of a unit otherwise in my opinion and if I need heavy hitters... I just don't know. 

Blessings are cool but they complicate things. It's honestly simpler if you don't have the Heroes lol.

And yeah. +10'ing wasn't something I was ever interested in doing when I started playing this game. But when you want to +10 a unit (if ever), you'll know it and there'll be no stopping you. Maybe someday. 

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

For sure. Only thing is the only unit I have that debuffs well for her is S!Frederick who can debuff all 4 stats which is great. But... he's already got a Water Blessing (and an S Support with Fjorm) so I'll be wasting the blessing... Arvis is a good contender since he debuffs DEF and RES so they can work together to debuff multiple stats, but... he's not that great of a unit otherwise in my opinion and if I need heavy hitters... I just don't know. 

Blessings are cool but they complicate things. It's honestly simpler if you don't have the Heroes lol.

And yeah. +10'ing wasn't something I was ever interested in doing when I started playing this game. But when you want to +10 a unit (if ever), you'll know it and there'll be no stopping you. Maybe someday. 

Well the closest to +10 right now would be Shiro haha, if i ever decide to merge the 3 copies of him

But then i'm paranoid if someone wants Steady Stance or Def Tactic. If i ever complete Lyn Emblem a Tactic skill might work although maybe she wants Atk tactic insteaf of Def Tactic (too bad i already merged my Valentine Lilinas)

what if you have Fjorm with Ploys to go with SFrederick? Atk Ploy seal and maybe Def Ploy from the upcoming Arvis rerun. She can at least protect her sister from Red units as well.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Oh my god. lol

What have I created?! XD

Frederick's Def in particular, Jesus Christ! I never expected I could get it this high! XD And he still has three more merges to get, they still have yet to reach S, I still need to make a +Def, -Res Freddy the new base for him instead of -Spd, and who knows if I ever get to give Ephraim merges! These two are monsters together!

And can any physical weapon kill this Frederick without a couple Lunas or something? Omg

Yowzas. He'd crush Ayra with stats like those. Looking forward to the next time they let me borrow him.

Incidentally, my Cain would be able to take him out no problem, but only because he uses Zanbato. Even a Ruby Sword wouldn't cut it.

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9 minutes ago, Johann said:

Yowzas. He'd crush Ayra with stats like those. Looking forward to the next time they let me borrow him.

Incidentally, my Cain would be able to take him out no problem, but only because he uses Zanbato. Even a Ruby Sword wouldn't cut it.

Well, I plan to put Frederick back in my lead spot for the upcoming gauntlet, so if you're going Team Black Knight, you might get him! ;D

And yeah, Zanbato does exist, true. :P

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