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Just noticed how ridiculous her sleeves look. Still want her though, and I too have been pitybroken three times in my hunt, including that exact same Atk/Def Lilina. Hopefully fourth time's the charm like it was for you.

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10 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Condensing two pulling sessions into one. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Rezzy @Arcanite

A week ago, I went into the Sacred Memories banner with ~120 orbs, hoping mostly for Eirika, but that night was off-focus night...

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-Spd, didn't bother checking boon. Firesweep/merge fodder I guess.


+Res -Def Brave Lucina. A step up from my +Res -Spd one, so I merged.


+Atk -Def! Great improvement over my +HP -Atk 5* Lilina, so I merged, and I'm going to give her Raudhrblade soon.

I ended up stopping with about 55 orbs to spare, planning to try my luck another day. I pulled last night, and...


In ten orbs! @Alexmender @DefaultBeep +Atk -Res too, which is super super good. My life is complete for now.

Congrats! She's better than my +Hp -Res one (whose only advantage is that she gets +4 Hp to get 145 BST) May the bestest girl serve you well. 

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Only have 23 orbs so one round will have to suffice, especially since I need to spend an orb to house the new units. Three greens looked promising to start, but I open clockwise from top because I'm boring like that.

4* Tharja +HP -Spd (Fodder for Horse Eirika if she ever comes home)
3* Cecilia +HP -Atk (Maybe I should build a second 4*+10 Cecilia, this time as a Raven)
4* Merric +Spd -Atk (Add to the 4* merge pile)
4* Nino +Spd -HP (Hmm, my current 5* one is Spd/Res, if I can ever spare the feathers I might switch up)

Oooh, a video...

5* Takumi +Atk -Res (I don't even like Takumi as a character but that's perfect, oh wow)


Alright, saved at the last moment. If I don't summon again on this banner I'll be very happy with what I got.

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Oh sweet, Performing Arts Azura in the second round of summoning. I was looking for her. She's +spd -def too, that's really sweet.

EDIT: Followed by summer Marx in the third round. I didn't really want him, was hoping for Gunnthra, but ... I'll take it. EDIT 2: He's +atk -spd. What is this luck? I mostly want Ike, lol.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Well, my first session on the legendary banner resulted in this (wasn't the free pull though, 3* Nino was):



Fjorm #3 for me, and this one's +Atk/-Def. The rest of the pull was 3* Nino, and a 3* Virion who was sandwiched between two 4* Sullys.

Second session didn't result in any 5*s but was still good for other reasons:



Can someone call Micaiah up for me? I found her lost lap dog.

Yeah, I can't consider a pull that has both Klein and Sothe (+Def/-Atk unfortunately, but boy did he not keep me waiting on him for long) bad, even with the stench of uselessness coming from that Est.


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Legendary banner!

  1. 4* Lon'qu
  2. 4* Caeda
  3. 4* Chrom
  4. 3* Selena
  5. 3* Draug
  6. 4* Fury Hinata
  7. 4* M-Corrin
  8. 3* Lon'qu
  9. 3* Sophia
  10. 3* Hana
  11. 4* Palla
  12. 3* Palla
  13. 3* Fir
  14. 4* Athena
  15. 3* Fir
  16. 4* Seliph
  17. 5* Legendary Ike (+Atk/-Def)  :]
  18. 4* F-Corrin

My fiance's free pull was a 5* Sanaki.  His previous free pull was 5* Mage Eirika... Before that, his free pull was 5* Zelgius!  Seriously, good for him, but I kinda hate the guy a little right now.  ;):

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35 orbs in, 2 sessions. I could have had another 50-60 orbs but foolishness so what can you do. No *5's this time around HOWEVER my luck wasn't ENTIRELY bad!



FINALLY another Matthew. AND he's +ATK to boot!!! But he's -RES... OUCH. Feels so bad... I want to merge him... the ATK jump from 38 > 43 and SPD from 37 > 38 IS glorious... but the RES drop from 19 > 15 hurts so bad...

Probably going to mule this over.

EDIT: ...Seriously.... I promoted him and when I did... he went from +ATK to +SPD.... I'm not kidding... his ATK was 11, I checked it... but when I promoted him it changed to 10 and SPD changed to 11.... unbelievable. Welp... a few more points of SPD is not worth the RES drop. Sticking with Neutral.

@mcsilas @Kaden Still a win as far as I'm concerned.

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Decided to do some pulls on the Legendary Banner and at 9% pity break I end up with these...


SIgh...definitely didn't want a summer unit, let alone three of them! And yet PA Azura continues to evade me.

Edited by NSSKG151
need mb room
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In about 4 rounds of pulls I managed to get Gunnthrá (YAY! :D and she's +ATK/-HP! WOAH), Takumi (had two of him already, hilarious. Maybe someday if I get Halloween Henry!), and Fjorm (did you know you can get Fjorm as a free hero by etc etc. She's -Spd/+Res, which is alright but I think I'll use her for her ATK/DEF bond, which my Myrrh would appreciate :3 I'll keep her now though.)

So yay pretty good luck! Only two new units in Gunnthrá and a 4* Seth, but I'm overall pleased with it so far. I'll definitely be trying to pull for PA!Azura and LH!Ike, and really, all of the red units as I have none of them!

Hope y'all get what you want!

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Since I had 100+ orbs saved and the Hero Fest banner isn't one I have to spend on, I  decided to drop a few orbs into the Legendary Banner to see if I could get Gunnthra or maybe Faye or Takumi fodder. But I didn't want to go overboard, so I set my summon limit at around 50 orbs. 

  • Focus Priority: Gunnthra, Faye, Takumi
  • 5*+10 Merges: Lukas (need +6), Leon (need +5), Lucius (need +4 and +SPD -DEF copy), Raven (need +3 and +SPD -RES copy), Merric (need +2 and+ATK -RES copy ), Adult Tiki (have enough; want 4 star copies)
  • 4*+10 Merges: Est, Florina, Sully, Clarine, Gaius, Saizo, Azama, Lilina, Sophia, Lon’qu, Beruka
  • Want Better Nature: Roderick (+SPD), Mathilda (+ATK), Oscar (+ATK/SPD), Boey (+ATK), Soleil (+ATK/SPD)
  • Skill Fodder: Oscar, Subaki, Tailtiu, Klein, Barst, Hinata, Shanna
  • Missing Characters: (Gunnthra), Lute, Shiro, Rhajat, Brave Ike, Ayra, Elincia, Siegbert, Zelgius

Didn't keep track of summoning sessions this time, plus there aren't that many anyways. 

Free Pull: 3* Serra (Off to a rocky start....) 
3* Selena
4* Frederick (I've probably gotten 30+ copies of this guy... I've just started sending him home because I've built a +10 copy, and he's taking up barracks space at this point.)
3* Bartre (Also being sent home since I have a +10 copy)
4* Hawkeye
4* Sheena
3* Bartre
3* Saizo
3* Arthur - The start of my final summon had 4 greens, so I considered myself pretty lucky.
5* PA Azura - ....well, at least I got a 5*. And she's +ATK -RES which is way better than the +DEF -ATK and +DEF -SPD copies I pulled during her banner. 
3* Arthur 
4* Lon'qu
5* GUNNTHRA - Whoa... two 5 stars in the same pull. I love it. And I dodged Summer Xander! She's +SPD -ATK which is a bit of a bummer, but I'm grateful to have her. Another new character for the Pokedex!

I honestly think I'm more excited for my Raven. XD

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"Hey, you should do a full pull on this banner," said the voice in my head.  So I'm up to 638 total pulled units.



ALWAYS listen to that voice in your head.

For boons/banes:


Eliwood (+Def/-Atk): That's the last thing you need.  I guess your cavalry skills are going elsewhere!
Brave Lucina (+HP/-Res): That bane's a little alarming, but I can work with this!
Sothe (+Def/-Res): If I can keep Leon safe from mages, I can do the same for Sothe!  I'm supporting him with Ike ASAP.  Because some things just have to be done!
PA!Azura (+HP/-Res): She's not beating out the +Atk one.  Now to decide whether to give my original one a merge level or inherit Drive Res.
Azama (+Def/-Res): Had that been -Atk, I'd totally do a Fortress Def build.  But alas.

Not a bad haul!


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First session gave me Stahl, Eirika, Cecilia and some other red not relevant enough for me to remember. Didn't pull the colourless orb on that session. Basically nothing worth using, though I'm now 1 Cecilia away from being able to make a 4*+10 if I ever feel like doing so

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@Zeo Well at least you finally pulled a Matthew!

This is a tale of two accounts.

Firstly, my second account, which is the 'lucky' account. I spent....100 orbs (had about 113 but at least 2 orbs were for barracks expansion). I really wanted Axura but I was cursed by green hell, so I got three 3 star single Barsts in three sessions in a row. I mean at least Reposition is nice. No 5 star in sight unfortunately- I used up my luck getting that +Spd/-Res Ryoma from the last legendary banner.

However I did have some notable pulls-

+Spd/-Res Marth! The perfect Marth, and surprisingly only my 2nd one (First was +Spd/-Atk).

Soleil at 4 stars! My first one and looks like she's neutral.

+Spd/-Def Felicia! Have to build her all the way up from 3 star though but could be a long term project depending on her upcoming Felicia's Plate.

+Spd/-Res Palla! 3 star as well, but better than my best Palla of +Spd/-Atk.

But yeah it's depressing how my self control disappeared in an instant. Hunting for Axura does that to you.


Now for my cursed main account..

Free summon was a 3 star Hinata! Woo!

Then my first 4 star Donnel, amusingly enough. +Res/-Def though.

Skipped the colourless orb in 1st session because already have a Takumi and Summer Frederick.

Second session- 4 reds and 1 blue.

First red orb, is another Hinata!!!! +Atk/-Res as well!

Then a -Spd Caeda (wonder if she's better than -Atk Caeda, -Spd is still good speed...).

And then-



+Spd/-Def! I would have been happy with any of the reds, since I fail at pulling sword units in this account, but I'm stoked about this one!

 @Cute Chao @Vaximillian @mampfoid

I finally completed the Children of Fate set! (along with Shiro and that 5 star Soleil). Also he's not exactly Brave Roy, but I'm happy about that Spd boon in my -Spd cursed main account! I wonder if he likes Galeforce (have a spare Cordelia) or maybe a damaging special instead?

But wow this has probably been my best red pull ever in my main. And after session no 2 I decided to back out since I already have 2 Axuras from PA banner. Brave Lucina would be nice, or Lance Valour as well but I won't spend too much for now (unlike my second account :( )


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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

I finally completed the Children of Fate set! (along with Shiro and that 5 star Soleil). Also he's not exactly Brave Roy, but I'm happy about that Spd boon in my -Spd cursed main account! I wonder if he likes Galeforce (have a spare Cordelia) or maybe a damaging special instead?


Congrats :D

I can't see the pics, but guessing Siegbert came to you :D

Honestly, I don't know why, but I've found my Siegbert a lot more useful than my CYL!Roy. He's currently sitting at close to 3000 HM, whereas CYL!Roy is sitting at the lowly depths of just over 2000.

I've realised I didn't even care enough about the new banner to do my free pull yet >.< I oughta get that done. Will go green in hopes of free pull Gunnthra, since I wouldn't mind getting her, but not enough to actually pull for her.

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

But wow this has probably been my best red pull ever in my main. And after session no 2 I decided to back out since I already have 2 Axuras from PA banner. Brave Lucina would be nice, or Lance Valour as well but I won't spend too much for now (unlike my second account :( )

Siegbert! Red is pretty much the most appealing colour on this banner, and not only because Ike will be necesary to score in the arena. I’d like Sanaki for merges and Siegbert for horse goodness, but I’ve got Fjorm instead. That’s fine too, she is now +1.

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6 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Condensing two pulling sessions into one. @Vaximillian @GuiltyLove @Rezzy @Arcanite

A week ago, I went into the Sacred Memories banner with ~120 orbs, hoping mostly for Eirika, but that night was off-focus night...

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-Spd, didn't bother checking boon. Firesweep/merge fodder I guess.


+Res -Def Brave Lucina. A step up from my +Res -Spd one, so I merged.


+Atk -Def! Great improvement over my +HP -Atk 5* Lilina, so I merged, and I'm going to give her Raudhrblade soon.

I ended up stopping with about 55 orbs to spare, planning to try my luck another day. I pulled last night, and...


In ten orbs! @Alexmender @DefaultBeep +Atk -Res too, which is super super good. My life is complete for now.

Nice, congratulations! Off-focus 5-stars hurt a bit less when you still get the unit you want before hitting your orb limit, haha. I’m always happy to see some care for Lilina as well, and I’m glad you got such a good one of her too.

I decided to try my luck for Eirika when this banner started as well; was going for both her and The Rachel at first, but decided to go just for Eirika once I realized that The Rachel will likely drop to 4-star. Got up to a 3.75% pity rate before today (which isn’t really that bad, considering), and tried once again today when I got 9 orbs thanks to the Tempest... and I got Horse Eirika!

...Bit of a shame she’s +HP/-Atk, though. @Rezzy Was this my punishment for not trying harder for The Rachel? At least it’s workable enough. +HP helps a bit if I ever want to use her in the Arena, and -Atk can always be patched up with a -blade tome and horse buffs if need be. And I just so happen to have a spare 5-star Tharja lying around; I had her saved for Katarina, but Eirika is another favorite, so I’m not too torn up about it. Maybe someday I can finally get the other red tome horse too... preferably with maybe a different boon/bane, though

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This may be my worst banner in this game yet. If not for the anniversary I'd be taking a break or something, because I feel like shit right now.

I didn't even want Ike that much, but I have none of the reds this banner so I decided to go for getting SOMETHING new. I started with 240 orbs, and I think managed to break my record for bad luck in this game.




I was sniping reds but at this point I started rolling anything. I was an idiot to keep pressing on after even spending 100 orbs, which I was going to stop at, but rather than cut my losses I thought surely I have to pull something soon with how high the pity rate is, right?


Well there's Siegbert, at least he's ne-
OH, he's -spd +def. And guess what? Azura is -spd too. She's not even new for me either.
I skipped on Hinoka's banner to save all month for the anniversary, yet I end up getting fucked chasing a pity rate here. I should have learned how awful these legendary banners are after my bad luck on the past ones too, but this takes the cake. Lesson learned, not that it helps my orbs now.

The only things I got really worth anything to me out of all of this was: 2 Soleils, 1 Hinata, 1 Roy for TA, and some Repo fodder. My worst luck in this game yet. Thank god money wasn't involved this time, at least.

All that and not even an Ike, and I don't even want to train this Siegbert after seeing those IVs. Just fucking dreadful.

It feels like everyone here but me gets 5* raining on them in comparison to my 100 orbs = 1 5* ratio even on a good day. I guess people with bad luck shouldn't even play gacha games.


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